Texte intégral
Bibliotheca Malabarica (1708)
References are to the numbered entries in the third section, the “Verzeichnis der Malabarischen Bücher.”
Hallesche Berichte (1710–72)
The letter which accompanied the Bibliotheca Malabarica to Europe in 1708 was printed in Halle in 1710 under the title Herrn Bartholomaeus Ziegenbalgs, Koenigl. Daenischen Missionarii in Trangebar auf der Kueste Coromandel, Ausfuehrlicher Bericht wie er nebst seinem Collegen Herrn Heinrich Pluetscho Das Amt des Evangelii daselbst unter den Heyden und Christen fuehre: in einem Sendschreiben an einen Vornehmen Theologum unserer Evangelischen Kirchen ertheilet den 22ten Augusti 1708. This work was later incorporated in the so-called Hallesche Berichte, edited at first by August Hermann Francke and published as Der Königlich Dänischen Missionarien aus Ost-Indien eingesandte ausführliche Berichte von dem Werck ihres Amts unter den Heyden. Instalments were added over many years at irregular intervals until the final work consisted of 108 instalments in nine large volumes. The first volume, consisting of twelve continuously paginated instalments, was complete by 1717. The second (instalments 13–24, 1719–29) and third (instalments 25–36, 1727–32) volumes, edited in part by Francke and later by his son Gotthilf August Francke, were not continously paginated, so references here are given to both the instalment and the page number.
Malabarisches Heidenthum (1711)
References are to the edition by Willem Caland, Ziegenbalg’s Malabarisches Heidenthum (Amsterdam: Uitgave van Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen te Amsterdam, 1926).
Genealogia der malabarischen Götter (1713)
References are to the manuscript in the Royal Library, Copenhagen (Ledreborg 424).
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La création d'une iconographie sivaïte narrative
Incarnations du dieu dans les temples pallava construits
Valérie Gillet
Bibliotheca Malabarica
Bartholomäus Ziegenbalg's Tamil Library
Bartholomaus Will Sweetman et R. Ilakkuvan (éd.) Will Sweetman et R. Ilakkuvan (trad.)