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Altman, D. (2001). Global Sex (1–). University of Chicago Press.
Alvarez, L. (2012). On Race, Riots, and Infrapolitics in Wartime Los Angeles. Revue Française d Etudes Américaines, 131(1), 19.
Alvarez, L. (2019). The Power of the Zoot (1–). University of California Press.
Armstrong, E. A., & Crage, S. M. (2006). Movements and Memory: The Making of the Stonewall Myth. American Sociological Review, 71(5), 724-751.
Bell, D., & Binnie, J. (2004). Authenticating Queer Space: Citizenship, Urbanism and Governance. Urban Studies, 41(9), 1807-1820.
Berlant, L., & Warner, M. (1998). Sex in Public. Critical Inquiry, 24(2), 547-566.
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Berube, A. (2011). My Desire for History (J. D’Emilio & E. B. Freedman, Eds.; 1–). University of North Carolina Press.
BLASIUS, M. (1992). An Ethos of Lesbian and Gay Existence. Political Theory, 20(4), 642-671.
Blidon, M. (2008). Jalons pour une géographie des homosexualités. Espace géographique, 37(2), 175.
Bolton, R., Vincke, J., & Mak, R. (1994). Gay Baths Revisited: An Empirical Analysis. In GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies (Vol. 1, Issues 3, pp. 255-273). Duke University Press.
Marshall, T., & Bottomore, T. (2015). Citizenship and Social Class (1–). Pluto Press.
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Capozzola, C. (2002). A Very American Epidemic: Memory Politics and Identity Politics in the AIDS Memorial Quilt, 1985-1993. Radical History Review, 2002(82), 91-109.
Chabanet, D., & Giugni, M. (2010). 7. Les conséquences des mouvements sociaux. In Penser les mouvements sociaux (1–, pp. 145-161). La Découverte.
Chauncey, G. (2004). "WHAT GAY STUDIES TAUGHT THE COURT": The Historians’ Amicus Brief in Lawrence v. Texas. GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, 10(3), 509-538.
Chauncey, G. (1998). Gay New York. In Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales (Vols. 125, Issue 1, pp. 9-14). PERSEE Program.
Chouard, G. (2012). The « AIDS Memorial Quilt » au National Mall : cartographie d’une pandémie. Transatlantica, 2.
Cohen, S. (2005). Liberationists, Clients, Activists: Queer Youth Organizing, 1966–2003. Journal of Gay &Amp; Lesbian Issues in Education, 2(3), 67-86.
Collins, A. (2004). Sexual Dissidence, Enterprise and Assimilation: Bedfellows in Urban Regeneration. Urban Studies, 41(9), 1789-1806.
Crenshaw, K. W. (2011). Race, Reform, and Retrenchment: Transformation and Legitimation in Antidiscrimination Law. German Law Journal, 12(1), 247-284.
Disman, C. (2003). The San Francisco Bathhouse Battles of 1984. In Journal of Homosexuality (Vols. 44, Issue 3-4, pp. 71-129). Informa UK Limited.
Donaldson, M. (1993). What is hegemonic masculinity?. Theory and Society, 22(5), 643-657.
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Fetner, T. (2001). Working Anita Bryant: The Impact of Christian Anti-Gay Activism on Lesbian and Gay Movement Claims. Social Problems, 48(3), 411-428.
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La militance LGBT aux États-Unis
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Marche, G. (2017). Bibliographie. In La militance LGBT aux États-Unis (1‑). Presses universitaires de Lyon.
Marche, Guillaume. « Bibliographie ». In La Militance LGBT Aux États-Unis. Lyon: Presses universitaires de Lyon, 2017.
Marche, Guillaume. « Bibliographie ». La Militance LGBT Aux États-Unis, Presses universitaires de Lyon, 2017,
Référence numérique du livre
Marche, G. (2017). La militance LGBT aux États-Unis (1‑). Presses universitaires de Lyon.
Marche, Guillaume. La militance LGBT aux États-Unis. Lyon: Presses universitaires de Lyon, 2017.
Marche, Guillaume. La militance LGBT aux États-Unis. Presses universitaires de Lyon, 2017,