11. Preliminary Observations on LM IIIB Pottery from Kannia
p. 331-340
1Our knowledge of the Neopalatial and Postpalatial Mesara is based primarily on the major palatial settlements of Phaistos, Haghia Triada and Kamilari. Very few sites from these periods are known in Central and Eastern Mesara and practically none of them has yielded traces of occupation in both these periods.
2Moreover, the area of Kamilari, with its well-known tomb (among the other Minoan buildings), and Pitsidia, lie in the so-called Great Minoan Triangle. For all these reasons it seemed to be of some importance to improve our knowledge of the Neo- and Postpalatial Mesara by studying the finds from the excavations carried out at Kannia near Mitropolis (not far from ancient Gortyna) in 1958 by D. Levi and C. Laviosa (following some excavation by S. Alexiou the previous year) (Fig. 11.1)1. Despite its importance, the only publications dealing with this excavation are basically a preliminary article by Levi (1959) and some interesting comments on specific findings t
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How Long is a Century?
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