Liste des sigles utilisés
p. 7-9
Texte intégral
1ADA. American with Disabilities Act
2ADC. Aid to Dependent Children
3ADEA. Age Discrimination in Employment Act
4AFDC. Aid to Families with Dependent Children
5AFL. American Federation of Labor
6AFL-CIO. American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations
7AFSCME. American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees
8AFT. American Federation of Teachers
9AJB. America’s Job Bank
10ALENA. Accord de libre-échange nord-américain
11AMA. American Medical Association
12BLS. Bureau of Labor Statistics
13CBO. Congressional Budget Office
14CEPR. Center for Economic and Policy Research
15CHIP. Children’s Health Insurance Program
16CIO. Committee for Industrial Organization en 1935 puis Congress of Industrial Organizations en 1938
17CMS. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
18COBRA. Continuation Coverage Assistance under the American Recovery
19CPS. Current Population Survey
20CRA. Civil Rights Act
21CTW. Change to Win
22CVS. Corrigé des variations saisonnières
23CWA. Communication Workers of America
24DI. Disability Insurance
25US DOL. United States Department of Labor
26EBRI. Employee Benefit Research Institute
27EBSA. Employee Benefits Security Administration
28EEOC. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
29EFCA. Employee Free Choice Act
30EITC. Earned Income Tax Credit
31EPA. Equal Pay Act
32EPI. Economic Policy Institute
33ERISA. Employment Retirement Income Security Act
34ERP. Economic Report of the President
35Fed. Federal Reserve System
36FLSA. Fair Labor Standard Act
37FMLA. Family and Medical Leave Act
38FUTA. Federal Unemployment Tax Act
39GM. General Motors
40HERE. Union of Hotel and Restaurant Employees
41HMOs. Health Maintenance Organizations
42HP. Hewlett Packard
43IAM. International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers
44IBEW. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
45IBM. International Business Machines Corporation
46IBT. International Brotherhood of Teamsters
47ICI. Investment Company Institute
48IRAs. Individual Retirement Accounts
49IUOE. International Union of Operating Engineers
50IWW. International Workers of the World
51JTPA. Job Training Partnership Act
52KFF/HRET. Kaiser Family Foundation et Health Research and Educational Trust
53LIUNA. Laborers’ International Union of North America
54LMRA. Labor Management Relations Act
55LPE. Législation protectrice de l’emploi
56MC. Managed Care
57MDRC. Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation
58META. Model Employment Termination Act
59MFIP. Minnesota Family Investment Program
60NAIRU. Non-Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment
61NBER. National Bureau of Economic Analysis
62NCHC. National Coalition on Health Care
63NEA. National Education Association
64NLRA. National Labor Relations Act
65NLRB. National Labor Relations Board
66NTIC. Nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la communication
67OASDI. Old-Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance
68OCAW. Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers
69OCDE. Organisation de coopération et de développement économique
70OEO. Office of Economic Opportunity
71OSHA. Occupational Safety and Health Act
72PBGC. Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
73P-DG. Président-directeur général
74PIB. Produit intérieur brut
75PNHP. Physicians for a National Health Program
76POS. Point of Service
77PPOs. Preferred Provider Organizations
78PRWORA. Personel Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act
79RLA. Railway Labor Act
80SCHIP. State Children’s Health Insurance Program
81SEIU. Service Employees International Union
82SESA. State Employment Security Agency
83SM. Salaire minimum
84SPE. Service public de l’emploi
85SPEEA. Society of Professional Engineers Employees in Aerospace
86SS. Social Security
87SSA. Social Security Act
88SSI. Supplemental Security Income
89TAA. Trade Adjustment Act
90TANF. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
91UAN. United American Nurses
92UAW. United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America
93UBC. United Brotherhood of Carpenters
94UFCW. United Food & Commercial Workers
95UFW. United Farm Workers
96UMW. United Mine Workers
97UNITE-HERE. Union of Needletrades, Industrial and Textile Employees – Hotel and Restaurant Employees
98UPS. United Parcel Services
99US GAO. United States Government Accountability Office
100USWA. United Steelworkers of America
101VHA. Veterans Health Administration
102W & H-DOL. Wage and Hour Division – Department of Labor
103WARNA. Worker Adjustment and Retraining Act
104WIA. Workforce Investment Act
105WPA. Wagner-Peyser Act
106WPRS. Worker Profiling and Reemployment Services
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