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p. 249-253

Texte intégral

Abercrombie, Nicholas, 149

Abrempong, 87

academic training, 43

Accra, 79

Adae festival, 81

Almeida, Miguel Vale de, 33

Akan, 75-7, 79, 81, 85, 87

American upper classes, 22

amity, network of, 208, 212, 215

Anderson, Benedict, 234

Anthias, Floya, 204

antithetical duality, 116, 118, 120-1, 124

Arhin, Kwame, 75, 79, 80, 88, 106

Asante, 4, 75-9, 85-9 passim
Traditional rules 77, 81-2, 85-89

Atouguia, Condessa de, 133-4

Augustins, Georges, 137

authority, 1, 3, 76, 202, 204-7, 212, 215, 219, 223
parental, 14, 15
dynastic, 15, 18, 20, 25

autobiography, 19-21, 25

Barth, Fredrik, 66

Bauer, Michel, 231

birth order, 33

Bloom, Harold: the anxiety of influence, 16, 25

Bluteau, Rafael: definition of successor, 133

Boone, James, 136

Bourdieu, Pierre 66, 149-50, 153, 156, 160, 230

Braga da Cruz, Manuel, 44

Busia, K. A., 79-81, 88

Calhoun, Craig J., 204, 207, 214

Capell, A., 117

economic, 150, 158
educational and cultural 150, 158, 160, 162
human, 12, 25
social, 150, 158

symbolic, 26-7

chief, 76, 88, 113, 115, 117-8
chieftaincy: introduction of, 91
election 100-5
and lineal succession, 115, 118, 120
and installation, 114-115, 118-119, 122-123
and ritual, 116-120

Christian missions, 80

choice, 2, 4, 144-5, 227

citizenship versus sovereignty, 205-6, 224

Clavero, Bartolomé, 135, 137

Cohen, Abner, 43, 204-5, 207, 212

collective action 201-2, 205, 207, 214, 219

Colonel Sanders, 195

colonial, 4, 202, 205, 230
regime 91, 97-101
rule, 79-81

commodification (ghosthood and self-coomodification), 193-5

community, 204-5, 207, 212-215, 225 n 10
ethnic, 201, 204, 221
arenas of, 213, 215
bounderies, 213
nodules of, 215

continued identity, 216-17

constituing process, 32, 41

corporate (corporate group, corporateness), 1, 201

property, 76

cross-cousins, 115, 118-22

Davis, John, 57-58

decontextualization practices of, 170, 175-81, 195

Delaforce, John, 172-174, 182, 185

Delaney, Carol66

descent, 38, 40, 43, 47, 76

group, 77
matrilineal, 76, 78

Dikötter, Frank, 205
domination, 149
economic, 153
political, 153
symbolic, 153, 163n6

dualism, 116, 119

Durkheim, Emile, 16

dynasty, 4, 11, 15, 19-21, 24, 229, 232

business, 35, 43

succession, 25
family, 32, 36-7,49n7
ideal, 43
sense, 35

earth priest, 91, 97, 101, 103

economic racionality, 41, 42

education, 85-7, 104, 108

elders, 79

elites, 2, 48n4, 202, 204, 206-7, 209, 211-12, 225n6, 227
administrative, 202
aristocratic, 133, 137
contextualization, 169-70
economic, 78
family, 38
Ghanian, 87
local, 151-160
power, 150, 162nl
succession, 75

entailment, 134-138, 148

equality, 115-116, 118, 121, 125
and hierarchy, 234

Estado Novo (Portugal), 33
conservative values, 34
ideology, 39

ethnicity, 201 phenotypic differentiation, 205
ethnic exclusivism, 213

ethnography (studying up or down), 227, 232-33

Eurasians (macanese), 202-6 exclusion
and conflation, 173-5, 177, 182-3, 7-9, 192, 194-5

family 1, 34, 149-62, 163, 215-224 passim

based economic group, 36

business (see family firm),38

continuity, 35, 47

as economic project, 34

enterprise formations, 35, 44, 49n8

1975 family law, 60-1

firm, 31, 35-6, 40, 44, 46
large, 32, 34, 37, 44, 46

group identity, 36

as a group of shared substance, 36, 41

heirs, 44

ideals, 42

as a large universe, 35, 37, 49n8

leaders, 40-1

legends, 92, 103, 108

name, 34, 38, 50n10
transmission, 38, 50n12
symbolic power, 38

production of differences in, 40

relations, 34, 37

reunions, 219-21

values, 35

Faria, Severim, 139

Firth, Raymond, 66

Fortes, Meyer, 63-66, 79, 89

Freire, Anselmo B., 139

friendship, 221

Fuller, F„ 79, 80

gambling, 202, 206, 208, 219

Garfinkel, Harold: documentary method of interpretation, 25

gender difference, 38, 140, 221-2, 235
in work,
38 in succession, 39

genealogy, 94-5, 98-9, 108

generations, 32, 36, 44, 46-7
leading, 32
emerging, 41, 47
controling, 41
declining, 47
theory of the three, 46

Geertz, Clifford, 236

Giddens, Anthony 149, 153

Goody, Jack, 31, 86, 98, 150

government, 79, 82
colonial, 79, 82
post-colonial, 79, 82

Hann, C. M., concept of property 150

hegemony, 2

heir, 133-36, 141-46 passim
successor, 133, 137
legitimate, 87

Helms, Mary W„ 232

hierarchy, 116, 118, 121-125 passim

Hocart, A. M., 115-6, 118

Hooper, Steven 118-9, 123

house (casa), 3, 4, 133-141, 146, 152-155, 159-162, 163n5

individualism, 228

inheritance, 91, 98-100, 150, 155-9

institutional trajectories, 170, 186

interests (universalistic versus particularistic), 3, 204, 212

intimacy, 5, 229, 236

Italian Civil Code, 57, 70-1 n9

Italian inheritance law, 57-60
legitimate (legitim) inheritance, 57-60

testamentary inheritance, 57, 71n11
legal inheritance, 57, 71n11

Kingsbury, Henry, 229

kinship, 1, 229, 115, 117, 121-2
descent theory, 54, 56-7, 63-66
feminist theory, 66, 71nl4

knowledge, 228-9

Kumasi, 79, 87, 89

Ladouceur, Paul A., 105

Latour, Bruno: notion of translation

Lave, Jean, 193-4, 228, 235

leadership, 2, 201, 208, 224
qualities, 99, 102
positions, 35, 41-4

Lefebvre, Henri, 153

legitimacy, 75, 81, 86-7

Lentz, Carola, 96-7, 106, 232

Lévi-Strauss, Claude: alliance theory 66

Lima, Antónia Pedroso, 228, 230

lineage, 85, 87, 89, 139-40, 144
matrilineage, 75, 91, 95, 98-100

passim, 124

Lisbon 32, 35

elite families, 33, 41, 44
financial elite, 31, 33-4, 45, 47

Loewenthal, David, 153

Longbein, John, 12

Luhmann, T. M„ 230

Lukes, Steve, 149

Macao, 2, 202-24 passim, 230

Malinowski, Bronislaw:
Malinowskian funcionalism 65-6


Marcus, George, 35-7, 44, 53-4, 60

8Spassim, 227, 229, 233-4

marriage, 115, 118, 121, 154-60
alliances, 141, 151, 210, 214, 217

mass media, 167-70, 175-6, 193, 195

material capital 43, 45

McCaskie, T. C„ 78, 88

Melcafe, G. E., 79

Monteiro, Nuno G., 227

meritocracy, 42-3, 47
kin, 43

meritocratic criteria, 43
military coups, 113, 123, 124
orders, 138-41

monopoly 4, 202, 204-6, 212, 223

mother's brother and sister's son, 121

Nader, Laura: idea of "studying up", 227

nacionalism, 234

Needham, Rodney, 227

obinom, 78

Odwira festival, 81-2

rights to, 79

Olival, Fernanda, 136

Oporto, 230

oral history, 96, 103

party politics, 92, 102-9 passim

authority, 33
desire, 70n6,
and filial succession, 55-6, 58-9,
and women, 59-62

patrilineage, 91, 95-100 passim

Pereira, Francisco G., 202-5

performance, 232

person, 17, 18, 20, 22 concepts of, 121
and subjectivity, 10, 12-14, 16, 27

Pina-Cabral, João de, 203-4, 210, 228, 230, 233
and Chan, Monica, 203
and Lourenço, Nelson, 202, 203, 205, 213, 216

Portugal, 32, 35-7, 42, 44-5

economic groups, 35, 44, 47
law, 41

on inheritance, 40
on names transmission, 38, 50

Portuguesenes (as cultural capital), 213, 216, 230

positions, 46
qualifications, 86

power 2, 76, 149-161, 162nl, 201-2, 204, 206, 211, 221, 228
and space 153

prestige, 34, 43, 45

primogeniture, 4, 41, 77, 135-36, 141

priviledge 202-207, 210, 212, 215

family as, 3, 31, 34, 36
reality projects, 201, 204, 212, 220
ethnic projects, 223

capital 43, 454
competence, 41-7
formation and training, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46

investment in, 44

property 149-161

Rattray, R. S., 78-9, 88

relational capital, 43-5

as business associates, 36
reproduction (process of social), 50
ritual obligations, 115, 117, 119

Robertson, A. F., 106

Rosas, Fernando, 39, 44

Saint-Martin, Monique de, 155

Salazar, Antonio Oliveira, 33, 44

Sampaio, Antonio V. B., 140

Sarbah, J. M„ 88-9

Scott, Ian, 205

sentiment 4-5, 201, 204, 227, 229
as affect, 66-7
and law, 53-4, 62, 66-8
schooling, 168-9, 185, 187, 189-93

Shils, Edward, 153

Shryock, Andrew, 234

Silbert, Albert, 157

Sobral,José M., 231

social capital, 43, 45

Sousa, Manuel de Almeida, 135,

Staniland, Martin, 106

stateless societies, 91-2, 100, 109

stools, 76, 82, 85, 86-8

strong men, 91, 93, 97-8, 103

succession 1, 3, 31, 32, 47-8, n2, 75-6, 87, 149-150, 156, 167, 169-71, 196, 201, 227
aristocratic, 4, 133, 142-4, 147
by gender, 39
circulating, 86
hereditary rights of, 78
male (
varonia), 137-38, 140-2
matrilineal, 75
to leadership positions, 32, 37-8, 46
to stools, 75, 77, 82, 87

successors, 47, 168-70, 175, 193, 195
men as, 41
production of, 3, 42, 47
women as, 41

symbolic patrimony, 36

titles (aristocratic), 137-38, 141-2

Tordoff, William, 80

Toren, Christina, 118, 120, 121, 229

tradition 4, 207

translation 207-212 passim

uncanny, 3, 5, 15, 18, 19, 21, 24, 229

Visceglia, Maria A., 136

wealth, 91, 93-4, 98-9

Weber, Max: charisma, 16; system of stratification, 149

Wilks, Ivor, 80-1, 88, 106

Yanagisako, Sylvia, 39, 229, 235
and Collier, 66

Yarak, L. W„ 78, 88

Yee, Albert 206

Young, Michael: the Kalauna, 16-7

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