5.6. The Excavation of the South-East Wing and the South part of the Court
p. 281-294
1. Introduction
1In 2016, a new Zone, 15, was created for the excavation of the southern half of the court and the south part of what was considered the East Wing of the Court-Centred Building, south of the architectural remains labelled Building F that had been excavated between 2008 and 2011 (figs 1.2, 1.11a-b, 5.1.1). Zone 15 hence encompassed an area of the summit of the hill where the field gradually slopes towards the south. The main objectives were to determine whether the façade of Building F on the eastern side of the court (F21-F61) continued further south and to find a southern limit of the court. An area behind the east façade comprising spaces 15.1, 15.2 and 15.3 was also explored. At first, the area of Zone 15 covered a surface of 18 by 6 m in the southern part of the court, immediately south of Zone 6. ft was meant to link Zone 10 (§5.4) to the eastern façade on the court (F21-F61). This space was arbitrarily divided in two parts: trench 1 (West) and trench 2 (Ea
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Excavation at Sissi IV
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