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5.2. The North-East Wing and the Court of the Court-Centred Building at Sissi

p. 155-190


1The North-East Wing and the court of the Court-Centred Building (CCB) at Sissi were excavated in 2015 and 2016 in what was initially called Zone 6 (figs 1.1, 1.2 & 1.11). The exploration of this zone continued the work started in 2008 by S. Jusseret, who had identified the remains of a court adjoining Building F, of which the initial use was dated to the Neopalatial period but which was largely reoccupied in LM IIIA2/B (Sissi I: 157-161; II: 163- 170; III: 135-154). This report first focuses on the North-East Wing of the CCB, before describing the excavation of the court itself.


Fig. 5.2.1 (a) The North-East Wing of the CCB before excavation (from north); (b) terrace wall FE107- 109 during topsoil removal (from south-west); (C) North-East Wing of the CCB after topsoil removal (from north) (©EBSA; M. Devolder)

1. The North-East Wing

2An alignment of large limestone boulders (FE110) was visible on the surface about 12 m north of wall F48-F51 that borders the court to the north. T

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