The Difficult Task of Going with the Flow: The Importance of Riverine Energy for Early Modern Cities
p. 45-62
Note de l’éditeur
This paper is a product of URBWATER, “Vienna’s Urban Waterscape 1683–1918. An environmental history”, funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) Grant No: P25796-G18 and ENVIEDAN, ‘Environmental History of the Viennese Danube 1500–1890’, funded as FWF P22265-G18.
Texte intégral
1All cities are different, but all cities are similar. City size, population density and occupational composition, legal and fiscal status, architecture, their role in knowledge creation and dissemination, as well as their role as trade centres have been recognized as characteristics;1 less so location and its locational factors.
2Like all other cities, medieval and early modern European cities had to provide water, food, materials and energy to urbanites and had to take care of waste removal. The modern, networked city provides each of these services either by pipeline- or grid-bound networks including sewage canals or by offering transportation infrastructure such as roads, railways, airports and ports. Goods and energy are transported over long distances. Pre-modern cities often relied on surface and groundwater for such services. Rivers offered a particularly attractive combination of energy in various forms. They were useful for mechanical work in mills, for transportation with ships, for harvest of fishes and riparian biomass and for waste removal.
3The co-evolution of rivers and cities is widely acknowledged; the ways in which cities and rivers shaped each other have been analysed for many cases.2 All environmental histories of pre-industrial rivers emphasize the variegated uses and the manifold users, their widespread interests and resulting conflicts.3
4How important rivers were and to which uses they were preferably put depends on their nature. Cities are usually perceived as located at one particular river—London and the Thames,4 Paris and the Seine,5 Vienna and the Danube—6 but often a combination of different rivers provides the basis for the variegated riverine uses they depended on. Many cities are located on the confluence of two rivers or incorporate several smaller streams besides the major river.
5The differences in aquatic networks and the societal conditions tied to them resulted in different transformation pathways. Still, urban industrialization progressed in similar ways in European cities. Urban waters underwent a slow process of transformation from social regulation of multi-purpose rivers to the technical separation and segregation of their services. Many services were moved from the river to railways or electric overland cable networks. Fish could be imported. Provision became possible over long distances. The transformation created similar city-river-relations from different pre-modern situations. The “shared endpoint” of the transformation is due to similar drivers. Two important ones are (1) coal as a non-intermittent, transportable energy source and its transport networks, and (2) the increasing vulnerability of growing cities to floods and waterborne diseases.7 The vulnerability of urban communities towards river dynamics had set a limit for energetic and other river uses. The desire to alleviate this vulnerability drove the implementation of comprehensive regulation projects.
6Examining Vienna’s rivers as socio-natural sites,8 we will show how different types of riverine energy uses were bound to different river types. Haidvogl et al. analyse four different types of Vienna’s rivers and their distinct patterns of use in detail—the Danube, the Wiener Arm (the arm of the Danube closest to the city centre, called Donaukanal after its channelization in 1704), Wien River and Ottakringer Bach.9 They show how geology, catchment size, discharge and slope create a spectrum of possible interventions: “different types of water uses concentrated on different types of waters”.10 Here, we draw on this work and complement it with a focus on the utilization of riverine energy.
Different water bodies as energy carriers
River morphologies, large and small
7Environmental historians aim to tell the stories of riverine landscapes as combined natural and human histories.11 They investigate ways of living with or attempts to conquer natural dynamics, study human interventions into ecosystems and the resulting long term changes, in particular unwanted consequences of interventions and human reactions to them. Their work focuses on natural changes in the context of changes in human society and vice versa. They need to take nature’s role in history seriously12 and consider whole river systems rather than just a section of one river. Rivers, Castonguay and Evenden write, “unite a spatially extensive network of hydrological flows, reaching back to a height of land forming the outer limits of a basin, but are also characterized by a hierarchy of streams and tributaries. […] It matters where a city is located along a river, of what size, undergoing what dynamic seasonal and historical changes.”13 But to date, only few studies are based on a comprehensive understanding of the distinct characteristics of urban waters and the resulting unique socio-natural sites.
8Natural sciences conceive of rivers as systems of connected river channels in a drainage basin or catchment area, the area that contributes water and sediment to the river. Catchments are separated by topography. They are composed of channel segments with distinctive geometric properties and size that differ in length, slope, drainage area and bifurcations and follow morphometric laws. A hypothetical ideal river system consists of a mountain belt that delimits steep valleys and narrow floodplains, where river channels cut into bed-rock and coarse-grained alluvium and an alluvial fan, where the main channel enters the plain and branches into several arms that convene further downstream. The following section exhibits a broad valley and floodplain where tributaries discharge into the main channel, and finally a delta where this channel, often fanning out, flows into a lake or the sea.14 Hydrologists use the concept of “stream order” to summarize basic characteristics of different sized stream segments. The Wien River catchment is shown in Figure 1 as an example.
9River systems are fed by precipitation in the catchment area. Some of it returns to the atmosphere by evaporation and evapo-transpiration, but the rest reaches the river under the influence of gravity over the surface as runoff or through the ground as groundwater. Water supply varies over space and time depending on climate, seasonal weather variability, snowmelt and cosmic constellations (via tides). Varying flow conditions over a period of time make up a river’s distinct “flow regime” that depends on latitude, geological properties of the underground and morphology. Vegetation, land use and the geometry of the drainage system also contribute to the flood regime.15 The rapidity of the flood wave and thus peak discharge volume resulting from heavy rainfall depend on ground permeability and water saturation. Vegetation, soil, subsoil and ground water act as regulators that attenuate climate and weather variations and delay effects on the discharge. Human interventions in the catchment’s soil cover therefore strongly affect the flow regime.
10Sediment amount and composition depend as well on geology, on the geometry in the catchment area (e.g. slope) and on climate. Sediment supply to rivers varies in conjunction with water supply and a wide range of human practices connected to agriculture and forestry, construction and mining. Sediment eroded in the headwaters may accumulate in floodplains,16 but gravel and sand transported downstream into a city were welcome building material. Transported nutrients and sediments can also become fertile soil downstream. Also, rivers connect ecosystems along their course, allowing for the movement of fauna and flora.17
11Temporal and spatial variability are fundamental for river systems. Drainage and channel patterns are dynamic and change over time; human interventions into rivers and catchments are one factor contributing to these changes. The “basic elements” of hydropower—the volume of flow and the amount of fall—are a product of many and varied meteorological, geological, physiographic and hydrologic conditions.18 The relative location also matters. While slope and sediment erosion usually diminish, the volume of flow and sediment deposition increase from spring to mouth and from rivulet to main stream. These parameters alone result in situations widely different between locations (fig. 1 and tabl. 1).
12At all times people wanting to use rivers and floodplains had to “understand [them] in order to deal with problems such as floods, water supply, design and construction of artificial channels, river-bank erosion, sedimentation in reservoirs and navigated waterways, restoration of freshwater habitats, and remediation of polluted surface water and groundwater”.19 To understand riverine processes, long-term records and knowledge of antecedent conditions are indispensable.20 River system characteristics are hence as fundamental to the environmental history of pre-industrial riverine energy use as the social organisation of city administration, feudal politics, property or water rights.
Energy from Rivers
13Before the spread of fossil fuels and, later, electric energy, people relied on three types of energy to provide movement: human and animal muscle (who in turn need biomass for food and feed to maintain their strength), wind, and flowing water. All were used to overcome distance or exert motive force, and all had limits. Rolf Peter Sieferle pointed out that the amount of food needed to carry freight limits transport distance.21 Wind and water can move greater masses than humans and animals but are subject to “geographical limitation”22—they are not available everywhere and at all times.
14Sailing boats are a very efficient means of transport but mainly operate on larger waters. Because they can haul goods fast and over great distances, seaport-hinterland interactions are very distinctive and decisive for the energy metabolism of a city.23 Major rivers were equally important for the provisioning of cities. Downstream transport, enabled by gravity, is very efficient, but energy was needed, if boats were to be brought back upstream.24 A model of hinterland sizes for various urban centre sizes showed that transportation was the main constraint to urban growth under pre-industrial conditions.25 Access to transport by boat could extend the urban hinterland along the waterborne supply routes and allowed medieval harbour cities to grow much more populous than inland cities.26
15Floating of timber and fuelwood from mountainous forest areas to cities downstream was decisive to provide urbanites with building material and fuel.27 This practice led to thorough alterations of small streams and larger rivers in peripheral regions.28 As one horse can pull about 1 ton of goods on the street, but move a boat of 30 tons on a waterway,29 artificial canals to connect rivers and even oceans such as the Canal du Midi (built 1667-1681) were established.
16Watermills provided another way of using gravitational energy. As water flows downward, its potential energy is converted into kinetic energy that can drive a waterwheel. The motive power of the wheel is then transferred to the machinery, either directly as rotary power or via transmission to provide reciprocating movement. Although this power could neither be stored nor transmitted over a large distance, innumerable adaptations of machinery made it useful for a wide range of production processes, from the grinding of grain to crushing, sawing, hammering, sharpening, boring, pumping and pulling of diverse materials.30 Mills were indispensable for the urban metabolism, e.g. for flour, oil and barley for beer.31 US engineers in charge of censuses on potential hydropower use aptly described most suitable topographies and flow regimes for milling in the 19th century.32 Riverine characteristics were, as becomes clear from this source, of importance also for the mill as a stationary technological system.
17Flowing water also helps to dispose of sewage, wastewater and solid waste. As modern energy statistics focus on technical energy, they exclude the energy embodied in biomass. Rivers are habitat for fish and other riverine animals, including migratory fish species that travel long distances, delivering nutrition to urbanites.33 Landscapes and habitats depend on the fluvial dynamics of rivers. Frequent and extraordinary floods facilitate pioneer ecosystems which are among the most productive. Floodplain forests with their fast-growing pioneer trees have been used as sources for wood. Meadows were used for grazing and as hunting grounds. Vegetables and fruit were cultivated on the nutrient-rich floodplains.
18Using parts of river systems consisting of several channels offered more possibilities to make use of these various riverine resources, enabled to avoid conflicts to some extent and increased options. To create certain river types, urbanites built artificial or partly artificial tributaries or distributaries such as canals or mill creeks that supported more uses than their names suggest. In the following section we build on two projects that allowed to analyse the mutual history of Vienna and its waters in detail.34 We try to cover the whole variety of waters in the river system and the distribution of energetic water uses in the early modern city to show how distinct socio-natural sites complemented each other to satisfy urban demands.
The case of Vienna and its waters. A tale of variety, abundance and limitations
19Vienna is located at the eastern foothills of the Alps, where the Danube corridor enters the Pannonian Plain.35 At this point, about 930 km downstream of its source in the German Black Forest, the Danube is a major river with a mean discharge of 1.910 m³/s (for more data see Table 1). Upstream of Vienna it receives water from the large alpine tributaries Isar, Inn, Traun and Enns that influence its hydrological regime, making it an “alpine-mountainous” river. Before comprehensive regulation at the end of the 19th century, the up to 6 km wide Viennese floodplain exhibited laterally shifting arms.
20An environmental history of Vienna and its waters is impossible without considering the many smaller rivers and creeks that make up the urban waterscape (fig. 1 and 2). All “Wienerwaldbäche” are direct or indirect tributaries of the Viennese Danube, rising in the mountainous Viennese Woods and passing through the city from west to east. They are characterized by small catchment sizes, flows from 2 m3/s to less than 100 l/s and remarkable fluctuations between low and high flow. Wien and Liesing River are the biggest, but differ significantly with respect to channel patterns. Among the smaller tributaries, Ottakringer Bach, Alsbach and Währinger Bach, all with slopes of over 20 ‰ and located close to the city centre, have been especially important for city development. In 1803, the Viennese waterscape was enlarged with Wiener Neustädter Shipping Canal connecting the city to coalmines and forests but also river basins south of Vienna.36
21All Viennese rivers, despite their many uses, also constituted risks. The energy that sustained many lives became uncontrollable and dangerous during floods. Ice jams were particularly destructive on the Danube, while heavy rain, especially during thunderstorms in summer, often resulted in devastating flash floods at larger and even small tributaries. The impermeable sandstone and marl layers in the catchments prevented water from seeping into the ground, producing immediate runoff and the connected erosion. Wien River, Danube and the Donaukanal share a long history of constructive regulation measures, aiming at a stabilized riverbed to support various river uses and protect from floods. Neighbouring inhabitants, landowners and river users tried to guard themselves with a patchwork of local protections, but adverse effects of floods were primarily mitigated. Settlements in the most dangerous zones had to make flood provisions. Barges had to be kept and food, drinking water and fuelwood stored at hospitals, bakers and breweries. The Danube floodplain, with the exception of some comparably stable islands, was not settled at all.37 So it was possible to deal with smaller, recurring floods. Major floods however, inevitably led to large monetary and personal losses.
Tabl. 1. Characteristics of different types of waters in Vienna, with a focus on energy use and river dynamics.
Characteristic | Danube River (dominant river) |
Donaukanal/Wiener Arm (side arm) | Wien River (large tributary) |
Ottakringer Bach (small tributary) |
Wiener Neustädter Shipping Canal |
River characteristics | river type | alpine-mountainous | alpine-mountainous | mountainous | mountainous | artificial lowland |
channel pattern | anabranched | sinuous/partly meandering | sinuous/braided | straight/sinuous | straight | |
length of river (km) | 2860 | 14-17 (changing) | 34 | 7.7 | 63 | |
location of Vienna downstream of source (border of the city; km) | approx. 930 (Nussdorf) | 0 (Nussdorf) | 19 | inside Vienna | 57 (Simmering) | |
history of river regulation | intensive since 1830, completed 1870-1875 |
intensive since 1820s, completed 1870-1875 |
intensive since 1814, completed 1895-1906 |
intensive since 1837, complete 1860s-1909 |
- | |
average discharge (m3/s) | 1910 (incl. Donaukanal) | <50 (until 1830s), 160 (today) |
c. 2,0 (early 19th century), 1,3 (today) |
0,06 (19th century), 0 (today) |
c. 1,2 | |
Possibilities of energy use | potential for transport (shipping, rafting, log driving) | +++ | +++ | ++ | 0 | +++ |
potential for aquatic biomass extraction (fish, crustacean, etc.) | +++ | ++ | + | + | + | |
potential for driving mills | +++ | +++ | ++ | 0 | ++ | |
channel slope (‰) | 0,4 | 0,4 | 4,4 | 23 | 1,75 | |
average head per mill (m) | - (boat mills) | - | 2,9 | - | 2/4 (at shipping locks) | |
minimum length of mill creek to achieve a 3 m head (m) | 7500 | 7500 | 682 | 130 | 1714 | |
number of mills in 1825 (within today’s city borders) | 54 | - | 15 | - | 7 | |
River dynamics - constraints | ∆ min-max discharge (m3/s)2 | 9540 | >500 (until 1873), 150 (today) |
320 | >13.2 (100-years discharge) | - |
main flood season | spring/summer | spring/summer | summer | summer | - | |
main dry season | - | - | summer/autumn | summer/autumn | summer/autumn & winter | |
probability of freezing over year | c. 35 % | c. 35 % | every year | every year | every year |
22Control over the rivers became even more pressing with population growth in Vienna; the city grew from 250.000 inhabitants in 1800 to more than 2 million around 1910. The Danube and the riparian landscape were barriers to urban expansion. The “Great Danube Regulation” was carried out between 1870 and 1875 as one of the biggest engineering efforts of urban authorities and the imperial court. It completely changed the appearance, morphology and ecology of the Viennese Danube and therefore all river uses that had evolved in interaction with its natural characteristics.38
23Wien River valley was an area of industrial development and settlement area for workers. It was also comprehensively regulated between 1895 and 1906. Besides flood protection, sanitary concerns figured importantly on urban authorities” agenda. Cholera protection became a driving force for regulation of the tributaries.39 Engineers moved Wien River partly underground to make room for a railway line in the riverbed. Similarly to other European cities, new technologies and infrastructures took over the work of the rivers and replaced their variegated functions.
24The Danube was the only navigable river in Vienna and shipping was the river’s most important function.40 Apart from raft- and ship-based transport, Vienna’s supply relied on highly inefficient transport by cart. The Danube and its large mountainous tributaries connected the city to Bavaria, Upper and Lower Austria for the provision of food, fuel and construction wood and other commercial goods. Ships arrived to the city on the Wiener Arm/Donaukanal. Stabilizing the river arm against the Danube’s dynamic to relocate further north and providing a minimum flow for shipping had been a main goal of regulation projects from the beginning of the 16th century.41 Food and other goods were sold directly on the riverbanks or brought to nearby markets. Around 1835, annually about 250.000 metric tons of goods were transported to Vienna via the Danube.42 As navigation was so important on the Donaukanal, all other potentially interfering river uses were either forbidden or had to subordinate (cp. Fig. 3).
25In 1794 a group of landowners proposed to connect Vienna to its south-eastern hinterland by a shipping canal. Once built, Wiener Neustädter Shipping Canal, a roughly 65 km long artificial waterbody, played an important role for provisioning of the city until it was replaced by several railway lines between 1848 and 1879.43 The canal consisted of 46 basins with almost horizontal ground separated by sluices to overcome the height difference (circa 100 m). With narrow boats operating on the canal, one horse could pull 30 to 50 tons—about 25 to 30 times more than by transport over land.44 The history of planning and maintaining the canal reveals various intermingled state and private investment interests. Chief engineer Sebastian von Maillard used energy saving as an important argument to convince Emperor Franz II. (I.) of the project. Draft horses would be available for military purposes; feed and meadows could be saved for cattle.45 Up to 70 boats operated on the canal between April and September, resulting in a yearly average of 5.500 freights, comprising of 70.000 m³ of wood, 6,5 million bricks, 12.000 tons of coal, 19.000 tons of gravel and other building material and 185 tons of other goods in the 1830s and 40s.46
26Wien River was the only natural tributary used for transport. Wood was floated from the Viennese Woods in the 17th and 18th century. This ended in 1754 after a logging dam had burst during a flood in 1741, causing severe damage.47 Other sources suggest that log driving was practiced until the depletion of the surrounding forest at the end of the 18th century.48
27When the first Austrian Danube Steamship Company was founded in 1829, the Danube was used also as an upstream route from south-eastern cities and regions. Donaukanal was still used to approach the city, but all passing ships utilized the main riverbed. Although several railway lines were established in the following decades, river transport increased in importance. In the late 1860s, about 600.000 tons of various goods reached Vienna via the Danube annually. Between 1835 and 1865, the share of cereals transported by ship and consumed in the city increased from 10 % to over 80 %.49 Rearranging the river as a waterway with a homogenous riverbed suitable for steam ships was one of the major aims of the Danube regulation. Transport was the dominant river function at the expense of others such as mills and fishing—until the construction of power plants after World War II.
28Suitable locations for using the water’s kinetic energy with mills were astonishingly scarce (see Table 1 for the possibility of operating mills on the different waters). The number of watermills within today’s city limits remained relatively stable at about 80 locations throughout the 17th and 18th century. Stationary mills at the Wien and Liesing River and boat mills on the Danube each contributed about half the mill sites. At the Wien and Liesing, mills were located in river sections with stream order 3 to 5 that provided appropriate conditions with respect to discharge and channel slope. By the end of the 17th century almost all suitable locations were in use. Because of the low channel slope of 0,4 ‰ and the unsteady river arms, no millstreams and stationary mills could be built in the riparian zone of the Danube. The smaller tributaries with stream order 1 or 2 provided higher slopes but very limited discharge and often fell dry in summer. Although they had been used for milling since the late Middle Ages until the Ottoman sieges of the 16th and 17th century, only a few small mill workshops remained until the 19th century.50
29All Viennese millers faced fluctuating flows—destructive floods and paralysing periods of drought—and reduced operability in winter due to freezing. Boat mills found relatively stable working conditions between March and December as they could accommodate varying water levels, could be removed from the river in case of danger or relocated to more suitable anchorage grounds after changes in the riparian landscape.51 But boat millers had to subordinate to transport and land use requirements in the riparian woods.
30Because they impeded shipping, boat mills were forbidden in the Donaukanal.52 Although they obstructed river navigation, their number on the main Danube arm increased significantly in the 19th century. After the ice jam flood of February 1830, a sustained concave riverbank had formed. A combination of favourable flow conditions at this riverbank and easy access for riverine and railway transport encouraged boat mills. Their number almost doubled to 68 locations between the 1790s and the 1870s.53
31Boat mills can only drive basic machinery such as grinding stones. For other, more complex tasks, stationary mills were necessary, but suitable locations were rare. Therefore, slopes at the shipping locks of Wiener Neustädter Shipping Canal piqued the interest of craftsmen and canal administration. Continuous flow conditions and freedom from floods, ice jams and droughts at the canal were used in advertising for the auction of mill sites. Buyers could use the energy to their liking, as long as shipping remained undisturbed.54 Between 1806 and 1930 up to eight businesses operated at the seven locks located within today’s city borders.55
32More than 80 % of all mills in Vienna and the immediate surroundings were dedicated fully or at least partly to grinding grain. Population-growth-driven increase in demand could not be matched despite new milling capacity on new locations on the Danube and Wiener Neustädter Shipping Canal and efficiency gains due to technical innovations—let alone compensate for the sites that were closed down by city administration on the smaller tributaries and the Wien River due to sanitation and flood protection in the densely settled suburbs. Steam was the only solution. The first steam powered mill opened in 1842, but flour import with steamships and trains from Lower Austria and Budapest was even more important, especially for wheat. Almost all rye was brought to Vienna from northern Lower Austria, Slovakia, and Hungary, and processed on the boat mills. In 1869, shortly before the “Great Danube Regulation’, 60 boat mills grinded about 30.000 metric tons of rye, 110 tons per day.56
33Mills had to give way solely to transport on navigable rivers, because they were essential for feeding the city (cp. Fig. 3).57 On Wien and Liesing River the subtraction of process water was strictly limited to not interfere with milling.58 Demands of a wider public, such as the dilution of sewage and wastewater, had to cope with the reduced instream flow—until sanitation became a problem that could no longer be ignored.
34Fish could contribute significantly to the diet of urbanites. But the Viennese did not eat large quantities, only about 1 kg per year and person, predominantly during lent periods. Among the Viennese rivers, only the Danube provided a significant amount of fish suitable for nourishment. Ottakringer Bach however, was known for the abundance of crayfish.
35The “Great Danube Regulation” in Vienna—but subsequently regulation projects on the whole Austrian Danube—yielded changes in fish population. 57 fish species and two lampreys are considered domestic in the Austrian Danube and the habitat it provides. Only two of them disappeared, but the frequency of occurrence changed markedly. The regulation reduced surface area of water bodies including smaller branches and side arms significantly. Dams and bank stabilisations separated fish from their habitats, especially from areas with lower stream velocity, and prevented migration. Waves caused by passing steam ships were lethal for young fish. Other factors that impacted fish populations were the inadequate protection of young fish in fishing regulations, overexploitation due to unsustainable fishing practices and local pollution by sewage and industrial wastewater disposal. Contemporary fishers observed and discussed all these problems, but the complex ecological interrelations that determined whether a species would prosper or perish were not fully known before the 20th century. Their observations are supported by a quantitative analysis of the amount and kind of species sold on the Viennese fish market. While fresh-water fish from the Austrian Danube and from fishponds dominated the market before 1899, the amount of marine fishes from the Adriatic and North Sea increased significantly thereafter and exceeded freshwater fish by 1900. The decrease of fish in the Austrian Danube coupled with the availability of fast transport possibilities and cooling technology, both a consequence of fossil fuels, explain this development.
Other energetic uses
36Riverine energy was also needed for discharge of sewage, waste water and waste into all streams and rivers, small and large. Only with sufficient flow and slope could wastes be flushed away from their source. The interruption of flow, e.g. through dams, or the abstraction of water for other uses interfered with the disposal function of urban waters and increased sanitary problems and hygienic risks—a situation exacerbated with population growth in the 19th century. Wien River60 and many other small streams suffered from pollution61. Water from the two Alpine Pipelines (Hochquellenwasserleitungen), which tapped springs some 100 km south of Vienna, opened in 1873 and 1901 respectively made additional water available and so allowed to operate a water-borne sewage system that incorporated the small Viennese streams into its network of canals.62 On Wien River’s urban stretch the building authority (Stadtbauamt) closed down seven mills between 1847 and 1856 due to flood risk and sanitary concerns which arose due to the Cholera epidemic of 1855.63
37The importance of resources from the Viennese riparian landscapes—pasture, hunting of deer and birds, timber for fortification and regulation works and fuelwood from trees with short rotation such as willow, alder and hazel—is reflected in severe conflicts between different user groups and manorial lords. It is not usually calculated as energy but was important for the urban metabolism.64
38The role of river types and the variety of waters in the urban area for the variegated uses has not been studied systematically despite the many publications describing the process of segregation of uses during industrialization. Our short analysis of different practices of riverine energy use not only distinguishes between river types, but considers the energy embodied in the production of biomass in the rivers (fish) and riparian areas (plants, cattle) besides gravitational energy. Such a view reveals a wide range of different practices to harness riverine energy but it also shows that optimizing utilization at different river types had led to some segregation of uses already prior to industrialisation, as uses had to be adapted to the natural endowment. The specific natural characteristics and the position of each river in the river system of an urban area affected how they could be and were used. For example stationary water mills require a certain slope and flow and although millwrights were skilled in adapting different streams to their purposes, it was not possible or feasible to build mills on the steep but small creeks or on the powerful Danube.
39The natural preconditions for uses were inextricably connected to social regulations, for example through establishing hierarchies. Boatmillers were not allowed to anchor in the Donaukanal, where they would have interfered with transport; mills on the Wiener Neustädter Shipping Canal had to adapt their work schedule to the passing of boats through the locks.
40These allegedly simple truths point to the advantages a pre-industrial city had from being situated not only on the shores of one major river, which could serve as the main route for provisioning of the city but having access to different streams and watercourses in the city. In cities that lacked smaller streams, artificial canals served such purposes.65 Riverine uses in pre-industrial cities were as varied as urban riverine environments. The resulting aquatic socio-natural sites were therefore very diverse. As shown in detail in fig. 3, to acknowledge the described spatially disaggregated patterns of river use can contribute to a deeper understanding of conflicts. Further work could investigate approaches of different users or actors and of decisions that contributed to the transformation of urban rivers.
41We have tried to show how the nature of aquatic natures had consequences for urban development via the energy harvest they both allowed and constrained. We sketched how the large technological systems that characterize the networked city arose from a segregation of formerly multi-functional socio-natural sites. Fossil energy allowed to disentangle the braided flows of locally adapted multi-functional river uses. Constraints were lifted, regulation, formerly a legal and informal process between competing river users, became technical progress, which profoundly changed the nature of the urban aquatic environment. Urban rivers are now organic machines, thoroughly transformed and devoted to single functions. But as such, they remain indispensable for sewage disposal, provision of transport and electric energy. Some of their natural dynamic remains, when rain gutters along Ottakringer Bach’s underground bed turn into waterspouts after thunderstorms, when flash floods on the Wien River damage regulation infrastructure and the Danube rises to dangerous levels necessitating the closure of bridges and streets and filling cellars with mud66.
Notes de bas de page
1V. G. Childe, “The Urban Revolution”, The Town Planning Review, 21/1, 1950, p. 3–19.
2S. Castonguay, M. Evenden (eds.), Urban Rivers. Remaking Rivers, Cities, and Space in Europe and North America, Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2012; M. Knoll, U. Lübken, D. Schott (eds.), Rivers Lost. Rivers Regained. Rethinking City-River Relations, Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2017.
3E.g. R. C. Hoffmann, “Elemental Resources and Aquatic Ecosystems: Medieval Europeans and their Rivers”, in T. Tvedt, R. Coopey (eds.), A History of Water, 2, Rivers and Society: From Early Civilizations to Modern Times, London, I. B. Tauris, 2006, p. 165–202.
4E.g. D. H. Porter, The Thames Embankment: Environment, Technology, and Society in Victorian London, Akron, University of Akron Press, 1998.
5E.g. S. Barles, “Urban Metabolism and River Systems: An Historical Perspective – Paris and the Seine, 1790-1970”, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 4/3, 2013, p. 1757–69.
6E.g. V. Winiwarter, M. Schmid, G. Dressel, “Looking at Half a Millennium of Co-Existence: The Danube in Vienna as a Socio-Natural Site”, Water History, 5/2, 2013, p. 101–19.
7V. Winiwarter, G. Haidvogl, S. Hohensinner, F. Hauer, M. Bürkner, “The Long-term Evolution of Urban Waters and their Nineteenth Century Transformation in European Cities. A Comparative Environmental History”, Water History, 8/3, 2016, p. 219–33.
8V. Winiwarter et al., “Looking at Half a Millennium…”, art. cit.
9G. Haidvogl, V. Winiwarter, G. Dressel, S. Gierlinger, F. Hauer, S. Hohensinner, G. Pollack, C. Spitzbart-Glasl, E. Raith, “Urban Waters and the Development of Vienna between 1683 and 1910”, Environmental History, 23/4, 2018, p. 721–47,
11E.g. R. White, The Organic Machine: The Remaking of the Columbia River, New York, Hill and Wang, 1995.
12T. Steinberg, Nature Incorporated: Industrialization and the Waters of New England, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1991, p. 10–3.
13S. Castonguay, M. Evenden, “Introduction”, in S. Castonguay, M. Evenden (eds.), Urban Rivers…, op. cit., p. 1–13, here: p. 4.
14J. S. Bridge, Rivers and Floodplains. Forms, Processes, and Sedimentary Record, Malden/Oxford/Carlton, Blackwell Publishing, 2007, p. 1–2.
15J. S. Bridge, Rivers and Floodplains…, op. cit., p. 7–12.
16Ibid., p. 12–3.
17V. Winiwarter, “The Many Roles of the Dynamic Danube in Early Modern Europe: Representations in contemporary sources”, in J. Costlow, Y. Haila, A. Rosenholm (eds.), Mapping Water: Histories of Water and Culture in Euro-American Modernity, Leiden, Brill, 2016, p. 49–76.
18L. C. Hunter, Waterpower. A History of Industrial Power in the United States, 1780–1930, Charlottesville, The University Press of Virginia, 1979, p. 118.
19J. S. Bridge, Rivers and Floodplains…, op. cit., p. ix.
20Ibid., p. 9.
21R. P. Sieferle, “Transport und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung”, in R. P. Sieferle, H. Breuninger (eds.), Transportgeschichte im internationalen Vergleich: Europa – China – Naher Osten, Stuttgart, Breuninger-Stiftung, 2008, p. 5–44.
22L. C. Hunter, Waterpower…, op. cit., p. 115.
23Cp. R. W. Unger, “Feeding Low Countries Towns: The Grain Trade in the Fifteenth Century”, Revue belge de philologie et d’histoire, 77/2, 1999, p. 329–58.
24S. Gingrich, G. Haidvogl, F. Krausmann, “The Danube and Vienna: Urban Resource Use, Transport and Land Use 1800-1910”, Reg. Environ. Change, 2012, p. 283–94, here p. 284.
25M. Fischer-Kowalski, F. Krausmann, B. Smetschka, “Modelling Transport as a Key Constraint to Urbanisation in Pre-industrial Societies”, in S. J. Singh, H. Haberl, M. Chertow, M. Mirtl, M. Schmid (eds.), Long Term Socio-Ecological Research. Studies in Society: Nature Interactions Across Spatial and Temporal Scales, Dordrecht/Heidelberg/New York/London, Springer, 2013, p. 77–101, here: 79.
26R. C. Hoffmann, “Footprint Metaphor and Metabolic Realities. Environmental Impacts of Medieval European Cities”, in P. Squatriti (ed.), Natures Past. The Environment and Human History, Ann Arbor, The University of Michigan Press, 2007, p. 288–325, here: p. 296–300.
27S. Gingrich et al., “The Danube and Vienna…”, art. cit., p. 289–90.
28C. Zumbrägel, “Die vorindustriellen Holzströme Wiens. Ein sozionaturales großtechnisches System?”, in Technikgeschichte, Bd. 81, Baden-Baden, 2014, p. 335–62.
29R. P. Sieferle, “Transport und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung”, art. cit., p. 9.
30T. S. Reynolds, Stronger than a Hundred Men. A History of the Vertical Water Wheel, Baltimore/London, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1983, p. 70.
31The share of hydropower in the pre-industrial urban metabolism is usually estimated to have been below 1 %, while biomass as food, feed and fuel made up for the rest. But the qualitative contribution of hydropower was significant. Cp. F. Krausmann, M. Fischer-Kowalski, H. Schandl, N. Eisenmenger, “The Global Sociometabolic Transition. Past and Present Metabolic Profiles and Their Future Trajectories”, Journal of Industrial Ecology, 12/5-6, 2008, p. 637–56, here: p. 640; R. P. Sieferle, F. Krausmann, H. Schandl, V. Winiwarter, Das Ende der Fläche: Zum gesellschaftlichen Stoffwechsel der Industrialisierung, Köln, Böhlau, 2008, p. 30–2.
32L. C. Hunter, Waterpower…, op. cit., p. 121 f.
33Cp. R. C. Hoffmann, “Footprint Metaphor…”, art. cit., p. 301–4 on fish consumption and the share of fish in the diets of Paris.
34ENVIEDAN and URBWATER (see acknowledgements).
35F. Hauer, S. Hohensinner, C. Spitzbart-Glasl, “How Water and its use shaped the Spatial Development of Vienna”, Water History, 8/3, 2016, p. 301–28, here: p. 304.
36F. Hauer, C. Spitzbart-Glasl, “Nebenvorteile und Erbschaften einer Wasserstraße. Bedeutung und Permanenz von sekundären Nutzungen am Wiener Neustädter Kanal in Wien”, in Wiener Geschichtsblätter, 72. Jahrgang, Heft 2, 2017, p. 155–87.
37G. Haidvogl, M. Guthyne-Horvath, S. Gierlinger, S. Hohensinner, S. Sonnlechner, “Urban Land for a growing City at the Banks of a moving River: Vienna’s Spread into the Danube Island Unterer Werd from the late 17th to the Beginning of the 20th Century”, Water History, 5, 2013, p. 195–217.
38S. Hohensinner, M. Schmid, “The More Dikes, the Higher the Floods: Vienna and its Danube Floods”, in M. Tamáska, C. Szabó (eds.), Donau-Stadt-Landschaften. Budapest – Wien. Beiträge der Tagungen in Wien (16.04.2014) und Budapest (23.-24.01.2015), Berlin, Lit Verlag, 2016, p. 211–27.
39G. Pollack, S. Gierlinger, G. Haidvogl, V. Winiwarter, “Using and Abusing a Torrential Urban River: The Wien River before and during Industrialization”, Water History, 8/3, 2016, p. 329–55.
40Cp. M. Schmid, “Stadt am Fluss: Wiener Häfen als sozionaturale Schauplätze von der Frühen Neuzeit bis nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg”, in L. Morscher, M. Scheutz, W. Schuster (eds.), Orte der Stadt im Wandel vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart: Treffpunkte, Verkehr, Fürsorge, Innsbruck/Wien/Bozen, Studienverlag, 2013, p. 275–312.
41C. Sonnlechner, S. Hohensinner, G. Haidvogl, “Floods, Fights and a Fluid River: The Viennese Danube in the Sixteenth Century”, Water History, 5, 2013, p. 173–94.
42S. Gingrich et al., “The Danube and Vienna…”, art. cit., p. 288.
43F. Hauer, C. Spitzbart-Glasl, “Nebenvorteile und Erbschaften…”, art. cit.
44J. Hradecky, W. Chmelar, Wiener Neustädter Kanal. Vom Transportweg zum Industriedenkmal, Wien, Stadtarchäologie, 2014, p. 31–2; cp. FN 30.
45F. Umlauft, “Der Wiener-Neustädter Canal”, in Mittheilungen der K.K. Geographischen Gesellschaft in Wien 37, 1894, p. 384–405, here: p. 396.
46J. Hradecky, W. Chmelar, Wiener Neustädter Kanal…, op. cit., p. 80.
47F. Atzinger, H. Grave, Geschichte und Verhältnisse des Wien-Flusses sowie Anträge für dessen Regulirung und Nutzbarmachung, Wien, Beck’sche Universitäts-Buchhandlung, 1874, p. 9.
48E. Johann, “Das Holz-Zeitalter. Die städtische Holzversorgung vom 17. bis zum 19. Jahrhundert”, in K. Brunner, P. Schneider (eds.), Umwelt Stadt. Geschichte des Natur- und Lebensraumes Wien, Wien/Köln/Weimar, Böhlau, 2005, p. 170–9, here: p. 174.
49S. Gingrich et al., “The Danube and Vienna…”, art. cit., p. 288.
50C. Spitzbart-Glasl, “Feste Wassermühlen und Schiffsmühlen als Bestandteil der Wiener Gewässerlandschaft”, in M. Tamáska, C. Szabó (eds.), Donau-Stadt-Landschaften…, op. cit., p. 263–78.
51C. Pörner, “Zwischen den Donaubrücken nächst Wien.” Eine kulturhistorische Untersuchung über Schiffsmüller und deren Umfeld im 19. Jahrhundert, Dissertation at Universität Wien, 2000, p. 94–7.
52D. Gräf, Boat Mills in Europe from Early Medieval to Modern Times, Veröffentlichungen des Landesamtes für Archäologie mit Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte, Bd. 51, Dresden, 2006, p. 328.
53C. Spitzbart-Glasl, “Feste Wassermühlen und Schiffsmühlen…”, art. cit., p. 271–7.
54F. Hauer, C. Spitzbart-Glasl, “Nebenvorteile und Erbschaften…”, art. cit., on similar regulations at shipping locks on the Thames cp. S. Oliver, “Liquid Materialities in the Landscape of the Thames: Mills and Weirs from the Eighth Century to the Nineteenth Century”, Area, 45/2, 2013, p. 223–9.
55F. Hauer, C. Spitzbart-Glasl, “Nebenvorteile und Erbschaften…”, art. cit.
56Enquête über die Approvisionierung Wiens, Wien, Verlag der kaiserlich-königlichen Hof- und Staatsdruckerei, 1871, p. 56–61.
57L. C. Hunter, Waterpower…, op. cit., p. 150–1.
58See litigations at Wassergrafenamt, OeStA, FHKA AHK VDA Mühlen.
59The following subchapter summarizes the results of the project “Die Auswirkungen von Industrialisierung und Urbanisierung auf Donaufischfauna, Fischerei und Fischkonsum im Wien des späten 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhunderts”, by Gertrud Haidvogl with support from Sofie Mittas, funded by ÖAW-Kommission für Interdisziplinäre Ökologische Studien via a grant from MA 7, Referat Wissenschafts- und Forschungsförderung, 2016.
60G. Pollack et al., “Using and Abusing a Torrential Urban River…”, art. cit., p. 336.
61C. Gantner, Vom Bach zum Bachkanal: ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Wiener Kanalisation, Wien, Bohmann, 2008.
62S. Gierlinger, G. Haidvogl, S. Gingrich, F. Krausmann, “Feeding and Cleaning the City: The Role of the Urban Waterscape in Provision and Disposal in Vienna during the Industrial Transformation”, Water History, 5, 2013, p. 219–39, here: p. 231–35; S. Gierlinger, “Wien und die Schwemmkanalisation”, in M. Tamáska, C. Szabó (eds.), Donau-Stadt-Landschaften…, op. cit., p. 281–4.
63C. Spitzbart-Glasl, “Feste Wassermühlen und Schiffsmühlen…”, art. cit., p. 277.
64C. Sonnlechner et al., “Floods, Fights and a Fluid River…”, art. cit., p. 188–92.
65This has been shown for example for Munich by V. Winiwarter et al., “The Long-term Evolution of Urban Waters…”, art. cit.
66Acknowledgements. This work was partially funded by the Austrian Science Fund; Project number: P 22265-G18 (2010-2012) – ENVIEDAN, and Project number: P 25796-G18 (2013-2016) –URBWATER. We would like to thank the project teams, in particular Severin Hohensinner, Gertrud Haidvogl, Friedrich Hauer, Gudrun Pollack and Sylvia Gierlinger for the collaborative effort that enabled this publication. Special thanks go to Severin Hohensinner for adapting Fig. 2 several times for this article. We would also like to thank the organizers of the Bordeaux Workshop, Charles-François Mathis and Geneviève Massard-Guilbaud, for the very interesting workshop and the organisation of the publication.
Christina Spitzbart-Glasl, Mag. Mag. (FH), studied Social and Human Ecology at Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt,and did her master thesis in the field of environmental history on hydropower plants, tourism and environmental movements in Austria. Since 2014 she is a PhD candidate in environmental history, 2014-16 collaboration in the FWF project “Urbwater” at Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt. Since 2016 she is also employed in an antiquarian bookshop in Vienna.
Verena Winiwarter, Univ.-Prof. Ing. Dr., Engineer of technical chemistry, studied history and communication sciences at the University of Vienna, since 2007 Professor of Environmental History at the Institute of Social Ecology (Alpen-Adria University Klagenfurt), since 2018 holding the same position at the Department of Economics and Social Sciences, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Vienna. President of ICEHO, The International Consortium of Environmental History Organizations. Full member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
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