- Abantes | 1
- abortion | 1
- abrication of gods | 1
- abstention vow | 2
- Academy | 1
- Achilles | 1
- Achilleus | 1
- Achmîm | 1
- Acropolis | 1
- Adriatic | 1
- aegis | 2
- Aelius Aristides | 1
- Aeschylus | 3
- Aesop Romance | 2
- aesthetics of the Archaic period | 1
- aetiology | 1
- affective history | 2
- Agamemnon’s sceptre | 1
- agathoi | 2
- agency | 2
- agôn | 1
- Ajax | 1
- alastôr | 1
- Alcaeus | 1
- Alcibiades | 1
- Alexander The Great | 1
- Alexandria | 1
- allegory | 3
- alteration of the name | 1
- Altertumswissenschaft | 1
- Amazon | 1
- Amazons | 1
- Ambrose | 2
- Amen | 1
- American Sign Language | 1
- amphipolos | 1
- anaphōnēsis | 1
- anaphonesis | 1
- anatomical ex-voto | 1
- anatomical votive | 1
- Anaxagoras | 1
- ancient aesthetics | 1
- Ancient Arabia | 1
- ancient art | 1
- ancient comedy | 1
- ancient economic thought | 1
- ancient geography | 1
- Ancient Greece | 4
- ancient Greece | 2
- ancient Greek religion | 2
- ancient Near East | 1
- ancient painting | 1
- ancient philosophy | 1
- ancient religions | 1
- ancient sculpture | 1
- Ancient warfare | 1
- ancient warfare | 1
- Andros | 1
- anger | 2
- aniconism | 1
- animal image | 1
- animal simulacrum | 1
- animal studies | 1
- anthropology | 4
- anthropology of law | 1
- anthropology of nature | 1
- anthropology of science | 1
- anthropology of space | 1
- anthropomorphism | 2
- anthropopoiesis | 1
- anthropozoology | 1
- Antinous | 1
- Antiquitates | 1
- Antiquity | 2
- antiquity | 1
- Antyllus | 2
- aphrodisia | 2
- Aphrodite | 1
- Aphrodite’s girdle | 1
- Apollonian triad | 1
- apotropaism | 1
- aprosopia | 1
- Apulia | 1
- apulian pottery | 1
- arbitration | 1
- Arcadia | 1
- archaeology | 1
- archaic age | 1
- archaic aristocracy | 1
- archaic greek poetry | 1
- archaism | 1
- archeology | 1
- architecture | 1
- Areopage | 1
- Arete | 1
- Argos | 1
- Arimaspeans | 1
- Aristeas | 1
- Aristomache | 1
- Aristophanes | 2
- Aristotle | 4
- arkteia | 1
- armour | 1
- art | 1
- artefact | 1
- Artemis | 1
- Artemis Ephesia | 1
- Artemis Orthia | 1
- artifact | 2
- Asclepius | 1
- Asia Minor | 1
- ask with veiled words | 1
- Aspasia | 1
- assembly | 1
- association | 1
- astrology | 1
- ate | 1
- Athena | 2
- Athena-Erganē | 1
- Athenagoras | 1
- Athenian elite | 1
- Athenian hegemony | 1
- Athenian heroes | 1
- Athenian household | 1
- athenian Kerameikos | 1
- Athenian ritual | 1
- athenian vase | 1
- Athens | 7
- athlete | 2
- athletic disc | 1
- athletic discs | 1
- atomism | 1
- attic figured pottery | 1
- attic sanctuaries | 1
- attic vase-painting | 2
- Attic vases | 2
- Attica | 3
- Attis | 1
- auditorium | 1
- authoritative voice | 1
- authority | 7
- autobiography | 2
- autochthony | 1
- autochtony | 1
- Babylonia | 1
- Bacchylides | 1
- bad smell (dusosmia) | 1
- balance | 1
- ball | 2
- banquet | 1
- Barbarian | 1
- barbarian | 1
- barbaric name (« magical word ») | 1
- Bartolomé de Las Casas | 1
- basilissa | 1
- beard | 1
- beauty | 3
- bed | 1
- Bertram Raven | 1
- bibliotherapy | 2
- biè | 1
- birds | 1
- birth | 4
- birth control | 1
- Black Sea | 1
- boardgame | 2
- body | 11
- body fragment | 1
- body in pieces | 2
- Bona Dea | 1
- boundaries | 1
- Branchos | 1
- Braurona | 1
- breast | 1
- brightness | 1
- bronze | 1
- burial ceremonies | 1
- Callistratus | 1
- care | 1
- case history | 1
- catholicism history | 1
- causa facti | 1
- causality | 2
- causativum litis | 1
- causes | 1
- ceramic | 1
- Chaeronea | 1
- chains | 1
- Chalcis | 1
- changeover | 1
- charis | 2
- childbirth | 1
- childhood | 2
- China | 1
- Chiusi | 1
- choes | 2
- choral dance | 1
- choral poetry | 1
- chorus | 1
- Church | 1
- Cicero | 1
- cinctus Gabinus | 1
- circulation | 1
- circumstantiae | 1
- citizenship | 1
- city | 1
- civic identity | 1
- civility (rules) | 1
- classical archaeology | 1
- classical Athens | 2
- Classical Athens | 1
- classics | 1
- classification | 1
- Cleisthenes | 1
- Clement of Alexandria | 1
- clothes | 3
- clothing | 5
- collection | 1
- colonialism | 1
- communication | 2
- comparatism | 1
- comparatisme positionné | 1
- comparison | 3
- competition | 1
- composition of the image | 1
- condemnation | 1
- confession-stelae | 1
- connoisseurship | 1
- consecration | 1
- Constantin Costa-Gavras | 1
- context | 1
- contrefactual history | 1
- contributory causes | 1
- conversational analysis | 1
- corinthian | 1
- Cornelius de Pauw | 1
- Corpus Hippocraticum | 1
- cosmology | 2
- cosmopolitanism | 1
- costume | 2
- courete | 1
- craftsman | 1
- craftsmanship | 1
- creolity | 1
- criminal | 1
- criminal responsibility | 1
- crisis | 1
- crown | 1
- cult | 1
- cultic homages | 1
- cults | 1
- cultural practices | 1
- cultural transfer | 1
- cultural transfers | 1
- culture | 1
- cuneiform | 1
- cups | 1
- curative reading | 2
- Curetes | 3
- custom | 1
- customs | 1
- Cynisca | 1
- Cyprus | 1
- Cyrene | 2
- Cyzicus | 1
- Daedalus | 2
- Daidalos | 1
- Daimôn | 1
- Damocrita | 1
- dance | 1
- Daphne | 1
- dating of the Baptai | 1
- Deaf Studies | 1
- death | 3
- debate | 1
- debt | 1
- declamation | 2
- dedication | 1
- deity-human | 1
- Delphi | 1
- Delphic oracle | 3
- Demeter | 1
- democracy | 2
- Descola | 1
- description and proper names | 1
- description of the works of art | 1
- desire | 1
- desire for love | 1
- despotism | 1
- destiny | 1
- Detienne | 1
- di animales | 1
- digital humanities | 2
- dike | 1
- Dio | 1
- Dio of Prusa | 1
- Diodorus Siculus | 1
- Diodorus Siculus – Timotheüs (general) – Zacynthos – civil war | 1
- Dionysius | 1
- Dionysos | 2
- direct speech | 1
- dirtiness | 1
- discourse | 1
- discourse analysis | 1
- discourses | 1
- discursive device | 1
- disease | 1
- distributed personhood | 1
- divination | 4
- divine | 1
- divine agency | 1
- divine justice | 1
- divine witnessing | 2
- divine-human relationship | 1
- divinity | 3
- divinization | 2
- division | 1
- do ut des | 1
- dog | 2
- dôron | 1
- Drakon | 1
- drama | 1
- dreams | 1
- Dreros | 1
- dress | 1
- dress code | 1
- dress code and dress transgressions | 1
- Dusares | 1
- ear | 1
- early Greek epic | 1
- earthly life | 1
- economy | 1
- education | 1
- efficacious speech acts | 1
- efficacy | 1
- efficiency | 1
- Egypt | 1
- eidôlon | 2
- Eileithyia | 1
- Eïon | 1
- eiresiônê | 1
- ekphrasis | 3
- elasteros | 1
- Eleusinian cult | 1
- Eleusinian mysteries | 1
- Eleusinian Mysteries | 1
- Eleusis | 2
- Elis | 1
- ellipusa | 1
- embassy | 1
- embodied knowledge | 1
- emotion | 5
- emotions | 1
- Emperor Julian | 1
- enthusiasm | 1
- enunciation | 1
- envy | 2
- ephebes | 2
- Ephesos | 1
- Epictetus | 1
- Epicurean garden | 1
- Epicureanism | 2
- epicureanism | 1
- epigraphy | 1
- Epimetheus | 1
- epinikia | 2
- epiphany | 4
- epistemology | 1
- epistolary prescriptions | 1
- epistolography | 1
- equivalence | 1
- Eretria | 1
- Erga | 1
- Eris | 1
- Eros | 7
- erôs | 3
- erotic magic | 2
- erotodidactic | 2
- Erynies | 1
- eschatology | 1
- ethology | 1
- etiology | 2
- etruscan dress | 1
- etruscan pottery | 1
- Etruscans | 1
- etrusco-corinthian ceramic | 1
- etymology | 1
- euexia | 1
- Eugenio Pacelli | 1
- Eupolis | 1
- Euripides | 2
- evergetism | 3
- extension of the family group | 1
- eyewitness | 1
- fabrication of gods | 1
- face | 1
- false dream | 1
- family cult | 1
- Fasti | 1
- Father | 1
- fatum | 1
- fear | 2
- feast | 1
- feeling of love | 1
- female collectives | 1
- female warrior | 2
- feminine | 2
- feminization of the name | 1
- fertility | 2
- festivals | 1
- figuration | 1
- figurative agent | 1
- figurine-vase | 1
- filiation | 2
- filmmaker | 1
- financial investment | 1
- Flavius Josephus | 1
- folklore | 1
- food | 1
- foreign wisdom | 1
- forensic rhetoric | 1
- form | 1
- forum Romanum | 1
- foundation | 1
- fragment | 1
- François vase | 1
- freedmen | 1
- frontier | 1
- function | 4
- funeral | 1
- funeral context | 1
- funerary | 1
- funerary anthropology | 1
- funerary context | 1
- funerary stele | 1
- funerary symbolism | 1
- Furies | 1
- Galen | 1
- game | 1
- gaze | 2
- gender | 14
- genocide | 1
- genre | 1
- geography | 1
- geranos | 1
- Gernet | 1
- gesture | 4
- gestures | 1
- globe | 1
- glyptic | 4
- Gnostics | 1
- God | 1
- goddesses | 3
- gods | 5
- golden lamellae | 1
- Gorgo | 1
- Graeco-roman literature | 1
- grammarian | 1
- grammatical gender | 1
- graphô | 1
- greco-roman elite | 1
- Greco-Roman elite | 1
- Greece | 7
- Greek and Hellenistic law | 1
- Greek Antiquity | 2
- Greek ceramics | 4
- Greek coins | 1
- Greek dialects | 1
- Greek epic poetry | 1
- Greek epigraphy | 1
- Greek lyric | 1
- Greek mythology | 1
- Greek religion | 4
- Greek tragedy | 3
- grief | 2
- gymnasium | 1
- gynaecology | 2
- gynaikonitis («women’s quarter») | 2
- hand | 1
- handling of vases | 1
- hatred | 2
- healing | 1
- health | 1
- Heinrich Schliemann | 1
- Helen | 1
- Helios | 1
- Hellenistic Judaism | 1
- Hellenistic period | 1
- Hera | 1
- Hermes | 1
- Hernando Colón | 1
- hero | 1
- Herodotus | 4
- heroic cult | 2
- heroism | 1
- heroization | 1
- Hesiod | 6
- hetairai | 1
- heterotopia | 2
- hiera | 1
- Hieroi Logoi | 1
- Hieromênia | 1
- hierophant | 1
- hieros nomos | 1
- hierourgoi | 1
- high social status | 1
- Hinduism | 1
- hippobotai | 1
- Hippocrates | 1
- historical method | 1
- historical psychology | 1
- historicization | 1
- Historie | 2
- Histories apodexis | 1
- historiography | 8
- historiolae | 1
- history | 4
- history of art history | 1
- history of collections | 2
- history of non-violent conflicts | 1
- history of research | 1
- history of sciences | 1
- Holocaust | 1
- Holy See | 1
- holy week | 1
- Homer | 8
- Homeric Catalogue of Ships | 1
- Homeric Hymns | 1
- hosia | 1
- hospital | 1
- household space | 1
- hubris | 2
- human condition | 1
- human witnesses | 1
- humanism | 1
- iconicity | 2
- iconography | 8
- iconology | 1
- identities | 1
- identity | 6
- Iliad | 3
- illness | 1
- images | 2
- imagination | 1
- imbalance | 1
- imitation | 1
- immolatio | 1
- imperial mysteries | 1
- Imperial Stoicism | 1
- implication | 1
- incantation | 1
- India | 2
- indianity | 1
- individual | 1
- inheritance of the name | 1
- initiation | 4
- inscription | 4
- inscriptions | 1
- inspiration | 1
- instruments of the darkness | 1
- insults | 1
- intellectual women | 1
- interiority | 1
- interlude | 1
- interpersonal influence | 1
- interpretation | 1
- interpretation of texts | 1
- interpreting an allegory | 1
- intra-familial relationships | 1
- invisible | 1
- Io | 1
- Iphigenia | 2
- Islam | 1
- Italy | 1
- Lacan | 1
- Lakonia and Attica | 1
- Laks | 1
- landscape | 1
- language | 3
- language of gods | 2
- Late Antiquity | 1
- Late Paganism | 1
- latin | 1
- Latin literature | 1
- latin poetry | 1
- latrunculi | 1
- law | 3
- law-making | 1
- lead slingshots | 1
- learning | 1
- legal inscriptions | 1
- legal sociology | 1
- legitimacy of government | 1
- Leon Poliakov | 1
- Leucothea | 1
- liberation | 1
- Lindos | 1
- linguistics | 1
- lion | 1
- literary remedies | 2
- litterary papyri | 1
- living being | 1
- Livius | 1
- logos | 1
- logos representation | 1
- lot | 1
- Louis Gernet | 1
- Louvre | 1
- love | 1
- Lucian | 1
- lullaby | 1
- luxury | 5
- Lysias | 2
- Maecenas | 1
- magic | 1
- magic incantation | 1
- magistrate | 1
- Magna Graecia | 1
- make understand | 1
- man | 1
- mantis | 1
- Marcus Aurelius | 1
- Marcus Tullius Cicero | 1
- market | 1
- Marpessa | 1
- masculine | 1
- material responsibility | 1
- materiality | 2
- materiality of writing | 1
- maternity | 2
- mathematics | 1
- Mauritius Island | 1
- Meda | 1
- medallion | 1
- medecine | 1
- medicine | 3
- Mediterranean | 1
- Megara | 1
- memory | 6
- Menippean Satire | 1
- messenger | 1
- metamorphosis | 2
- metamorphosis into trees | 1
- metaphor of the emotion | 1
- methodology | 2
- metic | 1
- mêtis | 1
- metis | 1
- migration | 2
- mimesis | 1
- mimēsis | 1
- minority | 1
- Minotaur | 1
- Mnèmosunè | 1
- moan | 1
- model | 1
- models of humanity | 1
- moira | 1
- monkey | 1
- monument | 1
- mother | 5
- Mother | 1
- motherhood | 4
- Mounichia | 1
- mourning | 1
- muses | 1
- music | 2
- musical offering | 1
- musical performance | 1
- Myrmidons | 1
- mysteries | 4
- mystery cult | 1
- myth | 4
- myth and ritual | 1
- myth of the Age of Bronze | 1
- mythical update | 1
- mythology | 1
- myths | 1
- Naasseni | 1
- Nabataeans | 1
- naiskos | 1
- nakedness | 1
- name | 1
- narration | 1
- narrative | 2
- narrative motifs | 1
- narrativity | 1
- narratology | 2
- nature | 2
- Nausicaa | 1
- naval inventories | 1
- Nestor's cup | 1
- new fire | 1
- Noh | 1
- nomocracy | 1
- non-verbal behaviour | 1
- Norbert Elias | 1
- norm | 2
- norms | 2
- nudity | 4
- numismatics | 1
- oath | 5
- object | 1
- Odysseus | 2
- Odyssey | 1
- offering | 2
- offerings | 1
- oikonomia | 1
- oikoumene | 1
- Olympia | 1
- Olympics | 1
- Onomarchos | 1
- onomastics | 3
- ontological turn | 1
- ontologies | 1
- opsophagia | 1
- oracle | 3
- Orestes and Iphigenia | 1
- orgas | 1
- orgia | 1
- Oribasius | 3
- orientalism | 1
- orientalizing period | 1
- ornament | 2
- Orphic escatology | 1
- orphism | 1
- Ovid | 2
- owl | 2
- Pagan Monotheism | 1
- pagan mysteries | 1
- paideia | 3
- pais amphithalês | 1
- Panathenaia | 1
- Pandora | 2
- papacy | 1
- papyrology | 1
- parchment | 1
- partheneion | 1
- Parthenos | 1
- paternity | 1
- pathos | 2
- patrios nomos | 1
- Pausanias | 2
- Pausanias’ Periegesis | 1
- pedagogue | 1
- Peleus and Thetis | 1
- performance | 1
- performative word | 1
- performativity | 1
- perfume | 2
- perfumery | 1
- Perserie | 1
- Perseus | 1
- Persian empire | 1
- persona | 2
- personal name | 2
- persuasion | 1
- Petra | 1
- phantasia | 2
- phiale | 2
- Philip of Macedon | 1
- Philippics | 1
- philology | 3
- philosophical school | 1
- philosophical teaching | 1
- philosophy | 1
- philosophy of economics | 1
- Philostratus | 3
- Philoxenus | 1
- Phocians | 1
- phōnaskia | 1
- Phosphoros | 1
- Phryne | 2
- phusis | 1
- physicality | 1
- physiognomony | 1
- physiology | 1
- pinax | 1
- Pindar | 3
- Piso | 1
- pithos | 2
- pity | 1
- plant | 1
- plastic vase | 1
- plastic vases | 1
- Plato | 6
- Plato’s politics | 1
- play and games | 1
- playful activitie | 1
- pleasure | 2
- plot | 1
- Plutarch | 4
- poet | 1
- poetic I | 1
- poetical reflection | 1
- poetics and pragmatics | 2
- poetry | 1
- Poliad | 1
- polis | 2
- politic | 2
- political life | 1
- political metaphors | 1
- political model | 1
- politician | 1
- politicians | 1
- politics | 3
- Polyphemus | 1
- polytheism | 3
- Pompeia Plotina | 1
- Pontus Euxinus | 1
- Pope | 1
- potter’s kiln | 1
- potters’ production | 1
- power | 2
- practice | 1
- preclassical economics | 1
- predella | 1
- preliterate individuals | 1
- premeditation | 1
- preparatory exercises | 1
- presocratic | 1
- presocratic philosophy | 1
- prestige | 1
- Priam | 2
- priest | 1
- priestess | 2
- priesthood | 1
- priestly deception | 1
- priestly knowledge | 1
- primary cause | 1
- prize | 1
- progymnasmata | 1
- Prometheus | 3
- promise | 1
- prophetess | 1
- prosôpon | 1
- prostitution | 1
- Protagoras | 1
- proverb | 1
- psyche-butterfly | 1
- psychological function | 1
- psychological violence | 1
- psychology of perception | 1
- Ptolemy Philopator | 1
- public cult | 1
- publicity | 1
- purification | 3
- pythagoreanism | 1
- pythagoric education | 1
- Pythagorism | 1
- Pythia | 1
- Ramon Pane | 1
- rank | 1
- rationality | 1
- reading | 1
- reading physiology | 2
- realia | 1
- reappropriation of Antiquity | 1
- reception of law | 1
- recognition | 2
- red figures | 1
- red-figure vase-painting | 1
- reflexivity | 1
- religion | 8
- religious fact | 1
- religious regulation | 1
- religious regulations | 1
- religious syncretisms | 1
- reperformance | 1
- repertoire | 1
- representations | 3
- representations of animals | 1
- representations of space | 1
- Republic | 1
- responsibility | 2
- rhetoric | 2
- Rhodes | 1
- Ringkomposition | 1
- rite | 1
- ritua | 1
- ritual | 8
- ritual fighting | 1
- ritual navigation | 1
- ritual object | 1
- ritual practice | 1
- ritual wedding vases | 1
- ritualization | 2
- rituals | 2
- rock crystal | 1
- Rolf Hochhuth | 1
- Roman | 1
- Roman Egypt | 1
- Roman Gaul | 1
- Roman Greece | 1
- Roman Imperial period | 1
- Roman law | 1
- roman religion | 2
- Roman religion | 1
- Roman school | 1
- Roman tragedy | 2
- Rome | 4
- rowing | 1
- royal function | 1
- Rufus | 1
- sacra | 1
- sacred site | 1
- sacred space | 2
- Sacred Street | 1
- sacrifice | 11
- sacrificial calendar | 1
- Salamis | 1
- sanctuaries | 3
- sanctuary | 2
- sanctuary of Numphē | 1
- Sappho | 1
- satyr plays | 1
- Sauromatians | 1
- schildernde Stile | 1
- scholae | 1
- scholar | 1
- sculpture | 1
- Scythians | 1
- sea | 1
- sebastophant | 1
- Second Sophistic | 1
- secularism | 1
- seduction | 1
- self-curses | 1
- semantic definition | 1
- semiotics | 1
- semiotics of the frame | 1
- Seneca | 2
- sense | 1
- sense connotations | 1
- senses | 1
- Servius | 1
- sexual separation | 1
- sexuality | 2
- shivering | 1
- Shoah | 1
- Sicilian expedition | 1
- sight | 1
- sign | 1
- silence of Pius XII | 1
- skênai | 1
- skills | 1
- skin | 1
- sleep | 1
- Smintheus | 1
- social history | 2
- social relationships | 1
- society | 1
- Socrates | 1
- sophists | 2
- Sophocles | 2
- Sophokles | 1
- sordes | 1
- soul | 1
- space | 1
- space perception | 1
- Sparta | 2
- speach act | 1
- special commissions | 1
- specialization | 1
- speech | 1
- sport | 1
- squalor | 1
- stamnos | 1
- standards | 1
- stasis | 1
- state | 1
- statue | 2
- statues | 3
- status | 2
- Strabo | 2
- stratagem | 1
- strict liability | 1
- structuralism | 1
- structure of epic and tragic action | 1
- subject of discourse | 1
- succession | 1
- Suetonius | 1
- Sufism | 1
- superstition | 1
- supplication | 2
- symbolic anatomy | 1
- Symmachus | 2
- symposion | 4
- symposium | 1
- sympotic pottery | 1
- Syracuse | 1
- Syria | 1
- tabernae | 1
- Talmud | 1
- Tanagra figurines | 1
- taunts | 1
- tear | 1
- tears | 1
- technē | 2
- technique | 1
- Tegea | 1
- Telesilla | 1
- Telete | 1
- territory | 2
- text and image | 1
- The Deputy | 1
- the Julio-Claudians | 1
- Thebes | 1
- themis | 1
- Theognis | 1
- Theogony | 3
- Theonoe | 1
- therapeutic practice | 1
- therapeutic writing | 2
- Theseus | 2
- Thesmophoria | 1
- Thessalians | 1
- Thing Theory | 1
- Third Sacred War | 1
- threefold theology | 1
- Thucydides | 2
- thusia | 1
- time | 1
- to daimonion | 1
- to stain with blood | 1
- toga | 1
- tomb | 2
- torch races | 1
- touch | 2
- trade | 2
- trade networks | 2
- tragedy | 4
- trandition | 1
- transfer | 1
- transgression | 1
- transmission | 2
- trap | 1
- tripartite theology | 1
- Trojan horse | 1
- Troyan horse | 1
- tupos | 1
- tyranny | 3