List of maps
p. 19
Texte intégral
General Map of Karia | p. 11 |
Map of Karia with provenances as on L. Robert’s labels (Callataÿ-Delrieux) | p. 32 |
Map of the Greater Mylasa Region and the ‘Little Sea’ (Reger, Konuk) | p. 47 |
Map of the Town of Milas (Rumscheid) | p. 83 |
Map of the Plain of Mylasa (Henry) | p. 112 |
Map of the Region around Aphrodisias (Ratté) | p. 256 |
Map of the Halikarnassos Peninsula (Carstens) | p. 332 |
Plan of Loryma with Sanctuaries and Cult-places (Held) | p. 356 |
Map of the Knidia and neighbouring Regions (Bresson) | p. 436 |
Karian Cities c. 50 BC (Delrieux) | p. 506 |
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