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Chapter 1: Disciplinary convergences on the concept of transition
Denise Pumain, Lena Sanders, Thérèse Libourel et al.
Chapter 2: A generic conceptual framework for describing transitions in settlement systems
Laure Nuninger, Lena Sanders, Arnaud Banos et al.
Chapter 10: Transition 7: From the ancient to the medieval world (4th-8th centuries)
François Favory, Hélène Mathian, Laurent Schneider et al.
Chapter 13: Transition 12: From urban sprawl to polycentric metropolitan regions: forms of functioning and forms of governance
Florent Le Néchet
Chapter 16: Ontological points of view on the transitions of settlement systems
Lena Sanders, CNRS, Thérèse Libourel et al.