Comparative Legal Studies and Internationalization of Law
Inaugural Lecture delivered on Thursday 20 March 2003
By combining a method – comparative studies – with an ongoing process – the internationalization of law, that is, its extension beyond national borders – this Chair looks to the future, as uncertain as it may be. Of course current events tragically highlight the absence of a real legal world order. The collective security system of the Charter of the United Nations has shown its weaknesses and law has been unable to disarm force. Conversely, however, force cannot prevent this unprecedented ext...
Éditeur : Collège de France
Lieu d’édition : Paris
Publication sur OpenEdition Books : 12 février 2015
ISBN numérique : 978-2-7226-0279-3
DOI : 10.4000/books.cdf.3644
Collection : Leçons inaugurales
Année d’édition : 2015
Mireille Delmas-Marty
Liz Libbrecht (trad.)
Comparative Legal Studies and Internationalization of LawInaugural Lecture delivered on Thursday 20 March 2003
By combining a method – comparative studies – with an ongoing process – the internationalization of law, that is, its extension beyond national borders – this Chair looks to the future, as uncertain as it may be. Of course current events tragically highlight the absence of a real legal world order. The collective security system of the Charter of the United Nations has shown its weaknesses and law has been unable to disarm force. Conversely, however, force cannot prevent this unprecedented extension of law, to the extent that no State can lastingly override it. In spite of appearances, it is no longer possible today to ignore the superposition of regional, national and global standards, nor the over-abundance of both national and international institutions and judges, with expanded jurisdiction. The new realities are causing law to evolve into complex and highly unstable interactive systems that are perhaps more symptomatic of profound change than of the defeat of law: we are faced with a change in the very conception of the legal order.
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Origine et histoire des hominidés. Nouveaux paradigmes
Leçon inaugurale prononcée le jeudi 27 mars 2008
Michel Brunet
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