The French Institute of Pondicherry
The French Institute of Pondicherry (IFP), UMIFRE 21, carries out research, expertise and training in Human and Social Sciences and Ecology in South Asia. It works particularly in the fields of Indian cultural knowledge and heritage (Sanskrit language and literature, history of religions, Tamil studies…), contemporary social dynamics and the natural ecosytems of South India. The IFP is a financially autonomous institution under the joint supervision of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the French National Centre of Scientific Research (CNRS). It is part of the network of 26 IFREs (Instituts français de recherche à l’étranger / French Research Institutes Abroad). It also forms part of the research unit 3330 "Savoirs et Mondes Indiens" of the CNRS, along with the Centre de Sciences Humaines (CSH) in New Delhi.
Director of publication
Blandine Ripert
Head of OpenEdition Books project
Anurupa Naik
Contact details
Institut français de Pondichéry (IFP)
11, Saint Louis Street
Pondicherry 605 001
+ 91-413-2231616