List of acronyms
p. 119-121
Texte intégral
ACCOBAMS | Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans in the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea |
ADRIMED | Aerosol Direct Radiative Impact on the regional climate in the Mediterranean region |
AED | Atmospheric evaporative demand |
AMO | Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation |
AOGCM | Atmosphere-ocean general circulation models |
AORCM | Atmosphere-ocean regional climate models |
AVISO | A reference portal in alimetry |
BL | Boundary layer |
BVOC | Biogenic volatile organic compound |
CMIP | Coupled Model Intercomparison Projects |
CORDEX | Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment |
DAD-IS | Domestic Animal Diversity Information System |
DRF | Direct radiative forcing |
EC | elemental carbon |
EMDW | Eastern Mediterranean deep water |
EMT | Eastern Mediterranean Transient |
ENM | Ecological Niche Model |
ENSO | El Niño-Southern Oscillation |
E-OBS | high-resolution gridded data set of daily climate over Europe |
ETCCDI | Expert Team on Climate Change Detection, Monitoring and Indices |
EU | European Union |
EVI | Enhanced Vegetation Index |
FAO | Food and Agriculture Organization |
FF | Flash floods |
GCM | Global climate model |
GCM | General circulation model |
GFCM | General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean |
GFCS | Global Framework for Climate Services |
GHG | Greenhouse gases |
GLAM | Gradient in Longitude of Atmospheric constituents in the Mediterranean basin |
HPE | Heavy precipitation events |
ICZM | Integrated coastal zone management |
IPBES | Intergovernmental science-policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services |
IPCC | Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change |
IUCN | International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources |
LEK | Local ecological knowledge |
MCA | Millennium Challenge Account |
MCS | Mesoscale convective systems |
MEA | Middle East Area |
MedCOF | Mediterranean Climate Outlook Forum |
MENA (region) | Middle-East North-Africa |
MINOS | Mediterranean Intensive Oxidant Study |
MTE | Mediterranean-type ecosystem |
MPA | Marine protected area |
MTC | Mean temperature of the catch |
NAO | North Atlantic Oscillation |
NMHC | Non methane hydrocarbons |
NDVI | Normalized Difference Vegetation Index |
NPF | New particle formation |
OVOC | Oxidized volatile organic compound |
PAH | Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons |
PAR | Photosynthetically active radiation |
PDO | Protected Designation of Origin |
PES | Post-event surveys |
PSM | Plant secondary metabolite |
PMV | Plan Maroc Vert (Moroccan Green Plan) |
PMF | Positive matrix factorization |
POP | Persistent organic pollutant |
RCC | Rapid climatic change |
RCCI | Regional climate change index |
RCM | Regional climate model |
RCP | Representative concentration pathway |
RCSM | Regional climate system models |
ROV | Remotely operated vehicle |
SLR | Sea level rise |
SOA | Secondary organic aerosol |
SOP | Special observation period |
SPEI | Standard precipitation evapotranspiration index |
SSS | Sea surface salinity |
SST | Sea surface temperature |
SWC | Soil and water conservation measures |
SWI | Soil water index |
SY | Sediment yields |
TEE | Throughfall exclusion experiment |
TOA | Top of the atmosphere |
TRAQA | Transport and air quality |
UNWTO | United Nations World Tourism Organization |
VOC | Volatile organic compound |
WeMO | Western Mediterranean Oscillation |
WMO | World Meteorological Organization |
WUE | Water use efficiency |
VAI | Vegetation anomaly index |
VCI | Vegetation condition index |
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