List of Illustrations
p. 7-12
1Fig. 0.1. Map locating the sites presented in the volume (drawing by F. Gaignerot-Driessen/IMS-FORTH) 13
2Fig. 1.1. The hill of Axos, with Mount Psiloritis in the background (image by Google Earth: 10.01.2013) 22
3Fig. 1.2. Aerial photograph of Axos: 1. Sanctuary at the east side; 2. Sanctuary at Agia Apakoui; 3. Monument next to inscription IC II, V. 1; 4. Monument with duct; 5. Byzantine church of Agios Ioannis; 6. Hellenistic settlement at Panagia; 7. Sanctuary at Stou Gerakaro; 8. Cemetery at Megalos Trafos/Teichio; 9. Cemetery at Limnostratiaris (image by Ethniko ktimatologio: 30.05.2014) 22
4Fig. 1.3. Aerial photograph of Axos periphery (image by Ethniko ktimatologio: 30.05.2014) 23
5Fig. 1.4. Geophysical survey results over the area of the sanctuary superimposed on the plan of Aversa & Monaco 2006: a. GPR measurements; b. diagrammatic interpretation of the geophysical anomalies (after Sarris 2009: 89-90, fig. 5.7.4-5) 24
6Fig. 1.5. The temple on the east slope of the acropol
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Cretan Cities: Formation and Transformation
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