p. 11
Texte intégral
1This book was written in the framework of the Master of Statistics: Quantitative Analysis in Social Sciences at KU Leuven, Belgium. My appreciation goes out to my promoter Jacques Tacq and to my co-promoter Eduardo Cascallar, who are responsible for the successful completion of this work. Their knowledge, commitment, guidance and feedback helped me a great deal in the understanding and the writing of this document.
2I gratefully acknowledge the support of María Figueroa, Dean of the School of Education at Universidad Externado de Colombia, for her criticism and her enthusiasm during the revision of this text.
3I also want to express my appreciation to Rebecca Pendleton and José Miguel Bayona Umbarila for their editing. Special thanks to icfes for ongoing support in the collection and provision of the information used in this study.
4Finally, my eternal gratitude and love to Raúl and María Ruth. Without their support, this task would have been impossible.
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Socioeconomic Factors and Outcomes in Higher Education
A Multivariate Analysis
Carlos Felipe Rodríguez Hernández