5.5. Continuing Excavation of the West Wing (Zone 10)
p. 257-280
1Following the excavations in Zone 10 of 2015 (see above, §5.4), work resumed here in 2016 (fig. 5.5.1). As mentioned, Zone 10 encompasses the remains of the West Wing of the Court-Centred Building, also labelled Building J. The 2015 excavations had already unrevealed part of the southwest area of the court, labelled Building K, space 10.6, as well as several rooms west of the boulder terrace wall F58 and ashlar façade FE217. In 2016, explorations within the West Wing took place west of the zone explored in 2015 (see §5.4), about 5 m west of wall F58. The specific goal of the 2016 explorations in this area was to clarify the occupational history of this side of the Court-Centred Building and to establish how the different parts integrated in a general plan. Before excavation, it was assumed that most of the rooms would testify a Neopalatial occupation simply because they were framed by ashlar façades FE215 and FE217. Moreover, we also assumed that the orientation of the rising
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Excavation at Sissi IV
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