6. Sherds of a Century: the LM IIIB Pottery from the Pediada Survey Project
Elements for the Distribution and the Character of Life in Central Crete, during the 13th c. BC
p. 153-192
1The study of pottery often serves as an indirect indicator of life’s terms, providing elements of social complexity as well as quotidian stories of anonymous people. This paper presents for the first time the innumerable sherds of LM IIIB date collected from 46 unexcavated sites in the Pediada region in Central Crete by Nikos Panagiotakis (through the Pediada Survey Project, Panagiotakis 2003; 2006; Panagiotakis & Panagiotaki 2011). The pottery, discussed in stylistic terms and geographical contexts, is put together on an imaginary land’s network, in order to show the distribution and character of life in the Pediada, during a century or so.
2The Pediada region in Central Crete is situated in the central-east part of the modern province (nomos) of Heraklion. It extends from the Aegean coast to the southern mountainous area of Viannos, and from the area of Knossos and luktas to the region of Malia and the Dikti Mountains. The area surveyed forms a complete geograph
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How Long is a Century?
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