Ecclesiastics and political state building in the Iberian monarchies, 13th-15th centuries
The project "The European Dimension of a Group of Power: Ecclesiastics and the political State Building of the Iberian Monarchies (13th-15th centuries)” supported by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia assembled an inter-university team, that brought together researchers from five Portuguese universities and three Spanish universities, as well as consultants from three different universities.
The book now being published is one of the outcomes of the work undertaken by the Iberian inte...
Note de l’éditeur
Front cover photo courtesy of ANTT (Cota: PT-TT-MSCC-A-1DR3)
Éditeur : Publicações do CIDEHUS
Lieu d’édition : Évora
Publication sur OpenEdition Books : 18 octobre 2016
ISBN numérique : 978-2-8218-7416-9
DOI : 10.4000/books.cidehus.1539
Collection : Biblioteca - Estudos & Colóquios | Série e-books - 4
Année d’édition : 2016
ISBN (Édition imprimée) : 978-989-99242-5-3
Nombre de pages : 309
Maria João Branco et Hermínia Vasconcelos Vilar
IntroductionPart I - Kings and clergy: royal service and political loyalty
Peter Linehan
Towards a Portuguese reformationFermín Miranda García
Eclesiásticos al servicio de la monarquía navarra (1134-1274)Un punto de partida
Hermínia Vasconcelos Vilar
Between service and loyalty: chancery and chancellors of Portugal in the 14th centuryAndré Madruga Coelho et Armando Norte
Clergy and royal service: the case of king Fernando’s chanceryFrancisco J. Hernández
Ascenso y caída de Gómez García, abad de Valladolid y privado de Sancho IV de CastillaJorge Díaz Ibáñez
Fray Alonso de BurgosUn prelado al servicio de la monarquía castellana en la segunda mitad del siglo XV
Óscar Villarroel González
Juan Martínez Contreras: el ascenso de un clérigo menor y el servicio regioPart II - A Power among Powers
José Luis Martín Martín
Beneficios capitulares al servicio de los reyes de Castilla en la Baja Edad MediaSusana Guijarro González
Monarquía, carreras eclesiásticas y cabildos catedralicios en la Castilla bajomedieval: los capellanes reales en la Catedral de BurgosMaria Amélia Campos
Coimbra's parochial network: aspects of its definition in the 12th centuryFrancisco José Díaz Marcilla
Las relaciones entre Alfonso X y el cabildo y ciudad de Santiago de CompostelaThe project "The European Dimension of a Group of Power: Ecclesiastics and the political State Building of the Iberian Monarchies (13th-15th centuries)” supported by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia assembled an inter-university team, that brought together researchers from five Portuguese universities and three Spanish universities, as well as consultants from three different universities.
The book now being published is one of the outcomes of the work undertaken by the Iberian inter-university team. It confirms the possibilities opened up by teamwork and compared perspectives, as well as the need to pursue this approach in order to clarify the circumstances and conditionalities of a relationship from which both sides benefited.
Thus the studies gathered here seek to return to the question of the Church's and clerics' contribution to the construction of royalty, approaching the peninsular context in a comparative way and analysing that contribution on different levels.
Le texte seul est utilisable sous licence Licence OpenEdition Books. Les autres éléments (illustrations, fichiers annexes importés) sont « Tous droits réservés », sauf mention contraire.
História e Relações Internacionais
Temas e Debates
Luís Nuno Rodrigues et Fernando Martins (dir.)
Minorias étnico-religiosas na Península Ibérica
Período Medieval e Moderno
Maria Filomena Lopes de Barros et José Hinojosa Montalvo (dir.)
Património Textual e Humanidades Digitais
Da antiga à nova Filologia
Maria Filomena Gonçalves et Ana Paula Banza (dir.)
Os Municípios no Portugal Moderno
Dos Forais Manuelinos às Reformas Liberais
Mafalda Soares da Cunha et Teresa Fonseca (dir.)
A Historiografia Medieval Portuguesa na viragem do Milénio
Análise Bibliométrica (2000-2010)
Filipa Medeiros
Da Comunicação ao Sistema de Informação
O Santo Ofício e o Algarve (1700-1750)
Nelson Vaquinhas