Table des matières
Robert Hotyat
Foreword to Mrs. Sandra Lee Walker’s workEnvironmental Protection versus Trade Liberalization: finding the Balance
- Section One. Compatibility of product-related environmental measures with trade liberalization rules
- A. The GATT
- 1. Overview of Key GATT Provisions
- 2. Legality of Product-Related Environmental Regulations under Article III or XI
- 3. Article III as a Non-Discrimination Principle
- 4. Relevance of the Policy Objective of a Measure
- 5. Article XI
- 6. Factors to Distinguish Between Article III and Article XI Regarding Imports
- a) Wording of the Texts
- b) Intensity of Coverage
- c) Are Articles III and XI Mutually Exclusive?
- 7. Conclusion
- a) Tax Measures
- b) Non-Τax Measures
- B. European Community Law
- 1. Overview of Key Provisions
- 2. Comparison with GATT Structure
- 3. Article 30
- Section Two. Possibility of exemption for product-related environmental measures
- A. The GATT - Treatment of Product-Related Environmental Regulations under Article XX
- 1. Arbitrary or Unjustifiable Discrimination
- 2. Disguised Restrictions on Trade
- 3. Scope of Article XX
- a) Article XX(b)
- b) Article XX(g)
- 4. Necessity and Proportionality of the Measure
- a) Article XX(b)
- i) Meaning of «Necessary»
- ii) Relating «Necessity» to «Disguised Restriction on Trade»
- b) Article XX(g)
- (i) Interpretation of «Relating to»
- ii) Relating «relating to» to «disguised restriction on trade»
- B. European Community Law
- 1. Article 36
- a) Scope
- b) Qualifications: No Arbitrary Discrimination and No Disguised Restrictions on Trade
- 2. Additional Grounds for Exemption — Mandatory Requirements
- a) Scope of Mandatory Requirements
- b) Significance of the Distinction between Article 36 and Mandatory Requirements
- 3. Public Policy Justification and the Criterion of Proportionality under Article 36 and Mandatory Requirements
- a) Public Policy Justification
- b) Proportionality
- 4. Summary
- C. Comparison between the GATT and EC Law
- 1. Scope of Environmental Exception
- 2. Sensitivity to Local Conditions
- 3. Treatment of Scientific Uncertainty
- 4. Procedural Safeguards
- a) Before the Regulation is Enacted
- b) Application of Environmental Regulation Affecting Imports
- 5. Level of Intervention
- a) GATT
- b) European Community
- Section Three. Use of public security exemption
- A. The GATT
- B. European Community Public Security Exemption
- C. Conclusion
- Conclusion to Part IV
- A. GATT Jurisprudence
- 1. The Tuna/Dolphin Case
- a) Facts and Arguments
- b) Panel’s Findings
- i) Article III or Article XI
- ii) Article XX and The Issue of Extraterritoriality
- 2. Significance of the Tuna/Dolphin Decision
- 3. National Legislation Affecting Production Regulation
- B. European Community Treatment of Disparities in Production Regulation
- C. International Environmental Agreements
- 1. Legality of International Environmental Agreements under the GATT
- a) Montreal Protocol to the Ozone Convention
- b) The Basel Convention
- c) Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES)
- 2. Possible Reforms of GATT to Accommodate International Environmental Agreements
- a) Article XXV Waiver
- b) Amendments to the GATT
- i) Article XX(h)
- ii) Article XI(2)
- c) Common heritage of mankind
- D. Other Possible Responses/Approaches to Disparities in Production Regulations
- 1) The Comparative Advantage Approach
- 2) Border Duties
- a) Charge
- b) Implicit Subsidies and Eco-Dumping
- i) Implicit Subsidies
- ii) Eco-Dumping
- iii) Analysis
- 3) Harmonization
- 4) Conclusion
- GATT- Selection’s Provisions
- Article I. General Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment
- Article II. Schedules of Concessions
- Article III. National Treatment on Internal Taxation and Regulation
- Article VI. Anti-dumping and Countervailing Duties
- Article VIII. Fees and Formalities connected with Importation and Exportation
- Article X. Publication and Administration of Trade Regulations
- Article XI. General Elimination of Quantitative Restrictions
- Article XX. General Exceptions
- Article XXI. Security Exceptions
- Article XXII. Consultation
- Article XXIII. Nullification or Impairment
- Annex I to GATT - Selected Provision
- Ad Article III
- Technical Regulations and Standards
- Article 2. Preparation, Adoption and Application of Technical Regulation and Standards by Central Government Bodies
- Conformity with Regulations and Standards
- Article 5. Determination of Conformity with Technical Regulations or Standards by Central Government Bodies
- Treaty of Rome - Selected Provisions
- Chapter 2. Elimination of quantitative restrictions between Member States
- Chapter 3. Approximation of laws
- Title VII. Environment
- Commission Directive on The Free Movement of goods*
Nicolas de Sadeleer
RésuméNicolas de Sadeleer