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Abbott, A. (1988). The System of Professions (1–). University of Chicago Press.
Albisetti, J. C. (1993). The feminization of teaching in the nineteenth century: a comparative perspective. History of Education, 22(3), 253-263.
Alix, S.-A. (2014). En quête du progressisme : l’évolution de l’historiographie américaine sur l’éducation progressiste aux États-Unis (1960-2013). Histoire De l’éducation, 142, 221-245.
Anderson, J. (1988). The Education of Blacks in the South, 1860-1935 (1–). The University of North Carolina Press.
Baker, P. (1984). The Domestication of Politics: Women and American Political Society, 1780-1920. The American Historical Review, 89(3), 620.
Bashaw, C. T. (1986). Ella Flagg Young and Her Relationship to the Cult of Efficiency. Educational Theory, 36(4), 363-373.
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Bergen, B. H. (1982). Only a Schoolmaster: Gender, Class, and the Effort to Professionalize Elementary Teaching in England, 1870-1910. History of Education Quarterly, 22(1), 1.
Berrol, S. C. (1970). Health Education and Welfare: The Progressive Impulse in the New York City Public Schools. The Elementary School Journal, 71(3), 134-142.
BLOUNT, J. M. (1999). Manliness and the gendered construction of school administration in the USA. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 2(2), 55-68.
Sadovnik, A. R., & Semel, S. F. (Eds.). (2002). Founding Mothers and Others (1–). Palgrave Macmillan US.
Blount, J. M. (2018). Individuality, Freedom, and Community: Ella Flagg Young’s Quest for Teacher Empowerment. History of Education Quarterly, 58(2), 175-198.
Bordelon, S. (2011). “What Should Teachers Do to Improve Themselves Professionally?”: Women’s Rhetorical Education at California State Normal School Alumni Association in the 1890s. Rhetoric Review, 30(2), 153-169.
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Birocheau, S. (2020). Bibliographie sélective. In Incarner un modèle progressiste (1‑). ENS Éditions.
Birocheau, Sonia. « Bibliographie sélective ». In Incarner Un modèle Progressiste. Lyon: ENS Éditions, 2020.