Sources archivistiques
p. 499-519
Texte intégral
British Library: General Reference Collection [BL GRC]
1GRC Cartographic Items, Maps 19.c.22: Statistical Atlas of India: Second edition, 1895, maps by the Survey of India Department, prepared in 1886 for the Indian and colonial exhibition.
2GRC DRT Digital Store 7305.e.18.(2.), c. 1860: The acclimatization of European Troops for Service in India.
3GRC Account of the great Bengal Cyclone of the 5th October, 1864, Calcutta: L. Mendes, 1864.
4GRC Report of the Committee of the Cyclone Relief Fund of 1867. [With a map.]. 1868
5GRC List of specimens of timber from trees destroyed in the Royal Botanic Gardens, Calcutta, by the cyclone of October, 1864, presented to European Museums, compiled by Thomas Anderson.
6GRC A Brief History of the Cyclone at Calcutta and Vicinity, 5th October 1864. 1865.
India Office Records and Private Papers [IOR]
7Coll.= collection
8Mis.= miscellaneous
9Proc.= proceeding(s)
10Ser. Num.= serial number
11IOR/F/4/1815/74864: Nov. 1836 – Aug. 1837: Employments of convicts in agriculture.
12IOR/F/4/2595/157429: Oct 1829 – May 1854: Calcutta Botanic Garden.
13IOR/F/4/2128/100725: 1844: W. Griffith, Report on the Calcutta Botanic Garden 1843–1844.
14IOR/H/799: 1786-1788: Robert Kyd: papers including his proposal to establish a botanical garden at Calcutta.
15IOR/L/PJ/3/1094 n° 86, n° 50: 1865: Calcutta Botanic Garden: cyclone damage.
16IOR/L/PJ/6/672, File n° 707, 10th Mar. 1904: Bengal Public Parks Act.
17IOR/V/23/97, N° 32: 1859: Returns relating to Publications in the Bengali langage in 1857, to which is added a list of the native presses.
18IOR/V/23/104, N° 1: 1873: Papers regarding the rural indigenous agency employed in taking the Bengal Census of 1872.
19IOR/V/24/1696: 1891-1946: Annual reports of the Royal Botanic Garden and the gardens in Calcutta, and of the Lloyd’s Botanical Garden, Darjeeling.
20IOR/V/27/510/9: 1907: Lists of the principal economic plants grown in Bengal.
21IOR/V/27/625/4: 1893: Prain, David: Report on the cultivation and use of ganja.
22IOR/P/9/64: 1819 (Sept.): Public consultations: practical exercise for native-born draftsmen and surveyors in the Botanic Gardens, Sibpur.
23IOR/P/13/48: 1844 (Jul. 25): File n° 18-26: Report by William Griffith on the Calcutta Botanic Garden.
24IOR/P/16/69: 1864, n° 17: Public Works Department: Relief of cyclone damage.
25IOR/P/188: 1873 (Feb.), File n° 2, pp. 3-5: Model farms.
26IOR/P/188: 1873 (Feb. 10), File n° 1, Proc. 16: Supply of Mahogany seeds from Jamaica.
27IOR/P/188: 1873 (Feb. 10), File n° 6, Proc. 55, pp. 3-5: Rules for the sale and distribution of plants and seeds from the Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta.
28IOR/P/188: 1873 (Feb. 20), File n° 4, pp. 5-6: Use of the bark of adansonia digitata (babobab tree) to make paper.
29IOR/P/188: 1873 (Mar. 7), B file n° 7, Proc. 4-5: Transfer of money from sale of plants from the Botanical Garden to the Civil Revenue instead of the Public Works Department.
30IOR/P/188: 1873 (Apr. 8), File n° 5, Proc. 14, p. 129: Public Gardens: Barrackpore cantonment.
31IOR/P/188: 1873 (Apr. 19), File n° 4, pp. 86-88: Cultivation of adansonia digitata on waste lands.
32IOR/P/188: 1873 (May 14), File n° 24, Proc. 1-3, pp. 184-186. Report on experimental culture of cotton in the jail gardens of Beerbhoom and Midnapore.
33IOR/P/188: 1873 (Apr. 23), File n° 20, p. 132: Small-scale experiment in Midnapore to improve local chickens and sheep.
34IOR/P/188: 1873 (Jun. 4), B file n° 22, Proc. 1-2: Funds for Government House Garden.
35IOR/P/188: 1873 (Jun. 10), File n° 2, Proc. 31-32, 10th June, 1873, pp. 153-155: Model Farm in Arrah (Shahabad, Patna division).
36IOR/P/188: 1873 (Jun. 11), File n° 5, Proc. 16-17, pp. 169-170: Jails and experimental farms.
37IOR/P/188: 1873 (Jun. 21), File n° 38, Proc. 1-2, pp. 125-127: Model farm in Jamalpore and in the Mymensingh district.
38IOR/P/188: 1873 (Jun. 25), File n° 2, Proc. 44, p. 143: Instructions for sowing opium.
39IOR/P/188: 1873 (Jun. 25), File n° 32, Proc. 1, p. 52: Shillong experimental farm.
40IOR/P/188: 1873 (Jun. 26), File n° 5, Proc. 20-21, p. 187: Mr. D’Oyley authorized to acquire ganja for experimental cultivation.
41IOR/P/188: 1873 (July), File n° 2, Proc 6-7, July 1873: Acquisition of the collection of plants and notes of Dr. J. L. Stewart, Conservator of Forests, Punjab.
42IOR/P/188: 1873 (Aug.), B file n° 26, Proc. 2A&B: Twenty copies of the Botanical Gardens reports sent to the inspector-general of jails.
43IOR/P/188: 1873 (Aug. 2), File n° 35, Proc. 1-2, pp. 63-64: Proposal to establish a botanical garden for medical students in College Square.
44IOR/P/188: 1873 (Aug. 4), File n° 4, Proc. 6, p. 6: The superintendent of the Botanical Garden requested to supervise baobab culture.
45IOR/P/188: 1873 (Aug. 10), Proc. 4-5: Use of poudrette manure in jails.
46IOR/P/188: 1873 (Aug. 18), File n° 5, Proc. 24-25, pp. 97-98: Local officers requested to assist each other in procuring seeds until the governement has established a central depot.
47IOR/P/188: 1873 (Aug. 18), File n° 37, Proc. 1-3, pp. 98-99: Proposal to establish a central seed depot.
48IOR/P/188: 1873 (Sep. 11), File n° 41, Proc. 1, pp. 158-159: The Commissioner of Burdwan requested to take immediate steps to regain possession of the Rishra land on which it has been decided to establish an experimental farm.
49IOR/P/188: 1874 (Jan.), B file: Extra allowance granted to J.L. Lister for his acting as garden curator when Mr. Scott was deputed to the Opium Department.
50IOR/P/188: 1874 (Jan. 19), File n° 5, Proc. 3, pp. 7-10: Proposal that a central seed depot be established in the Botanical Garden.
51IOR/P/188: 1874 (Feb. 9), File n° 6, Proc. 1-3, pp. 9-18: Cost of the enlargement of the Cinchona plantations at Mungpoo.
52IOR/P/188: 1874 (Feb. 11), B file: Report on Mr. Beck.
53IOR/P/188: 1874 (Feb. 11), B file n° 13, Proc. 2-3: The Superintendent of the Botanical Gardens asks that the periodicals sent to the Garden be addressed to Howrah rather than Calcutta.
54IOR/P/188: 1874 (Apr.), File n° 10, Proc. 1, pp. 38-39: Proposal to establish botanical garden for medical students.
55IOR/P/188: 1874 (Apr. 11), File n° 9, Proc. 2-3, pp. 31-37: Photograph of vegetables grown in the Presidency jail garden during the cold season 1873-74.
56IOR/P/188: 1874 (Apr. 24), B file n° 13, Proc. 8: List of books acquired on the open market.
57IOR/P/188: 1874 (Jun. 26), B file n° 8, Proc. 1-3: 300 copies of the catalogue of plants in the Royal Botanical Gardens, Calcutta, sent to the superintendent for distribution.
58IOR/P/188: 1874 (Nov. 6), File 6, Proc. 86, pp. 32-33: Funds for improvements in the Botanical Garden.
59IOR/P/188: 1874 (Nov. 7), File 6, Proc. 88, pp. 33-34: Grant for establishment in the Botanical Garden.
60IOR/P/188: 1874 (Dec.), B file n° 6, Proc. 84-85: Indent on the Mathematical Instruments Department, Calcutta, for one dumpy level and two levelling stones required for the Botanical Gardens.
61IOR/P/188: 1874 (Dec. 28), File n° 6, Proc. 90, pp. 35-36: Grant of 10 000 roupies for the Garden’s improvements and removing the labourer’s huts from their present position.
62IOR/P/188: 1875 (Jan.), B file n° 6, Proc. 2-3: Proposal for increasing the pay of the Botanical Garden artist.
63IOR/P/188: 1875 (Feb. 3), B file, 3d feb. 1875, 6, 7-9: New sluice for the Botanical Garden.
64IOR/P/188: 1875 (Feb. 6), B file n° 6, Proc. 10-11: New plant house and order for galvanized iron netting for the Botanical Garden.
65IOR/P/188: 1875 (Mar.), File n° 2, Proc. 39-40, pp. 91-98: Poosah model farm.
66IOR/P/188: 1875 (Mar.), File n° 3, Proc. 1-2, pp. 71-79: Compilation of reports from jail superintendents by Inspector-General of jails.
67IOR/P/188: 1875 (Mar.), File n° 4, Proc. 4-5, pp. 81-83: Grant of 1200 roupies a month to the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India.
68IOR/P/188: 1875 (Mar. 22), File 6, Proc. 23-34, pp. 99-100: Transfer of the Botanical Garden to the Provincial Revenues of Bengal.
69IOR/P/188: 1875 (May 5), File n° 4, Proc. 7, p. 151: Doubling of the grant to the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India.
70IOR/P/188: 1875 (May 14), File 6, Proc. 33, pp. 151-52: Funds for Botanical Garden driving road going from the banyan tree to the North of the Garden.
71IOR/P/188: 1875 (May 31), File 6, Proc. 45: Transfer of the gardens of the North-West Provinces and Madras to the Provincial Governments.
72IOR/P/188: 1875 (Jul. 6), File 6, Proc. 56, 6th Jul. 1875, pp. 7-8: Boundary wall, durwan house and coolie lines in the Botanical Gardens.
73IOR/P/188: 1875 (Aug. 10), B file n° 6, Proc. 69-70: Metal gate supplied by the Presidency Jail for the Botanical Garden.
74IOR/P/188: 1875 (Sep. 31st), File 6, Proc. 78, p. 52: Rules to be observed by visitors to the Botanical Garden.
75IOR/P/188: 1875 (Oct. 18th), B file n° 6, Proc. 93-94: Translation of the rules of the Botanical Garden in bengali.
76IOR/P/188: 1875 (Nov.), B file n° 6, Proc. 65: Rules for accountants directing them to open a new minor head, « botanical and public gardens », immediately after « model farms », subordinate to « minor establishment » in their Provincial Service Accounts from the current year, and informing them that receipts from such gardens should be included in « Sundry receipts », subordinate to « Miscellaneous receipts ».
77IOR/P/188: 1875 (Nov. 9th), File 6, Proc. 107, pp. 79-80: Mr Lister appointed as botanical collector.
78IOR/P/188: 1875 (Nov. 17th), File 6, Proc. 119, p. 94: Funds for the Botanical Garden to welcome the Prince of Wales.
79IOR/P/188: 1875 (Nov. 30th), File 6, Proc. 102, pp. 77-78: Botanical Garden Budget Estimate for the year 1876-77.
80IOR/P/188: 1875 (Dec. 8th), File 6, Proc. 105, p. 79: Construction of a ladies’ cloak-room and accommodation for one jemadar and two durwans.
81IOR/P/884: 1877 (Jan.), Proc. 5, p. 13: Minute on scientific agriculture in the Province under the Government of Bengal.
82IOR/P/884: 1877 (Apr.), Proc. 14-15, pp. 39-41: Proposal of Messrs Begg, Dunlop & Co. to cultivate the Poosah farm.
83IOR/P/884: 1877 (June 1st), Proc. 6, Coll. 5: Chestnut seeds.
84IOR/P/884:1878 (Mar.), Proc. 9-12: Monument to Sulpiz Kurz.
85IOR P/884, 1878 (Jan. 4th), B file, Proc. 1-2: Request of the Superintendent of the Botanic Gardens to be allowed to acquire seeds without previous government sanction.
86IOR P/884, 1878 (Feb.), Proc. 2-3: Drugs for the Botanic Gardens.
87IOR P/884, 1878 (Jul.), Proc. 41: Branch garden in Darjeeling.
88IOR/P/1324: 1837 (Aug. 9th) Proc. 46-48: Plant collectors employed locally in India.
89IOR P/1328: 1879 (May 9th), Proc. 6-7: Gift of dried plants by the late Mr. Kurz.
90IOR P/1328: 1879 (Jan.), B file n° 8: Purchase of buildings in the Poosah farm by Messrs. Begg, Dunlop & Co.
91IOR/P/1663: 1881 (Apr.), File n° 1, Proc. 1-2, pp. 30-31: Proposed amalgamation of the appointments of Government Quinologist and Principal Medical Store-keeper in Bengal.
92IOR/P/1832: 1882 (Oct.), Project of lift for carrying printed forms.
93IOR/P/1832: 1882 (Oct.), File 43: Appropriation of Rs. 40 669 towards completion of iron and wooden cases in the Indian Museum.
94IOR/P/1832: 1882 (Sep.), Improvement of Eden Gardens, Rs. 6,082.
95IOR/P/1832: 1882 (Sep.) Account, general: Amounts accepted by the Government of India for expenditure by Public Works Officers.
96IOR/P/2026. 1883, B file n° 4, Proc. B-6-9: Report of Dr King on the proposal made by Mr. Willocks for the cultivation of the plant Acacia Decurrens in this country.
97IOR/P/2036: 1883, B file, n° 1, Coll.15: Red tape for Bengal Secretariat.
98IOR/P/2036: 1883 (Jan. 30): File n° 1, Proc. 4-5, pp. 3-4: Cost of the 1881 Census.
99IOR/P/2036: 1883 (Feb. 10), B file n° 1, Coll. 6, Ser. Num. 2&3: Salary of botanical collector.
100IOR/P/2036: 1883 (Feb. 20), B file, n° 4, Coll. 6, Ser. Num. 4 to 6: Complaint of Mr. H. Cloete against some employees of the Botanical Gardens.
101IOR/P/2036: 1883 (Apr. 12), B file, n° 8, Coll. 6, Ser. Num. 41: Publication of the Annals of the Botanical Garden, authorized.
102IOR/P/2036: 1883 (Apr. 19), B file, n° 2, Coll. 6, Ser. Num. 9-14: Dismissal of Mr. Craig.
103IOR/P/2036: 1883 (Jun. 10), B file n° 3: Steam engine in the botanical garden.
104IOR/P/2036: 1883 (Jun. 30), B file, n° 6, Ser. Num. 17-18: Old maps of the Botanical gardens, Calcutta.
105IOR/P/2036: 1883 (Jul. 19), B file, Coll. 6, Ser. Num. 26.
106IOR/P/2036: 1883 (Aug. 6), B file, n° 8, Coll. 6, Ser. Num. 25. Budget for the publication of the Annals of the Botanical Garden.
107IOR/P/2036: 1883 (Nov. 19), B file, n° 1, Coll. 6: Botanical Garden Estimates.
108IOR/P/2036: 1883 (Dec. 8), B file, n° 12, Coll. 6, Ser. Num. 39-43: Grant of 2000 roupies for the preservation of the river banks opposite the Botanical Garden.
109IOR P/2503: 1885 (Jan.), File n° 2, Proc. 1-2: Superintendent of the Royal Botanic Gardens authorized to spend the budget irrespective of the several budget heads.
110IOR P/2503: 1885 (Feb.), File n° 6, Proc. 8-9: Grant of Rs. 5000 for the repair of a portion of the river bank.
111IOR P/2503: 1885 (May), File n° 9, Proc. 17-18: supply of plants free of costs to municipalities.
112IOR P/3677, 1891, Scientific and other minor departments budget estimate.
113IOR P/5178, 1897 (March), File n° 6-7, E 1-G/7: Storage of ganja.
114IOR/P/5178: 1897, B file n° 39-44, M2B/2, p. 25: Reprinting of the Guide to the Royal Botanic Gardens.
115IOR/P/5178: 1897, B file n° 84-86, M3B/1, p. 27: Quarters for the European gardeners for service in India.
116IOR/P/5178: 1897, B file n° 72-77, M3B/1, p. 28: Grant of local allowance to Mr G. T. Lane, Curator.
117IOR/P/5178: 1896 (Oct. 6), Proc. 48, p. 71: Provincial contracts.
118IOR/P/5178: 1897, B file n° 22-25: European gardeners: list of appointments in Bengal to be filled up by men recruited in England under the scheme recently sanctioned by the Secretary of State.
119IOR/P/5178: 1897, Proc. 7, File n° F 1-E/32 1: Scientific and other minor departments’ budget estimate for 1897-98.
120IOR/P/7044:1905 (Apr.), Proc. 60-61, File n° F1E/32 1, pp. 137-151: Scientific and other minor departments’ budget estimate for 1905-1906.
121IOR/P/8688: 1911 (Jan.), Proc. 1, n° 63-82 E: scale of pay for engineers.
122IOR/P/8688: 1911 (Jan.), Proc. B 56-57, 1M/5, Dismantlement of unauthorized structures erected by the Committee of the Calcutta Swimming bath on the Maidan.
123IOR/P/8688: 1911 (Jan.), Proc. 12, p. 19: Resolution forbidding the cutting of trees in the compound of a residential building.
124IOR/P/8694: 1911 (Nov.), Proc. 1-3, Mis. 8R/6, pp. 3-6: Curtailment of annual reports of directors of surveys.
125IOR/Z/E/4/18/G434: 1844-1846: Griffith, Assistant Surgeon William, Reports on Botanical gardens, Calcutta.
Jardin Botanique de Calcutta [ JBC]
126A = administration
127AJ = affaires du jardin
128BE = botanique économique
129FI = finances
130PG = plantes et graines
131TR= travail et employés
132JBC/A 1887-1893: Trees for roadside planting
133JBC/A 1894: Department of Revenue and Agriculture
134JBC/A 1885-88: Instructions on annual reports
135JBC/A 1901: Order for portfolios
136JBC/A 1901: Dispatch of the Census
137JBC/A 1904: Bengal Public Parks Act
138JBC/A 1904-1905: Correspondance with Government Printing
139JBC/A 1904-1906: Damaged trees
140JBC/A 1905-1907: Supply of stores
141JBC/A 1906: Information about the great banian
142JBC/A 1908: Supply of guide
143JBC/A 1909: Dinghy to carry books
144JBC/A 1909-1912: Annals of the Botanic Garden
145JBC/A 1910: Reduced copies of the map of the Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta
146JBC/A 1911: Advice on Indian Civil Service
147JBC/A 1912: Paper sent from China
148JBC/AJ 1899: Assault by police sergent
149JBC/AJ 1887-1888: Boundary correspondence - municipal case
150JBC/AJ 1889-90: Garden wire-fencing
151JBC/AJ 1895: Banyan gate
152JBC/AJ 1895: Broken bridge
153JBC/AJ 1895: Damaged ghat
154JBC/AJ 1896: Damaged floating jetty
155JBC/AJ 1895: Danger to carriage traffic
156JBC/AJ 1895: Shooting of a boy
157JBC/AJ 1895: Striking of a durwan
158JBC/AJ 1896: Correspondence with East India Railway (traffic department)
159JBC/AJ 1896: Pass for removing articles
160JBC/AJ 1898: Decoration Howrah bridge
161JBC/AJ 1898: Drain and roof problems
162JBC/AJ 1904: Garden rules
163JBC/AJ 1907: Zinc labels
164JBC/AJ 1908-1909: Supply of quinine to jails
165JBC/AJ 1909-1913: Jolly boat
166JBC/AJ 1911: Photographs sent to Hutchinson & co.
167JBC/AJ 1911-1912: Complaint about late telegram
168JBC/BE 1865-66: Darjeeling cinchona plantations
169JBC/BE 1875: Minute against mahogany in Bengal
170JBC/BE 1889: Annual report on the cinchona plantation and factory
171JBC/BE 1893: Ganja investigation
172JBC/BE 1894: Agricultural botany
173JBC/BE 1894: Cannabis sativa
174JBC/BE 1902-1903: Board of Scientific Advice
175JBC/BE 1903: Board of Scientific Advice – first meeting
176JBC/BE 1903-1904: Jute deterioration
177JBC/BE 1905: Cultivation of flax
178JBC BE 1906: Board of Scientific Advice
179JBC/BE 1911: Bordeaux Mixture
180JBC/FI 1887-1909: Supply of generic paper
181JBC/FI 1894: Supply of joists, bed plates, nuts and bolts
182JBC/FI 1896: Bills for garden seats
183JBC/FI 1896: Supply of steam coal for the garden engine
184JBC/FI 1897: Lloyd’s garden expenses
185JBC/FI 1897: Tentage Allowance, Woodrow
186JBC/FI 1907-1908: Quinine money sent to the Bank of Bengal
187JBC/FI 1911: Forms and hand printing press
188JBC/PG 1888: Gold Mohur, Ficus Comosa
189JBC/PG 1897: Sisal hemp – questions
190JBC/PG 1898: Supply of trees to Loretto Convent
191JBC/PG 1899: Identification of plants for the Reporter on Economic Products
192JBC/PG 1899: Free pass for shipping
193JBC/PG 1900: Correspondance with Newark, New Jersey
194JBC/PG 1898: Ganja supply to Imperial Institute, London
195JBC/PG 1902: Paspalum dilatatum
196JBC/PG 1904: Identification of specimens
197JBC/PG 1905: Supply of plants to Fort William arsenal
198JBC/PG 1906: Urgent sale of quinine to Colombo
199JBC/PG 1905: Plant and seed distribution
200JBC/PG 1906: Plant and seed distribution
201JBC/PG 1906: Supply of plants to Bengal Nagpur Railway
202JBC/PG 1911: Seeds to retired Bengal Chaplain
203JBC/PG 1911: Corespondence with Ootacamund
204JBC/PG 1911: Postcard
205JBC/TR 1897: Rules for medical certificates
206JBC/TR 1889: Case of Joseph Halvey
207JBC/TR 1889: Pension cases
208JBC/TR 1891-92: File on David Prain
209JBC/TR 1896: Compensation for dearness of provisions
210JBC/TR 1896: Wrong payment of Rs.8
211JBC/TR 1899: Claim to clasps by Inayat Khan
212JBC/TR 1901-1904: Appointment of a gardener to Cawnpore Memorial Garden
213JBC/TR 1903: Umrao Singh service book
214JBC/TR 1903: Applications for pensions and gratuities
215JBC/TR 1903-1904 : Pension applications
216JBC/TR 1903-1905 : Pension applications
217JBC/TR 1904: Deputation of garden officers
218JBC/TR 1904: Disease of Norman Gill
219JBC/TR 1905: Monthly attendance roll
220JBC/TR 1907: Appointment of W. G. Craib
221JBC/TR 1908-1916: Training in arboriculture
222JBC/TR 1909-1912: Statement of wages
223JBC/TR 1909-1916: Training in arboriculture
224JBC/TR 1911: Health of a collector
225JBC/TR 1911: Dublin University Mission, Hazaribagh
226JBC/TR 1911: Stranded foreigner
227JBC/TR 1912: Cecil Hart - job application
Kew Gardens Library and Archives [KGLA]
228DC= Directors’ Correspondance
229MR= Miscellaneous Reports
230KGLA DC/155
231KGLA DC/156
232KGLA MR/107: India, Botanical Survey, 1884-1920.
233KGLA MR/113: India, Reports on Botanical Survey, 1893-1922.
234KGLA MR/163: India, Museums.
235KGLA MR/225: Calcutta, Botanic Gardens, 1830-1928.
236KGLA MR/226: Calcutta, Botanic Gardens, Annual Reports, 1891-1900.
237KGLA MR/228: Calcutta, Botanic Gardens, Gardeners, 1880-1898.
238KGLA MR/229: Calcutta, Botanic Gardens, Gardeners, 1897-1912.
South Asia Archive [SAA]
239Sarf= South Asia Research Foundation
240SAA/Sarf.120110/208557/002: 1893: Annual Report of the Agricultural & Horticultural Society of India for the year 1892-1893.
241SAA/Sarf.120110/208557/003: 1893: Proceedings & Journal of the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India for April - June 1893.
242SAA Sarf.142785/209149/004, Detailed Report of the Proceedings of the Fourth Indian National Congress held at Allahabad on the 26th, 27th, 28th, and 29th of December, 1888.
243SAA/Sarf.142912/209402/003: Report of the Trustees of the Indian Museum, 1898-99.
244SAA/Sarf.140603/201309/015: 1911: Revised Financial Statement of the Government of Bengal For 1910-11.
245SAA/Sarf.140603/201309/018: 1911: Budget of the Government of Bengal for 1910-1911.
246SAA/Sarf.100199/221785/003: 1878: Public Works Department, Bengal. Schedule of Expenditure on Repairs during the years 1877-78.
247SAA/Sarf.120250/221615/003: 1887: Memorandum on the Corrosion of the Lead Linings of Indian Tea Chests, by Alex. Pedler, F. C. S., Professor of Chemistry in the Presidency College, Calcutta.
248SAA/Sarf.140603/201309/015: 1911: Revised Financial Statement of the Government of Bengal For 1910-11.
State Archives of West Bengal, Calcutta [SAWB]
249Agri.: Agriculture
250Edn.: Education
251Fin.: Finance
252Fin. Mis.: Finance Miscellaneous
253For.: Forests
254Genl. Mis.: General Miscellaneous
255I&S.: Industry and Science
256Md.: Medical
257Rev.: Revenue
258Proc.: proceeding(s)
259SAWB Agri. 1874, (January), File n° 12, Proc. B5: Application of the Superintendent for an advance for current expenses in the Botanical Garden.
260SAWB Agri. 1874 (July), Proc. 6-11: Letter requesting the Superintendent, Botanical Garden, to undertake the experimental cultivation of Adansonia digitata of Baobab tree.
261SAWB Agri. 1874 (July), Proc. 12: Letter from the Government of India enquiring on the subject of the Adansonia digitata or Baobab tree forwarded to the Superintendent, Botanical Garden, and to the Conservator of Forests.
262SAWB Agri. 1874 (July), Proc. 13: Letter from the Superintendent, Botanical Garden, on the subject of Adansonia digitata or Baobab tree, forwarded to the Government of India.
263SAWB Agri. 1874 (July), Proc. B. 41: Purchase of umbrellas for chaprasis attached to the Botanical Gardens, Sibpur.
264SAWB Agri. 1875 (February), Proc. 4-5: Entertainment of a second gardener for the establishment for the Botanical Gardens, Sibpur, negatived.
265SAWB Agri. 1875 (May), Proc. 33-34: Rupees 5000 sanctioned for making a driving road and for excavating a swampy ground in Botanical Gardens, Sibpur.
266SAWB Agri. 1875 (July), Proc. 53-55: Rules for the distribution of fruit grafts, plants, etc., from Botanical Gardens, Sibpur.
267SAWB Agri. 1875 (August), File n° 6, Proc. 71: Grant of Rs. 500 to place the Botanical gardens, Sibpur, in complete order before Christmas.
268SAWB Agri. 1875 (September), File 6, Proc. 77-79: Rules for the observance of visitors to the Botanical Gardens, Sibpur.
269SAWB Agri. 1875 (November), Proc. 105-106: Erection of a ladies’ cloak room in the Botanical Gardens, Sibpur.
270SAWB Agri. 1875 (November), Proc. 102-104: Botanical Garden, Sibpur: 1875-76, Sanction accorded to the disbursement of Rs. 1800 in excess of the budget for the salary and travelling expenses of the Botanical Garden Collector.
271SAWB Agri. 1875 (December), Proc. 109-110: Erection of a small house for the accommodation of a jamadar and two durwans in the Botanical Gardens, Sibpur.
272SAWB Agri. 1876 (January), Proc. 1-3: Appointment of an officer to discharge the double duties of Assistant Professor of Botany at the Medical College and Assistant Head Gardener at the Botanical Gardens, Sibpur.
273SAWB Agri. 1876 (July), Proc. 10-11: Report on the cultivation of adansonia digitata of Baobab tree in the Botanic Garden.
274SAWB Agri. 1876 (August), File n° 9, Proc. B.55-56: Manual of Cinchona Cultivation in India, by Dr King.
275SAWB Agri. 1876 (October), File n° 6, Proc. 74-75: Herbarium at Botanical Gardens, Sibpur.
276SAWB Agri. 1877 (March), Proc. 6-7: Purchase in the local market of four dozens kodalis for use in the botanic gardens.
277SAWB Agri. 1877 (May), Proc. 38-39: Cinchona Cultivation: explanation of Dr. King in regard to the loss of Government Revenue of Rs. 36000 for which the government of India blame him.
278SAWB Agri. 1877 (October), Proc. 42: Botanical Garden, Sibpur, 1878-79: Allotment increased to Rs. 60 000.
279SAWB Agri. 1879 (March), File n° 13, Proc. B.4: Allowance for the maintenance of the pony for the Botanical Gardens, Sibpur.
280SAWB Agri. 1878 (March), File n° B.9-10, Proc. B.17: Botanical Gardens, Sibpur: Erection of a monument in the memory of the late Mr. Kurz.
281SAWB Agri. 1880 (May), Proc. 27-31: Appointment of Mr. Forbes as Botanical Collector of the Botanical Gardens, Sibpur, and to carry on the duties of the office of the Curator of the Herbarium during the absence, on sick leave, of Mr Scott.
282SAWB Agri. 1882 (February), Proc. 10-12: Sanctioning the estimate of Rs. 9619 for connecting some of the tanks in the Botanical Gardens, by underground pipes, and for the purchase of a suitable engine to keep the water at high level.
283SAWB Agri. 1882 (December), Proc. 17: Botanical Garden, Sibpur, 1881-82: Sanction to a special grant of Rs. 25 000 during the current year to meet a part of the cost on the understanding that the balance will be provided from the Public Works Fund in 1882-1883 (Branch: Agriculture, Head: Experimental farms, jails, and public gardens.)
284SAWB Agri. 1883 (August), Proc. 26: Establishment for the Botanical Gardens, Sibpur: Deputation of King, Dr., in connection with the proposed publication of the Annals of the Botanical Garden, Calcutta.
285SAWB Agri: 1885 (May), File n° 6, Proc. B-17-18: Distribution of fruit grafts, plants, etc., from Botanical Gardens, Sibpur: practice hitherto observed for the supply to municipalities of plants from the Botanical Garden.
286SAWB Agri. 1908 (January), File n° 5A/20, Proc. B151-60: Appointment of Woodhouse, Mr., as Economic Botanist, Bengal.
287SAWB Edn. 1868 (December), Proc. 1-3: Scheme for translation into Urdu and Bengali of certain Medical Works.
288SAWB Edn. 1869 (August), Proc. 19-26: Translation of the English Medical Works into vernacular for the use of the students of the Calcutta Medical College.
289SAWB Edn. 1876 (October), File n° 25, Proc. B.25-26: Medical Dictionary in Bengali by Babu Jadunath Mukharji. Medical College and the several medical schools allowed to subscribe from their contingent allowance for such number of copies of the work as they may think desirable to take.
290SAWB Edn. 1881 (April), File n° 59, Proc. B3:. Correspondance on the subject of getting the consent of authors having copyright in Medical Works Published in Europe to their translation into the vernacular.
291SAWB Fin. 1878 (November), Proc. 77-79: Minor departments estimate for 1878-79.
292SAWB Fin. 1878 (November), Proc. 81-83: Cinchona plantation.
293SAWB Fin. 1878 (November), Proc. 85-86: Botanical Garden, Sibpur: increase in Dr King’s Travelling allowance.
294SAWB Fin. 1882 (February), Proc. 2-3: Minor Departments estimate for 1882-83.
295SAWB Fin. 1882 (February), Proc. 7-8: Improvements of the Botanical Garden, Calcutta: erection of a new herbarium building at a cost of Rs. 52 737.
296SAWB Fin. 1882 (February), Proc. 33-35. Bengal Census Report (Branch: Statistics, Head: Census).
297SAWB Fin. 1890 (February), Proc. 1-12: Scientific and other minor departments budget estimate for 1890-91.
298SAWB Fin. 1882 (February), File 2, Proc. B 27-28: List of the officers who complained of the inferior quality of paper received from the Stationery Office, London.
299SAWB Fin. 1893 (January), File n° 2C/1, Proc. B. 27-35: Scheme for supply of European Gardeners for Botanical Gardens, Sibpur.
300SAWB Fin. Mis. 1865 (April), Proc. 2-5: Restoration of a piece of land to the Sibpur Botanical Gardens by the Agri-Horticultural Society.
301SAWB Fin. Mis. 1865 (April), Proc. 8-12, Agricultural exhibition at Dacca.
302SAWB Fin. Misc. 1888 (March), Proc. B. 9-10.. Extension of the Palm House in the Botanical Gardens, Sibpur: Intimation to the Superintendent, Botanical Gardens, that the expenditure in connection with Palm House, must be limited to Rs. 15 000, as provided for in the scientific and other minor budget for the ensuing year.
303SAWB Fin. Mis. 1889 (March), File n° M 2B/2, Proc. B. 1-13: Halvey, Mr., Assistant Curator of the Botanical Gardens, Sibpur, reported to have become insane: leave granted to Mr. Halvey for the unexpired portion of his service.
304SAWB Fin. Misc. 1890 (March), File n° M3B/2, Proc. B 7-9. Orders of the Government of India sanctioning an annual grant of Rs .1000 to the Superintendent of the Botanical Garden, Calcutta, for Exploration in Assam and Burma, asking the Chief Commissioners of the Provinces to assist the Superintendent in his explorations, and to promote the work by additional provincial grants.
305SAWB Fin. Mis. 1890, File n° M1C/4, Proc. B. 36-40. Establishment for the Botanical Gardens, Sibpur. Appointment of Proudlock, Mr., Assistant Curator of the garden, as Curator of the garden in succession to Mr. McHardy, and his promotion to the third grade of the service on a salary of Rs 250 rising to 350 a month, sanctioned.
306SAWB Fin. Mis. 1890 (July), File n° M 1C/4, Proc. 20-21, 24-25: Proposal of the Superintendent to introduce graded systems of appointments in the Botanical Gardens, submitted to the Government of India for consideration.
307SAWB Fin. Mis. 1890 (September), File n° M 1C/4, Proc. 26-30: Establishment for the Botanical Gardens, Sibpur: post of the native overseer of the – was abolished and the permanent and temporary office establishment employed in the Gardens and the cinchona cultivation were reorganized.
308SAWB Fin. Misc. 1890 (September), File n° M 1C/4, Proc. 26-28. Final Orders of the Government of India regarding the Organization of the Establishment for the Botanical Gardens, Sibpur.
309SAWB Fin Misc. 1890 (December), File n° M 1C/4, Proc. B.31-32, 41-42. Establishment for the Botanical Gardens, Sibpur: India’s order communicating the Secretary of State’s sanction to the increase of pay of Prain, Dr., from Rs. 450 to 600 per mensem, with effect from the 1st April, 1890.
310SAWB Fin. Mis. 1891 (July), File n° M1V/1, Proc. B. 52-53: List of employés of the Botanical Gardens, Sibpur who are volunteers.
311SAWB Fin. Mis. 1891 (September), File n° M 1C/4, Proc. B. 59-61. Establishment for the Botanical Gardens, Sibpur: admission of menial servants to pension rules, declined.
312SAWB Fin. Mis. 1893 (January), File n° M 1B/1. Proc. B. 79-81: Botanical Survey Publications: Director of Botanical Survey of India’s reply to India’s enquiry about the advisability of instructing the officers of the survey to issue publications similar to the Annals of the Botanic Garden, Sibpur.
313SAWB Fin. Mis. 1893 (July), File n° M3B/1, Proc. B. 112-14. Establishment for the Botanical Gardens, Sibpur: temporary re-employment of Bhagwan Singh, a Government pensioner, as a durwan in the Botanical Gardens, Sibpur on Rs. 8 a month, sanctioned.
314SAWB Fin. Mis. 1895 (April), File n° M 2B/3, Proc. B. 8-10: Cost of the purchase of 1000 copies of the map for the Guide to Botanic Gardens.
315SAWB Fin. Mis. 1895 (April), File n° M 2B/3. Proc. B. 11-13: Supply of copies of the Guide to Botanic Gardens to the editors of certain local daily papers.
316SAWB Fin. Misc. 1895 (August), File n° M 3B/2, Proc. 1-7: Rules for the appointment of European Gardeners in the Botanical Gardens in India.
317SAWB Fin. Mis. 1895 (September), File n° M 3B/2, Proc. B. 72-74. Entertainment of Botanical Collectors in the Botanical Gardens, Sibpur during 1895-96.
318SAWB Fin. Misc. 1897 (January), Proc. B. 84-86: Quarters for European Gardeners sent out from England for service in the Botanical Gardens, Sibpur, and other gardens.
319SAWB Fin Misc. 1897 (April), File n° M 3B/1, Proc. B. 22-25. Appointment of European Gardeners in the Botanical Gardens in India: list of appointments in Bengal to be filled up by men recruited in England under the scheme recently sanctioned by the Secretary of State.
320SAWB Fin. Mis. 1897 (December), Proc. 99-100, File M. 2B/9: Sanctioned the purchase of threes bicycles at a cost not exceeding Rs. 275 each for the use of the Curator, Assistant-Curator and the Probationer Gardener of the Royal Botanic Gardens to replace the tricycles which have become quite worn out and therefore unfit for use.
321SAWB Fin. Mis. 1898 (December), File n° M 1C/7, Proc. B 110-11: Purchase of a pony for the Botanical Gardens, Sibpur.
322SAWB Fin. Misc. 1900 (June), File n° L/3, Proc. 1-2. Appointments carrying Rs. 200 and upwards in the Botanical Gardens, Sibpur to be added to the list of exemptions in paragraph 3 of Home Department order n° 21.746-753, dated the 18th April, 1879 (Article 773, Civil Service Regulations).
323SAWB Fin. Mis. 1901 (March), File n° M3B/3, Proc. B.74-75: Appointment of a cryptogamic botanist.
324SAWB Fin. Mis. 1903 (August), File n° M1I/1, Proc. B. 15-19. Manual Power Pump for the Botanical Gardens: Expenditure of Rs. 161-4 on account of the cost of repairing the Manual Power Pump which arrived from England in a damaged condition, sanctioned.
325SAWB Fin. Mis. 1903 (October), File n° M2B/8, Proc. B 17-18. Erection of a line of posts to carry a telephone line through the Botanical Gardens, Sibpur.
326SAWB Fin. Mis. 1903 (October), File n° M 2B/8, Proc. B 17-18: Special grant of Rs. 3000 to meet the cost of filling up one of the tanks in the Botanical Gardens, Sibpur, sanctioned.
327SAWB Fin. Mis. 1904 (April), File n° M 2B/7, Proc. 19-30. Purchase of 407 sets of Bengal Plants, by Major D. Prain, in two volumes at a cost of Rs. 20 each, and distribution of the same by the Book Depôt after having them bound at the Secretariat Press.
328SAWB Fin. Misc. 1904 (October); File n° M3B/4, Proc. B. 36-38: Seed-House in the Botanical Gardens, Sibpur: Additions to, alterations in, and adaptation of the existing accommodation for use as a laboratory and museum at an estimated cost of Rs. 26 000.
329SAWB Fin. Mis. 1904 (October), File n° M 3B/1, Proc. B. 19-20. Establishment for the Botanical Gardens, Sibpur: clerks (two) in the office of the Superintendent, Botanical Gardens, Sibpur were allowed to draw the maximum pay of their grade, Rs. 20-30, with effect from the date of their appointment as eighth and ninth clerks, in the permanent establishment of the office: The Superintendent’s proposal to allow their continuous temporary service to count towards pension was negatived, as it was opposed to the provision of Article 370, Civil Service Regulations.
330SAWB Fin. Mis. 1908 (March), File M 1L/4, Proc. B. 27-29. Stores and stationeries required for the Botanical Gardens: purchase in the local market of 67 pieces of dark-green Morocco leather at the cost of Rs. 700, required for the binding of certain portfolios for the Superintendent.
331SAWB For. 1864 (August), Proc. B. 26-27: Memorandum from the Public Works Department of the Government of Bengal, transferring for disposal a copy of « Work on timber trees of India » by Dr Balfour:, together with a letter addressed to the Superintendent, Botanical Garden, Sibpur, calling for any further information on the subject that may be available for communication to the Government of India.
332SAWB For. 1869 (August), File 2B/2, Proc. 9-18: Proposal for the establishment of a Museum of Economic Botany in connection with the Botanical Gardens, Sibpur.
333SAWB For. 1872 (June), Proc. 16-18: Improvements in the Botanical Gardens, Sibpur: Orders regarding the interchange of seeds between Indian Botanical Garden and those in the colonies.
334SAWB Genl. Mis. 1861 (August), File n° 12, Proc. 18-19 & 47. Annual allowance for the Botanical Garden, authorized to be disposed of at the discretion of the Superintendent.
335SAWB Genl. Mis. 1861 (September), Proc. 3-4. Employment of a European Gardener in the Botanical Gardens, Sibpur, sanctioned.
336SAWB Genl. Mis. 1862 (June), File n° 82-88., Proc. 27-28. Further increase sanctioned to the annual allowance for the Botanical Garden, Sibpur.
337SAWB Genl. Mis. 1863 (April), Proc. 20-21. Establishment for the Botanical Gardens, Sibpur: application of the Political Agent of Munipore for the services of a native botanist to collect some of the rare plants of that district for the Botanic Gardens.
338SAWB Genl. Misc. 1863 (September), Proc. 73-77. Distribution of fruit grafts, plants, etc., from Botanical Gardens, Sibpur: Recommendation of the Agricultural and Horticultural Society to supply the public with plants from Botanical Gardens, Sibpur at a fixed price, and the sanction of Government to the plan of putting up all surplus plants for unreserved sale.
339SAWB Genl. Misc. 1865 (February), Proc. 17-18: Damage done to Botanical Gardens, Sibpur, by the cyclone of 1864: Expenditure for removing all the timber trees from the garden thrown down by the cyclone.
340SAWB Genl. Mis. 1865 (April), Proc. 29-30. Botanical Garden, Sibpur. For 1865-66. Additional sum of Rs. 2780 placed at the disposal of Dr. T. Anderson to enable him to meet the Establishment Bills for the remainder of the present financial year.
341SAWB Genl. Misc. 1868 (October), Proc. 8-9: Extra grant of Rs. 3000 on account of expenses of the Botanical Garden, Sibpur.
342SAWB Genl. Misc. 1869 (April), Proc. 94-96, 108-110. Botanical Garden, Sibpur. For 1868-69. Application of the Superintendent of the Garden for the grant of an additional sum of Rs. 1500.
343SAWB Genl. Mis. 1866 (January), Proc. 28-29: Plan sanctioned for the distribution of seeds, fruit grafts, plants, etc., from Botanical Gardens, Sibpur.
344SAWB Genl. Mis. 1866 (December), Proc. 30-32: Damage done to Botanical Gardens, Sibpur, by cyclone of 1864: Sale of timber blown down by the cyclone.
345SAWB Genl. Mis. 1867 (August), Proc. 52-53: Distribution of fruit grafts, plants, etc., from Botanical Gardens, Sibpur: Agricultural and Horticultural Society asked to cooperate in the plan for distribution of plants proposed by the Superintendent.
346SAWB Genl. Mis. 1869 (June), Proc. 59-61: Damage done to Botanical Gardens, Sibpur by cyclone of 9th June, 1869.
347SAWB Genl. Mis. 1869 (June) ; Proc. 97-98. Arrangement for the supply to the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of fruit grafts and plants from Botanical Gardens, Sibpur.
348SAWB Genl. Mis. 1869 (June), Proc. 108-111. Botanical Gardens, Sibpur. Addition proposed to the house accommodation of the Curator of the –.
349SAWB Genl. Mis. 1870 (November), Proc. 59-61: Library attached to the Botanical Gardens: Recommending to the Government of India, in the Home Department, that the libraries attached to the Meteorological Department and the Botanic Gardens may be exempted from the operation of the financial orders prohibiting the purchase in India of any books from the public service, or their importation from England except through the Home authorities.
350SAWB Genl. Mis. 1870 (November), Proc. 121-122: Permission asked of the Government of India to include in the budget of the Botanical Garden an increased charge for the purchase of books for the attached library.
351SAWB Genl. Mis. 1870 (December), Proc. 55-57: Exemption of the Library attached to the Botanical Gardens from the operations of the orders prohibiting the purchase of books in India for Public Services.
352SAWB Genl. Misc. 1871 (January), Proc. 32-33: Circulation of the catalogue of plants in the Botanical Gardens, Sibpur.
353SAWB Genl. Mis. 1871 (June). File 2B/2, Proc. 40-42. Instructions for decreasing the dampness of the Botanical Gardens Museum.
354SAWB Genl. Mis. 1871 (June), Proc. 10: Constitution of the Medical College classes.
355SAWB Genl. Misc. 1871 (June), Proc. B. 49-50: Transfer of books in the library of Botanical Gardens, Sibpur, to the Indian Museum.
356SAWB Genl. Mis. 1871 (June), Proc. 73-74: Annual reports for the cinchona plantations, C. B. Clarke.
357SAWB Genl. Mis. 1871 (October), Proc. 46-52: Lieutenant-Governor’s views on the proposal to transfer the control of the Botanical Garden to the government of India.
358SAWB Genl. Mis. 1872 (January), Proc. 43-44. Government of India Requested to pass orders on the question of construction of dwelling house for the curator of the Botanical Gardens, Sibpur.
359SAWB Genl. Mis. 1877 (March), Proc. 6-8. Carob seeds received from Italy by the Botanical Gardens, Sibpur: request that the Superintendents of the Midnapore and Meetapore jails start experimental cultivation.
360SAWB Genl. Mis. 1877 (March), Proc. 11-12. Establishment for the Botanical Gardens, Sibpur. Appointment of Mr G. Gallatly, assistant gardener, on a pay of 150 roupies/month.
361SAWB Genl. Mis. 1877 (March), Proc. 19. Cinchona alkaloid manufacture: annual report on the Government Cinchona plantation in Sikkim. From C.H. Wood, Government Quinologist and Chemical Examiner, to the Secretary of the Government of Bengal (Revenue and Agriculture).
362SAWB Genl. Mis. 1877 (August), Proc. 31: Botanical Garden, Sibpur, 1878-79: The Superintendent of the Botanic Gardens informed that the lieutenant-governor has been pleased to fix the allotment for the Botanic Garden for 1878-79 at Rs. 52 000 and requested to keep him within this limit in framing his budget.
363SAWB Genl. Mis. 1880 (March), File n° 33, Proc. B. 12-14: purchase in England of scientific books and publications required for the Garden’s library.
364SAWB Genl. Mis. 1883 (February), Proc. 43-48. Establishment for the Botanical Gardens, Sibpur: entertainment of two European Botanists in addition to the establishment attached to the Botanical Gardens, Sibpur, sanctioned.
365SAWB I&S, 1872 (July), Proc. B.3-4: Botanical Gardens, Sibpur: Transfer of the house lately occupied by the Curator of the Gardens from the books of the Public Works Department for the purpose of converting it into a conservatory.
366SAWB I.&S. 1874 (June), File 2B/2, Proc. B 19-21: Botanical Gardens Museum: Decoration of the new building with evergreen plants.
367SAWB Md. 1868 (February), Proc. 130-32: Inexpediency of classifying the office of Superintendent of the Botanical Gardens, Sibpur, as a medical appointment.
368SAWB Md. 1871 (June), Proc. B.49-50: Transfer of books and publications from the Library of the Botanical Garden to the Indian Museum.
369SAWB Md. 1877 (November), File n° 224, Proc. A, 22-25: Construction of a godown in the Botanical Garden for cinchona articles.
370SAWB Md. 1878 (March). Proc. 31-32: Extension of the cultivation of medical plants in Botanical Gardens, Sibpur.
371SAWB Md. 1871 (June), Proc. B. 49-50: Library attached to the Botanical Gardens: transfer of books from the Botanical Gardens to the Indian Museums.
372SAWB Md. 1886 (March), B. 27-31: Superintendent of the Botanical Garden, Sibpur authorized to spend the full amount of the budget allotments for the current financial year. Reduction in the number of heads into which the budget allotments for the Botanical Garden is to be divided.
373SAWB Md. 1895 (July), File n° 1M/63, Proc. B.175-78: Appointment of Prain, Surgeon-Captain D., Curator of the Herbarium of Botanical Gardens, Sibpur as Professor of Botany in the Medical College, vice Brigade Surgeon Lieutenant-Colonel G. King.
374SAWB Md. 1905 (January), File n° 2B/2, Proc. B 236-37: Requisitions from local governments and Administrations for the services of gardeners from the staff of the Botanical Gardens, Sibpur, should be sent direct to the Bengal Government.
375SAWB Md. 1905 (January), File n° 2B/1, Proc. B.198-201: Establishment for the Botanical Gardens, Sibpur: Entertainment of a shorthand typist in the office of the Superintendent, on a salary of Rs. 100 a month.
376SAWB Md. 1905 (September), File 2B/13, Proc. 165-167. Complaint against the sale of plants, seedlings, etc, by the curator of the Lloyd’s BG, Darjeeling.
377SAWB Md. 1905 (September), File 2B/13, Proc. B. 165-67. Direction to the curator of the Botanical Gardens, Sibpur not to sell to the general public such plants and seedlings, etc., as Mr. Marqenstern has in his catalogue.
378SAWB Md. 1906 (January), File n° 2B/2, Proc. B. 61-63. Distribution of fruit grafts, plants, etc., from Botanical Gardens, Sibpur. Payment to the Secretary, Agri-Horticultural Society of India, of Rs. 1990-10, being the amount of bill for the supply of seeds to the commanding officers of His Majesty’s troops.
379SAWB Md. 1906 (March), File n° 2B/5, Proc. B. 216. Botanical Gardens, Sibpur:. Erection of a refreshement room at an estimated cost of Rs. 20 000.
380SAWB Md. 1906 (September), File 2B/14, Proc. B. 48-50: Proposal for a Survey of of the Botanical Gardens, Sibpur at an estimated cost of Rs. 2000.
381SAWB Md. 1906 (November), File 1B/4, Proc. B. 123-28: Grant of an honorarium of Rs. 500 to Major J.T. Calvert, I.M.S., for writing the Preservation of health for the guidance of young officers on their arrival in India.
382SAWB Md. 1906 (February), File n° 2B/5, Proc. B. 128: Proposed construction of a refreshment Kiosk in the Botanical Gardens, Sibpur, sanctioned.
383SAWB Md. 1907 (May), File 2B/4, Proc. B. 8-10. Botanical Gardens, Sibpur. Entertainment of an establishment consisting of a clerk on Rs. 30, a seedhouse boy on Rs. 10, and four durwans on Rs. 8 a month.
384SAWB Md. 1907 (May), File n° G12, Proc. 16-18: Appointment of Superintendent of the Botanical Gardens, Sibpur as Supervisor of Government Gardens in and near Calcutta.
385SAWB Md. 1907 (July), File n° 2B/21, Proc. B 203-05: Payment of a commission of one anna per copy on the sale of the Guide to the Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta, to the durwans of the Botanic Garden.
386SAWB Md. 1907 (November), Proc. B. 33-41. Botanical Gardens, Sibpur. New office for the Curator of the – at an estimated cost of Rs. 6400.
387SAWB Md. 1907 (November), File 2M/15, Proc. 5-27: Professorship of Botany to be no longer held by the Superintendent of the Botanical Gardens, Sibpur.
388SAWB Md. 1908 (February), File n° 2B/8, Proc. B. 292-96. Gardens. Fixing the revised estimates for the maintenance of five gardens viz., Eden Gardens, Dalhousie Square Garden, Curzon Garden, Hastings House Garden and Government House Garden, from the date of their transfer to the charge of the Civil Department, at Rs. 17 000 during the remaining months of the current financial year.
389SAWB Md. 1908 (March), File 2B/14, Proc. B.122-123. Survey of the Botanical Gardens, Sibpur: Retention of the services of the Surveyor employed in August, 1906 for a further period of three months, with effect from the 7th February, 1908.
390SAWB Md. 1908 (July), File n° 2B/20, Proc. 10-11. Livery to the Durwans of the Botanical Gardens. Supply of – at a cost of Rs. 400 every alternate year.
391SAWB Md. 1908 (August), File n° G/2, Proc. B. 82-84. Annual assignment of Rs. 10,500 from Imperial to Provincial revenues to provide for the expenditure on account of the Government House Garden, Calcutta and Hastings House Garden, the administration of which has now been transferred to the Superintendent, Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta.
392SAWB Md. 1908 (September), File n° 2B/20, Proc. 38-40: Proposed increase in the cost of the uniforms for durwans and chaprasis attached to the Botanical Gardens, Sibpur, and Cinchona Department.
393SAWB Md. 1908 (September), File n° W/1, Proc. B. 206-11: Supply of filtered water for the Botanical Gardens, Sibpur.
394SAWB Rev. 1869 (August), Proc. 3: Map showing the distribution of teak in Bengal.
395SAWB Rev. 1869 (August), Proc. P7: Employment of natives in the forest department.
396SAWB Rev. 1869 (August), File n° 9, Proc. 16: Collection of woods in the Botanical Gardens, Sibpur.
397SAWB Rev. 1872 (June), Proc. 51-54: Report of the Superintendent of the Botanical Gardens on the failure of poppy crops.
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