Recent Trends in Narratological Research
Individually, these articles approach narrative from various angles, focusing both on matters that have been debated since even before the advent of narratology and on questions that have been dealt with in only a limited way in the past; together, they show that narratology, far from being a method defined by fixed procedures, is diverse in its theoretical orientations and analytical practices and responsive to the evolution of literary theory and criticism.
Model-building inherent in all f...
Éditeur : Presses universitaires François-Rabelais
Lieu d’édition : Tours
Publication sur OpenEdition Books : 1 juin 2017
ISBN numérique : 978-2-86906-472-0
DOI : 10.4000/books.pufr.3939
Collection : GRAAT | 21
Année d’édition : 1999
Nombre de pages : 227
John Pier
IntroductionDieter Meindl
A Model of Narrative Discourse along Pronominal LinesMartin Löschnigg
Narratological Categories and the (Non)-Distinction between Factual and Fictional NarrativesUri Margolin
Story Modalised, or the Grammar of VirtualityAnsgar F. Nünning
Reconceptualizing the Theory and Generic Scope of Unreliable NarrationJon-K Adams
Order and NarrativeMonika Fludernik
The Genderization of NarrativeElizabeth Deeds Ermarth
Parody as a Practice for PostmodernityPierre Gault
Rhématique/Thématique, ou les élans de la syntaxeIndividually, these articles approach narrative from various angles, focusing both on matters that have been debated since even before the advent of narratology and on questions that have been dealt with in only a limited way in the past; together, they show that narratology, far from being a method defined by fixed procedures, is diverse in its theoretical orientations and analytical practices and responsive to the evolution of literary theory and criticism.
Model-building inherent in all forms of narratological research has taken on a less monolithic character as researchers in the field have sought to account for the multiplicity of the fine points of literary expression that the highly differentiated corpus of narratives provides. It may well be appropriate to view work being done in narratology today as a new chapter in the study of how narrative contents, narrative signifiers and their configurations and the dynamics of narrative deployment interact. The articles in this volume are offered as a contribution to the writing of this new chapter.
John Pier is a Professor of English at the Université de Tours. Specialized in narratology and semiotics, his articles and reviews have appeared in Style, Ars Semeiotica, Poetics Today, Bulletin de Stylistique Anglaise, Poetics Today, GRAAT, Encyclopedic Dictionary of Semiotics, etc. as well as in a number of collective works, and they include studies of Sterne, Joyce, Nabokov, Max Frisch and others. He is currently researching intertextuality in modern fiction.
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