p. 329-344 (volume 2)
Chapter 1
1Aimée-Danielle Lezou Koffi questions the new space for political discussion of digital social networks in the Ivorian context and mobilizes, for this purpose, Patrick Charaudeau’s communication model. She offers a critical vision of the device of the Facebook page and a comparative study of four pages, corresponding to different political sensitivities and identities and aiming at a renewal of the actors.
2Keywords: digital social networks, identity, public speech, enunciation, political actors, Ivory Coast
Chapter 2
3Margareta Katsberg Sjöblom presents the possibilities offered by computer speech analysis, based on textual statistics, to study in a systematic and comparative way, from 1949 to the present day, the speeches emanating from the presidents. These discourses vary according to genres, audiences, and circumstances. The exploratory analysis for seven presidents shows the links between thematic universes and political orientations.
4Keywords: analysis of textual d
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Nouvelles voix/voies des discours politiques en Afrique francophone
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