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p. 331-336 (volume 1)


Chapter 1

1Driss Ablali highlights the genre of the chronicle, in connection with the question of the auctorial posture. The construction of an enemy figure is a decisive element in Kamel Daoud’s figthing rhetoric. The semiotic, enunciative and argumentative analysis of the corpus of Mes indépendances traces the outlines of a humanist vision that is both Arab-Muslim and universalist.

2Keywords: chronicle, collection, genericity, enunciation, argumentation, Kamel Daoud

Chapter 2

3Fatima Khelef recalls the dramatic political context of the 90s, the limitations of the possibilities of expression in the written press and, in this context, the role of the chronicle and its relation to the daily life of the readers. She shows the double stylistic anchoring of the journalist and writer Kamel Daoud, focusing above all on the collection of 2005, which takes up part of the Raïna Raïkoum chronicles that initially appeared in the press, notably in Le Quotidien d’Oran.

4Keywords: Algerian writte

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