Annex. Bulgarian Gender Research Foundation (BGRF)
p. 225-227
Texte intégral
1The Bulgarian Gender Research Foundation was founded in June 1998 in Sofia by women committed to work in the field of women’s rights and all of them with previous experience in advocacy, education, monitoring violations of human rights, lobbying for legislative changes, preparing publications, networking. The group consists of lawyers, university professors and women’s rights activists. The group was formed because all the founders strongly felt that there was a need for specific research, education and advocacy in the area of women’s rights.
2The group mainly aims at promoting and facilitating the achievement of a gender balanced society in Bulgaria based on equal representation of women and men; disseminating information and raising the awareness about women’s rights and gender issues in Bulgaria; advocating compliance with the Universal and European standards in the field of Human Rights and the universally recognized values of democracy.
3The main issues we work on are: violence against women with specific focus on domestic violence and sexual harassment; social-economic rights of women during the transition; and gender research and advocacy aimed at promoting women’s political participation. Gender is considered in the context of social justice. These are all new issues in Bulgaria, difficult to work on and controversial in our society.
4The Bulgarian Gender Research Foundation is a national NGO. Although established and registered in Sofia, the group works in network with local NGOs, groups and individuals interested in our work and needing information and assistance in our field of activity. We have well-established links with such groups from the main cities of Bulgaria – Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna, Bourgas, etc. Our NGO is also part of international human rights and women’s networks as the NEWW, CCC (Clean Clothes Campaign), Social Watch, WIDE, WICEJ, KARAT coalition, etc.
Activities and programs (selection)
The BGFR participated as a Bulgarian partner in the Project “Elimination of violence against women through research and education” with Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights.
Sept. 1998-March 1999: the BGRF coordinated the review of the follow-up of all major UN HR Conferences undertaken by UNDP in Bulgaria.
June 98-September 99: the BGRF carried out a joint research Project with WLDI including a sociological survey and a legal research “Women’s Empowerment in the Privatization Process” and publication of a final report (130 pages) on the impact of the restructuring processes on women’s social-economic rights in Bulgaria.
In 1999 the BGRF worked on an advocacy campaign promoting the concept of the right to free legal protection of women in court in cases of domestic violence. This project was aimed at at raising the awareness and understanding of the Bulgarian society on the problems of violation of women’s human rights through education of women’s groups, media, police, lawyers. Booklets with guidelines for the representatives of social services, police and health care professionals were produced.
In October 1999 the BGRF was involved in the preparation of an Alternative Report to the Third Periodic Report of Bulgaria on the implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights, and 2 representatives of the organization participated in the 21st session of the CESCR in November in Geneva.
BGRF was actively involved in the Beijing + 5 process and representatives of the organization participated to the regional meeting in Geneva (January 2000), the PrepCom in March 2000 and the UNGASS in June 2000. BGRF presented an Alternative report to the CONGO as well.
May-December 2000: the BGRF conducted a research project “Equal rights and equal opportunities of women in political life in Bulgaria” – a sociological and legal survey, conducted with the support of UNDP-Sofia and the Gender Task Force of the Stability Pact. A research report was published in Bulgarian and in English.
Since May 2000: the BGRF carried out the project “Advanced strategies for combating violence against women – A pilot free legal aid and legal clinics scheme”.
Since February 2001: the BGRF is the regional coordinator of the preparation of a monitoring CEDAW report for Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Albania, Serbia, Montenegro, BiH.
The BGRF prepared the national reports for the 2000, 2001 and 2002 editions of the Social Watch report.
Since April 2001: creation of the first CCC campaign in Eastern Europe and implementation of the research project on social standards in the garment industry in Bulgaria.
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