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Texte intégral


I. Wheels of the country carts in India: distribution map.

II. Solid wheels.

III. Radially spoked wheels.

IV. Wheels with paired cross-bars.

V. Miniature wheeled carts from protohistoric times.

VI. Wheeled vehicles depicted in rock paintings.

VII. Miniature wheeled carts from the early historic period.

VIII. War and processional chariots.

IX. Farm carts represented in Buddhist monuments (A).

X. Farm carts represented in Buddhist monuments (B).

XI. Farm carts with solid wheels in the historic period, peninsular India.

XII. Bullock carts with radially spoked wheels, peninsular India (5th–8th c.).

XIII. Horse carriages with radially spoked wheels, peninsular India (5th–13th c.).

XIV. Carts represented in Jain paintings of Western India (11th–15th c.).

XV. Carts represented in bas-reliefs of Western India (8th–16th c.).

XVI. Carts represented in miniatures of the Mughal period (17th–18th c.).

XVII. North Indian carriages represented in drawings of the end of the eighteenth century.

XVIII. Four-wheeled wagons represented in Hoysala bas-reliefs (12th–13th c.).

XIX. Transport of a 50 tonne pillar, in Firuz Shah’s time.

XX. Four-wheeled vehicles with solid wheels used for heavy loads.

XXI. Development of the types of wheels in India.

XXII. The chakṛā of Bihar: view in profile, the wheel.

XXIII. The chakṛā of Bihar: plans.

XXIV. Saggaṛ, bahal and ekkā of Bihar.

XXV. Panjab country carts.

XXVI. Tamilnadu country carts: māṭṭu vaṇṭi.

XXVII. Tamilnadu country carts: kutirai vaṇṭi.

XXVIII. Litters carried by means of two shafts.

XXVIX. Litters carried by means of a single pole, palanquins.

XXX. Litters influenced by European designs.

XXXI. Litters in Bihar at the end of the nineteenth century.

Photographic Plates

I–III. Country carts with solid wheels.

IV–VIII. Country carts, south of the Vindhyas.

IX–XV. Country carts, north of the Vindhyas.

XVI–XVII. Types of wheels: solid wheels.

XVIII–XXIV. Types of wheels: radially spoked wheels.

XXV–XXVII. Types of wheels: wheels with paired cross-bars.

XXVIII–XXXIII. Wheel supports, north of the Vindhyas.

XXXIV–XXXVI. Temple cars.

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