12. Late Minoan IIIB Pottery from the Cemetery at Myrsini-Aspropilia
p. 341-353
Introduction: The Mochlos-Myrsini Region
1The cemetery at Myrsini-Aspropilia lies on the northern coast of Crete at the eastern limit of the Bay of Mirabello. The coastal plain in which it was located extends for about 4 km, with the settlement of Mochlos marking its western limits, the farmhouse at Chalinomouri marking its eastern limits, and the cemetery at Myrsini located not too far from the coast, below the modem village of Myrsini and about 3 km east of Mochlos (see Soles 2003: fig. 1). Because of its combination of excavated settlements and cemeteries, chronological range, and maritime situation, this region offers an ideal environment for the study of political, economic, and social changes in a small, regional economy. The following will focus on what can be learned about the Late Minoan IIIB period from the study of such a region, and in particular from the pottery of its mortuary contexts. The focus will be on the LM IIIB pottery from the cemetery at Myrsini-Aspropil
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How Long is a Century?
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