Oncology: From Empiricism to Integrative Biology
Inaugural Lecture delivered on Thursday 8 January 2015
After decades of descriptive studies, the biology of cancer is undergoing a real revolution: with genetic approaches, researchers have identified many of the cell deregulations likely to drive tumours. A treatment combining arsenic and retinoic acid targets the protein responsible for promyelocytic leukaemia. This treatment, which has cured virtually all patients, gives hope that the in-depth understanding of carcinogenesis mechanisms may lead to new therapeutic approaches that could be transpos...
Note de l’éditeur
Published with the support of the Collège de France Foundation: https://www.fondation-cdf.fr.
Éditeur : Collège de France
Lieu d’édition : Paris
Publication sur OpenEdition Books : 11 juillet 2024
ISBN numérique : 978-2-7226-0775-0
DOI : 10.4000/1209v
Collection : Leçons inaugurales
Année d’édition : 2024
Hugues de Thé
Liz Libbrecht (trad.)
Oncology: From Empiricism to Integrative BiologyInaugural Lecture delivered on Thursday 8 January 2015
After decades of descriptive studies, the biology of cancer is undergoing a real revolution: with genetic approaches, researchers have identified many of the cell deregulations likely to drive tumours. A treatment combining arsenic and retinoic acid targets the protein responsible for promyelocytic leukaemia. This treatment, which has cured virtually all patients, gives hope that the in-depth understanding of carcinogenesis mechanisms may lead to new therapeutic approaches that could be transposed to other cancers.
Hugues de Thé, a physician and former intern at the Hôpitaux de Paris, with a PhD in science, is head of the biochemistry/molecular biology service at the Hôpital Saint-Louis, head of the research unit UMR “Pathologie et virologie moléculaire” and professor of molecular biology at the Paris-Diderot University. He has been a member of the French Academy of Sciences since 2011 and, in March 2014, was appointed Professor at the Collège de France, where he holds the Chair of Cellular and Molecular Oncology.
Fondation du Collège de France
Référence du projet : 223.FCDF/CDF.23
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