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Publications de V. T. Rajshekhar Shetty

Untouchability. Can it be Removed ?, Indian Social Institute, Bangalore, 1977.

Relevance of China, Dalit Sahitya Academy, Bangalore, 1978.

How Marx Failed in Hindu India, Karnataka Rationalist Association, Bangalore, 1978.

Crocodile Tears over Harijan’s Atrocities, Dalit Sahitya Academy, Bangalore, 1978.

A Document for Foreigners. Apartheid in India, Dalit Action Committee, Bangalore, 1978.

Class-Caste Struggle. Emerging third force, Dalit Action Committee, Bangalore, 1980.

Tribal Unrest, Whom to Blame, Dalit Action Committee, Bangalore, 1980.

Ambedkar and lus Conversion, a critique, Dalit Action Committee, Bangalore, 1980.

Untouchability. Can it be Removed ? (version révisée), Dalit Sahitya Academy, Bangalore, 1980.

Braliminism, the Curse of India, Dalit Sahitya Academy, Bangalore, 1981.

How to Destroy Caste System, Dalit Sahitya Academy, Bangalore, 1981.

Who is Ruling India ?, Dalit Sahitya Academy, Bangalore, 1982.

Hinduism, Fascism and Gandhism. A Guide to every Intelligent Indian, Dalit Sahitya Academy, Bangalore, 1984.

A Recipe for Revolution, Dalit Sahitya Academy, Bangalore, 1986.

Why Godse Killed Gandhi ?, Dalit Sahitya Academy, Bangalore, 1986.

Muslims and the Liberation of the Oppressed, Dalit Sahitya Academy, Bangalore, 1986.

Christians and Dalits Revolution, Dalit Sahitya Academy, Bangalore, 1987.

Aggression on Indian Culture, Dalit Sahitya Academy, Bangalore, 1987.

Muslims to Divide Muslims : Hindus Nazis latest Trick, Dalit Sahitya Academy, Bangalore, 1987.

How Marx Failed in Hindu India, Dalit Sahitya Academy, Bangalore, 1988.

The Gulf between the Muslim Elites and the Muslim Masses, Dalit Sahitya Academy, Bangalore, 1988.

Karl Marx and Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar, Dalit Sahitya Academy, Bangalore, 1988.

Brahminism, the Father of Fascism, Racism, Nazism, Dalit Sahitya Academy, Bangalore, 1993.

Separate Electorate and Separate Settlement, Dalit Sahitya Academy, Bangalore, 1996.

Merit My Foot. A Reply to Antireservation Racists, Dalit Sahitya Academy, Bangalore, 1996.

Reservation Policy and Ambedkarism, Dalit Sahitya Academy, Bangalore, 1997.

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