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Core abilities and dimensions of individual differences in cognitive development through the life span

p. 15-16

Texte intégral

1This address will first outline a general model of the architecture of the Human mind. This model postulates that the human mind involves four types of systems: (1) Domain-specific systems that specialize in the representation and processing of different types of information in the environment, such as causal, quantitative, and spatial information. (2) A representational workspace that is activated when there is no ready-made solution or interpretation of incoming information. (3) An inferential system that integrates present with extant information vis-a-vis the current goal to produce an acceptable interpretation or solution. (4) A self-monitoring, self-regulation, system that unceasingly monitors the on-line functioning of all systems to make use of the systems own history vis-a-vis the current goal. In so doing this system integrates current feedback in rules and logical principles that are integrated into the future operation of the mind. The address will then summarize the development of each of these systems and their dynamic relations during development. Variations in the functioning of each system function as factors differentiating the individuals in what they can do and learn and their pace of development. We will try to specify the regularities in this differentiation process. The address will end up with a discussion of the implications of this model for education and other theories of the human mind.


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Demetriou A., Athanassios Raftopoulos, A. (1999). Modeling the Developing Mind: From Structure to Change. Developmental Review, 19, 319-368.

10.1016/S0092-6566(03)00048-5 :

Demetriou, A., Kyriakides, L., Christina Avraamidou, C. (2003). The missing link in the relations between intelligence and personality. Journal of Research in Personality, 37, 6, 547-581.

Demetriou, A., & Raftopoulos A. (2004) (Eds.). Cognitive developmental change Theories, Models and Measurement. Cambridge studies in cognitive and perceptual development, Cambridge University Press.

Demetrioua, A., Kuib, Z.X., Spanoudisa, G., Christoua, C., Kyriakidesa, L., Platsidouc, M. (2005). The architecture, dynamics, and development of mental processing: Greek, Chinese, or Universal Intelligence, 33, 109-141.

Notes de bas de page

2 Ces références ont été extraites des banques de données par les responsables du livre pour illustrer les contributions d’A. Demetriou à la psychologie développementale différentielle

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