p. 453
Texte intégral
1– Science and humanities are incomplete without each other.
2– It is untrue that the humanities are the realm of values and the sciences the realm of facts.
3– Science isn’t hard and the humanities aren’t soft.
4– You can’t fully understand the results of a given data set without the historical, social, cultural, discursive fields surrounding the data.
5– Any contemporary research needs more than a cursory background in history and in the history of the concepts it employs.
6– You can’t study a subject that is an object.
7– You can’t study an object that isn’t a subject.
8– Diseases are disease entities.
9– I you divide truths in half you get half-truths.
10– If you divide knowledge, your knowledge is divided.
11– Pain is always in your head because your brain is.
12– Nothing human is universal or atemporal.
13– Embodiment is necessarily biological.
14– A fact is a socially produced conclusion.
15– Bodies are always cultural and biological.
16– Selves today are embodied, biologized, shaped by medical knowledge.
17– The body – whose, what, when, where – is always in question.
18– The boundary between organic and inorganic is no longer clear.
19– Technology has become human ; humans have become technologies.
20– Patients and experimental subjects are part of the decision-making process.
21– Science can be postmodern ; postmodernisms can be scientific.
22– Biology, as a science, cannot exist outside culture ; culture, as a practice, cannot exist outside biology.
23Manifeste de « Biocultures », numéro de la revue New Literary History : volume 38, Summer 2007, number 3 (p. 417-418)
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De Kipling à Rushdie
Ce livre est cité par
- Joubert, Claire. (2014) Littérature Hors Frontière Le postcolonial comparé. DOI: 10.3917/puv.joub.2014.01.0267
De Kipling à Rushdie
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