Table des matières
Claudine Raynaud
Avant proposI. Modalities of Passing
Guillaume Fourcade
"A Copy, to learne by": John Donne's "Writing Death"Marie-Dominique Garnier
"If thou canst give it, then thou never gavest it": John Donne’s Dunning LettersII. Poetics of the Body
Michael Schoenfeldt
Thinking Through the Body: Corporeality and Interiority in DonneClaudine Raynaud
Naked Words: Figures of Seduction in Donne’s PoetryGilles Mathis
"Woman’s Constancy" de Donne : une approche stylistiqueIII. Ethics, Doubt and Wit
Thomas Healy
Credo Ergo Sum: John Donne and BeliefPeter Vernon
John Donne, New Philosophy, and DoubtRichard Hillman
The High, the Low, and the Comic in DonneIV. "Authorship" and Textual Poetics