Chap. 10
Radiocarbon chronology: dating and duration of village occupation; rhythm of building renovations
Chronologie radiocarbone : datation et durée d’occupation du village ; rythme de rénovation des bâtiments
p. 209-214
The high resolution dating of Klimonas, especially in the successive construction levels of the Communal building and he foundation trenches of six Sector B residential buildings, provided 52 measurement groups within less than 500 14C years. Three Bayesian models applied separately to the Communal building and to Sector B gave results that are very close to each other in terms of the period (centred around 8800 cal BC) of the site’s occupation. They demonstrate the contemporaneity of the Communal building with the Sector B buildings as well as a very short period of occupation, ranging from 0 to 60 years depending on the model, with a high probability (66%) of between 0 and 20 years.
La datation à haute résolution d’un site tel que Klimonas est un défi : pas ou peu de matériel à courte durée de vie, stratigraphie complexe, état de conservation très moyen des charbons de bois et des graines carbonisées. À cela s’ajoute la proximité d’un plateau de calibration centré sur la période d’intérêt. Cinquante-cinq échantillons ont pu être datés, pour un total de 52 mesures validées. Elles concernent principalement les niveaux de construction des différentes phases du Bâtiment communautaire (N = 28) et les tranchées de fondation de six bâtiments résidentiels du Secteur B (N = 21). Elles forment un ensemble très cohérent, rassemblé sur moins de 500 ans 14C (9869-9380 uncal BP). Même si la plausibilité des modèles bayésiens n’est pas toujours bien établie, il faut noter que les différentes modalités testées donnent des résultats très proches les uns des autres en termes de période et de durée d’occupation du site. Ils permettent de contourner l’imprécision résultant du plateau de calibration et donc de réduire considérablement l’incertitude sur la période d’occupation, qui est désormais centrée autour de 8800 cal BC (entre 8837 et 8722 cal BC). Ils démontrent la contemporanéité du Bâtiment communautaire avec les bâtiments résidentiels du Secteur B, ainsi qu’une période d’occupation similaire très courte, allant de 0 à 60 ans selon le modèle, avec une forte probabilité (66 %) entre 0 et 20 ans. La succession de six phases dans le Secteur B suggère que chaque phase de démolition-reconstruction durerait entre 0 et 10 ans environ. La durée de chacun des quatre cycles de démolition-rénovation du Bâtiment communautaire ne serait guère plus longue.
Texte intégral
1Starting from the 2009 test excavation (Vigne et al. 2011a), radiocarbon dating was performed with an aim at dating the occupation of the village. The discovery of the multiphase accumulation of sediments in the Communal building (Vigne et al. 2012; chap. 5) led us to intensify micro-charcoal sampling in order to estimate through a Bayesian approach, the duration represented by the building’s fill, and if possible the average rhythm of the successive demolitions/renovations. As charcoal were rare, small and damaged, we attempted to increase our chance by tracking small charcoal pieces in the key stratigraphic contexts during the 2012 fieldwork season. A third question rose in 2014 (Sector F), and again in 2015-16 (Sector B), with the discovery of numerous overlapping residential buildings (Vigne et al. 2017b; chap. 8): were these building groups contemporaneous with the Communal building? In order to address this issue, we again intensified charcoal and carbonised seed sampling in Sector B (2016), with the aim of having a second Bayesian model to not only document the rhythm of succession of the residential buildings in this area, but also to statistically compare the chronology to that of the Communal building. In addition, some additional dates were processed during the post-excavation phase of analyses in order to date some specific carpological remains.
1. Radiocarbon dating
1.1. Material and methods
1.1.1. Dated materials
2In the absence of preserved collagen from the animal bones (chap. 29), and due to the rejuvenation of the ages on bioapatite (Zazzo and Saliège 2011, Zazzo et al. 2015), the only possibility was to date the charcoal and seeds. A first series of dates carried out with the Tucson laboratory in 2009-2010 demonstrated the antiquity of the Klimonas site. Subsequently, several requests for dating by the national facility ARTEMIS (Accélérateur pour la Recherche en sciences de la Terre, Environnement, Muséologie Installé à Saclay) were submitted to the CNRS-SHS commission: in 2011 (N = 10), 2013 (N = 8), 2015 (N = 8), 2016 (N = 6), 2018 (N = 17) and 2019-20 (N = 3); a total of 52.
3The datasets relating to the Communal building, building B800 and the residential buildings of Sector B include 29, 3 and 22 measurements, respectively; a total of 55. Most of the samples were charcoal (N = 47), but 8 of them were charred seeds and one was a portion of charred fruit.
1.1.2. Sampling and identification of carpological and anthracological remains
4The samples were taken either during excavation or afterwards (A. Z., J.-D. V.) by hulling clods of raw earth or by the botanists in charge of sieving and flotation (M. T., A. P.). The charcoals were generally small (< 1 cm) and their preservation was often rather poor (presence of rootlets), which made them fragile. The selection of samples was therefore based on size and preservation criteria. They were determined to genus or species by M. Tengberg then M. Rousou, when possible. Sixty-five percent (N = 36) of the samples were identified at least to the genus level.
1.1.3. AMS preparation and measurement
5Sample preparation (up to CO2) was carried out (A. Z., O. T.) in the 14C laboratory of the MNHN (Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle). The samples were carefully inspected with a binocular magnifying glass to remove rootlets, as they could contaminate the age of the sample.
6The samples, with an initial mass of between 8 and 71 mg, underwent a conventional ABA (acid-base-acid) treatment. Unlike the two acid treatments (1N HCl, 1 h at room temperature), the intermediate base treatment was carried out at a minimum to avoid solubilising (and therefore losing) the very fragile carbon. We therefore opted for a short treatment (15 min), with a very dilute solution (10-2 N) at room temperature. The samples (2.9 to 6.5 mg) were then introduced into the extraction line and subjected to combustion at 800°C in the presence of oxygen. The resulting CO2 was then cryogenically extracted and an aliquot of approximately 1.0 mg carbon was isolated and sealed in a glass tube. The samples, were graphitised and measured in collaboration with the LMC14 or, for the last ones, with the LSCE/ECHo-Micadas.
7The two samples from St 800 were sent to Belfast where they were prepared, graphitised and measured by AMS in 2016. These two samples were re-prepared at MNHN and dated by ARTEMIS in 2017. Two samples were also measured twice by ARTEMIS, to check the reproducibility of our results.
1.2. Results
8For Communal building St 10, all the samples came from the substructures (embankment or stony floor) or from the built floors or benches of the three earlier cycles or the construction/demolition (chap. 5). The dates (N = 27) were very consistent and range from 9690 ± 50 to 9380 ± 45 BP. Only one sample from SU 10.6 gave a significantly younger age (8490 ± 40 BP). This result was not confirmed by the other four samples from this SU with ages ranging from 9590 ± 40 to 9450 ± 60 BP. This sample is therefore considered an outlier and was not included in our analysis.
9The dates of Sector B (N = 21) all came from the foundation trenches of well-identified buildings. They were all consistent, with the exception of a modern outlier (215 ± 30 BP, in B15, a highly degraded and superficial building; chap. 7), and vary between 9425 ± 35 and 9590 ± 35 BP.
10The two St 800 samples prepared by the Belfast lab gave ages significantly (300 to 400 years) older than the rest of the sequence: 9833 ± 54 BP and 9869 ± 46 BP. These samples were then re-dated by ARTEMIS and provided results (9525 ± 45 BP and 9470 ± 45 BP) that were consistent with the rest of the sequence. Following an email exchange with the Belfast team, the small difference in background (48,000 vs. 50,000 years) was insufficient in explaining these older ages. They stated that because of the fragility of the samples they had applied a very light acid pre-treatment, though this was probably insufficient to remove carbonates; however, in the absence of certainty, we decided not to consider these results in the general discussion.
11Altogether, the 52 validated measurements form a very coherent series spanning less than 500 14C years (9870-9380 BP; table 10-1).
12Given the low dispersion of the values, and the long duration of the analysis period, it was crucial to check the reproducibility of our results over the long term; therefore, we measured two samples twice, one year apart. These samples were taken from buildings B10 and B27 in Sector B. The absence of significant difference observed on the two duplicates (St 6602: 9565 ± 45 BP vs. 9555 ± 35 BP; St 6830: 9580 ± 45 BP vs. 9580 ± 35 BP) allowed us to compare the measurements carried out over the duration of the whole project.
13The calibration of the 14C ages was obtained using Oxcal. 4.2 software in conjunction with the IntCal 13 calibration curve (Reimer et al. 2013). For each sample, the calibrated interval was relatively wide (300-400 years) due to the presence of a calibration plateau centred around 9550-9600 BP (fig. 10-1; Manning et al. 2010). If we take the upper and lower bounds of the dataset, we obtained a wide time interval of nearly half a millennium, between 9180 and 8624 cal BC (2 σ). It is therefore clear that the calibration plateau artificially increases the duration of occupation of the site. In order to counter this bias and to propose a more realistic estimate of the duration of occupation of the site, we modelled the charcoal dataset using a Bayesian approach.
2. Bayesian modelling of the radiocarbon dates
2.1. Used dates and a priori hypothesis
14Due to the low number of dates obtained for St 800 (N = 2) and the lack of a clear stratigraphic link with the other structures, it was not possible to incorporate them into the model. The last dates made on seeds (ECHo in tab. 10-1) were also not taken into consideration in the model. The two sequences that could be modelled using the Bayesian approach were the Communal building St 10 and Sector B. In the absence of a clear stratigraphic link between these two areas, we modelled the occupation period of each of the two sectors separately.
15For the St 10 Communal building, the samples came from the three older cycles or construction/demolition (chap. 5):
- Soil and occupation related features from “Building 1”: SU 10.10, 10.14, 10.44 and St 64 (N = 7);
- Substructure fills (SU 10.3) and demolition levels (US 10.8) of “Building 2” (formerly named “intermediate building” in Vigne et al. 2012, 2017b; N = 6);
- Unformal floor of “Building 2”: SU 10.6 (N = 5);
- Formal floor (SU 10.2) and bench (St 153) of “Building 3” (formerly named “Building 2”, in Vigne et al. 2012, 2017b; N = 8).
16For Sector B, as the samples all came from well-identified building foundation trenches and as most of them were cutting one another, using these stratigraphic relationships that were discussed in chap. 7 we were able to create Harris matrices. In both the two most likely matrices (fig. 10-2, A-B), the six (if we except B15) dated buildings were ranked in the following chronological succession, from the oldest to the youngest (hypothesis H1): B27-B26-B13-B14-B29, B09 being considered as the youngest building of the terrace (chap. 7). However, due to the high degree of intertwining and erosion of the building, and to large pits which partially blurred the intercutting between B13-14-29 and B26-27, a small doubt subsisted about the position of B26. A third less likely scenario was therefore considered for the Bayesian modelling (hypothesis H2): B27- B13-B14-B29-B26, B09 (fig. 10-2, C).
2.2. Method
17The dates were digitalised into Oxcal.4.3 software (Bronk Ramsey 2009). As the age differences per layer were less than the uncertainty for the ages, we sequenced these phases by postulating continuous phasing (without abandonment period) between the four different stages of the occupation of St 10 and the six Sector B phases.
2.3. Presentation and discussion of the v0 models
18As it stands, the three v0 models (model v0_St10, v0_sectorB_H1 and v0_sectorB_H2; appendix 10-1) were weakly supported (Amodel = 20, 50 and 50); therefore, the scheme proposed a priori was not validated. This may be due to the fact that some samples were not in place in the proposed stratigraphy, or were not contemporary with the events we wished to date (old wood effect). In OxCal software, a model becomes plausible as soon as its Amodel becomes greater than 60. It is interesting to note, therefore, that the models corresponding to hypotheses H1 and H2 are equiprobable, and it is not possible to favour one hypothesis over another on strictly radiometric grounds. Due to this, we decided to retain only hypothesis H1, considered more probable from an archaeological point of view (chap. 7), and to treat the two sequences corresponding to St 10 and Sector B within the same model.
2.4. Outlier-Models with a 5% probability error
2.4.1. Probability error
19Given that all the measurements were validated from a physico-chemical point of view, there was no sufficient argument to reject any dates manually. On the other hand, in spite of the efforts made in the field to sample in as secure as possible archaeological contexts, we could not totally exclude the possibility that at least some of the charcoal or seeds did not exactly date the phase to which they had been associated (charcoal not in place in the stratigraphy, old wood effect). In addition, the initial model that we created was not statistically validated (Am < 60). For all these reasons, and to try to go further in the modelling, we have incorporated the possibility that each charcoal had a 5% probability of not dating exactly what it is supposed to represent, by adding a “t” type outlier density, which is used as a statistical weighting criterion in modelling (Bronk Ramsey 2009).
2.4.2. General symmetric outlier model
20We first postulated a fairly general symmetric outlier model, centred on the age of the sample, as all samples were of the same nature (v0_General), postulating a probability of having an outlier of 5% per sample. With this outlier model, Muse310 (9690 ± 50 BP) obtained the highest a posteriori probability of being an outlier (28%), followed by Muse18090 (16%) and Muse376 (12%). These results were therefore weighted accordingly in the model (appendix 10-2).
2.4.3. Exponential outlier model (old wood effect)
21We then tested an outlier model based on an exponential law, to simulate a possible old wood effect. Such a model took into account a priori the possibility that all samples were a little too old, and therefore calculated the outlier probability a posteriori following an exponential growth law. There were at least two forms of pistachio tree in the region (chap. 23); one is a tree and can potentially live quite a long time, while the other is a shrub. Unfortunately, it was not possible to determine the charcoal to species level, which leaves some uncertainty about the size of this possible old-growth effect. In case of doubt, we assumed between 10 and 100 years of age for all samples and an a priori outlier probability of 100% (i.e. we assume, a priori, that all the charcoal were older than the true age of the layers) (appendix 10-3).
22The a posteriori outlier distribution indicated a high probability density for an old wood effect between 0-22 years (1 σ) or 0-91 years (2 σ; fig. 10-3).
2.5. Occupation duration of the village
23Table 10-2 summarises the start and end dates for the Communal building and Sector B for the two models (General and Exponential). The second model being the most robust, we propose to date the occupation of both the Communal building and the Sector B between 8837 and 8722 modelled BC.
24Whatever the model used (General or Exponential), the duration of the site’s occupation (or, more strictly speaking, of the part that we were able to date) was very short, between 0 and 60 years for the two sectors, with a strong probability (1 σ) that this duration was between 0 and 20 years (fig. 10-4).
25We also tested the probability that the start and end dates of the occupation of the Communal building and Sector B were different, using the Order function of Oxcal. Whatever the model (General or Exponential) the start and end dates of occupation of the two sectors were not significantly different (p > 0.05). The most parsimonious hypothesis is therefore that these two sectors are contemporary.
3. Conclusions
26The high resolution dating of a site such as Klimonas was a challenge: no or little short-lived material, complex stratigraphy, poor state of preservation of charcoal and seeds. Added to this was the existence of a calibration plateau centred on the period of interest (fig. 10-1). We tried to compensate for these difficulties by multiplying the radiocarbon measurements made in the most secure stratigraphic contexts possible and by their Bayesian treatment. The different models tested gave results that were very close to each other in terms of the period (between 8837 and 8722 modelled BC, 2 σ) and duration of the site’s occupation. They made it possible to leave the calibration plateau and thus considerably reduce the uncertainty of the occupation period, which is now centred around 8800 cal BC. The Bayesian approach demonstrated the contemporaneity of the Communal building with the residential buildings of Sector B, as well as a similar short period of occupation, ranging from 0 to 60 years depending on the model (2 σ), but with a high probability (66%) of between 0 and 20 years. These results were in agreement with the processing of the preliminary dates (Manning 2014). This period of occupation, of just one or two generations, seems very short compared to what is known about the life span of buildings constructed from raw earth, around 20 years. The succession of 6 phases in Sector B suggests that each demolition/reconstruction phase would have lasted between 0 and 10 years approximately.
Summary of the parameters (indices, evaluation of the modelled time range for the transition phases and duration between phases) calculated by Oxcal 4.3 for St 10 and Sector B • Résumé des paramètres (indices, évaluation des intervalles de temps modélisés pour les phases de transition, durée entre phases) calculés par Oxcal 4.3 pour la St 10 et le Secteur B.
Summary of the parameters (indices, modelled time range for the transition phases and duration between phases) calculated by Oxcal 4.3 for St 10 and Sector B considering a 5% error probability and a general symmetric outlier model • Synthèse des paramètres (indices, évaluation des intervalles de temps modélisés pour les phases de transition, durée entre phases) calculés par Oxcal 4.3 pour la St 10 et le Secteur B en considérant une probabilité d’erreur de 5 % et un modèle général symétrique aberrant
Summary of the parameters (indices, modelled time range for the transition phases and duration between phases) calculated by Oxcal 4.3 for St 10 and Sector B considering a 5% error probability and exponential law outlier model (simulating an old wood effect) • Synthèse des paramètres (indices, évaluation des intervalles de temps modélisés pour les phases de transition, durée entre phases) calculés par Oxcal 4.3 pour la St 10 et le Secteur B en considérant une probabilité d’erreur de 5 % et un modèle de loi exponentielle aberrante (simulant un effet vieux bois)
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