General Bibliography
p. 247-251
Texte intégral
1) Literature
Deloche, Jean (ed.), 1971, Voyage en Inde du Comte De Mondave (1773-1776), 3 vols., Ecole Française D’Extreme Orient, Paris.
Tavernier, Jean-Baptiste, 1995, Travels in India, 2 vols., Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers, New Delhi.
2) Literary Theory
a) General
Bhabha, Homi K, 1994, The Location of Culture, Routledge, London.
Glissant, Edouard, 1981, Le Discours Antillais, Seuil, Paris.
Glissant, Edouard, 1996, Introduction à une Poétique du divers, Gallimard, Paris.
Glissant, Edouard, 1997, Traité du Tout-Monde, Gallimard, Paris.
Glissant, Edouard, 1999, Poétique de la Relation, Gallimard, Paris.
b) Colonial
Munro, William Bennett, “Some Merits and Defects of the French Colonial System,” Proceedings of the American Political Science Association, Vol. 4, Issue Fourth Annual Meeting (1907): 48-56.
Singer, Brian C. J., “Cultural versus Contractual Nations: Rethinking Their Opposition,” History and Theory, Vol. 35, Issue 3 (1996): 309-337.
Wright, Quincy, “The Goa Incident,” American Journal of International Law, Volume 56, Issue 3 (1962): 617-63.
c) Post-Colonial
Appadurai, Arjun, 1996, Modernity at Large, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis.
Lionnet, Françoise, “Reframing Baudelaire: Literary History, Biography, Postcolonial Theory, and Vernacular Languages.” Diacritics 28.3 (1998): 63-85.
d) Creolization
Balutansky and Sourieau, 1998, Caribbean Creolization, University Press of Florida, Tampa.
Collectif (sous la direction de Jean Bernabé, Jean-Luc Bonniol, Raphael Confiant, Gerry L’Etang): Au Visiteur lumineux, Des îles créoles aux sociétés Plurielles, Mélanges offers à Jean Benoist, éd. IBIS ROUGE/PUC/ GEREC-F, 712p.
Monique Desroches: “Musique et identité culturelle des Tamouls de la Réunion,” Singaravélou: “Pour une approche géographique de l’hindouisme,” Francis Zimmermann: “A propos des hindouismes créoles,” Laurent Pourchez: “Passages de l’hindouisme aux Pratiques thérapeutiques et rituelles. Illustrations d’un processus d’interculturation à la Réunion,” Jacqueline Andoche: “De l’hindouisme à l’héritage Français: un autre regard sur la créolité Réunionnaise. L’exemple du <<pansement de secret>>.”
Eisenlhor, Patrick, “Language ideology and imaginations of Indianness in Mauritius.” Diss. The University of Chicago, 2001. DAI-A 62/02(2001): 651.
King, Bruce (ed.), 1999, New National and Post-Colonial Literatures, Clarendon Press, Oxford.
King, Nicole, 2001, C.L.R. James and Creolization, University Press of Missippi, Jackson.
L’Etang Gerry (études présentées par): Présences de l’Inde Dans le monde, éd. PUC/GEREC/L’Harmattan, 366p.
Pierre Pinalie: “Le parcours utopique vers l’Inde,” Jacques Weber: “Voyage dans le temps: Pondichéry au 19è siècle,” Jacques Weber: “Des comptoirs français aux iles à sucre (1828-1885)”, Singaravelou: “La diaspora indienne dans la Caraibe: Essai de bilan”, André du Castel: “Les Indiens en France,” Cyril Dabydeen: “Diasporas: the Indo-Caribbean Experience in Canada,” Jean Benoist: “Présence indienne dans le monde,” Jean Benoist: “Zwazo,” Gerry L’Etang/Victorien Permal: “Zwazo, Récit d’une vie d’un pretre hindou, commandeur d’habitation à la Martinique,” Gerry L’Etang: “De Pointe-Noire à Pondichéry: une vie. Entretien avec Jean Gauthier,” Juliette Smeralda-Amon: “Quelques éléments de réflexion sur l’auto-représentation et la représentation des Indos-Martiniquais,” Richard D. E. Burton: “Penser l’Indianité: la présence Indienne dans la réflexion martiniquaise Contemporaine,” Jean Benoist: “Exil des hommes, voyages des dieux,” Lucien René Abenon: “Les origines de l’hindouisme aux Antilles françaises,” Gilbert Francis Ponaman: “Du pays tamoul aux Antilles: Les avatars de Mariamman,” Jocelyn Nagapin: “Les rites religieux antillos-hindous,” Dennis W.M.Z. Bassier: “Indian lower cast cult worship in Guyana: their fate in 1988,” David Annoussamy: “L’épopée de Dessigou Raja,” Max Sulty: “L’art religieux hindou de la Guadeloupe et de la Martinique,” Alfred Hervé de Signalony: “Le char brahmanique,” Monique Desroches: “Musique fusion, où quand la Diaspora indienne se met au diapason,” Francis Zimmerman: “Médecine et art de vivre dans la Tradition classique de l’Inde,” David Annoussamy: “La médecine traditionnelle dans l’Inde d’aujourd’hui.”
Naylor, Michael Lee, “The creativity in culture: Creolization in the musical genres of the Seychelles Islands,” Diss. University of Michigan DAI-A 58/02 (1997): 500.
Prabhu, Anjali, “Creolization in process: Literatures, Languages, nationalisms (Mauritius, Reunion),” Diss. Duke University, 1999, DAI-A 60/09, (1999): 3356.
Rubin Suleiman, Susan, “A reading of cultural diversity: The Island of New Orleans,” Diss. Harvard University, 1998. DAI-A 59/05, (1998): 1562.
Rughoonundun Nita, “Créolophonie et education à Maurice,” Espace Créole No. 7 Créole et Education, éd GEREC/LACITO/L’Harmattan 1990.
Singaravélou, “La créolisation des Indiens à la Guadeloupe et à la Martinique,” Espace Créole No. 1 éd Gerec/Center Universitaire Antilles-Guyane 1976.
Solomon Denis, “La réalité sémantique de la Décréolisation,” Espace Créole No. 10 éd. IBIS ROUGE/PUC/GEREC/, 2000.
Woolford, Ellen and Washabaugh, William, 1983, The Social Context of Creolization, Karoma Publishers, Ann Arbor.
Yanga, Tshimpaka, “A Sociolinguistic Identification of Lingala (Republic of Zaire),” Diss. The University of Texas at Austin, 1980, DAI-A 41/07, (1980): 3091.
e) Créole Languages
Byas, Vincent W., “Ethnologic Aspects of the Martinique Créole,” Journal of Negro History, Vol. 28, Issue 3: 261-283.
Goyette, Stéphane, “The emergence of the Romance languages From Latin: A case for creolization effects,” Diss. University of Ottawa (Canada). DAI-A 62/02 (2001): 551.
Hymes, Dell, 1971, Pidginization and Creolization of Languages, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Morgan, Marcyliena, 1994, Language and the social construction of identity in Créole situations, Center for Afro-American Publications, Los Angeles.
3) Relations France/India
a) History
Anchukandan, Thomas, “A critical elaboration and evaluation of the missionary activities of Mgr. Clement Bonnand in South India from a historical Perspective, (1824-1848),” Diss. Pontificia Universitas Gregoriana (Vatican) 1994, DAI-C 59/02 (1998): 275.
Heehs, Peter, “Foreign Influences on Bengali Revolutinary Terrorism 1902-1908,” Modern Asian Studies, Vol. 28, Issue 3 (1994): 533-556.
Ness, Gayl D., and Stahl, William, “Western Imperialist Armies in Asia,” Comparative Studies in Society and History, Vol. 19, Issue 1 (1977): 2-29.
Nussbaum, Frederick L, “The Formation of the New East India Company of Calonne,” The American Historical Review, Vol. 38, Issue 3 (1933): 475-497.
Sherer, Jean Benedict, “Setting the words to Music: Sri Aurobindo Ghose’s Theological encounter with the Modern World (India),” Diss. Emory University 1983, DAI-A 44/12(1984): 3717.
Smith, Simon, “French Imperial Outposts in Post-Imperial India, 1947-54,” European Review of History Vol. 3 Issue 2 (1996): 187-198.
Zinkin, Taya, “Indian Foreign Policy: An Interpretation of Attitudes,” World Politics, Vol. 7, Issue 2 (Jan., 1955): 179-208.
b) Treaties
India, Ministry of External Affairs, Agreement between the Government of India and the Government of France Providing for De Facto Transfer of Administration of the Territory of French Establishments in India, New Delhi, 21 October 1954, New Delhi: Discover India.
—— Treaty between the Republic of France and India establishing Cession by the French Republic to the Indian Union of the French Establishments in India. New Delhi, 28 May 1956, New Delhi: Discover India.
—— Supplementary Agreement between the Government of India and the Government of France concerning the Former French Territories, New Delhi, 16 March 1963, New Delhi: Discover India.
4) “Creolized Countries”
Bolton, G. C., and Kennedy, B. E., “William Eden and the Treaty Of Mauritius, 1786-7,” The Historical Journal, Vol. 16, Issue 4 (1973): 681-696.
Hazareesingh, K., “The Religion and Culture of Indian Immigrants in Mauritius and the Effect of Social Change,” Comparative Studies in Society and History, Volume 8, Issue 2 (Jan., 1966): 241-257.
King, Nicole Roberta, “C. L. R. James and Formulations of Caribbean Cultural Identity (Trinidad and Tobago),” Diss. University of Pennsylvania, 1994, DAI-A 56/03 (1995): 954.
Stackhouse, Adrian D, “The Anthropologist and the Jinal: Assimilation into the Creolization of Ethnicity, Class and Livelihood in Contemporary Jamaica,” Diss. Bryn Mawr College 1988. DAI-A 49/08 (1989): 2292.
Wilson, Trajano Filho, “Polymorphic Créoledom: The ‘Créole’ Society of Guinea-Bissau,” Diss. University of Pennsylvania, 1998, DAI-A 59/04, (1998): 1240.
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