Ecology of the Sontecomapan Lagoon, Veracruz
D’Amérique latineÉditeur : IRD Éditions, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. Unidad Xochimilco
Lieu d’édition : Marseille
Publication sur OpenEdition Books : 30 novembre 2020
Collection : D’Amérique latine
Année d’édition : 2018
Nombre de pages : 342
Tropical coastal lagoon environments provide a number of ecosystem services, but are threatened by the pressure imposed by human activities and climatic change; these systems are particularly vulnerable because of a high demographic growth. Therefore, the understanding of their ecological behavior and the characterization of lagoon health indicators have attained importance. Under this perspective Mexican (UAM-X) and French (UMRs MIO and MARBEC) researchers have collaborated from 2011 to 2014 as part of one action of the international exchange program ECOS/ANUIES, and chose the Sontecomapan lagoon (at the Mexican state of Veracruz) as a case study.
This book provides information of the ecological behavior, water quality indicators, and details of microorganisms and plankton, which due to their short life cycles and their high reactivity to environmental conditions are good.
Part 1. Physicochemical characteristics
Alfonso Esquive Herrera et Ruth Soto Castor
A multivariate approach to the spatial and temporal water characterization parameters at the tropical Sontecomapan Lagoon, MexicoPart 2. Biota
María Elena Castellanos-Páez, Gabriela Garza-Mouriño et Marcela Ivonne Benítez-Díaz Mirón
Literature review and update checklist for the biota of Sontecomapan LagoonPart 3. Microbial components
María Jesús Ferrara-Guerrero, Vanessa Morán-Villa, Javier Aldeco-Ramírez et al.
Bacterial community contribution to nitrogen fixation and nitrous oxides production in the Sontecomapan LagoonPart 4. Primary producers
María Guadalupe Figueroa Torres, Saúl Almanza Encarnación, María Jesús Ferrara-Guerrero et al.
Phytoplankton of the Sontecomapan Lagoon, Veracruz, MexicoJosé Antolín Aké-Castillo et Gabriela Vázquez
The effect of mangrove leaf litter extracts on primary productivity and phytoplankton growthPart 5. Secondary producers
Marcela Ivonne Benítez-Díaz Mirón, María Elena Castellanos-Páez, Gabriela Garza-Mouriño et al.
Biomass, size structure and trophic compartments of the metazooplankton in the Sontecomapan Lagoon (Veracruz, Mexico)Part 6. Higher trophic levels
Manuel Castillo-Rivera et Ana Laura Lara-Domínguez
Fish species richness in the Sontecomapan Lagoon, Veracruz: A historic reviewArturo Aguirre-León, Silvia Díaz-Ruiz et Marissa Guillén Castrillo
Fish community structure and its relationship with environmental behavior in Sontecomapan Lagoon, Los Tuxtlas Biosphere Reserve, Veracruz, MexicoPart 7. Societal aspects
Organic and inorganic contamination
Ruth Soto-Castor et Alfonso Esquivel-Herrera
Evaluation anthropic fecal contamination through enteropathogenic genera identification in Sontecomapan coastal lagoon, VeracruzAurora González-Fierro et Guadalupe Ponce-Vélez
Metal pollution in aquatic ecosystems: a case study on Sontecomapan coastal lagoon (State of Veracruz) considered as a reference of pristine ecosystemsConservation and restoration
José Luis Hernández-Gaona, Javier Aldeco-Ramírez et Iván Ernesto Roldán-Aragón
Changing trends in mangrove the forest cover of the Sontecomapan Lagoon System, Veracruz, with Landsat® satellite imagesGeneral discussion
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