Wykaz skrótów
p. 321-325
Texte intégral
Dom Dozoru
ms | Maria Sophia Bentham, The Life of Brigadier-General Sir Samuel Bentham, K.S. G. Formerly Inspector-General of Naval Works Lately a Commissioner of His Majesty’s Navy With the Distinct Duty of Civil Architect and Engineer of the Navy, Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts, London 1862, Google Books id: V6Zcaaaacaaj |
pc | Jeremy Bentham, Panopticon Correspondence, w: The Works of Jeremy Bentham, vol. xi, red. J. Bowring, William Tait, Edinburgh 1843, s. 96–170, Google Books id: msmvaqaamaaj |
pn | Jeremy Bentham, Panopticon, or the Inspection-House, w: The Works of Jeremy Bentham, vol. iv, red. J. Bowring, William Tait, Edinburgh 1843, s. 39–66, Google Books id: 1p1eaaaacaaj [Listy o Panoptykonie napisane zostały przez Benthama podczas pobytu w Krzyczewie w 1787 r. Opublikowano je pod tytułem Panopticon; Or, The Inspection-House: Containing The Idea of a New Principle of Construction applicable to any Sort of Establishment, in which Persons of any Description are to be kept under Inspection: And In Particular To Penitentiary-Houses, Prisons, Houses Of Industry, Work-Houses, Poor Houses, Manufactories, Mad-Houses, Lazarettos, Hospitals, And Schools: With A Plan Of Management Adopted to the Principle: in a series of letters, Written in the Year 1787, from Crecheff in White Russia to a Friend in England w 1791 razem z obiema częściami postscriptum w Londynie (w dwóch tomach, wyd. T. Payne), a także równocześnie w Dublinie (jeden tom, wyd. Thomas Byrne). Najnowsze, niepełne wydanie: J. Bentham, The Panopticon Writings, Verso, London, 1995. Wyspecjalizowane firmy drukarskie i wydawcy oferują także pisma Benthama znajdujące się w domenie publicznej w ramach usługi druk na żądanie (print on demand).] |
pi | Jeremy Bentham, Panopticon. Postscript –Part 1, w: The Works of Jeremy Bentham, vol. iv, red. J. Bowring, William Tait, Edinburgh 1843, s. 67–120, Google Books id: 1p1eaaaacaaj |
pii | Jeremy Bentham, Panopticon. Postscript –Part 2, w: The Works of Jeremy Bentham, vol. iv, red. J. Bowring, William Tait, Edinburgh 1843, s. 121–170, Google Books id: 1p1eaaaacaaj |
tf | Jeremy Bentham, Theory of Fictions, w: C.K. Ogden, Bentham’s Theory of Fictions, Routledge, Londyn 2001 (1932). |
tl | Jeremy Bentham, Theory of Legislation, red. E. Dumont, tłum. z języka francuskiego R. Hildreth, Trübner & Co, Londyn 1864, Google Books id: wyydaaaaqaaj |
wp | Jeremy Bentham, Wprowadzenie do zasad moralności i prawodawstwa, przeł. B. Nawroczyński, Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warszawa 1958. |
Królewskie Stocznie
sbe | Samuel Bentham, Naval Essays, or Essays on the Management of Public Concerns, as exemplified in the Naval Department, considered as a Branch of the Business of Warfare Essay I. Efficiency of the Matériel, Longman & Co, Londyn 1828, Google Books id: jfFhaaaacaaj |
sbs | Samuel Bentham, Suggestions for the Better Management of the Civil Concerns of the Navy, Taken from the Papers of Sir S. Bentham by M.S.B, red. M.S. Bentham, Longman & Co, Londyn 1850, Google Books id: Caghaaaaqaaj |
Policja prewencji
cpm | Patrick Colquhoun, A Treatise on the Police of the Metropolis: Explaining the Various Crimes and Misdemeanors Which at Present Are Felt as a Pressure Upon the Community; and Suggesting Remedies for Their Prevention. H. Fry, Londyn 1796, Google Books id: jbgwaaaayaaj |
cpr | Patrick Colquhoun, ATreatise on the Commerce and Police of the River Thames: Containing an Historical View of the Trade of the Port of London; and Suggesting Means for Preventing the Depredations Thereon, by a Legislative System of River Police. With an Account of the Functions of the Various Magistrates and Corporations Exercising Jurisdiction on the River; and a General View of the Penal and Remedial Statutes Connected with the Subject. Joseph Mawman, Londyn 1800, Google Books id: sx49Ogfd4uac |
tpb | Jeremy Bentham, Thames Police Bill (1798), w : The Works of Jeremy Bentham. Part xxi, red. J. Bowring, William Tait, Edinburgh 1842, s. 331–333, Google Books id: Lgtyaaaamaaj [Pierwszy projekt powstał we współpracy z Patrickiem Colquhounem w 1798 r. Ustawa została ostatecznie przyjęta przez parlament brytyjski jako Marine Police Bill w 1800 r. W notatkach pozostawionych przez Benthama i udostępnionych w ramach Project Bentham (box 150) zachował się szkic wyjaśnień do ustawy (Thames Police Bill, elucidations).] |
Krajowa Kompania Dobroczynna
epl | Jeremy Bentham, Essays on the subject of the Poor Laws, w : The Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham: Writings on the Poor Laws, vol. 1, red. M. Quinn, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2001, s. 3–140, Oxford Scholary Editions Online doi: 10.1093/actrade/9780199242320.book.1 [Pismo nieopublikowane za życia autora. Powstało w 1796 r. Cytuję za pierwszym wydaniem.] |
fd | Jeremy Bentham, Farming Defended, w: The Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham: Writings on the Poor Laws. vol. 1, red. M. Quinn, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2001, s. 276–290, Oxford Scholarly Editions Online doi: 10.1093/actrade/9780199242320.book.1 [Tekst nieopublikowany za życia autora. Napisany został najprawdopodobniej w latach 1796–1797. Cytuję za pierwszym wydaniem.] |
how | Jeremy Bentham, History of the War between Jeremy Bentham and George iii by one of the Belligerents, w: The Works of Jeremy Bentham, vol. xi, red. J.Bowring, William Tait, Edinburgh 1843, s. 96–97, Google Books id : msmvaqaamaaj |
nfpd | Jeremy Bentham, Neighbour’s Fare Principle Defended, w: The Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham: Writings on the Poor Laws, vol. 1, red. M. Quinn, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2001, s. 267–275, Oxford Scholary Editions Online doi: 10.1093/actrade/9780199242320.book.1 [Pismo powstałe prawdopodobnie w latach 1796–1797, nieopublikowane za życia autora. Cytuję za pierwszym wydaniem.] |
opmi | Jeremy Bentham, Outline of a work entitled Pauper Management Improved, w: The Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham: Writings on the Poor Laws. vol. 2, red. M. Quinn, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2010, s. 487–694, Oxford Scholarly Editions Online doi:10.1093/actrade/9780199559633.book.1 [Kolejne części pisma Benthama były publikowane na łamach “Annals of Agriculture”, xxx (1798), s. 89–176, 241–96, 393–424, 457–504, xxxi (1798), s. 33–64, 169–200, 273–88.] |
pmi | Jeremy Bentham, Pauper Management Improved, w: The Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham: Writings on the Poor Laws. vol. 2, red. M. Quinn, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2010, s. 3–466, Oxford Scholarly Editions Online doi:10.1093/ actrade/9780199559633.book.1 [Traktat niepublikowany za życia autora. Cytuję za pierwszym wydaniem.] |
psc | Jeremy Bentham, Pauper Systems Compared, w: The Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham: Writings on the Poor Laws, vol. 1, red. M. Quinn, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2001, s. 141–216, Oxford Scholary Editions Online doi: 10.1093/ actrade/9780199242320.book.1 [Traktat powstały w 1797 r., niepublikowany za życia autora. Cytuję za pierwszym wydaniem.] |
sar | Jeremy Bentham, Situation and relief of the poor, w : The Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham: Writings on the Poor Laws, vol. 1, red. M. Quinn, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2001, s. 467–486, Oxford Scholary Editions Online doi: 10.1093/ actrade/9780199242320.book.1 [Rozprawa opublikowana w 1797 r. na łamach “Annals of Agriculture, and other useful Arts” (tom xxix, s. 393–426).] |
toc | Jeremy Bentham, Table of Cases calling for Relief, w : The Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham: Writings on the Poor Laws, vol. 1, red. M. Quinn, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2001, s. lvii, Oxford Scholary Editions Online doi: 10.1093/ actrade/9780199242320.book.1. |
Szkoła Chrestomatyczna
ch | The Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham: Chrestomathia, red. M.J. Smith i W. H. Burston, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1993, Oxford Scholary Editions Online doi: 10.1093/actrade/9780198226109.book.1 [Pierwsze wydanie traktatu Benthama o Szkole Chrestomatycznej ukazało się w latach w 1816–1817 w dwóch tomach (wyd. Panye, Foss, Pall-Mall & Hunter) w Londynie pod tytułem Chrestomathia: being a collection of papers, explanatory of the design of an institution, proposed to be set on foot, under the name of the Chrestomathic day school, or Chrestomathic school, for the extension of the new system of instruction to the higher branches of learning, for the use of the middling and higher ranks in life. John Bowring umieścił traktat Benthama w viii tomie dzieł zebranych.] |
jg | James Gray, Successful Application of the New System of Instruction to Language-Learning, in the Case of One of the Classes of the High School, Edinburgh, w: The Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham: Chrestomathia, s. 135–139. |
jp | James Pillans, Successful Application of the New System to Language-Learning, in the Case of the Great School, Called the High School, Edinburgh, w: The Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham: Chrestomathia, s. 130–135. |
Biuro ministra
cc | Jeremy Bentham, The Works of Jeremy Bentham, vol. ix: The Constitutional Code, red. J. Bowring, William Tait, Edinburgh 1843, Google Books id : sa5yaaaamaaj [Pierwsze wydanie ukazało się jeszcze za życia autora w 1830 r. jako pierwszy tom Contitutional Code; for the use of all nations and all governments professing liberal opinions (wyd. Robert Heward, Londyn). John Bowring dodał tom drugi i wydał całość jako tom ix dzieł zebranych Benthama. Nowe wydanie tomu pierwszego: The Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham: Constitutional Code. vol. 1, red. F. Rosen i J. H. Burns, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1983, Oxford Scholary Editions Online doi: 10.1093/actrade/9780198226086.book.1] |
Project Transcribe Bentham
tr | Transcribe Bentham, Faculty of Laws, University College London, www.transcribe-bentham.da.ulcc.ac.uk, kolejne liczby określają: pudełko, folio i numer strony |
c2 | The Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham: The Correspondence of Jeremy Bentham. Vol. 2: 1777–1780, red. T.L.S. Sprigge, Athlone Press, Londyn 1968, Oxford Scholary Editions Online doi: 10.1093/actrade/9780485132021.book.1 |
c3 | The Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham: The Correspondence of Jeremy Bentham. Vol. 3: January 1781 to October 1788, red. I.N. Christie, Athlone Press, Londyn 1971, Oxford Scholary Editions Online doi: 10.1093/actrade/9780485132038.book.1 |
c4 | The Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham: The Correspondence of Jeremy Bentham. Vol. 4: October 1788 to December 1793, red. A.T. Milne, Athlone Press, Londyn 1981, Oxford Scholary Editions Online doi: 10.1093/actrade/9780485132045. book.1 |
c6 | The Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham: The Correspondence of Jeremy Bentham. Vol. 6: January 1798 to December 1801, red. J. R. Dinwiddy, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1984, Oxford Scholary Editions Online doi: 10.1093/actrade/ 9780198226130.book.1 |
c8 | The Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham: The Correspondence of Jeremy Bentham. Vol. 8: January 1809 to December 1816, red. S. Conway, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1988, Oxford Scholary Editions Online doi: 10.1093/ actrade/9780198226154.book.1 |
c9 | The Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham: The Correspondence of Jeremy Bentham. Vol. 9: January 1817 to June 1820, red. S. Conway, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1989, Oxford Scholary Editions Online doi: 10.1093/actrade/9780198226161. book.1 |
c11 | The Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham: The Correspondence of Jeremy Bentham. Vol. 11: January 1822 to June 1824, red. C. Fuller, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2000, Oxford Scholary Editions Online doi: 10.1093/actrade/9780198208662. book.1 |
c12 | The Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham: The Correspondence of Jeremy Bentham. Vol. 12: July 1824 to June 1828, red. L. O’Sullivan, C. Fuller, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2006, Oxford Scholary Editions Online doi: 10.1093/actrade/ 9780199278305.book.1 |
mc | Jeremy Bentham, The Works of Jeremy Bentham, Vol. x: Memoirs and Correspondence, red. J. Bowring, William Tait, Edinburgh 1843, Google Books id: 8Igeaqaamaaj |
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