- Abbé Guettée | 1
- Abbé Léon-Nicolas Godard | 1
- Abbé Lequeux | 1
- abjuration | 1
- abjuration of heresy | 1
- ablutions | 1
- absolution of the dead | 1
- absolutism | 1
- abuse of the law | 1
- Aby Warburg | 1
- Academy of Châlons-sur-Marne | 1
- acceptance of work | 1
- Accession | 1
- accommodation | 1
- accuracy | 1
- accusatory court procedure | 1
- accusatory system. | 1
- Acta Alexandrinorum | 1
- acting | 1
- Actium | 2
- acts | 1
- Acts of Thomas | 1
- adaptation | 1
- adjudication | 1
- administration | 3
- administrative atlas | 1
- admiration | 1
- Adnotationes | 1
- adoration | 1
- Adriatic Sea | 2
- Adulation | 1
- adulation | 1
- adultery | 1
- advocate | 1
- advocate profession | 1
- Aemilius Sura | 1
- aequitas | 1
- aetiology | 1
- Agathias | 1
- age-at-death determination | 1
- agency | 1
- agency of the colonised | 1
- Agostino Antonelli | 1
- Agresti (Livio) | 1
- Agrippa | 2
- Akiva | 1
- Albert the Great | 1
- Albertino Mussato | 1
- albums of collegia | 1
- Alchemy | 2
- Aleni (Giulio) | 1
- Alessandro Scarlatti | 1
- Alexander | 1
- Alexander the Great | 1
- Alexander von Humboldt | 1
- Alexandria | 1
- alfonsine astronomy | 1
- Algeria | 2
- Alibert/Delle Dame | 1
- aliens | 1
- allegorical personifications | 1
- Allegory | 1
- Alsium | 1
- altarpiece | 2
- alternative cultural practices | 1
- alum | 1
- Ambassador of Portugal | 1
- Ambrosiaster | 1
- amnisty | 1
- amoenitas | 1
- amphora | 1
- amphorae | 1
- amphoras | 1
- anaphora | 1
- anarchists | 1
- anatomy | 1
- Ancien Régime | 1
- ancient book | 1
- Ancient Greek | 1
- Ancient Latium | 1
- ancient libraries | 1
- ancient library | 1
- ancient literature | 1
- ancient mining reserves | 1
- ancient Ostia | 3
- Ancient Ostia | 1
- Ancient Rome | 1
- ancient source | 1
- Ancient sources | 2
- ancient therapy | 1
- Angevins | 1
- aniconicity | 1
- animalisation | 1
- animism | 1
- Annales | 2
- Annecy | 1
- annona | 1
- Annona | 1
- Anonymus Londiniensis | 1
- anthropology of death | 1
- anti-Judaism | 1
- anticipation | 1
- Antiochus III | 1
- antiquaria | 1
- Antique Revetment | 1
- Antiquité tardive | 1
- antiquity | 1
- Antistenes | 1
- Antwerp | 2
- Aphraat | 1
- Aphrodisias | 1
- apocalyptic | 1
- apologetics | 1
- Apostasy | 1
- apostasy | 2
- apostle Andrew | 1
- apostles | 1
- Apostolic Chamber | 1
- apostolicity | 1
- Appian of Alexandria | 1
- application of the senses | 1
- approachability | 1
- appropriation | 1
- Apulia | 1
- Arab painting | 1
- Arabic | 1
- Aragón | 1
- Arbitration | 1
- Arborea | 1
- Arch of Titus | 1
- archaelogy | 1
- archaeological evidence | 1
- archaeological excavations | 1
- archaeology | 5
- archaeometry | 1
- Archaic era | 1
- Archaic Era | 1
- Archbishop Sava | 1
- archbishopric | 1
- Archdiocese of Ohrid | 1
- archeo-anthropology | 1
- archeology of images | 1
- archeometric analyses | 1
- architectural drawings | 1
- architecture | 7
- archival evidence | 1
- Archival science | 1
- archive | 2
- archives | 4
- archivists | 1
- Aretaeus of Cappadocia | 1
- arias | 1
- aristocracy | 3
- aristotelianism | 1
- Aristotle | 1
- Arles | 1
- armour | 1
- Army | 1
- army | 2
- Arnold Van Gennep | 1
- ars moriendi | 1
- art | 1
- art and liturgy | 1
- art and patronage | 1
- Artaserse | 1
- Asia Minor | 2
- Asia Minore | 1
- Asklepieion | 1
- aspecific stress | 1
- assemblage | 1
- assimilation | 2
- Assisi | 1
- associations | 3
- astrology | 3
- Astronomical year | 1
- asylum | 3
- asylum of freedom | 1
- Athens | 1
- Atienza | 1
- Atlas | 4
- atlas | 1
- atlas of choice | 1
- atlases | 1
- Atlases | 1
- attribution | 1
- atypical burials | 1
- audientia episcopalis | 1
- Augustan Aristocracy | 1
- Augustine | 1
- Augustine of Hippo | 1
- Augustine of Trent | 1
- Augustinian Friars | 1
- Augustinians | 1
- Augustus | 7
- Aurelian Wall | 1
- austerity urbanism | 2
- Austria-Hungary | 1
- author’s right | 1
- authoriality | 1
- authorship | 1
- Autocephalous Archbishopric of Serbia | 1
- autocephalous Church | 1
- autocephaly | 10
- Autocephaly | 2
- autonomy | 1
- autonymic modalization | 1
- Aventin | 1
- Aventine | 1
- Averroes | 1
- Avignon | 1
- Babylonian divination | 1
- Babylonian medicine | 1
- Balbinus | 1
- Balkans | 1
- Balnea | 1
- bandages | 1
- bankruptcy | 2
- Bar Kokhba | 1
- Bar Kokhba revolt | 1
- Barbarian | 1
- barbarians | 1
- barber shop | 1
- baroque feast | 1
- baroque Rome | 1
- Bartolomeo da San Concordio | 1
- basin | 2
- basis | 1
- baths | 1
- battle | 1
- Beauchamps-Feuillet choreographic notation | 1
- beginning of Christianity | 1
- behaviour | 1
- Bella navalia | 1
- bellringing | 1
- Benedectin Order | 1
- Benedetto Cairoli | 1
- Benedictine Abbeys | 1
- Benedictine art | 1
- Beneventan script | 1
- bequest | 1
- bereavement | 1
- Bernardino of Siena | 1
- Bernini | 1
- Besançon | 1
- bestiary | 1
- Betica | 1
- Bible | 1
- Binario Morto | 1
- Bio-anthropology | 1
- bioanthropology | 1
- biographie | 1
- biographies | 2
- biography | 3
- biography as literary genre littéraire | 1
- biological selection | 1
- Biondo Flavio | 1
- bishop | 1
- Blaeu | 1
- blindness | 1
- Blossius of Cumae | 1
- boatmen | 1
- Boccaccio | 1
- Boccacio | 1
- bodies | 1
- bodily parts | 1
- body | 1
- Bologna | 7
- bones manipulation | 1
- Book of the Laws of the Countries | 1
- bookselling | 1
- borders | 1
- Bosnia-Herzegovina | 1
- bourgeoisies municipales | 1
- boxes | 1
- Breviary of Alaric | 1
- brick stamps | 1
- bricolage | 1
- Brioni | 1
- British and Foreign Bible Society | 1
- British Empire | 1
- British mandate | 1
- Bronze Age | 2
- Buddhism | 1
- building materials | 2
- Building of Two-staircases | 1
- building site | 1
- building tradition | 1
- building yards | 1
- building-stone | 1
- Bulgaria | 3
- Bulgarian Exarchate | 1
- Bulgarian Patriarchate | 1
- bureaucracy | 1
- Burial | 1
- burial | 3
- burial interdiction | 1
- burial practices | 1
- burial reform | 1
- burial rituals | 1
- burial standards | 1
- burial typologies | 1
- burials | 3
- burials ad sanctos | 1
- business | 1
- Business management | 1
- Byzantine Rite | 1
- Byzantium | 1
- C. Pomponius Turpilianus | 1
- caementum | 1
- Caesar | 1
- Cairo | 1
- Caligula | 1
- campaign victory | 1
- Campania | 1
- campus Martius | 1
- canon law | 5
- canonical territory | 1
- Capetian dynasty | 1
- Capitol | 2
- Capitoline hill | 1
- Capitoline Museums | 1
- Capri | 2
- Capricorn | 1
- Captivity | 1
- Caracalla | 1
- cardinal | 1
- cardinals | 1
- Carlo Albacini | 1
- Carmen 27 | 1
- carolingian capitulars | 1
- Carolingian empire | 1
- Carolingians | 1
- carpentry | 1
- Carthago Nova | 1
- cartography | 5
- Casal Bertone | 1
- Casale di Mesa | 1
- Cassinese Congregation | 1
- Cassiodorus | 1
- castanets | 1
- Castile | 1
- Castilla court | 1
- castrato | 1
- Catalonia | 1
- categorization | 1
- Catholic Church | 1
- Catholicism | 1
- Caupona of the God Pan | 1
- Cébeillac-Gervasoni | 1
- celebration | 1
- celestial influence | 1
- cemetery | 1
- cemetery | 3
- Cenotafio | 1
- censorship | 3
- Central Dalmatia | 1
- centre | 2
- César de Bus | 1
- Cesarini Palace | 1
- chaîne opératoire | 1
- Chaldean Church | 1
- chancel | 1
- chancellery | 1
- chapel | 1
- charisma | 1
- Charite | 1
- Charles Perrault | 1
- Charon’s obol | 1
- Chateaubriand | 1
- children | 1
- chilvaric literature | 1
- China | 1
- choir | 1
- choir stalls | 1
- Choir stalls | 1
- christian Campania. | 1
- Christian East | 1
- christian Iconography | 1
- Christian patronage | 1
- Christian topography | 1
- Christiane Lucie von der Schulenburg | 1
- christianisation | 1
- Christianity | 1
- christianity | 1
- Christianization | 1
- Christians | 1
- Christine de Pizan | 1
- Chronology | 1
- church | 1
- church | 2
- Church History | 1
- Church of the East | 1
- Church of Utrecht | 1
- church,-monastery | 1
- churches | 3
- churchyard | 1
- Cicero | 3
- Cicero (Verrines; De officiis) | 1
- cinerary urns | 1
- Circeo/Circeii | 1
- circulation | 1
- Circus Maximus | 1
- cistercians | 1
- cisterns | 1
- citation | 1
- citizens | 1
- citizenship | 3
- City | 1
- city communes | 1
- city council | 1
- ciuilis princeps | 1
- civic devotion | 1
- Cividale | 1
- civil law | 2
- Civil War | 1
- civilis princeps | 1
- civilitas | 1
- Civilization | 1
- civilizing process | 1
- Clarisse Vigoureux | 1
- classical antiquity | 1
- classical latin authors | 1
- Claude Masse | 1
- Claudius | 2
- Cleaning Excavation | 1
- Clinical medicine | 1
- Clubfoot | 1
- clupeus | 1
- Coan prenotions | 1
- coast line | 1
- coastal landscape | 5
- coastal landscapes | 1
- coastal landscapes. | 1
- coat of arms | 1
- Codex Theodosianus | 1
- codicological analysis | 1
- codification | 1
- Coimbra | 1
- coin | 1
- coins in grave | 1
- Cola di Rienzo | 1
- Cold War | 1
- Collatio Legum Mosaicarum et Romanarum | 1
- collection | 1
- Collective burial | 1
- College of cardinals | 1
- collegiality | 1
- Collegio Nazareno | 1
- colonial cemeteries | 1
- colonialism | 2
- colonization | 2
- Colonna theatre | 1
- coloring | 1
- Colosseum | 1
- columbaria | 1
- Column of Marcus Aurelius | 1
- Comitium | 1
- commanders | 1
- commemoration | 3
- commemoration of the bishop | 1
- commendation | 1
- commendum | 1
- commensurability | 1
- commercial cartography | 1
- communal Italy | 1
- commune | 1
- communes | 1
- communication routes | 1
- communities | 1
- community leaders | 1
- companies | 1
- comparison | 1
- compita | 1
- composition of place | 1
- compromissum | 1
- comunal law | 1
- concordat | 1
- condemnation of representation | 1
- confessional coexistence | 1
- confessional identity | 1
- conflict | 1
- Conflict resolution | 1
- Conflicts | 1
- confugere ad statuam | 1
- Congregration of S. Giustina | 1
- connectivity | 1
- conquest | 1
- consensus | 1
- conservation theory | 1
- Constantine | 2
- Constantinople | 2
- constitution | 1
- construction | 1
- construction archaeology | 1
- Consulares Campaniae | 1
- contests | 1
- context | 1
- Contextual Dating | 1
- Conti Guidi | 1
- contio | 1
- contracts | 2
- control | 3
- controversia | 1
- controversies | 1
- conversion | 5
- Conversion to Islam | 1
- Convert | 1
- copper | 1
- Coran | 1
- corona civica | 1
- corpse | 2
- Corpus Christi | 1
- corpus veteranorum | 1
- Corsica | 1
- Cosimo I de Medici | 1
- cosmographical image | 1
- cosmography | 1
- cosmology | 1
- costal landscapes | 1
- costumes | 1
- Council of Trent | 1
- councils | 1
- Counter-Reformation | 1
- counter-revolution | 1
- countryside | 1
- court | 2
- courts | 1
- courts of law | 1
- covenant | 1
- Crafts | 1
- craftsman | 1
- craftsmen | 1
- creation | 1
- creative freedom | 1
- Cremation | 2
- cremation | 4
- crime | 1
- crimes | 1
- criminal judicial documentation | 1
- criminal justice | 3
- criminal law | 1
- Criminal Procedure | 1
- Criminal registers | 1
- criminal trials | 1
- Crises | 1
- crisis | 1
- crisis of culture | 1
- criticism | 1
- Criticism of Rome | 1
- Croatia | 2
- cronology | 1
- crown-cardinal | 1
- crusade treaties | 1
- cryptoporticus | 1
- cuirassed statue | 1
- cult of Rome | 1
- cult of the dead | 1
- cult of the goddess Roma | 1
- cultural adaptations | 1
- cultural and symbolic interpretation | 1
- cultural exchange | 1
- cultural exchanges | 1
- cultural heritage | 2
- cultural history | 2
- cultural revolution | 1
- cultural transfer | 1
- culture | 2
- culture of remembrance | 1
- curial | 1
- customary law | 1
- customs | 1
- cut marks | 1
- Cyprus | 1
- daily life | 1
- Dalmatia | 3
- Damianite nuns | 1
- damnatio memoriae | 1
- damnatio meoriae | 1
- Damocrates | 1
- Dance | 1
- dancers | 1
- Daniel | 1
- Dante | 1
- De maiestate trials | 1
- De mulieribus claris | 1
- De Mulieribus claris | 1
- De repetundis trials | 1
- Dead Sea Scrolls | 1
- death | 1
- death denial | 1
- death penalty | 1
- death ritual | 1
- deathscape construction | 1
- Decalogue | 1
- decor | 2
- decorum | 1
- dedication | 1
- defence of oikoumene | 1
- definition | 1
- deformis | 1
- deletion | 1
- Della Rovere (family) | 1
- Delos | 1
- Delphi | 1
- Democritus | 2
- Demotic | 1
- desert fathers | 1
- design | 1
- design of knowledge | 1
- deviant burials | 1
- devices | 1
- devoutness | 1
- diagrams | 1
- dictionaries | 1
- Didascalia Apostolorum | 1
- dietary prescriptions | 1
- Digest | 2
- digital humanities | 1
- digital image analysis | 1
- digital revolution | 1
- Diocles of Carystus | 1
- Diocletian | 1
- Diocletian Palace | 1
- Dionysius of Halicarnassus | 1
- diplomacy | 3
- diplomacy of the Patriarchate of Constantinople | 1
- diplomatic interventions | 1
- diplomatics | 2
- diptychs | 2
- disambiguation | 1
- disappearance | 1
- Diseases of Women I-II | 1
- disfigurement | 1
- Dismembered bodies | 1
- disposition | 1
- dissimulation | 1
- distribution | 1
- distribution strategies and mechanisms | 1
- district out “Porta marina” | 1
- divination | 1
- divine law | 2
- divine providence | 1
- divorce | 1
- divus Titus | 1
- Doctrinaries | 1
- document | 1
- documentary practice | 1
- documentary practices | 1
- documentation | 1
- Dom Prosper Guéranger | 1
- Dominican knowledge | 1
- Dominican nuns | 1
- Dominicans | 3
- Domitian | 3
- domus | 3
- Domus Aurea | 1
- domus principis | 1
- double burials | 1
- downgrading | 6
- Downgrading | 1
- dowry | 2
- Dracontius | 1
- draft | 1
- drainage | 1
- drammi per musica | 1
- drawing | 1
- Dream incubation | 1
- Dress | 1
- Dubrovnik | 1
- Dufour | 1
- duke of Burgundy | 1
- Durandus of Saint-Pourçain | 1
- Dürer | 1
- duties | 1
- dyeing | 1
- dying well | 1
- dynamics of change | 1
- dynastic memory | 1
- early Christian inscriptions | 1
- early dance | 1
- Early Empire | 2
- early medieval monasteries | 1
- Early Middle Age | 2
- early Middle Ages | 1
- Early Middle Ages | 1
- early Middle Ages | 2
- Early Middle Agse | 1
- early modern Europe | 1
- early modern period | 1
- Early modern period | 1
- early modern printed books | 1
- Eastern Christianity | 1
- eastern Christians | 1
- ecclesial communion | 1
- ecclesiastical careers | 1
- ecclesiastical right of asylum | 2
- ecclesiology | 1
- École Française de Rome | 1
- economic history | 1
- economic public order | 1
- economy | 1
- Ecumenical Patriarchate | 2
- Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople | 1
- ecumenism | 1
- Ecumenism | 1
- Edessa | 1
- Edict of Nantes | 1
- edification | 1
- Eduard Sachau | 1
- education through images | 1
- Egypt | 2
- Egyptian animals | 1
- Egyptian drugs | 1
- Egyptian minerals | 1
- Egyptian plants | 1
- Egyptian products | 1
- ekdikos | 1
- election of the bishop | 1
- elector | 1
- Electra | 1
- Elijah of Cortona | 1
- Elisha ben Abuyah | 1
- élite | 1
- elites | 1
- élites municipales | 1
- emblematic | 1
- emblems | 1
- emigrants | 1
- emigration | 1
- émigrés | 1
- EMIRE | 1
- EMIRE Project | 1
- emotion | 1
- Emperor | 1
- emperor | 1
- Emperor Theodore Laskaris | 1
- emperor-beast | 1
- emperors | 1
- empire | 4
- Empire | 1
- enamel histology | 1
- enclosure | 1
- Eneolithic period | 1
- England | 1
- engraving | 2
- engravings | 2
- enlightenment | 1
- Ennio Quirino Visconti | 2
- enterprise | 2
- environment | 1
- Ephesus | 2
- epideictic rhetoric | 1
- epigraphy | 8
- episcopal hagiography | 1
- epistemology | 1
- epistemonarches | 1
- eremitism | 1
- eschatology | 3
- esthetic law and order | 1
- ethics | 3
- ethnic identities | 1
- Etruscan epigraphy | 1
- Etruscan necropolis | 1
- Eucharist | 1
- euchologion | 1
- Eugenius IV | 2
- eulogy | 1
- Eunomia | 1
- Euripides | 1
- Eusebius of Caesarea | 1
- Evangelicae historiae imagines | 1
- event | 1
- Event | 1
- evidence | 1
- evidentiary image | 2
- excavations | 1
- execution | 1
- Exegesis | 1
- exegesis | 1
- exemplum | 1
- exhibitions | 1
- exile | 6
- exiles | 2
- exotism | 1
- expectation | 1
- experience | 1
- export | 1
- extradition | 1
- Facies Tolfa | 1
- failure | 2
- famiglia | 1
- family | 2
- family archives | 1
- family law | 1
- family laws | 1
- family memorials | 1
- family strategies | 1
- family vaults | 1
- famous dead | 1
- fascism | 2
- fasti Ostienses | 1
- Fasti Ostienses | 1
- Fasting | 1
- father of the Homeland | 1
- fear of the dead/death | 1
- female prostitution | 1
- Ferdinando Castagnoli | 1
- festivals | 1
- fiction | 1
- fictionnal trials | 1
- fictive architecture | 1
- fifteenth century | 1
- figure | 1
- Filippo Colonna | 1
- Filippo Juvarra | 1
- Filippo Lombardini | 1
- film classification | 1
- Final Bronze Age | 1
- financial broker | 1
- financialization | 1
- Finelli | 1
- fines | 1
- Finland | 1
- first century BCE | 1
- first-borns/younger sons | 1
- fiscal-social contract | 1
- fish tanks | 1
- fishery | 1
- fishpond | 3
- fistulae aquariae | 1
- Flavian dynasty | 1
- Flavian palace | 1
- Flavians | 1
- Florence | 3
- Florus | 1
- fluvial trade | 1
- fluvio-maritime area | 1
- food history | 1
- forced baptism of Jewish children | 1
- Forced conversions | 1
- foreigners | 2
- forensic education | 1
- forfeiture | 1
- Forma Vrbis marmorea | 1
- format | 1
- formulas | 1
- Forum | 1
- Fos-sur-Mer | 1
- Fossa Traiana | 1
- foundation myth | 1
- founders | 1
- Four empires | 1
- Fragmenta Augustodunensia | 1
- France | 17
- Francesco Marti | 1
- Franche-Comté | 1
- franchises | 1
- Franciscan churches | 1
- Franciscan Observance | 1
- Franciscan Order | 1
- Franciscan studies | 1
- Franciscans | 2
- Franciscans in the East and Middle East | 1
- fratres communes | 1
- fraud | 1
- fraud to creditors | 1
- Frederick III | 1
- freedmen | 3
- freedom of expression | 1
- French | 1
- French colonisation | 1
- French engravers | 1
- French foreign office | 1
- French Revolution | 5
- fresco | 1
- friars | 1
- Friars’ libraries | 1
- friendship | 1
- Friuli | 1
- frumentarii | 1
- fuel | 1
- fullonica | 1
- functionary | 1
- funeral objects | 1
- funerals | 3
- funerary | 1
- funerary anthropology | 1
- funerary area | 1
- funerary customs | 1
- funerary ecology | 1
- funerary exclusion | 1
- funerary goods | 1
- funerary ideology | 1
- Funerary inscriptions | 1
- funerary inscriptions | 3
- funerary laws | 1
- funerary liturgy | 1
- funerary monuments | 1
- funerary practices | 2
- funerary ritual | 2
- funerary rituals | 2
- funerary transition | 2
- funerary transitions | 1
- funerary variability | 1
- Gabriel d’Emiliane | 1
- Gaeta | 1
- Gaetano Marini | 1
- Gaius | 1
- Galen | 1
- Galle | 1
- Gallia Belgica | 1
- Gallicanism | 1
- gallicanism | 1
- Gaudentius | 1
- Gaul | 2
- Gaulish customs | 1
- Gavin Hamilton | 1
- Gemona | 1
- gender | 2
- gender expectations | 1
- Gender regime | 1
- gender studies | 1
- genealogical tree | 2
- genealogy | 4
- Genesis Rabbah | 1
- Genoa | 1
- genocide | 1
- gentes | 1
- geoarchaeology | 1
- Geoffrey Gorer | 1
- Geographical epithets | 1
- geography | 4
- geography textbooks | 1
- geohistory | 1
- geomorphology | 1
- geophysical survey | 2
- geopolitics | 1
- Georg Adam von Martinitz | 1
- Georges Ehrard Schieble | 1
- German Empire | 1
- German orientalism | 1
- Germany | 1
- Gerona | 1
- Ghibellism | 1
- Gianola | 1
- Giles of Rome | 1
- Gilles Robert de Vaugondy (1688-1766) | 1
- Giorgio Vasari | 1
- Giovanni Boccaccio | 1
- Girolamo Colonna | 1
- Girolamo Golubovich | 1
- Giuseppe Betussi | 1
- gladiators | 1
- glass | 2
- globe | 1
- glory | 2
- Gordianus | 1
- Gospel | 1
- Gothic War | 1
- gothic wars | 1
- governance | 1
- governors | 1
- grace | 1
- Grand Duchy of Tuscany | 1
- Grand Tour | 1
- graphic devices (view | 1
- grave goods | 1
- Graves | 1
- great men | 1
- Greek | 1
- Greek cities | 1
- Greek city | 1
- Greek documents | 1
- Greek law | 1
- Greek world | 1
- Greeks | 1
- grotesque statuettes | 1
- Guadalajara | 1
- Guadalquivir | 1
- guarantee for ademption | 1
- gynaecological treatises | 1
- Hachette Publishing | 1
- Hadrian | 2
- Hafiz Ali Eşref | 1
- Hagiography | 1
- handicraft | 1
- hands | 1
- harbour | 1
- harbours | 1
- haruspicine | 1
- haussmannization | 1
- Hellenistic kings | 1
- hellenistic literature | 1
- Henry III | 1
- Henry VII | 1
- heraldry | 2
- Hercules | 1
- Herennius Pontius | 1
- heritage | 2
- heros | 1
- Hesiod | 1
- Hierapolis of Phrygia | 1
- hierarchy | 1
- Hiero II of Syracuse | 1
- high nobility | 1
- Hight Roman Empire | 1
- Hippocrate | 1
- Hippocrates | 5
- Hippocrates’ Aphorisms | 1
- Hippocratic commentaries | 1
- Hippocratic medicine | 2
- Hippocratic reception | 1
- Hispania | 2
- Historical atlas | 1
- historical methodology | 1
- historical topography | 1
- historiography | 10
- history | 3
- history mediterranean | 1
- history of clothing | 1
- history of education | 1
- history of Florence | 2
- history of geography | 1
- history of studies | 2
- history of urbanism | 1
- Holy Office | 9
- Holy Roman Empire | 8
- Homer | 1
- homines novi | 1
- hommes illustres (1696-1700) | 1
- honor | 1
- honorary statue | 1
- honour | 1
- horrea | 1
- Horrea Galbana | 1
- horrea Ostiensia et Portuensia | 1
- hospitality | 2
- hôtellerie | 1
- house decoration | 1
- house of Savoy | 1
- household | 1
- housing | 2
- Huguenot Refuge | 1
- huguenots | 1
- human remains exhibition | 1
- human rights | 1
- humanism | 8
- humanist studies | 1
- humanistic biography | 1
- humanists | 1
- Hungarian Kingdom | 1
- hybridization | 1
- hygiene-sanitary issue | 1
- Iberian trade | 1
- iconoclasm | 3
- iconography | 2
- iconology | 1
- iconotext | 1
- identity | 3
- idolatry | 2
- Il Corago | 1
- illustrious ascetics | 1
- illustrious men | 1
- illustrious men and women | 1
- image | 3
- images | 2
- images of hell | 1
- imagination | 2
- imago | 1
- immigration | 1
- Immunity | 1
- Imón | 1
- imperial age | 1
- imperial authority | 1
- imperial birthday | 1
- imperial cerimonial | 1
- imperial coinage | 1
- imperial constitution | 1
- imperial court | 1
- Imperial court | 1
- imperial cult | 2
- Imperial cult | 1
- Imperial discourse | 1
- imperial domus | 1
- imperial forum | 1
- imperial health anxieties | 1
- imperial ideology | 1
- Imperial image | 1
- Imperial palace | 1
- imperial power | 1
- imperial privilege | 1
- imperial project | 1
- imperial propaganda | 1
- imperial quadrantes | 1
- imperial statue | 1
- imperial travel | 1
- imperialism | 3
- imperium and tribunician power | 1
- impiety | 1
- imports | 1
- impoverishment | 1
- impurity | 1
- inalienability | 1
- inauguration | 1
- incolae | 1
- incuria | 1
- Index | 4
- India | 1
- individualization of the end of life | 1
- industrialization | 1
- inequalities | 1
- inferential image | 2
- influence | 1
- information | 1
- inheritance | 1
- inhumation | 1
- Inquisition | 2
- inscriptions | 1
- inscriptions from Ostia | 1
- Institutiones | 1
- institutions | 1
- instruction | 1
- Instrumentum Domesticum | 1
- insulae | 1
- insults | 1
- integration | 2
- intellectual history | 1
- intercultural and interreligious relations | 1
- intertextuality | 1
- intransmissibility | 1
- intratextual reference | 1
- invention | 1
- investigations and urban police | 1
- Iraq | 1
- Ireland | 1
- iron | 1
- Isidorus | 1
- Islam | 3
- Islamic law for minorities | 1
- Isola Sacra | 8
- isolated skeletal remains | 1
- Israel | 1
- Istria | 4
- Italian Humanism | 1
- Italian Renaissance | 1
- italiani non regnicoli | 1
- Italy | 15
- Iura sepulcrorum | 1
- iura sepulcrorum | 1
- ius imaginum | 1
- Ivry | 1
- Jansenism | 2
- Japan | 1
- Jean Arnault | 1
- Jean de Beaurain (1696-1771) | 1
- Jean-Baptiste d’Anville (1697-1782) | 1
- Jean-Charles Augustin Clément | 1
- Jerusalem | 3
- Jerusalem Talmud | 1
- Jesuit missions | 1
- jesuits | 1
- Jesuits | 1
- jettison | 1
- Jewish courts | 1
- Jewish law | 3
- Jewish revolt | 1
- Jewish revolts | 1
- Jewish serfdom | 1
- Jewish-Christian relations | 1
- Jews | 3
- jobs | 1
- Johann Georg Cramer | 1
- John of Naples | 1
- Jonah metropolitan of Russia (1448-1461) | 1
- Jordan | 1
- Joseph Valerga | 1
- Josephus | 4
- journals | 1
- Judaea | 1
- Judaism | 3
- judges | 1
- judicial patron | 1
- judicial prayers | 1
- judicial procedures | 1
- judicial violence | 1
- judiciary records | 2
- Julio-Claudians | 1
- Julius II | 1
- Juraj Šižgorić | 1
- jurisdiction | 2
- jurisdictions | 1
- jurisprudence | 1
- jurists | 1
- jus gentium | 1
- jus proprium | 1
- justice | 7
- Justice | 1
- Justin Martyr | 1
- L. Appuleius Saturninus | 1
- L. Flamininus (cos. 192 BC) | 1
- La Olmeda | 1
- La Tessalonica | 1
- laboratory training | 1
- labour | 1
- lacerna | 1
- Lactantius | 1
- Lafreri | 1
- lagoon | 1
- Lamentations Rabbah | 1
- lamps | 1
- land reclamation | 1
- landscape | 1
- landscape archaeology | 1
- landscape survey | 1
- landscaped cemetery | 1
- language policy | 1
- languages | 1
- Languedoc | 1
- lanterna | 1
- large-scale urban development projects | 1
- Lasallians | 1
- late antique Rome | 2
- Late Antique Rome | 1
- Late Antiquity | 6
- late antiquity | 2
- Late Middle Age | 1
- Late modern period | 1
- late-republican period wall | 1
- Lateran | 1
- latin | 1
- Latin Epigraphy | 1
- Latin epigraphy | 2
- latin literature | 1
- Latin Panegyric | 1
- Latinization | 1
- Latium | 1
- Latium vetus | 1
- laughter | 2
- law | 5
- law and order | 1
- law enforcement | 1
- law in action | 1
- laws | 2
- laymen | 1
- layout | 1
- Lazi | 1
- lead | 3
- legal action | 1
- legal denunciations | 1
- legal education | 1
- legal history | 1
- legal knowledge | 1
- legal norms | 1
- legal pluralism | 2
- legal practices | 1
- legal procedure | 1
- legal sources | 1
- legend | 1
- legislation | 1
- Legitimation | 1
- Leo X | 1
- Leo XII | 1
- Leptis Magna | 1
- letter of Aristeas | 1
- Lex Rupilia | 1
- Liber maleficiorum | 1
- Liber Pontificalis | 1
- Libri inquisitionum et testium | 1
- libri malleficiorum | 1
- licite images | 1
- lieutenant | 1
- lime | 2
- lineage | 2
- linguistic skills | 1
- lists | 1
- literary canon | 1
- literary culture | 1
- literary history | 1
- litigation | 1
- liturgical furniture | 1
- liturgy | 4
- lives | 1
- living conditions | 1
- Local Church | 1
- local elites | 2
- local élites | 1
- local mappers | 1
- logic | 1
- logica nova | 1
- logica vetus | 1
- logistics | 2
- Lombards | 1
- London | 1
- Longarina | 1
- longobard laws | 1
- Lorenza de la Cerda | 1
- loss of privilege | 1
- Lost medical treatises | 1
- Louis Bailly | 1
- low cost urbanism | 1
- Luca Cherubini | 1
- Luca di Antonio degli Albizzi | 2
- Lucilii Gamalae | 1
- Lucius Saufeius | 1
- Ludwig IV of Bavaria | 1
- Lumières | 1
- luogo di memoria | 1
- Lyon | 1
- Lysikles | 1
- Maccabean martyrs | 1
- Maccarese marshes | 1
- Macedonia | 1
- Macedonian Wars | 1
- macella | 1
- madness | 1
- magic | 1
- magic lantern | 1
- magical papyri | 1
- magical practice | 1
- magistri viarum | 1
- magnates | 1
- magnetism | 1
- Maison de la Bonne Presse | 1
- Making of gold | 1
- Malaga | 1
- male decorum | 1
- maliki and hanbali schools | 1
- mancipatio | 1
- Manilla galleon | 1
- manipulation | 1
- manual treatment | 1
- manufactoring site | 1
- Manus | 1
- manuscript | 2
- manuscripts | 1
- manuscripts studies | 1
- map publishing in the France of the Enlightenment | 1
- map) | 1
- maps | 2
- marbles | 1
- marbles origin | 1
- Marche | 1
- Marcianus Venetus Graecus 269 | 1
- Marcion | 1
- Marco Trevisano | 1
- Margaret Mead | 1
- marginal reference | 1
- marginalia | 1
- margins | 1
- Marguerite de la Rivière | 1
- Marie d’Agreda | 1
- Marie René de La Blanchère | 1
- Maritime Baths | 2
- maritime baths | 1
- markets | 2
- marmora | 1
- marriage | 3
- Marriage | 1
- Martin of Troppau | 1
- Martino Martini | 1
- martyrdom | 1
- martyrium | 1
- masculinity | 1
- masonry | 1
- materiality | 1
- mathematics | 1
- Matronae | 1
- mausoleum | 2
- Maximus | 1
- mechanistic model | 1
- media | 1
- mediaeval history | 1
- medical expertise | 1
- medical terminology | 1
- medical treatments | 1
- medicalization | 1
- medicine | 6
- medieval archaeology | 1
- medieval civilisation | 1
- medieval literature | 1
- medieval monasteries | 1
- medieval sciences | 1
- medieval sculpture | 1
- medieval tomb | 1
- medievalism | 1
- meditation | 1
- meditative inference | 1
- Mediterranean relation with Northern Europe | 1
- Mekhilta de-Rabbi Ishmael | 1
- melancholy | 1
- Melkite Church | 1
- memoria | 1
- Mendicant education | 1
- mendicant libraries | 2
- mendicant orders | 1
- Mendicant orders | 2
- merchant bourgeoisie | 1
- merchant-bankers | 1
- merchants | 2
- metadata | 1
- metals | 1
- methodology | 3
- metropolisation | 1
- Michel Bégon | 1
- microachitecture | 1
- Middle Adriatic | 1
- Middle Ages | 5
- middle ages | 1
- Middle Bronze Age | 1
- Middle-East | 1
- midrash | 2
- migration policy | 1
- Miletus | 1
- military defeats | 1
- military emperor | 1
- military history | 1
- military victory | 1
- mimesis | 1
- mine | 1
- Ming | 1
- miniature painting | 1
- mining explotation | 1
- mining landscapes | 1
- Mireille Cébeillac-Gervasoni | 1
- misalliance | 1
- Mishnah | 3
- Mission | 2
- mission | 1
- missionary knowledge | 1
- missions | 2
- Mithraeum of multicolored marbles | 1
- Mithraism | 1
- mobility | 1
- mobility | 1
- Modena | 1
- modern age | 1
- Modern Aramaic | 1
- Modern times | 2
- modernity | 1
- mole | 1
- molo | 1
- molo della Lanterna | 1
- monarchical representation | 1
- monarchy | 2
- monasteries | 1
- monastery | 2
- monastic land holdings | 1
- monastic virtues | 1
- monasticism | 2
- monetary circulation | 1
- Montaigne | 1
- Montserrat | 1
- monumental path | 1
- monuments | 1
- monumentum servorum et libertorum | 1
- moral philosophy | 1
- Moretus | 1
- morte | 1
- mos | 1
- mosaic | 3
- Mosaic Law | 1
- Moscow Council | 1
- Moscow Patriarchate | 2
- Mosul | 1
- mounting | 1
- Movementscape | 1
- mudejares | 1
- multidisciplinary | 1
- municipal council | 1
- Municipal Daily | 1
- municipal fasti | 1
- municipal patron saints | 1
- municipal politics | 1
- municipal statutes | 1
- munificence | 1
- murder of images | 1
- Musée du Bardo | 1
- music | 2
- music and diplomacy | 1
- musica di scena | 1
- mutilation | 1
- mystery cults | 1
- myth | 1
- myth of Venetian freedom | 1
- Nadal | 1
- Nadal (Jérónimo) | 1
- Nadal (Jérónimo) | 2
- nail | 1
- name-nomen | 1
- names of defeated peoples | 1
- Names of seasons | 1
- Napoleonian empire | 1
- Nara-Bible | 1
- Narbonne | 1
- narrative | 1
- nation | 1
- Nation | 1
- nationalism | 2
- nationality | 1
- nations | 1
- Natural philosophy | 1
- nature | 1
- naues caudicariae | 1
- Naulochus | 1
- navigation | 1
- Neapolitan composers | 1
- necropolis | 5
- Necropolis | 1
- Neighborhood out of Porta Marina | 1
- neighborhoods | 1
- Neighbourhood outside Porta Marina | 1
- Neri Maria Corsini | 1
- Nero | 3
- network | 1
- networks | 1
- new recipes | 1
- Nicholas V | 2
- Nicolas Trevet | 1
- Nicolò Minato | 1
- nobiliary law | 1
- nobility | 5
- Nobility | 3
- Noble decommissioning | 1
- Noblesse de robe | 1
- Nomen Antoninum | 1
- non-perishable materials | 1
- non-professional dance training | 1
- Norbert Elias | 1
- North Adriatic | 1
- North Africa | 2
- northern Iraq | 1
- nosological treatises | 1
- Nosology | 1
- notaries | 1
- notary | 1
- noxality | 1
- numismatics | 1
- numismatics finds | 1
- nuns | 1
- nuns’ choir | 2
- Occident | 1
- occupations | 1
- office | 1
- officeholders | 1
- officers | 1
- Official and Personal Three Names | 1
- Ohrid | 1
- old age | 1
- oligarchy | 1
- omen | 1
- onomastics | 2
- opera | 2
- Opera | 2
- Oppian Hill | 1
- opposites | 1
- Optatianus | 1
- optimates | 1
- opus reticulatum | 1
- opus reticulatum - | 1
- orations | 1
- oratorio | 1
- oratory | 3
- ordeal | 1
- Order of Friars Preachers | 1
- Order of Preachers | 1
- ordo | 1
- Orientalism | 1
- orientalism | 1
- ornamenta | 1
- orography | 1
- Orosius | 1
- Ortelius | 1
- Orthodox Church | 1
- Orthodox ecclesiology | 1
- orthodoxy | 1
- Orthodoxy | 2
- Osrhoene | 1
- Ostia | 21
- Ostia (ancient city) | 1
- Ostia antica | 1
- Ostia-Portus | 1
- Ostian epigraphy | 1
- other | 1
- otium | 1
- Otto Neurath | 1
- Ottoman Empire | 3
- Outdoor performance | 1
- over tourism | 1
- ownership | 2
- paenula | 1
- paganism | 1
- paideia | 1
- pain | 1
- painted landscapes | 1
- Palaestra | 1
- Palatine | 1
- Palazzo a mare | 1
- paleoenvironment | 1
- Palestinian rabbis | 1
- palliative care | 1
- papacy | 2
- papacy and empire | 1
- Papal court | 1
- papal historiography | 1
- papal states | 1
- Papal Zouaves | 1
- Pappus and Julianus | 1
- Parentalia | 1
- Parentium | 3
- Parigi | 1
- Paris | 3
- pars fructuaria | 1
- pars rustica | 3
- pars urbana | 1
- Part-books | 1
- Parthians | 1
- participative urbanism | 1
- parties | 1
- parting of the ways | 1
- passive participle | 1
- pastoral | 1
- patria potestas | 1
- patriarchate | 1
- Patriarchate | 1
- Patriarchate of Constantinople | 2
- Patriarchate of Moscow | 2
- patristics | 1
- patronage | 2
- Paul of Venice | 1
- Paul Otlet | 1
- Paul VI | 1
- Paulinus of Nola | 1
- paved road | 1
- pax | 1
- Pazzi-Strozzi | 1
- Peć | 1
- peculium | 1
- pedagogues | 1
- pedagogy | 1
- pediatric orthopedics | 1
- pedimental decoration | 1
- penalty of the ban | 1
- Pérez de Guzmán | 1
- Pérez de Guzmán | 1
- performance | 5
- Performance | 1
- performance practice | 1
- performance studies | 3
- performative event | 1
- performative society | 1
- performativity | 1
- Performing arts | 1
- performing arts and foreign nations in Rome | 1
- Pergamon | 1
- Perge | 1
- peri-urban cemeteries | 1
- periodisation | 1
- periodization | 1
- persecution | 1
- Persecution | 1
- Persian painting | 1
- persona | 1
- personal names | 1
- personality rights | 1
- personhood | 1
- Perugia | 1
- Pescennius Niger | 1
- Peter Damian | 1
- petition | 1
- Petition | 1
- petitions | 1
- Petrarch | 1
- Pharmacological heritage | 1
- pharmacopoeia | 1
- Phasing Earthquake 346 | 1
- Philip V | 1
- Philippe Ariès | 1
- Philippi | 1
- Philo | 1
- philosophical sources | 1
- philosophy | 2
- Phradmon | 1
- Phyromachos | 1
- physical presence | 1
- Physics | 1
- Pianterella | 1
- Piarists | 1
- piazzale delle Corporazioni | 1
- pictorial novelty | 1
- Piedmont | 1
- Pierre Bayle | 1
- Pierre Billaud | 1
- Pierre Jurieu | 1
- Pierre-Jean-François de Montgaillard | 1
- Pietro Ottoboni | 1
- piety | 2
- pig-Rome | 1
- pigments | 1
- Pilgram | 1
- pilgrimages | 1
- pine-pitch | 1
- Pithekoussai | 1
- place | 1
- placitum | 1
- planning | 1
- Platina (Bartolomeo) | 1
- Platon | 1
- plebs | 1
- Pliny the Elder | 1
- Pliny the Younger | 1
- plomb | 1
- pluralization of norms | 1
- Plutarch | 1
- Poetry | 1
- polarisation | 1
- police | 2
- police violence | 1
- Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth | 1
- political asylum | 1
- political change | 1
- Political Culture | 1
- political discourse | 2
- political emigration | 1
- political history | 1
- political iconography | 1
- Political imposture | 1
- political independence | 1
- political participation | 1
- Political Personifications | 1
- political thought | 1
- politics | 1
- Polybius | 2
- polyhierarchy | 1
- pomerium | 1
- Pompei | 1
- Pomposa Abbey | 1
- pontifex maximus | 1
- Pontine plain | 1
- Pontine Region Project | 1
- Poor Clares | 2
- pope | 1
- pope-emperor chronicles | 1
- popes | 1
- popular assemblies | 1
- popular sources | 1
- popularis | 1
- populus Ostiensis | 1
- pornography of death | 1
- port | 1
- port facilities | 1
- portico | 2
- Portico Clearance | 1
- portrait | 2
- portraits | 3
- portraits of architects | 1
- Portus | 7
- Positivism | 1
- post-byzantine studies | 1
- post-imperial administration | 1
- post-imperial legislation | 1
- Post-Tridentine Rome | 1
- postliminium | 1
- potestas stautendi | 1
- Pottery | 1
- povrety | 1
- power | 2
- praetorium | 1
- pre-Sinaitic law | 1
- preaching | 2
- preaching 14th-15th | 1
- predication | 1
- prelates | 1
- prélats | 1
- preparatory drawings | 1
- presence | 1
- Press | 1
- Priapus | 1
- prices | 1
- priests | 1
- primacy | 1
- prince | 2
- prince and people | 1
- Princeps | 2
- Princes | 1
- principate | 1
- Principate | 2
- principes pueri | 1
- printing | 1
- Printing house | 1
- private / public | 1
- private churches | 1
- privileges | 1
- probable conjecture | 1
- Procedure | 1
- proceedings | 2
- processes of downgrading | 1
- Procopius of Caesarea | 1
- procurators ad annonam | 1
- professional organisations | 1
- prognosis | 1
- promotion | 1
- proof of nobility | 1
- propaganda | 1
- property | 1
- property of the monastery of St Peter in Osor | 1
- prosopography | 3
- prosopopeia | 1
- protection | 1
- Protestant exiles | 1
- Protestantism | 3
- Protestants | 1
- Proto-Hippocratic corpus | 1
- protohistory | 1
- Protovillanovian | 1
- provenance | 1
- Provence | 2
- province | 1
- Province of Macedonia | 1
- provinces | 2
- provincial administration | 2
- provincial population | 1
- provincialization. | 1
- prudence | 1
- pseudepigraphy | 1
- public and private building | 1
- public buildings | 2
- public domain | 1
- Public Justice | 1
- public law | 1
- public order | 1
- Public slaves | 1
- public space | 1
- public theatres | 1
- publishing | 2
- Pudens | 1
- Puellae Faustinianae | 1
- Pulgar | 1
- Pulgar | 1
- purgatory | 1
- Puy-de-Dôme | 1
- Pyrenees | 1
- rabbinic law | 3
- rabbinic literature | 1
- Rabbinic literature | 1
- rabbinic martyrs | 1
- rabbinic movement | 1
- rabbis | 4
- Rabbis | 1
- Rachel judgment | 1
- rafting | 1
- raisings of levels | 1
- rank | 1
- rape charges | 1
- Raphael | 1
- raw material | 1
- raw materials | 3
- re-appropriation | 1
- re-use | 1
- reading | 2
- real-estate market | 1
- reality | 1
- rebuilding | 1
- rebuilding inscriptions | 1
- reception | 2
- reclaim land | 1
- Recollects | 1
- recycling | 1
- reditus | 1
- reform | 1
- Reformation | 1
- Reformed churches | 1
- reforming bishops | 1
- refoundation | 1
- refrigerium | 1
- Refuge | 1
- refugees | 2
- refusal | 1
- regalism | 1
- regional mapping | 1
- regional states | 1
- regulation | 1
- regulations | 1
- rejection | 1
- relations between Rome and Antwerp | 1
- relics | 1
- religion | 1
- religious art | 1
- religious ceremonies | 1
- religious engravings of the 19th century | 1
- religious insult | 1
- religious meanings | 1
- religious policy | 1
- religious rituals | 1
- reliquary shrine | 1
- Remigio dei Girolami | 1
- Remus | 1
- Renaissance | 3
- renaissance biography | 2
- renaissance humanism | 1
- Renaissance Italy | 2
- Renaissance sources | 1
- renewals | 1
- representation | 1
- representation of social status | 1
- representation of time | 1
- Republic | 2
- Republic of Venice | 2
- republic of Venice | 1
- republican magistracy | 1
- reputation | 2
- requalification | 1
- res publica | 1
- Res religiosae | 1
- rescript | 1
- resistance | 2
- restauration | 2
- restoration | 4
- Restoration | 1
- retro-choir | 1
- reuse | 1
- revisions | 1
- revocation | 1
- revolution | 1
- Rhétoré | 1
- rhetoric | 2
- rhetoricians | 1
- Rhone delta | 1
- right of asylum | 3
- right of image | 1
- right of privacy | 1
- right to burial | 1
- ring | 1
- Rio Galeria | 1
- Risorgimento | 1
- ritual | 1
- ritual wells | 1
- ritualism | 1
- river | 1
- river harbor | 1
- river ports | 1
- river trade | 1
- rivers | 2
- road | 1
- Robert Herz | 1
- Rodney King affair | 1
- role | 1
- Roma vetus vs. Roma Nova; Celebrative Neo-Latin Literature | 1
- Roman antiquity | 1
- Roman archaeology | 1
- roman architecture | 1
- Roman architecture | 2
- Roman aristocracy | 1
- Roman calendar | 1
- Roman commemorative festivals | 1
- Roman courts | 1
- Roman East | 1
- Roman emperor | 2
- Roman Empire | 5
- Roman empire | 2
- Roman Etruria | 1
- Roman governors | 1
- Roman history | 1
- Roman imperialism | 2
- Roman Inquisition | 8
- Roman Italy | 2
- Roman jurists | 1
- Roman Law | 2
- Roman law | 10
- Roman Mesopotamia | 1
- roman metallurgy | 1
- Roman Mithraism | 1
- Roman necropoleis | 1
- Roman necropolis | 2
- Roman nobility | 1
- Roman Ostia | 2
- Roman Palestine | 1
- Roman people | 1
- Roman people | 1
- Roman period | 1
- Roman portraits | 1
- Roman ports | 1
- Roman pottery | 1
- Roman power | 3
- Roman religion | 1
- Roman republican period | 1
- Roman Senate | 1
- Roman sepulcral law | 1
- Roman spectacles | 1
- roman sulphur | 1
- Roman tax system | 1
- Roman times | 1
- Roman topography | 4
- Roman unpublished inscriptions | 1
- Roman urbanism | 1
- Roman vs. local law | 1
- Roman wallpaintings | 1
- Roman wars | 1
- romance languages | 1
- Romanisation | 2
- romanisation | 1
- romanization | 2
- Rome | 36
- Rome (city) | 1
- Rome and Augustus temple | 1
- Romulus | 1
- rood screen | 3
- Rosalia | 1
- Rostra | 1
- Rotterdam | 1
- routes | 1
- royal patronage | 1
- rule | 1
- rumor | 1
- rumour | 1
- rural world | 1
- Russia | 1
- Russian Orthodox Church | 1
- Ruth Benedict | 1
- Ruthenians | 1
- S. Angelo di Panzo | 1
- S. Pietro | 1
- Sabines | 1
- Sacred Congregation of Rites | 1
- sacred image | 1
- sacred mystery | 1
- sacrifices | 1
- Saepta | 1
- saffron | 1
- Saint Gaudenzio | 1
- Saint-Maurice | 1
- Saint-Pons-de-Thomières | 1
- Saltworks | 1
- saltworks | 1
- San Marco | 1
- sanctification of the myron | 1
- sanctuaries | 1
- sanctuary | 1
- sand deposits | 1
- Sanhedrin | 1
- Santa Croce | 1
- Santa Maria Novella | 1
- Sarcophagus | 1
- Sardinia | 1
- Sarpi | 1
- Saxony | 1
- scales | 1
- scenographic effects | 1
- scenography | 1
- schola affectus | 1
- scholastic controversy | 1
- Scholastic theologians | 1
- school atlases | 1
- school theatre | 1
- scientific competition | 1
- scrape marks | 1
- scratched and depicted | 1
- sculpture | 3
- seaborne trade | 1
- seals | 1
- Seasons | 1
- Second French Empire | 1
- Second Legislation | 1
- Second Sophistic | 1
- Second Temple | 1
- Second Temple literature | 1
- secondary burial | 1
- secondary burials | 1
- secretary class | 1
- section | 1
- secularism | 1
- sedimentary cores | 1
- see of Kyiv | 1
- seigneurial courts | 1
- Sejanus | 1
- self-proclaimed autocephaly | 1
- self-representation | 1
- self-writing | 1
- semi-products | 1
- semiotics | 2
- Sémiramis | 1
- Senate | 4
- senate (Roman) | 1
- senatorial aristocracy | 1
- senators | 1
- Seneca the elder (Controuersia 9.2) | 1
- sensory history | 1
- sepulcrum | 1
- Serbian Orthodox Church | 1
- sermons | 1
- Servius Sulpicius Rufus | 1
- settlement | 1
- settling tanks | 1
- Seventeenth century | 1
- seventeenth century | 1
- sex diagnosis | 1
- Sex. Iulius Possessor | 1
- Sexual customs | 1
- Shameful poor | 1
- Shameful poverty | 1
- Shimon ben Shataḥ | 1
- shipping | 1
- ships | 1
- short-term rentals | 1
- Sibylline Oracles | 1
- Sibylline Oracles 4 | 1
- Sicily | 2
- Siege warfare | 1
- Siena | 1
- sigillography | 1
- Sigismund of Luxembourg | 1
- Signatures of medieval artists | 1
- signorie | 1
- Silenus Baths | 1
- silver | 1
- Simone da Cascina | 1
- Sinai | 1
- Singer | 1
- singers | 1
- Sixtus IV | 1
- Skeleton Baths | 1
- skepticism | 1
- skills | 1
- slaves/slavery | 1
- smoother | 1
- Smyrna | 1
- snakes | 1
- so-called | 1
- So-called relief of Theseus and Ariadne. | 1
- social categories | 1
- social competition | 1
- social declassification | 1
- social descent | 1
- social downgrading | 4
- social hierarchy | 2
- social history | 1
- social identity | 1
- social innovation | 1
- social interpretation | 1
- social mutation | 1
- social networks | 1
- social promotion | 1
- social reproduction | 1
- social status | 1
- social structure | 1
- Social theory | 1
- socialisation | 1
- Socialism | 1
- society | 1
- Society of Jesus | 2
- society politics | 1
- solar cult | 1
- soldiers | 1
- sophists | 1
- Sorbonne Library | 1
- soundscape | 1
- sources | 1
- Sourthern Spain | 1
- South America | 1
- South Italy | 1
- South Latium | 1
- South of France | 1
- southern Latium | 1
- sovereignty | 2
- space | 1
- Spain | 1
- Spanish Netherlands | 1
- spatial turn | 1
- spatiality | 1
- spatiotemporality | 1
- special jurisdictions | 1
- Spectacle | 1
- Spectacle event | 1
- speculation | 1
- Sperlonga | 1
- spiritual care | 1
- Spiritual Exercises | 2
- Split | 1
- spoils | 1
- spolia hostium | 1
- spoliation | 1
- SPQR | 1
- spreading | 1
- square | 1
- St Francis | 1
- St Peter of Osor | 1
- St Peter’s Abbey in Osor | 1
- St. Francis’s journey to the East | 1
- St. Hippolytus Basilica complex | 1
- St. Jerome | 1
- St. Mark's Basilica | 1
- Stabiae | 1
- Stace | 1
- stamped bricks | 1
- Stasis | 1
- state | 2
- statio | 1
- statue | 1
- statues | 2
- statues of gods | 1
- statute | 1
- statutes | 6
- stone | 1
- storage | 4
- storehouses | 1
- stratigraphical method | 1
- stratigraphy | 1
- street | 1
- street network | 1
- strong-willed and unattached women | 1
- stubborn and rebellious son | 1
- Studia artium | 1
- studia generalia | 1
- style | 1
- subject indexing | 1
- subjection | 1
- subjectivity | 1
- subprimes crise | 1
- suburbia | 2
- suburbium | 1
- Sulla | 1
- summa imperii | 1
- sumptuary laws | 1
- sunna | 1
- suppliers | 1
- supply | 2
- supply strategy | 1
- supra-municipal relations | 1
- Surgery | 1
- surveillance | 1
- survey | 1
- survey engineers | 1
- Sybils | 1
- synagogue | 1
- synodal decision of 1686 | 1
- Syriac | 1
- Syriac Christianity | 1
- Syriac manuscripts in Berlin | 1
- Syriac science | 1
- Syrian War | 1
- Tabella defixionis | 1
- taberna | 2
- tabula picta | 1
- Tacite | 1
- Tacitus | 2
- Tacitus (Annals) | 1
- Talmud | 1
- tannaim | 1
- Tantur Ecumenical Institute | 1
- Tărnovo | 1
- Tarraco | 1
- taxes | 1
- teachers | 1
- teaching | 1
- technical vocabulary | 1
- technology | 1
- tempio | 1
- Templar architecture | 1
- Temple | 1
- Temple of Hercules | 1
- Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus | 1
- Temple of Peace | 1
- Temple of the Ara Rotonda | 1
- temple of Venus Victrix in Capitolio | 1
- Temple tetrastyle | 1
- temple to divine Trajan | 1
- temples | 1
- terminology | 1
- terrace | 1
- Terracina | 1
- territory | 1
- Tertullian | 1
- Tettieni | 1
- text/image | 1
- textile industry | 1
- thaumaturge | 1
- the apostle Addai | 1
- The City of Ladies | 1
- The hot | 1
- the myth of Rome | 1
- the Rhône | 1
- theatre historiography | 2
- theatre machines | 1
- Theatre studies | 1
- theatrology | 1
- Theoderich | 1
- Theodor Mommsen | 2
- Theodosian portico | 1
- theology | 3
- theology and law | 1
- Theophrastus | 1
- therapy | 1
- Thesaurus | 1
- thirteenth century | 1
- Thucydides | 1
- Ti. Plautius Felix Ferruntianus | 1
- Tianzhu Jiangsheng Chuxiang Jingjie | 1
- Tiber | 3
- Tiber River | 1
- Tiber towpaths | 1
- Tiberius | 4
- timbers | 1
- Titus | 1
- Toga | 1
- togate statue | 1
- toleration | 1
- Tolomeo da Lucca | 1
- tomb | 1
- tomb monument | 1
- Tombs | 1
- tombs | 1
- Tommaso Parentucelli | 1
- topography | 2
- topography of ancient Rome | 1
- Torcello | 1
- Tordinona theater | 1
- Toscany | 1
- Tosefta | 2
- touristification | 1
- tower | 2
- town | 2
- tractatus | 1
- Trade | 1
- trade | 6
- trade associations | 1
- traders | 1
- trading routes | 1
- tradition | 1
- tragedy | 1
- traits of a person | 1
- Trajan | 1
- Trajan’s Baths | 1
- Trajan’s Column | 1
- Trajan’s column | 1
- trajectory of the dead | 1
- transactions | 1
- transition | 1
- translatio imperii | 2
- translation | 4
- transmission | 1
- Transmission of experience-based knowledge | 1
- transmutation | 1
- transnational history | 1
- transport | 3
- transportation and storage | 1
- travel guides | 1
- treasure | 1
- treatment of the dead body | 1
- Trecento | 1
- tree model | 1
- trial | 1
- trials | 1
- tribunals | 1
- Tridente | 1
- Trieste | 1
- Trinity | 1
- triumph | 4
- Tunisia | 1
- turning-point | 1
- Tuscan mural painting | 1
- Tuscany | 1
- tyranny | 1
- tyrant-emperor | 1
- Tyrrhenian Sea | 1
- U.S.A | 1
- uadimonium promittere | 1
- uici | 1
- Ukraine | 2
- Ukrainian Church | 1
- Umbria | 1
- Underground drainageways | 1
- Underwater Archaeology | 2
- unequal marriage | 1
- Uniatism | 1
- universal empire | 1
- universal evergetism | 1
- universal history | 1
- universalism | 1
- university | 3
- University of Pisa | 1
- upgrading | 1
- urban archaeology | 1
- urban archeology | 1
- urban chronicle | 1