Table des matières
Isabelle Collet
Chapter 1. Gender and education: Conceptual framework
- Working definitions
- Sex and gender
- Gender norms
- Heterosexism and heteronormativity
- Dimensions and dynamics of gender issues in education
- The reality within the classroom
- Teachers’ expectations and hidden curriculum
- The role of textbooks
- Gender-based violence
- Educational outcomes and students’ performance
- Engaging with gender issues in education
- International organisations’ guidelines
- Inclusive pedagogy
Chapter 4. Analysis: case studies and the public opinion
- Phase 1: three projects in Cagliari
- Alla scoperta della differenza
- Main actors
- The project
- Implementation
- Remarks
- Ci piacCiAmo! … anche in biblioteca
- The project
- Implementation
- Remarks
- SAVE (Stereotypes and Violence in Education)
- The project and its implementation
- Remarks
- Key findings
- Phase 2: public opinion
- Newspaper articles
- Gender issues
- UNAR booklets: reactions
- The context in Cagliari
- Declarations of Catholic Church representatives
- Statement 1: Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, 17 October 2014
- Statement 2: Pope Francis, 20 January 2015
- Statement 3: Pope Francis, 15 April 2015
- “Anti-gender” initiatives
- Initiative 1: Family Day Flyers
- Initiative 2: Petition against UNAR and the WHO
- Initiative 3: Generazione Famiglia’s video
- Key findings