p. 593-602
Texte intégral
Abonuteichos (Inebolu) 36
Abuliout 36
Aç Badem 36-7
Achilles 131
Ada 120 n 98, 124, 130, 140, 142-3, 315
in Sinuri bilingual 158
Adamharmanı, list of names 464
Adonis, at Loryma 370
Adramyttion 524-5
Aemilius Paullus 487 n 8
aesthetics, in wall-building 319-24
Ağaçle Öyük 36
agathoi daimones 225
Agepolis s.o. Pythokles 126
Agesilaos II 126, 435, 442, 444
Agios Georgios Bay (Alimnia) 383
Agroitas of Gordiou Teichos 463
Agyrrhios 61 n. 9
Aineas, Seleukid hyparches 459
Aiolos 245
Aischines 419
Akarnania 236 n. 5
Akbük 386-7
Akçaova 423
Alabanda 69, 237-8, 240 n. 39, 241-3, 245 n. 71-72, 314-6, 505, 507, 509, 512 n. 42, 524-5
Antioch of the Chrysaorians 243
Apollo temple 484
Luwian: Waliwanda 241-2
Alazeytin 314
Aletes 245
Alexander II 130
Alexander III (the Great) 44, 46 n. 15, 56, 61-3, 124, 129-30, 134-5, 139-43, 275, 279, 287, 298, 309, 312-5, 468, 482
Alexander IV 139
‘Alexanders’(coinage) 135-8
Alimnia 381-3, 387, 391
Alinda 34, 130, 142, 238, 240, 242 n. 56, 272, 314-6
Luwian: Ijalanda 240
Alkamenes 375
Alkibiades 126 n. 22, 440
Amazons 493, 486, 487 n. 8
Ambrakia, Artemis Pergaia at 368
Amorges 125
Amos 356, 367, 416-7, 419
Amyzon 23, 313
Anaximbrotos 459
Andromache 131
Anneius, M. 520
Antalkida 126
Antigonos Doson 51, 130
Antigonos Monophthalmos 134, 141, 143-4, 406, 481-2
Antimenes of Rhodes 140
Antioch on Maeander 34, 254, 264, 462
Antiochos I 159
Antiochos II 159, 243 n. 62
Antiochos III 50, 243 n. 62, 421, 422 n. 45, 434 n. 97, 461, 473-4
Antiochos Hierax 421
Antipatros 143
Antonius, L. Quaestor of Asia 525
Antonius, M. 526 n. 121
Aor 245
Aoreis 245
Apameia, peace of 434, 459, 461
Apeiros 419
Apelles 531
Aphrodisias (Geyre) 27, 33-6, 237, 240 n. 39, 242 n. 56, 253-67, 455-66, 512, n. 42, 515
foundation myths 455, 462, 463 n. 46
founding families 455
names at: indigenous 464 and n. 52
names at: Iranian 465
names at: settlers 464-5
Regional Survey 255-67
Rhodian hegemonesat 456-7
Aphrodite 242 n. 56, 487 n. 8, 511
dating criteria for 527-8
fully dressed 528-30
nude 530-3
‘striptease theory’ 528
at Iasos 128
at Loryma 355-60
at Olymos 54
Karneios, at Knidos 438, 440, 536
altar at Knidos 487 n. 10, 503
at Loryma 358
Pidanaseus 238 n. 21
Pythios at Rhodes 368
Samnaios (Amos) 356, 358
on coins of Antioch/Alabanda 243
Apollonia Salbake 34
Apollonios of Aphrodisias 236
Apollonios (Bargasa) 500-1
Appuleius, proquaestor of Asia 520 n. 89
Appuleius Decianus, C. 509
Arbinas 116
Archestratos, gastronomer 62
argyrion symmachikon 133-44
Ariobarzanos III of Kappadokia 510, 521
Aristonikos 499-502
Arlissis s.o. Oussollos 113 n. 65, 120 n. 102, 124
Armo/Arma 160, 240
Arrhidaios (Philip III) 130
Arrhidaios (satrap) 134
Arsinoite nome, Artemis Pergaia at 368
Artaphernes 441
Artaxerxes II 98, 125, 440
Artaxerxes III 98
Artemis 241
at Bargylia 499-500
at Loryma 373
at Olymos 54
Artemis Kindyas 238 n. 30
Artemis Pergaia
cult image on coins 368
at Loryma 368
location of cults 368
Artemis Soteira Bakchia
at Loryma 370
at Termessos 410
at Pisidian Neapolis 411
Artemisia 120 n. 98, 127
Arykanda 398
Asandros 140 n. 28, 142, 482
Asar tepe 264
Roman governors of 508, 511, 513-5, 519-20
koinon of 515-18, 524-5
Roman province of 505-26, 512 n. 43
Aspendos, Artemis Pergaia at 368
Assos 29, 36
Assurnasipal II 334
Atabyros, mt.(Rhodes) 367
Ataeymir 264
Ataköy 259-60
ateleia in Sinuri ‘bilingual’ 158
Athanadoros of Lindos 370
Athena 238, 243
Athenaios of Sparta 450
Athenian Confederacy 274
Athenian Tribute Lists 207, 242, 417, 425
Athens 36, 59 n. 1, 61, 270, 425
Atalante 387
Boudoron 387
Piraeus 387
Sounion 387
Attalids 459-61
Attis 350-2
Attouda 34, 463 n. 46
Augustus 131, 396
Ayaklı (Euromos) 35
Baba Dağ 256-7
Babylon 50
Babylonia 125, 140
Balikesir 34-6,
Barbarism, Linguistic 218
Bargasa (Haydere; Çamlidere) 33-4, 36, 242 n. 56, 501
Bargylia 34, 45, 111, 236, 238, 422, 499-500, 501 n. 55, 505, 507
Bargylos 236
Batı Menteşe Dağları 111
Bayat 36
Bean, g 420, 423
Bellerophon 235-46, 455
as founder
at Aphrodisias 236
at Bargylia 236
at Halikarnassos 237
genealogy in Iliad 236-7
on coins of Alabanda 237
Beçin (Peçin) 46, 96, 111
Belevi, mausoleum at 121 n. 110
Bencik 445
Beyoba 34
bilingual texts
Egyptian-Carian 148
Bingeç 33, 256-7, 266
Biresse 33, 35
Bitez 340-2
Bodrum/Milas 111
airport 46, 451
Bodrum peninsula 224
Bozdağ/Boz Dağ 274, 449
Branchidai 173
Brutus, M. 510, 523 n. 6
Buçak 34
Bursa 36
Buthrotis 131
Bybassos 364, 416, 419, 443-4
Cağız 37
Caerellia 520
Caracalla 209-10
Carian alphabet 148-9
local, in Karia 148
Hyllarima 148
Kaunos 150
Krya 150
Mylasa 150
Sinuri/Kildara 150
monogenesis of 151
number of letters in 151
sound values of 151
of Egypt 148-51
Saqqâra/Memphis 149
Carian bilinguals 153-61
Egypto-Carian 153-65
Greek-Carian 153-4
Carian language 147-76
cases in 156, 178-86
decipherment of 148-76
ethnonyms in 156, 165-6, 178
glosses on 151
grammar of 177-86
inscriptions in 255
kinship terms in 167-70
nominal inflection 177-86
patronymics in 179
proper names 151-2, 162-3, 178
regional differences in 187-205
sound changes in 187-205
verb in 177
votive inscriptions 171-3
Caro-Memphites 164
Cassius 387
Castricius 520
Cennet 208
Chabrias 140
Chalke 381-2, 438 n. 27
Chalketor (Karakuyu) 33, 37
Charidemos 140
Cherronesioi 417
Chersonese (Thracian) 459
Chersonese (Karian) 355, 358, 364, 367, 416-9, 422, 441-2, 444-7, 449
koinon of 355, 367-8
Chios 505
Choirilos of Iasos (poet) 128
chrys-in Indo-European 241
Chrysaor 235-46
etymology 241
filiation in Theogony 235-6, 246
filiation in Steph. Byz. 239-40, 244
monstrous ancestry 244
popularity of name 230-2
Chrysaoric League 51, 56-7, 218, 231, 240, 241 n. 49, 242-3, 245
Chrysaoric Pantheon 503
Chrysaoris 239
Chrysippos s.o. Apollonidas 433
Cicero – see Tullius Cicero, M.
Çiftlik 33, 35
Cilicia 125, 207-8, 211, 440
pirates 508-9
citadels 264, 266-7
citizenship 431-2
city-foundation 254
Claudius Pulcher, C. 508
Cloatius, N. and M. 510
Cluvii in Karia 520-1
Cluvius, N. and M. 520-1
Cluvius Puteolanus 505, 507-10, 519-21, 523
bronze 59-64
minting, reasons for59-66
prawn-pecten type 61-4
Pegasos on 238-9
Zeus Chrysaoreus on 240 n. 39
winged thunderbolt on 242-3
colonies, seleukid 254
constitutio Antoniniana 210
Corcyra 236 n 5
Corinth 236, 238, 243, 379
Cornelius Sulla, L. 253, 464, 466, 484 n. 4, 487 n. 8, 492-3, 501 n. 57, 509, 510 n. 32, 511, 512 n. 43
cult of the dead 351
Cyprus 116 n. 74, 121 n. 104, 126, 379, 440, 443, 536
Cyrus (the Younger) 125, 449
Çagış 37
Çakmalı 37
Çamköy (nr. Karacahısar) 33, 35
Çatalkaya Tepe 340
Çökertme Bay 207-8, 212-4
Daidala 391
Daldis 27
Damli Boğaz 37
Damokrines, Rhodian
hegemon 255, 456-7
Dareios III 98
Datames 140
Datça 437-40, 449
Debleköy (nr. Kyzikos) 350
debt, civic and personal 505-26
decipherment, definition of147-8
Delos 245, 487 n. 10,
Delphi 27, 471 n. 34
demarchos 396-8, 400, 401 n. 36, 406-7
as cognomen 405 n. 66
Demeter 241
Demetrios, Seleukid toparches 459
Demetrios Poliorketes 380, 387, 388
demos 395, 397-8, 402
Derkilidas 126
Derveni 529
Deveini 449
Didyma 133, 173, 238 n. 21, 509
Diokles 403
Dionysios ‘Chalkous’ 59 n. 1
Dionysios I of Syracuse 269-70
Dionysos 242 n. 56, 371
at Loryma harbour 375
at Rhodes harbour 375
Narthakophoros 373
altar of, at Loryma 373
at Rhodes 385
Doric order 103-6
Dorion, Mt. 444, 447, 449
double axe
on coinage 139
on rock-face 211
double-corner bond 272, 310-1, 313-6, 322 n. 22
earthquake of 227/6 BC 324
Ebecık 33, 37
Egnatius Rufus, L. 520
Eğridir 36
Egypt 379, 437, 441
ekklesia kyria 400
ekklesiastikon 481
technique for payment 60-6, 468-9
Emecik 438, 439 n. 29
Emporeio Bay (Alimnia) 383-4
Endios 125
Epaminondas 272, 438 n. 27
Epaphroditos 239
Ephesos 69, 84, 143, 272, 314, 350, 456 n. 7, 460, 505, 507, 512 n. 41, 515-6, 519, 523-5
treasures of Artemis 522-3
Epiros 131
koinon 143
Artemis at Bargylia 499-500
Hekate at Stratonikeia 496-7, 499
Leto at Olymos 54
rock-cut door for 360
Eranistai Adoniazontes 370
Eros 533-4
Erythrai 315
Eski Çine 33, 35, 37
Etruria 107 n. 35
Euergetism 510
Eulimna (Alimnia) 381-3, 387, 391
Eumenes II 459
Euphranor s.o. Antimachos 431
Eupolemos s.o. Potalos 469 n. 16
Euphrates 449
Euromos 31, 33-4, 43, 63, 111, 238, 422, 474-5
Europa, priestess of Artemis
Pergaia 368, 376
Euthydemos of Mylasa 69, 70 n. 5, 507, 519, 523
Evagoras of Salamis 440
Evaises of Syria 140
Evgile 107
Findus (Küçük Gökçele) 36
Athenian 207, 437, 440
Persian 387, 435
Phoenician 440-1
Rhodian 379-91
Spartan 435, 437, 441
fiscality, Roman 505-26
Fonds Louis Robert 23-5, 27-37
coins kept in 25-37
fortifications 269-316 passim, 387-8
foundation myths 235-46, 478 n. 90, 503
Fraser, p. m. 420
Fufius, l. and m. 509
Gallius, Q. 520 n. 89
Garipköy 33, 36
‘Geländemauer’ 98, 270-2, 274-5, 307, 314
van Gelder, H. 415-23, 434
Gemile 391 n. 26
Gencik Hill (Milas) 96
Geta 209-10
gigantomachy 486
Glaukos 239, 245
Gönen 36
Göztepe/Kayraçtepe 208, 214-5
Gordiou teichos 264 and n. 10, 462-3, 463 n. 46
Gorgos 44, 61-2, 130, 468
Gortyn 59 n. 1
Grion, Mt. 44-5
Grottoes, Italian 334-5
Güllük 111
Gümüşlük 274
Gümüşsivrisi/Sivrikümeş 207
Günce 106 n. 20
Gündoğan 342-4
Güvedağ 208
Gytheion 510
Hagetor s.o. Hagesianax 373
Halasarna 404-5
Haliartos 450
Halikarnassos 34, 43, 55, 113 n. 62, 121, 124, 142, 151, 173, 224, 236, 238, 243, 273-316, 342, 388, 425, 440, 448, 458 n. 17
Apollo sanctuary 303
Artemis Pergaia at 368
Göktepe hill/fortress 275, 277, 281, 289-90, 308-9, 312, 316, 344-52
Mars terrace 277
Maussolleion terrace 283
Mylasa Gate 278, 283, 312
Myndos Gate 278-9, 281, 283-9, 294, 308-10, 312
palace of Maussollos 303
Pedasa Gate 278, 294-6, 310
Salmakis inscription 238, 243
Salmakis promontory 275, 279-80, 303, 309
Zephyrion peninsula 273, 275, 278, 299-306, 309
Hamzabey Çay 46, 49
harbour moles 279, 303-6, 388, 446
Harpalos 140
Harpasos, valley of 31, 113 n. 61, 218
Hekate 371, 411, 483, 488, 491, 493, 495, 498-9, 502-3
Hekatesia Romaia 487 n. 8, 492, 498
Hekatomnos 96, 103, 115, 116 n. 74, 119, 124, 126, 128
in Sinuri bilingual 158
Hekatomnos s.o. Korris 51, 57, 128
Hekatomnus hoard 64
Helenos 131
Helios, on coins of Mylasa 243 n. 65
Helisson river 448
Hellenization 113 n. 65, 208, 218-9, 233
Hemithea, sanctuary of 418
Hera 244
at iasos 221
‘Heraclea’ 37
Herakleia under Latmos 111, 272, 314
Herakleia in Pontos 512 n. 41
Herakleia Salbake 34, 505, 507
Herakleides of Klazomenai 61 n. 9
Herakleides of Temnos 509
Herakles 242 n. 56, 244
Hermes, at Loryma 475
Hermes Propylaios 375
Hermippos 509
Hermogenes 487
Hermonax s.o. Poseidippos 129
Hierakome (Stratonikeia) 224
Hippokrates 437, 447
Hippolochos 245
Hippomedon, Ptolemaic
strategos 459
Histiaia 27
Hittite burial ritual 351
chronicles 240-1
language 147, 177-8
Horzum 27, 29, 37
hoard 27, 30
Hybreas 69
Hydai 43, 46, 54, 57, 223
Hydisos s.o. Bellerophon 237
Hydis(s)os (Karacahisar) 27, 31, 33-5, 237-8, 241-2
Hyllarima (Kapraklar) 33, 36-7, 98 n. 68, 109, 115 n. 67, 219-21, 420, 425, 427 n. 75
Carian-Greek inscription 149, 158-63
Luwian: Wallarima 241
Hymesseis 242
Hyssaldomos 124, 126
coins of 165
Iason s.o. Skymnos and sons,
of Aphrodisias 518
Iasos (Kıyıkıslacık) 34, 44, 46, 56, 60-6, 111, 123-31, 242, 273, 316, 422, 451, 467-82, 509
archeion prostatikon 475
Karian graffito at 221, 232
magistracies at
archontes 467-9, 480-2
astynomoi 479
kosmoi 474-5
neopoiai 469-72
prostatai 469-71, 479, 480-2
prytaneis 469 n. 22, 476-9
stephanephoros 468
strategoi 475, 479
synegoroi 479
tamiai 470-1, 479
phylai at 477-80, 482
Idrias/Atrija 141-2
Idrieus 85, 120 n. 98, 121 n. 105, 124, 127, 130
in Sinuri bilingual 158
Idyma 107, 239, 242, 391, 420, 422, 423 n. 49, 425 and n. 65, 426, 429-32, 434
Ilion 512 n. 41, 515
Inebolu 33
Ionian Renaissance 106 n. 19, 270, 315
Ionic order 103-6
Iphiades of Abydos 438 n. 27
Iphigeneia 487 n. 10
Iphikrates 140
isopoliteia 394, 397
Isparta (Göndürle) 36
Istanbul/Stambul 34-7
Izmir 34
Ivrindi 37
Jews of Asia 508
Julius Caesar, G. 505, 521-3, 526
Kafaca 54,
Kallipolis/Kallipolitai 240 n. 39, 419, 425-6, 499
Kalymna 473 n. 43
Kalynda 391
Kandebeis 54
Kapiz 207
Kar 245
Kara Ada 273
Karacasu 255
Karakasu 33
Karakayu (Chalketor) 33, 36
Karaköy 33
Karamandağ 207, 211-3
Karıncalı dağ 257
Kavaklı 36
Kaziklı 33, 37
Karia-Phrygia, province of 255
barbarophonoi 217, 236
cultural identity of 217-33
ethnos 217
King of 119 n. 91, 120, 142-3
koinon of 119-20, 124, 142
language 218-9
in public documents 232
Karpathos (Rhodian deme) 373, 403
Potidaion 403, 413
Brykous 403
Kasolaba 223
Kassandros 143
Kastabos 418
Kaunos 27, 34, 48, 106-7, 219, 272, 314-6, 388, 421, 440-1, 445, 458 n. 15, 505, 509, 512-3
Apollo sanctuary 221
baths 322
bilingual inscription 148, 154-6, 164, 174-5, 177-9, 219-22
C.Ka. 2: proxeny decree? 175
city walls 318-29
chronology of 320-3
Kedreai 419, 432, 444
Keramos 178, 240 n. 39, 421, 512
Kekova island 391 n. 26
Kelbessos (Ağırtaş) 399, 410
Keramos 34, 106 n. 20, 207-8, 210-11
Gulf of 106, 111, 207-8, 383, 386
kbos on coins 211
phyle tebremoun 210-1
Keto 244
Kibyra (Horzum) 27, 456
Kidrama (Kidramos) 33-4, 242 n. 56
Kildara 223
bilingual Carian-Greek 160-1
Kilikia see Cilicia
Killanion, plain 459
Kimon 437
Kindye/Kindya 46, 48-9, 223, 425
King’s Peace 270, 272, 274
Kırcağiz 223
Kitanaura 400
Kizilbel 245
Klaros 23, 72, 508
decree for Polemaios 497 n. 44, 499
decree for Menippos 497 n. 44, 499
Klazomenai 508
Kleitos 143-4
Kleomenes (satrap of Egypt) 140
Knidos 125, 272-3, 314-6, 340-2, 442, 444-50, 473 n. 43, 474, 505, 509, 511
Aphrodite sanctuaries 536
Aphrodite statuettes at 527-38
battle of 435-51
city wall 319 n. 11
Demeter sanctuary 529
lion tomb 109-10, 115 n. 67
pirates at 500
topography of 436-40
Ko-toponyms beginning with 211
Koarendeis 230
Koçadağ 207, 211-4
Kodapa 211
Kodopa 209, 211 n. 29, 212
koinon, connotation of 423-7
Koliorga 224
Koloneis 426, 429, 431
Kolophon 60, 72, 508, 531
coinage 133-6
Konon 270, 435, 440-7
Koranza 224, 401-2
Kormoskoneis 54
Korragos, Attalid strategos 459-60, n. 33
Korris (priest at Labraunda) 51, 57, 128
Korykian Cave 208
Korykos 208
Kos 333, 394, 397 n. 21, 398, 403, 438 n. 19, 405-6, 472 n. 40, 476, 477 n. 82, 534
Asklepieion 91, 333, 405, 531
Charmyleion 121 n. 110
Kyparissi sanctuary 530, 536
synoikism 274, 403
Kotys 140
Koyunbaba quarries 315
Kretan war
First 404
Second 412
Krete 383, 503
Kryassos 416
ktoinon 403
Kumyer 438, 449, 528
Kunnecik Boğazı 211
Kuyruklu Kalesi 111
Kyaneai 397-8
Kybele/Meter 331, 350-2
at Loryma 360-4, 375
Kyllandos 422
Kynoskephalai, battle of 422
Kyrene 356, 376, 482, 533
Kyromeis 242
Kyros – see Cyrus
Kys 424, 426
Kytenians of Doris 236
Kyzikos 134
Labienus, Q. 69, 456, 466, 492, 526 n. 121
Labraunda 49, 51-3, 57, 105-7, 109, 128, 313, 400, 478 n. 88,
andrones 105
temple of Zeus 85, 87
Lagina (Ileine/Leine) 230, 401-2
frieze 33, 35-6, 463 n. 46, 483-503
Hekate sanctuary 95, 426 n. 72, 411, 512 n. 46,
priest lists 488-93, 495
Lagnokeis 424, 426
Lanassa 130
Laodike III 53, 473
Laodikeia (in Karia) 57
Laodikeia on the Lykos 424 n. 58
Laodikeis (Karian) 420, 423 n. 51, 424, 425, 499
Latmos 211, 272, 273 n. 12, 296, 307, 314-6, 482
Lebedos 406
Lebissos 391 n. 26
Leleges 208, 211
Leon s.o. Chrysaor 419 n. 20
Leto (at Olymos) 54
Leukoideis 420, 423-4, 429-32
Licinius Lucullus, L. 511 n. 35, 513-5
Limyra (Asarönü) 84, 239, 394, 395, 398, 410
herôon 91-2, 98, 116-8
liquid containers
in Carian, Greek, Latin 171-2
Little Sea 43-9, 57, 61-3, 451
Londeis 420, 423 n. 52
Loryma (Bozukkale) 387-91, 416, 418 n. 12, 418-9, 420 n. 34, 423 n. 49, 441-5
cults at 355-77
foreigners at 376
necropolis 368
Loryma (nr. Lindos) 358 n. 11
Lukka 241, 246
Luwian/Luvian language 147, 177-81, 184-6
Luwians 211, 241
Luwic dialects 156
Lycia, Roman province of 396
Lycian language 147, 177-86
Lydia 254-5, 257
Lydian language 147, 177-80
funerary pillars 116
rock-cut tombs 116-8
Lykos 246
Lysanias of Temnos 509
Macedonia 130
Maeander valley 31, 254
Magnesia on Maeander 60, 520, 524-5
artemis temple 84 n. 28, 487 and n. 10
Magnesia under Sipylos 514 n. 57
Makedonian settlements 233
at Mylasa 229
at Stratonikeia 231, 233
Maneilios s.o. Kallias 490-1
Manisa 34
Manitas 124
Manlius Vulso 264, 462 n. 44
Manius Aquilius 500-1
Marble quarries 264
Marmaris 444-5, 449, 451
Marcellesi, M. C. 133-44
Marcius Philippus, Q. 520 n. 89
Marsyas valley 111, 113 n. 61
Marsyas of Aspendos 368, 376
Masonry technique 279-9, 306-16
Mastaura 241
Matinius, P. 510
proto-(Mylasa) 69-100
Halikarnassos 82 n. 27, 85, 87, 89, 92-3, 95, 97-9, 105 n. 14, 109, 126-7
iasos 100, 126-7
Maussollos 49, 55-6, 69, 92, 96-8, 100, 105, 113 n. 62, 124, 126-7, 142, 223, 271 n. 7, 273-4, 299, 303, 308, 314, 425, 448, 467, 481
Medet 33, 37
Medusa and the Gorgons 235
Megalopolis 447-8
Megiste 391
Memnon 140, 287, 309, 312
Men 209, 342-4
Menandros s.o. Ouliades 69, 72
Mendelia (Euromos) 36-7
Menodotianos Maximos, m. Aur. 209-10
Menokritos of Samos 403
Mentor 140
Messene 270
Metropolis (Ionia) 500
de Meur, J 415 n. 2
Miletos 53, 57, 60-1, 111, 271, 273, 314-5, 437, 478, 524
coinage 133, 136-44
Miletoupolis 500
Milyan language 184-5
Minnion 44, 61-2, 130, 468
Minucius Thermus, Q. 507, 514-5, 519 n. 75, 524-6
Mithridates VI Eupator 433, 484 n. 4, 487 n. 8, 492-3, 498, 501-2, 508, 513 n. 51
mixed marriage 431-2
Mobolla 431
monetary standard
Attic 136-7
Rhodian 136-7
monsters 244
Morsynos valley 255, 257, 267
Moschion of Kyrene 356, 376
Motya 270
Mucius Scaevola, Q. 513, 515
Muğla 57, 425, 431, 434
Muwatalli II 241
Mykale, cape 389, 392
Mylasa (Milas) 23-4, 31, 33-5, 37, 43-57, 60, 69-100, 124, 128, 222-3, 230-2, 242, 243 n. 65, 255, 266 n. 13, 273, 425, 440, 445, 450-1, 478 n. 88, 505, 507, 519, 523-26
acropolis, fortification 113 n. 61
Carian inscription 149, 162-3
coinage 24
Gümüşkesen 100
Hıdırlık Tepe 335 n. 16
Hisarbaşi Hill 81 n. 27, 82, 91, 96
necropolis 109
Otorkondeis (phyle) 225
phylai 225
syngeneiai 225
Mylasos 239, 245
Myndos 34, 224, 242 n. 56, 272-4, 314-6, 388
in Athenian Tribute Lists 164
Myra 394-9, 408, 409-10
Mytilene 447-8
as cultural signifyers 222-33
female Karian 227, 230
‘indigenous’ 222
Karian 222-33
decline of 224-5
in Karian script 223-5
in Greek script 223-5
as second names 227
Macedonian 229-33
Greek, in Karia 225-6, 228
Roman-derived 491 n. 19
theophoric 228
Naqš-i Rustam 116
Naxos (Sicily) 387
Naukratis, Artemis Pergaia at 368
Nazilli 33, 36-7
Neandreia 272 n. 10
Neapolis (Pisidia) 399-400, 411
neopoiai (Iasos) 60
Neoptolemos 131
neoria: see dockyards, shipshed
Nesiotic League 388
Nikagoras dossier 420, 422
Nikaia 422, 520
Nikanor 459
Nikolaos s.o. Leon 431
Nikomedes IV Philopator 511
Ninoe/Nineuda 455, 461-2
Ninos 455, 461-2
Nysa 33, 36, 254
Nisyros 370, 439
Octapolis 107
Octavian 525 n. 111
Oinoanda, Artemis Pergaia at 368
Olymos 43, 49, 52-5, 57, 510 and n. 26; 29, 478 n. 88,
Olympias 129-30
Olympichos 49-53
of use in deciphering Carian 151-2, 162-3
Opis 448
Oracle 464, 466
Orak island 342 n. 21
Ören 261-2, 266
Orontobates 439
Ostia 532
Ouranion 56, 207
Oyuklu tepe (nr. Bybassos) 364
Painting, mural 344-51
Palaic language 147
Palamut Bükü 58
Panamara 420, 424, 499
koinon 400-2
Pamphilidas s.o. Hieron 403, 412
Panarista 432
Parlais (Barla) 35
Pasargadai 120 n. 101
Passala 45-6, 57, 450-1
Pausistratos 427 n. 75
Payamlık Point 335, 337-8
Pedasa 294, 312, 314, 512
Pedasa/Pegasa 238, 243
Pegasos 235-46
on coins 237-9
Peisandros 435, 442-4, 449
Peldemos 124
Pergamon 84 n. 28, 272, 314, 460, 486, 488, 505, 512 n. 41,
515, 524-5
Traianeion 91
Perge 368
Perikles 440
Perikles (of Limyra) 91, 98, 118-9
peripolion 394-9, 401-7, 409-13
peripoloi 399 n. 32
Persepolis 116
royal tombs at 98
Perseus 235-46
Perseus, king of Macedon 44, 450, 500
Pessinous 351
‘phallus marker’ 257-8
Phanias s.o. Philippos 433
Pharax 441
Pharnabazos 435, 440-1, 447
Phellos 394-5, 398, 409
philhellenism 121
Philip II 129-30, 138-9
Philip III 138-9
Philip V 50-1, 130, 404, 421-2, 424
Philippos of Theangela 222
Philokles of Alabanda 507, 509-10
Philokrates s.o. Philostephanos 402
Philomelion 459
Philomelos 459
Philon 293
Philoxenos (satrap of Karia) 139, 143
Pleistarchos 425
Phoenicia 379, 536
Phoinikous (Finike) 92
Apollo at 360
Phokaia 505
Phokion 56
Phokys 244
Phrygia 107 n. 35, 254-5
Phryne 531
Phygela hoard 59 n. 4, 63
at Mylasa/Olymos 54-5
physkos, meaning of 445, 447-8
‘Physkos’ 443-51
Physkos/Marmaris 46, 49, 57, 416 n. 8, 417, 419, 443-51
Physkos (Lokrian hero) 448
Physkos in Lokris 448
Physkos near Mylasa 445, 450
Physkos river near Opis 448
Physkos/Gaduras river, Rhodes 358 n. 11
Physkos(?) at Knidos/Tekir 449
Pidasa 57, 241 n. 52
piḫaššašši 241
Pinara 98
Pinnius, T. 520
Piri Re’is, portulan of 45-6
Pisye 383, 385-6, 422-3, 425-6, 429, 430-1
Pisyetai 385-6
Pittakos of Mytilene 447
Pixodaros s. o Maussollos 119 n. 91, 125, 127, 130-1
Pladaseis/Plataseis 48, 385-6, 422-3, 426
Plarasa 253, 257, 261, 264 n. 10, 266, 456, 461-3, 465
Plyara 462-3
Polykrates of Samos 316
Pompeius Magnus, Cn. 507-8, 510, 520-3, 526
Pomponius Atticus, T. 520 n. 85
Poseidippos s.o. Hermonax 129
Poteidan Hippios
priesthood of 419
pragmatism in wall-building 319-24
Praxiteles 511, 529, 531
Priam 131
Priapos (Mysia), coins of 61-2
Priene 272, 273 n. 11-2, 293, 314-6, 512 n. 41, 524, 532
agora 99
Alexandreion 127
Athena sanctuary 87, 318 n. 9
Ptolemies 56-7
administration 460 n. 34
Ptolemy I 142-4, 287, 309, 482
Ptolemy II 424, 458 n. 17
Ptolemy III 379
Ptolemy VIII ‘physkos’ 448
Pyrrhos of Epiros 130
Pytheos 87, 106
Pythian Games 419 n. 20, 426
Ray-Schürr-Adiego system 148, 158, 177
religion, Anatolian influences 240-1
Rhodes 254, 333-4, 337, 340, 351, 379-91, 394, 398, 402, 405-6, 408, 415-34, 441-2, 444-5, 450, 456-8, 458 n. 14, 459-60, 461 and n. 36, 476, 502, 509, 512, 533-4
Apollo Pyhios temple 368
Artemis Pergaia at 368
Colossus 321
Gaduras/Physkos river 358 n. 11
Ialysos 402
Kamiros/Kamireis 381, 418, 433, 357, 402, 406, 411-12, 478 n. 88
Lindos 337-8, 357, 371, 402, 419, 478 n. 88
Archokrateion 121 n. 110
Artemis Pergaia at 368
Artemis Soteira at 371
Athena sanctuary 333-4
Mandraki harbour 380-2
Rhevma Creek 334
Rhodini 121 n. 110, 334
Rhodian magistrates in Karia 457-8
hagemon epi Karias 407
hagemon epi Kaunou 407
Rhodian magistrates in Lykia
hagemon epi Lykias 407
Rhodian Peraia 415-34
‘Integrated Peraia’ 416-19, 457-8
‘Subject Peraia’ 419-34
Rhodioi, connotation of 427-34
Robert, J. 23-37
Robert, L. 23-37, 423
correspondence of 26
‘rural urbanization’ 254
Rome 483, 486, 487 n. 8, 493, 495, 500-1, 503
Rutilius Rufus, P. 513, 515
Sabaziastai 342, 351
Sakız 45-6, 450-1
Salamis on Cyprus 510, 523 n. 106
Samos 126, 130, 271-2, 314, 316, 388-9, 437, 440, 468-9, 505, 509
city wall 319 n. 11
Hera altar 95
Sardis 255, 520, 524-5
Bin Tepe 257
Sargon II 334
Sari çay 43-4, 46, 49, 450-1
Sarniç 386-7
Satraps’ revolt 96, 274
Scaptius, M. 510
Alkamenes 375
Athanadoros of Lindos 370
Dionysios of Naukratis 357, 376
Technon of Sidon 356, 376
sculptural programes
at Lagina 486, 495, 502-3
Great Altar, Pergamon 486, 488
Anadyomene-type 530-3
Arles Aphrodite522-3
Athena Vescovali 529
Eutaxia on Athenian
record-relief 533
Horbeit Aphrodite 532-3
Kore-types 530, 534
Mantinea base 529
Muses 529
Olympia Hermes 534
Priene Aphrodite 535
terracottas 529, 533, 535
Thasos Dionysos 534
Townley Aphrodite 532
Sebastopolis 33-4, 36
Seki 261
Sekköy 48, 223-4, 226-7, 425-6
Seleukids 56-7, 386, 457
administration 458-60
Seleukos I 142-4, 220
Seleukos II 49-53, 379, 421
Seleukos IV 421
Selimye (Euromos) 35
Semiramis 455
senatus consultum
de Stratonicensibus 493-5, 497
Servilius Isauricus, P. 520
settlement patterns 266
Sestius Pausa, l. 514 n. 57
Seyrig, h. 24 n. 5-6, 25-6
Sextus Appuleius 72
ships, types of 381, 390
shipsheds 302-3, 422
at Alimnia 383-4, 387, 391
at Akbük 386-7
at Loryma 387-91
in Piraeus 387
at Rhodes 381
at Samos 389
Sicily 269-70, 314, 518
Sidetic language 177
siege technique 269-316 passim
signal system 383
Silius, p. 520
Sinuri 23, 43, 49, 57, 241
Greek-Carian ‘bilingual’ 156-7, 158, 173
of Pormounos 158
of Pelekos 158
Sisyphos 245
Sivri Hisar (nr. Kaunos) 318
Smintheion (Chryse) 487 n 10
Smyrna 35, 37, 50, 524-5
SNG Project 29
Solmaz 33, 37
Soloneis 54-5
Solungur 107
Sondra (Sodra) Dağ 45-6, 54, 109, 111, 113
Sopatros s.o. Theon 430
Sophainetos of Stymphalos 448
Sosikrates s.o. Sosinikos 433
Sparta 125
Stadiasmos of Patara 400
statues 51
stephanephoros (miletos) 136
Stratonikeia (Karia) 28, 34, 56-7, 111, 219-22, 224-33, 237-9, 240 n. 39, 243, 386 n. 9, 421-2, 425, 430, 335 n. 16, 394, 400-2, 406, 411, 483, 487 n. 11, 491 n. 19, 493, 499, 501-2, 508, 512
Greek-Carian inscription 156
Hekate on coinage of 502
Stratonikeia on the Kaikos 501 n. 55
Strongylos of Kalymnos 126
Sulla see Cornelius Sulla, l.
Syangela 224
Syennesis 125
Syme 370, 373, 444
symmachia 142-3
sympas demos 401
in Lykia and Karia393-413
as a concept 393-4
Greater Mylasan 53-7, 53 n. 38, 227
Latmos-Pidasa 53 n. 38
Miletos-Pidasa 57
Plarasa-Aphrodisias 253-4, 264 n. 10, 456, 462, 466
Teos-Lebedos 406
syngeneiai at Olymos 54-5
as a concept 393-4
Halikarnassos 55-6, 142
Rhodian 380, 393
Syracuse 270, 448
Syrians at Loryma 370, 376
Syrna 416, 423 n. 49
Tabai 31, 34, 107, 264, 456, 462, 513
Tauros mountains 466
Tarḫunt 160, 240-2
in Hyllarima 173, 184
Tarmianoi 420, 423-4, 431, 433
Technitai of Dionysos 475, 477
Technon of Sidon (sculptor) 356, 376
Tekir, Cape 436-40, 449-51
Telandros 391
Telmessos (Fethiye) 391
Teleutias of Kos 475
Hermogenian, date of 487-8
peripteros 356
pseudo-dipteral 487
‘temple’ tombs, rock-cut 106-21
temple inventories Didyma 136-7
Tenos 426 n. 71, 510 n. 29
Teos 60, 406, 409
Aroie 409
Dionysos temple 487
Terentius Varro, m. 508, 519 n. 25
Termessos Maior 394, 398-401, 407, 487 n. 10, 512 n. 40
archiproboulos at 411
Termiles 246
Tersane (island) 391 n. 26
Tersane Bay 391 n. 26
Thapsakos/Tiphsa 449
Theangela 273 n. 12, 274, 288, 296, 313-6, 473 n. 43
‘theatricality’ in architecture 334-5
Thea Roma 493
Themessos 512
Theoi pantes at Limyra 373
at Rhodes 373
Theukles 404
Thera 425-6, 429, 433-4
Artemis Pergaia at 368
Thibron 126
Thyessos 513
Thyssanous 417, 419, 423 n. 49
Tilkili 33
Timiussa 395-7
Timotheos 140
Tinaz 429, 431
Tissaphernes 125, 440-1
Tlos 398, 418
Tlos (Karian Chersonese) 376
tombs 333-52
topos/topoi 458-60
torch races 356
Tralles/Tralleis 254, 460, 505, 508, 514 n. 57, 516, 519, 524-5
Trapezopolis 34
Tribbēnimi 118
Triopion, location of 437-40, 447-9
Trojans 131
Troy 29, 36
tumulus tombs 257, 264-7
Turgutreis 106 n. 20
Türkbükü 337, 339-40
Trysa/Gölbaşi 333
Tullius Cicero, M.
as governor of cilicia 514
and c. Verres 518
letter to q. Minucius
Thermus 505-26
Tullius Cicero, Q. 510 n. 32, 511 n. 35, 514-5, 524-5
Tyberissos 394-8, 401, 407-8
Tyinda 394, 406
Tymnos 416, 418, 419 n. 18
Apollo at 360
Tyriaion 420, 461, n. 37
Ula 429
Uluköy 33
Ussolos s.o. Samoos 160
Üzce 37
Uzun Yuva (Milas) 69-100
Vakıf 33, 37
Valerius Flaccus, L. 508, 519-20
village settlements 396
watchtowers 261, 265-6
xanthos 236, 239, 245-6, 391, 395, 398, 409-10
acropolis wall 319
Letôon 394
Nereid monument 91, 116-8,
trilingual stele 120 n. 96
Xenotimos s.o. Timanor 373
Xystis 424, 458 n. 17
Yalıkavak 106 n. 20, 335-7
Yamalak 33
Yatağan 33, 36
Yayaköy 37
Yazır 261-4, 266-7
Yenice 107
Yeniköy (nr. Aphrodisias) 264, 266
Yeniköy (Koloneis?) 429, 431-2
Yeşilyurt 383
Areios 238 n. 28
Atabyrios 364, 368, 375
at Akragas 367
at Ialysos 367
at Lindos 367
at Loryma 364-7
at Pisye 367
in Rhodes Town 367
at Scythian Neapolis 367
at Sura in Lykia 367
and cult in grottoes 367
birth of, on Krete 486, 502-3
Chrysaoreus 218, 231-2, 235, 240, 242
Epikarpios 209
Epinikios 209
Idrieus 240, 242
Karios 120 n. 95, 231, 400-1
Kodopaios 209-10, 216
Korykios 209
Labraundos 51 n. 24, 52, 120 n. 95, 128
Megistos 221, 467-8, 470
Nineudios 461-2
Osogo 49-53, 109 n. 45
Soter 411
Tropaiouchos 209
Zeuxis 459, 474
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