Chap. 9
Geoarchaeological study of earthen architecture
Étude géoarchéologique de l’architecture de terre crue
p. 193-208
This chapter presents the results of the geoarchaeological analysis of the PPNA earthen constructions at Klimonas. It mainly concerns the southern half of the Communal building (St 10), its perimeter wall and sedimentary fills. The complexity of the stratigraphy and the exclusive use of earthen materials for the construction made the application of a geoarchaeological study necessary, using soil micromorphology as the main tool. It revealed that the walls and benches for both communal and domestic buildings were built using cob. The floors were characterised either as substructures or constructed floors. These categories were characterised by two types of entities: constructed floors could be formal or informal floors, while substructures could be embankment or stony floors. In both, walls and floors, the raw material was of local origin, pinpointing the exploitation of local resources. The St 10 fill comprised different floors corresponding to four occupation phases. The identification of different micromorphological features led us to characterise the use of space of each occupation phase. Generally, the space seems to have been used for food preparation and consumption, though spaces of infrequent use were also identified for the second occupation phase.
Ce chapitre présente les résultats de l’analyse micromorphologique des constructions en terre crue PPNA de Klimonas. Il concerne principalement la moitié nord du Bâtiment communautaire (St 10), son mur périphérique et son comblement sédimentaire correspondant à quatre phases de construction/démolition numérotées de 1 à 4. Les analyses visent à comprendre les modes de construction, la fonction des structures et, plus largement, les modes d’occupation et les comportements socio-économiques des villageois de Klimonas. La micromorphologie des sols étudiés en lame mince est le principal outil mis en œuvre. Cette approche a été appliquée à la séquence stratigraphique de comblement de la St 10, à la tranchée ZX-H/37, au sondage 168.3de 2009 et à quelques structures de terre crue du Bâtiment communautaire, du bâtiment B10 (Secteur B) and du bâtiment B800 (Secteur F). Quatre faciès sédimentologiques macroscopiques principalement fondés sur la couleur de la terre à bâtir ont été identifiés. Ils correspondent à différentes sources de sédiments ou à des gestes spécifiques : i) le faciès « Gris à Gris Brun » observé dans la partie basse du mur périphérique de St 10, dans sa tranchée de fondation ainsi que dans les murs des bâtiments domestiques des Secteurs F et B ; il correspond aux sédiments carbonatés issus de la havara ; ii) le faciès « Jaune à Brun Jaune », observé dans les élévations du mur du Bâtiment communautaire et dans les sols d’occupations ; iii) le faciès des « Limons Beige Orangé », identifié dans les murs de l’entrée de St 10 ; il est issus du substrat de colluvions orangées pléistocènes ; iv) le faciès « Brun Noir Argileux » caractérise les banquettes de St 10 et correspond à des sols d’occupation mélangés à une importante fraction organique. Les murs des bâtiments communautaire et domestiques sont constitués d’un assemblage coalescent d’éléments subarrondis, compatible avec la technique de construction en terre massive, nommée bauge. Indépendamment de l’origine des sédiments, les matériaux ont été préparés à l’état humide par incorporation des végétaux représentés sous forme de phytolithes. Ces matériaux ont été mis en œuvre par le malaxage de terre et appliqués par façonnage direct en superposant tantôt des boules imbriquées, tantôt des lits de terre crue (bauge litée). Deux types de sols ont été identifiés, les soubassements et les sols construits. Les seconds sont aménagés sur les premiers. Il y a deux types des soubassements : les radiers et les remblais. Les premiers sont composés de graviers et d’éclats de silex centimétriques intégrés dans des sédiments fins issus des sols d’occupation. La faible cohérence de l’assemblage est la conséquence du mélange grossier de matériaux de granulométrie différente. Les remblais sont formés d’un entassement dense d’agrégats issus de sols d’occupation. Les sédiments sont constitués par des débris millimétriques à centimétriques de matériaux de construction en terre crue. La distribution hétérogène des débris et leur faible cohérence témoignent d’une mise en place par apports massifs, dans des conditions légèrement humides. Les sols construits sont également de deux types : les chapes et les épandages. Ils sont caractérisés par une chaîne opératoire plus complexe que les soubassements. Les chapes sont issues de sédiments assez fins, préparés à l’état boueux et mise en œuvre à l’état humide après séchage intermédiaire. Elles sont appliquées par étalement et compaction de couches de 2 à 4 cm d’épaisseur à l’état humide, ce qui leur confère le caractère agrégé observé à la fouille. Des sédiments très fins sont aussi utilisés pour les épandages. Ce sont des limons carbonatés des sols d’occupation bien triés, mêlés à des restes végétaux représentés par des phytolithes. Ils sont épandus sur le sol puis légèrement humectés. Ils sont appliqués sans malaxage par des apports de couches successives épaisses de 0,5 à 1 cm témoignant de réfections régulières ou de ragréage des sols. Les matériaux utilisés sont d’origine locale. Pour les murs, l’origine dépend principalement du type de substrat creusé pour la construction, havara ou colluvions orangées. La construction en terre demande des quantités importantes d’eau. Elle pourrait provenir des eaux de ruissellement collectées sur le site ou dans le fleuve Athiaki qui coule en contrebas du site. L’étude géo-archéologique a aussi permis de préciser le fonctionnement de l’espace pour chaque phase d’occupation de St 10. Lors de la première phase d’occupation, à l’intérieur de la structure, la stratigraphie relève des sols aménagés matérialisés par les chapes et des épandages. Ils enregistrent des activités liées à la préparation et la consommation des aliments. Ce type d’activité renvoie aux structures de combustion identifiées dans les parties ouest et sud de la structure. La réduction de l’entrée lors de la deuxième phase architecturale (anciennement nommée « bâtiment intermédiaire ») a été réalisée par construction d’un mur en lits successifs, prolongeant le mur périphérique. À l’intérieur, la surface a été rénovée par mise en place d’un remblai. Les épandages comportent des traces de compaction par piétinement. L’absence locale de micro-artefacts reflète l’existence d’espaces réservés, peut-être pour le stockage de denrées dont pourrait témoigner une concentration d’ossements de souris. L’étude spatiale de la troisième phase confirme la présence, au centre de St 10, d’un pilier de terre massif lié à une chape n’ayant pas enregistré de traces d’activités humaines. Ce dispositif sépare les espaces liés à la préparation et à la consommation des aliments. A l’ouest, la présence de phytolithes en connexion à la surface des épandages est liée à la mise en place de nattes végétales révélant un espace entretenu. L’activité biologique est très fortement représentée dans la terre crue. Elle est liée à la présence des végétaux et contribue parfois à la déstructuration de l’organisation sédimentaire. Elle traduit l’existence d’un temps de vieillissement des structures avant leur démolition-réfection.
Texte intégral
1Structure 10 (St 10) is the biggest building on the Klimonas site. It has been interpreted as a communal building (Vigne et al. 2012, 2017b, chap. 5) comparable to the ones found in most PPNA villages in the Levant (Stordeur et al. 2000, Yartah 2004, 2005, Cauvin and Ibañez 2008, Flohr et al. 2015). Klimonas buildings are currently the earliest example of the exclusive use of earthen lumps for cob construction in Neolithic Cyprus (de Chazelle 2008, Vigne et al. 2011, 2017, 2019, Mylona et al. 2017, Cammas 2018, Mylona 2018).
2Earthen architecture has been also identified in Shillourokambos for the PPNB (Guilaine et al. 2011, 2021, de Chazelle 2011, Hourani 2011). Concerning other Cypriot Neolithic sites, buildings were constructed using a combination of earthen materials, for the elevation, and stones for the foundation (Le Brun 1984, 1989, Todd 2003, Simmons 2012). Despite the presence of earthen constructions in several prehistoric and protohistoric sites in Cyprus, only a few have been the object of a detailed study, including soil micromorphology, (Hourani 2003, 2011, Amadio 2018) for the identification of sediment sources used in construction and the use of space. However, none of them look at the technological aspects of earthen construction in prehistoric Cyprus.
3The geoarchaeological study of earthen architecture using soil micromorphology was applied on both the earth walls and floors excavated at Klimonas. The study concentrated mainly on St 10 but uses some examples from trench 37 and trench 168.3, to the east of the structure (east area of the Central Sector, chap. 2), from the earth walls of building B800 in Sector F and from building B10 in Sector B.
4The main objective of the geoarchaeological study was to determine the site formation processes, in order to reconstruct the mode of occupation of the Klimonas Communal building. More precisely, it aimed to describe the chaîne opératoire of earthen floors and walls and characterise the use of space in the islands first Communal building.
1. Field observations on earthen architecture and methodology
5Field observations allowed the sedimentary facies of constructed materials for both earth walls and floors to be distinguished. The facies were established according to sediment colour and texture (Brochier 1994). For the earth walls and earthen features, we distinguished four facies (fig. 9-1):
- The Grey to Grey-Brown (GGB) facies. Silty sediments located in the lower part of the peripheral earth wall of St 10 and in the earth wall remains of domestic dwellings.
- The Yellow to Brown-Yellow (YBY) facies was observed in the elevation of the peripheral earth wall.
- The Beige-Orange Silt (BOS) facies corresponded to the earth walls of the entrance and to earthen structures in the trench 168.3.
- The Clayey Dark Brown (CDB) facies was related to earthen features inside St 10.
6In order to define the occupation styles and the chaîne opératoire of earthen construction, we used soil micromorphology as the main tool for bringing together field observations and microscopic data (Courty et al. 1989, Cammas and Wattez 2009). Samples were collected from the St 10 floors and walls, from trench 168.3, building B800 and building B10, according to field observations and sedimentary facies. Samples of undisturbed blocks were consolidated in resin, cut in thin sections and studied under a polarised microscope following the guidelines of Bullock et al. (1985), Stoops et al. (2003, 2010), Nicosia and Stoops (2017). The technological approach for construction techniques (Cammas 2003, 2015,Cammas and Wattez 2009, Wattez 2009) used samples from St 10, building B800, building B10 and trench 168.3. Concerning the functional approach to the use of space (Gé et al. 1993, Cammas 1999, Wattez 2000), we only used data from St 10 where floors had been identified.
2. Earthen walls
2.1. Raw materials sources
7A micromorphological study contributed to the correlation of the above-defined colour facies with different sediment sources based on contrasting sedimentary and pedological features.
8The GGB facies resulted from havara formation. They were carbonated and very poor in human activity debris (bones 0-2%, charcoals 0-2%). This material was observed mainly in the foundation trench of the St 10 peripheral wall and on the earth wall remains of the domestic buildings (B800 and B10).
9The YBY facies was related to sediments from occupation floors that were rich in human activity debris, such as bones flakes (2-5%), phosphate granules (0-2%) and phytoliths (10-20%, <200µm). Altered micro-charcoals and plant residues in the sediment gave a dusty texture and a darker colour to the matrix. The YBY facies has been identified in the elevation of the peripheral earth wall of St 10 and the restoration of south wall St 117.
10The BOS facies resulted from the use of colluvial formation sediments from the site. The orange colour was due to iron impregnations in the sediment matrix. Sediments from colluvial deposits were used for the construction of entrance earth walls and the remains of earthen lumps found in trench 168.3.
11On the other hand, the CDB facies were not related to a specific sediment source but were the result of the combination of sediments from occupation floors mixed with high amounts of plants the dark coloured sediments indicated organic matter (tab. 9-1; fig. 9-1).
Tab. 9-1 – Correlation of field facies and micromorphological observations for construction material for earth walls and earth benches and their main pedo-sedimentary characteristics.
Facies | Origin of sediments | Texture | Inclusions | Structures |
GGB | Havara | Grey-brown carbonated silt with fine sand | No inclusions | Lower part of the earth wall |
Few inclusions of human activity Bones 0-2%, microcharcoals 2-5%, phytoliths 2-5% |
Earth walls of domestic buildings (Building B800 and Building B10) | |||
YBY | Occupation surfaces | Grey to yellow carbonated silt and some fine sand. Dusty matrix | Flakes of bones (2-5%), phosphate granules (0-2%), micro-charcoals (2-5%), small plant debris (5-10%), flakes of flints (0-2%), phytoliths (10-20%) | Earth wall superstructure |
CDB | Occupation surfaces | Brown-yellow silt with some fine sand. Dusty matrix | Human activity debris inclusions (cf YBY facies) mixed with high amount of plant tempers | Earth benches |
BOS | Colluvium | Clayey silt grey-orange, dusty matrix and iron impregnations | Some phytoliths (0-2%) and humified particles (0-2%) | St 179- entrance Trench 168.3 |
12The different resources exploited for construction were located on or in the vicinity of the site. The havara bedrock (chap. 3) was dug for the construction and the sediment extracted was used as material for the construction of the walls and floor of the first occupation phase of St 10 and for walls of domestic dwellings. The carbonated orange colluviums (chap. 3) in the entrance sector were used for the construction of the entrance earth walls. The same pattern was observed in the trench 168.3, also located on the same colluvial formation. For the construction of the next occupation phases, sediments from activity surfaces were used, which contained an abundance of human debris from various activities (animal bones, charcoals, flints, shellfish, etc).
13Concerning the domestic buildings of Klimonas, B800 and B10, the sediments were from the havara formations and corresponded to the GGB facies, although they contained more anthropogenic inclusions than St 10. Animal bone flakes and shellfish were represented by 0-2%, while phytoliths were represented by 2-5% with some concentrations of 5-10%.
2.2. Construction techniques
14The earthen walls were founded in the peripheral foundation trenches for St 10, B800 and B10 (chap. 5, 7, 8). Some fragments and earthen lumps have also been identified in test trench 168.3. The peripheral earth walls of both the communal and domestic buildings were made of earthen lumps 10-15cm in diameter, which were composed of smaller coalescent clumps, granular in structure. The earthen lumps were piled one on top of the other and were delineated by small pebbles and flints. Only the walls associated with the entrance sector were made by the superimposing earthen layers (fig. 9-2).
15Material for the earth walls, both for the communal and domestic buildings, contained some stones and flints (2-5%; 3-4cm long), indicating a random collection of raw material without a preference for fine fraction. The crumbly to massive microstructure of clumps and vughy voids is related to a mixing while the material was still wet. During the preparation of the mix, plants were added as temper, as indicated by the presence of phytoliths (5-10%) and the homogeneous distribution of phytoliths suggested they were added intentional. However, in the case of domestic buildings, phytoliths were less abundant than in St 10 and were estimated at around 0-2% with some concentrations of 2-5%, which suggested poorer plant tempers in those materials. The close porosity and the homogenous distribution of inclusions showed they had been well kneaded in the same wet condition, without an interval of drying time. The shaping phase of the lumps allowed for the nesting of clumps. The preparation and the shaping of earthen materials in the same water conditions were associated with direct shaping described as the cob technique (de Chazelle 2008).
16The preliminary phytolith study, conducted by C. Delhon (chap. 22), revealed the use of Gramineae in earth constructions. The assemblage was homogeneous in all studied samples from earth walls. The phytoliths were mostly represented by isolated particles, which showed either a specific technique of incorporated tempers or a biochemical degradation of plant remains. On the other hand, the cuts identified on the phytoliths showed an intentional collection of plants or a specific treatment of cereals before they were added to the mix. Phytoliths from the inflorescence part were also presented in the corpus, a fact that made it difficult to propose an intentional collection of Gramineae during the inflorescence period or a random collection.
17Both the field observations and micromorphological analysis revealed two implementation techniques: the piling of earthen lumps and the superimposition of earthen layers, both describing the cob technique (de Chazelle 2008). Curve cracks delineated the lumps for the first technique (fig. 9-2, A). For the second technique, horizontal and parallel cracks were observed between layers, relating to compaction while the material was still wet (fig. 9-2, B).
3. Ramp and benches
3.1. Ramp
18The ramp was associated with the entrance of St 10. It was composed of sub-angular earthen clumps 4cm in diameter. The ramp was made up of sediments from the havara mixed with some sediment from the occupation layers and plant tempers (phytoliths: 10-15%). The presence of inclusions of different sizes and origins, such as flints and calcareous stones, showed that the material was selected randomly. The presence of coating around the aggregates and the homogeneous distribution of inclusions evidenced fine mixing while the sediment was wet. Curve planar voids showed that the kneading and shaping of the material in a less wetting state were related to this procedure. The shaped lumps were set up using successive layers (fig. 9-3, A).
3.2. Earth benches
19The earth benches were excavated in St 10 and B10. In St 10, the earth benches corresponded to St 161 in “Building 2” and St 153 in “Building 3” (chap. 5); in residential building B10 the St 6 was also interpreted as an earth bench (chap. 8).
20Regarding the St 10 earth benches, sediments for both features corresponded to facies CDB and were constructed accord to the cob technique following the same chaîne opératoire. The sediments came from occupation layers and contained micro-residues of human activity (5%), such as animal bones, burnt aggregates and micro-charcoals. Sediments were rich in plant remains identified by the presence of phytoliths (30-40%) which were added to the mix during the preparation phase (fig. 9-3, B2). The mix also contained a high number of freshwater diatoms (10-15%; Saint Martin, pers. communication), but their poor conservation did not allow identification of the species. The diatoms could be related to the use of stagnant water either from a nearby water source, such as Athiaki, or water conserved on the site (cistern; fig. 9-3, B3).
21On the other hand, earth bench St 6 in building B10 was made of sediments from occupation surfaces mixed with carbonated sediments from havara. The material used was not comparable to the St 10 earth benches. Phytoliths and humified particles were very few (0-2%) (fig. 9-3, B4). The implementation methods suggested cob techniques, like the St 10 earth bench.
4. The chaîne opératoire for floor construction
22Our study showed two types of floors: the substructures and the constructed floors.
4.1. Substructures
23Embankments were related to the levelling and flattening of the surface in order to install each new phase of occupation, especially in the Communal building (chap. 5). They were composed of material of various sizes (millimetres to centimetres) and origins (human-made or natural) lightly mixed with some water (fig. 9-4, B). The variety of material showed the exploitation of different resources identified at Klimonas or around the site. The heterogeneous distribution of materials and the absence of coalescence was the result of the no preparation. The dry material was set up in massive layers 2-5 cm thick.
Stony floor
24Stony floors were identified in the transition from one occupation episode to another within the same occupation phase of the Communal building. Stony floors were made of coarser elements than the embankment, mixed with sediments from occupation layers (fig. 9-4, A). Among the debris, we recognised some constructed aggregates, burnt aggregates, flakes of bones and micro-charcoals. Coarse elements like stones and flints are added to the mix. Some coatings around the inclusions showed that sediments were mixed while wet in order to achieve cohesion of the material. Stony floors had various thicknesses, from 3 to 9cm.
4.2. Constructed floors
25Constructed floors were laid on substructures. They were identified both in St 10 and in trench 168.3. Micromorphological characteristics allowed us to identify two types of floors: the formal and the informal. The terminology was adapted after the description of Karkanas and Efstratiou (2009) of floors in the Neolithic settlement of Makri. Their differences lay in their chaîne opératoire (fig. 9-5).
Formal floor
26Formal floors were made of fine sediments very poor in coarse inclusions, which could be the result of the careful selection of material. Massive to crumbly microstructures were related to the mixing of sediments with a high quantity of water in order to obtain mud. During the preparation, plants had been added as temper (fig. 9-5, A). The material was then kneaded in a less wet state. The kneading created a particular microstructure of rounded aggregates delineated by fine curved cracks. The small voids and some planar sub-horizontal voids were associated with compaction during implementation. Formal floors were usually 2-4 cm thick.
Informal floor
27For the construction of informal floors, only fine sediments poor in anthropogenic micro-residues were used, probably related to the sieving of sediments before preparation. Sediments were mixed with plant represented by phytoliths (fig. 9-5, B). Informal floors were prepared and setup in an almost dry state by spreading the mixture on the surface. Each layer was about 0.5 to 1 cm thick.
5. Comparisons and observations on construction techniques
28Micromorphological analyses revealed different sources of raw material located close to the site. They could be distinguished to: occupation layers, natural bedrock and vegetation. The use of sources near the site was common in other Neolithic sites in Cyprus, the Levant and the Mediterranean (Hourani 2003, Wattez 2009, Flohr et al. 2015, Coussot et al. 2019). The use of sediments from the bedrock was the result of terracing for the initial foundation of St 10 (also observed for the residential buildings of Sectors B and F). Klimonas habitants chose to use the debris from the terracing either of havara for the peripheral earth wall of the St 10, building B800 and building B10, or the carbonated colluvial formation for the construction of the entrance and the earth walls of test trench 168.3. Comparing the earth walls and ramp with the earth benches of St 10, we highlighted the strong presence of organic matter and diatoms in the latter. The use of more plant tempers in the St 10 earth benches than other earthen features of the site and the use of stagnant water clearly show an intentional choice, the reasons of which are not clear. Maybe the earth benches of the Communal building had a specific function related to the use and the status of the building, or created an aesthetic effect in the space which was not the case for domestic buildings. Specific selections of sources or materials were observed in Klimonas for the both walls and floors, pointing more to a good knowledge of different properties of materials than the abundance of raw materials in the environment (Love 2013).
29Concerning the earth wall set-up techniques, micromorphological analysis in combination with field observations revealed two types, by piling earthen lumps and by the superimposition of earthen layers, both characterising the cob method (de Chazelles 2008). However, the superimposition of earthen layers has been identified only in the walls relating to the entrance of St 10, while the piling of earthen lumps characterises the peripheral walls and wall remains of trench 168.3, building B800 and building B10. Differences in the earth wall implementation techniques could support the idea of collaboration of crafters using various construction techniques (Lorenzon and Iacovou 2019).
30Earthen constructions are already known in the Levant for the Neolithic period, from sites such as Jericho, Aswad, Mallaha, Hayonim, Beidha and Nemrik (Sauvage 2009). However, besides Klimonas, the only communal building constructed using earthen materials is the one at Wadi Faynan (WF16; Flohr et al. 2015). The remaining communal buildings found in the Levant were built using a combination of stones and earth.
31The chaîne opératoire for the construction of the two types of constructed floors was different. However, the careful preparation of sediments for the constructed floors revealed an intentional sorting of sediments for both and the additional use of plant temper. Informal floors had a simpler preparation than the formal floors and they were used to rebuild/reorganise the space. Constructed floors have been also identified in other Neolithic settlements in Europe and in the Levant (Wattez and Courty 1996, Stordeur and Wattez 1998, Wattez 2009, Karkanas and Efstratiou 2009, Sénépart et al. 2015, Onfray 2017).
6. The use of space inside the Communal building
32Four occupation phases were identified in St 10 according to archaeological evidence. They were separated by an embankment. Micromorphological analysis allowed the use of space during each occupation phase to be characterised.
6.1. “Building 1”: first phase of occupation
6.1.1. Wall
33The peripheral earth wall was constructed by piling earthen lumps of facies GGB (at least for the conserved part). The entrance was delineated by three earth walls (St 179, St 175 and St 144), in the north and east. The earth walls associated with the entrance were built by the superimposition of earthen layers. However, the origin of the wall’s sediments was the same BOS facies which corresponded to the substrate of this part of the sector. St 179 was founded into the colluvial formation and built by sediments of BOS facies. In the lower part of the earth wall the material was poor in anthropogenic micro-debris, while in the upper part, micro-residues were more abundant (fig. 9-6).
34Concerning St 144, there were two hypotheses about the relation of the earth wall with St 10. The first suggests that it was a part of St 10 and belonged to the entrance area (chap. 5). The second hypothesis supported that St 144 was not part of St 10 but belonged to an adjacent building which had not been excavated. Nevertheless, the elevation of St 144 was made of sediments forming occupation layers, though its foundation trench was not yet excavated.
6.1.2. Entrance corridor
35The entrance corridor was located between the two earth walls (chap. 5). Micromorphological analysis detected four episodes of use. The first one is related to two occupation surfaces made of construction debris and formed directly on the havara bedrock (fig. 9-7, A). Trampling marks showed frequently used surfaces in dry weather conditions (fig. 9-7, B). The second episode (SU 2005 inf) corresponded to a circulation surface 2 cm thick. This surface was formed by the accumulation of human activity debris, such as constructed clumps, micro-flakes of animal bones (2-5%, <150µm), clumps with high concentration of phytoliths (20%) and burnt aggregates (2-5%). Biological activity seemed to be contemporary with the use of space and was expressed by root chambers and soil fauna channels (fig. 9-7, C), which in some cases were deformed under the trampling pressure. Micritic coatings and iron oxide impregnations were interpreted as the effect of several cycles of humid/dry environmental conditions.
36The third episode (upper part of SU 2005) corresponded to the accumulation of debris resulting from the space’s high frequency. Crumbly microstructure and small planar voids were the result of trampling in humid environmental conditions. Iron oxide impregnations and micritic coatings were related to these environmental conditions. Some silty and dusty aggregates rich in charcoals could have derived from occupation surfaces, like the ones identified in the Tell Halula (Wattez and Courty 1996, p. 56). Connected phytoliths could be the remains of a plant mat. During this episode, biological activity was considered as -contemporary to the occupation.
37The corridor stratigraphy was formed by the accumulation of earthen debris from the walls. Humidity from the rain has been recorded in the sediments suggesting a space poorly protected from the weather. Next to earth wall St 140, some constructed fragments in combination with biological activity suggested accumulations from earth wall degradation.
38The forth episode of the corridor’s use corresponded to SU 2004. The nature of sediments was still the same. However, the trampling marks were less abundant for this episode and the presence of phytoliths on the top of the surfaces suggested plant mats or midden deposits (Karkanas and Efstratiou 2009, Shillito et al. 2011). During this episode, the degree of space use was less intense than during previous episodes. The biological activity was significant and considered as contemporary to the occupation, because in some areas it was compacted by trampling activity
39Sediments in the corridor recorded changes in the external humidity. In combination with the lack of any micromorphological markers of water runoff, we tended to suggest that the corridor was a poorly protected space from the outdoor environmental conditions. Micromorphological observations describe the formation processes of the corridor as the result of both degradation of the earth walls and human activity inside and outside the structure. The biological activity of the soil fauna and flora was well presented and contemporary to the occupation (Kooistra and Pulleman 2010; fig. 9 -7, D).
40During the second phase of occupation, the entrance became narrower and the space was filled with earth and stones. None of micromorphological samples came from this phase.
6.1.3. Floors and activities
41During the first phase of occupation, there were two episodes separated by a stony floor. The first episode was characterised by a formal floor (SU 10.9) made of havara sediments. Trampling marks showed a frequently used space containing some micro-residues, such as micro-charcoals, some bone flakes, all smaller than a millimetre (fig. 9-8, A). Before the second episode, a stony floor (SU 10.3) was installed in order to prepare the space for the next episode (fig. 9-8, B). The latter was characterised by a sequence of informal floors that contained a high amount of phytoliths (20-30%). The successive informal floors (part of the SU 10.3) pointed to a regularly maintained space. Micro-residues were more abundant than the previous episode: micro-charcoals (5-10%), bone flakes (2-5%) and flints (5-10%; < 5mm long; fig. 9-8, C and D).
42According to the micro-residue assemblage and the maintenance of the space, we concluded that activities of a domestic character occurred during the occupation of Building 1, which became more important during the second episode (fig. 9-14). The space may have been dedicated to food preparation and consumption, a fact supported by the excavation of hearths along the peripheral earth wall.
6.2. Second phase of occupation: “Building 2”
6.2.1. Wall and entrance
43According to archaeological data, the peripheral earth wall was restored during the second occupation phase (St 117). Sediments used for the restoration came from occupation layers (YBY facies) containing human micro-residues. This part of the earth wall was built by piling earthen lumps (fig. 9-9, A and B).
44During the second phase of occupation, the entrance became narrower (chap. 5) and the space was intentionally filled with coarse earthen materials, stones and flints. The significant biological activity at these levels showed a post-depositional evolution of the layer. A new part of the peripheral earth wall (St 47) was built by successive earthen layers of sediments. Micromorphological analysis detected the use of YBY facies sediments for the construction of the new wall (fig. 9-9, C, D, E). The use of YBY sediments during the second occupation phase indicates an environment well dominated by human activities.
6.2.2. Floors and activities in Building 2
45An earth bench (St 166) was identified in the northern part of the Intermediate building (chap. 5). It was constructed by earthen materials of CDB facies, mixed with plant temper and set up by the superimposition of successive layers.
46The transition to the second phase of occupation was materialised by the installation of an embankment (few centimetres in the lower part of SU 10.6; fig. 9-10, A) on which a sequence of informal floors had been setup (fig. 9-10, C; upper part of SU 10.6 and SU 10.28).
47Informal layers were quite poor in phytoliths and micro-residues were few and only represented by micro-charcoals (2-5%) and bone flakes (0-2%; fig. 9-10, B). Trampling was also less intense on these floors. Moreover, biological activity decreased throughout this episode. These elements show a regularly maintained space where human activities were quite limited. The space could have been dedicated to storage, taking into account the assemblage of mouse bones (chap. 28) from these floors; it seems more probable, however, that the space was used as a storage room for cereal.
6.3. Third occupation phase: “Building 3”
6.3.1. Floors and activities in Building 3
48The transition from the second to the third occupation phase was made by the setup of an embankment (lower part of SU 10.5; chap. 5). There were not earth wall remains that corresponded to this phase of occupation, only a peripheral earth bench (St 153) inside the structure. St 153, like St 166, was made up of CDB facies sediments containing diatoms and set up by successive layers of earthen material.
49Microstratigraphic analysis showed three occupation episodes for this phase. Some centimetres of the upper part of SU 10.5 were characterised by successive layers of informal floors, set directly on the embankment (fig. 9-11, A). Phytoliths on the floor’s surface suggested the use of a plant mat. Some diatoms, also observed on the surface, could have been related to the degradation of earth bench St 153. Micro-debris were not abundant on these floors– only some burnt aggregates (0-2%) and stones were identified. However, the lamellar microstructure was the result of intense trampling of the surfaces (fig. 9-11, B). On some surfaces, “v” shaped incisions could be related to the flattening of floors before the installation of the next floor.
50The beginning of the second episode (always in SU 10.5) was characterised by the setup of a formal floor that included some aggregates from informal floors. In contrast to the first episode, the second episode contained a high number of micro-residues, such as bones (2-5%), flint flakes (2-5% and <1.5cm long) and constructed aggregates (2-5%; fig. 9-11, C).
6.3.2. Spatial analysis
51For SU 10.2, which corresponded to the third episode of “Building 3”, spatial analysis was applied in order to test and define the partition of activities within the same occupation episode. This revealed variations not only in the use of space but also in the floor type and construction. Variations may be related to a repartition of different activities in the same occupation episode. (fig. 9-12).
52In the centre of the building, the formal floor was related to an earthen structure, which was identified only in thin section. For the construction of the formal floor, materials seem not to have been well mixed as they contained several residual aggregates. On the surface of the floor, some water intercalation crusts in combination with iron oxide impregnations were associated with the micro-debris of human activities, such as charcoals and bones. The crusts resulted from the superficial runoffs (fig. 9-11, D). This part of the stratigraphy highlighted a peripheral zone of water evacuation and important biological activity (soil fauna and flora). This zone was situated next to an earth wall or an internal earth wall and it had not been well protected from rain or superficial runoffs.
53In the western part of SU 10.2, a sequence of informal floors (fig. 9-11, E) placed on the embankment was identified. The high presence of phytoliths (20-30%), which, in some cases, were interconnected, as well as iron oxide impregnations, could be related to a plant mat on the floor that conserved the soil humidity (fig. 9-11, F). Micro–residues like bones (5-10%) and construction debris (2-5%) of infra-millimetre size were relatively abundant, especially near the upper part of the successive refection layers. Biological activity was moderate, a fact indicated by regular maintenance of the space dedicated, most probably, to food consumption activities.
54In the eastern part of SU 10.2, informal floors were also set. However, bones (2-5%) in relation to micro-charcoals (5-10%) and flint flakes (2-5%) and hearths, found during the excavation, could also be evidence of food preparation activities.
6.4. Fourth phase of occupation: “Building 4”
55No earth walls were found for the forth occupation phase.The transition from the third to the forth occupation phase was marked by an embankment (fig. 9-13, A; lower part of the SU 10.19) on which there was a stony floor (SU 10.19; fig. 9-13, B). The floor of the building (SU 10.20) corresponds to a formal floor composed of materials from occupation layers according to the inclusion assemblage (fig. 9-13C). Trampling was not intense and remarkable post-depositional biological activity show an abandoned space (fig. 9-13, D).
7. General observations on the formation processes of the communal building
56The micromorphological analysis applied in Klimonas allowed the chaîne opératoire of earthen constructions (walls and floors), from the collection of raw material to the implantation, to be outlined and the use of space of the Communal building to be described.
57The raw material for construction was mixed with plant tempers. The presence of plants in the sediment favoured the biological activity of soil fauna and flora. Pedological features showed the activity of enchytraeidea, oribatidea and mites. The presence of plant mats on some floors of St 10 allowed the soil fauna activity, under the superficial horizon rich in vegetal remains, and their action to be described as contemporary to the use of space. Biological activity accelerated the degradation process of earthen structures both during the occupation and post-depositional. The post-depositional human activity and erosion destroyed part of the earthen remains, as well as the remains of the fourth phase of occupation.
58Each occupation phase was systematically separated from the previous one by the installation of an embankment. For repairing or reorganising of the space during the same occupation phase, a stony floor was used. Concerning the different types of floors identified at Klimonas, we observed that informal floors were more frequently used. Moreover, during the spatial analysis of “Building 3”, two types of floors were installed during the same occupation episode. We could, therefore, propose a relationship between the use of space and the type of floor.
59The micromorphological analysis allowed us to characterise the type of activities occurring in the space during the occupation of St 10. Activities occurring in St 10 point to food preparation and consumption and cereal storage, although we are not able to identify their nature, if they were related to ritual activities, family meals, communal meals, etc. The organisation of activities differed in each occupation phase, suggesting, therefore, a different organisation of the space. Moreover, a partition of activities was even observed during the same episode, with areas more or less frequently used.
60The roof of St 10 is still in question. The presence of -peripheral postholes and pillars and the central posthole, which was quite large, strongly suggested the presence of a roof (chap. 5). Micromorphological analyses did not indicate any evidence concerning the roof, for instance fallen parts. However, silty aggregates full of phytoliths distributed on the floors could be part of the eroded roof. According to similar studies in Cyprus and the Levant, rooves during the Neolithic were made of perishable material, a combination of mud, plants and wood (Le Brun 1983, Stordeur 2015, Flohr et al. 2015).
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