Annexe 10. A Denunciation of the Persecution of German Progressives and the jewish People
Shanghai, May 13, 1933 (Soong Ching Ling, 1952, The Struggle for New China, Pékin, Foreign Languages Press : 57-60.)
p. 265-268
1The China League for Civil Rights, which fights against the terror in China, for the civil and human rights of the Chinese people, and which allies itself with progressive forces throughout the world, feels compelled to enter an energetic protest against the brutal terror and reaction prevailing in Germany at the present time.
2We learn from the most varied and reliable sources, representing ail shades of political opinion, that since the fascist regime was established in Germany, 30,000 to 40,000 workers and thousands of working class leaders and intellectuals have been arrested. Prisoners are beaten up and tortured in jails, in the barracks of the Nazi storm troops and in the concentration camps. In the hospitals there are thousands of people with broken limbs, whose condition bears witness to the barbarism now prevailing in Germany. Hundreds have been killed and their corpses often thrown in rivers, lakes or forests. Others are shot and news is given out that they were shot
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