Managing alliance brand image
The case of air passenger transport services
p. 69-82
1Whilst businesses are looking for opportunities to grow in international markets, the needs for forming strategic alliances have been in rise (Lu and Beamish, 2006; Hill and Hult, 2018). This sort of market entry approach not only secures their market positions in other international markets, but it also facilitates cost reductions in their joint operations, marketing and sales activities (Hill and Hult, 2018). There are understandable benefits of strategic airline alliances. However, certain issues have emerged regarding the alliance carriers’ service network capacity and their alliance wide brand image development. What sorts of factors influence the development of alliance wide brand image? And how are customers’ perceived value, customer satisfaction and their loyalty influenced by the enlarged service capacity and brand image of the airline alliance?
2In light of these issues discussed above, this chapter focusses on the alliance wide service capacity building process and
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Management des services
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