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11 E. D. Morrell, op. cit.; J. K. Yuen, M. C. Reid et M. D. Fetters, op. cit.
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15 C. Ells, op. cit., p. 78-79 ; C. Tremblay, Niveaux de soins et mesures de réanimation, CSSS de Chicoutimi, 2009.
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17 J. R. Curtis, « Interventions to Improve Care During Withdrawal of Life-Sustaining Treatments », Journal of Palliative Medicine vol. 8, Suppl. 1, 2005, p. 116-131.
18 E. D. Morrell, op. cit.; J. K. Yuen, M. C. Reid, et M. D. Fetters, op. cit.
19 Ibid.
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21 D. Hui, A. Con, G. Christie, P. H. Hawley, « Access to Palliative Care among Patients Treated at a Comprehensive Cancer Center », Oncologist, vol. 17, n° 12, 2012, p. 871-881; E. R. Schockett, J. M. Teno, S. C. Miller et B. Stuart, « Late Referral to Hospice and Bereaved Family Member Perception of Quality of End-of-Life Care », Journal of Pain Symptom and Management, vol. 30, n° 5, 2005 p. 400-407.
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