2. Geophysical Investigations at Sissi, 2015-2016
p. 43-57
1. Introduction
1The first excavation campaign on the Kephali hill, in 2007, was preceded by a ground penetrating radar (GPR) survey conducted under the direction of C. Hübner (GGH – Solutions in Geosciences Geophysikalische Prospektion, Freiburg) (Hübner 2007; Sissi I: 25-26). A georadar GSSI SIR 3000 with a 200 MHz antenna was used to prospect six topographic units covering a total surface of 5560 m2. Relatively noisy results were obtained, providing limited information on the layout of the settlement. In 2015 a decision was made to start off the second five-year program with a new geophysical survey, using this time a broader arsenal of techniques. A brief geophysical campaign was carried out on the 29th and the 30th of June 2015, with the goal of locating and mapping architectural remains on the south-eastern terrace of the hill, where a potential Court-Centred Building (Building F) had been identified in 2011 (fig. 2.1, Area C) (Sissi III: 142-151; Jusseret 2014). GPR, ma
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