p. 11-13
Texte intégral

General Map of Karia.
1The first International Conference on Hellenistic Karia took place at Oxford, in the Classics Centre, then still in the Old Boys’ School in George Street, from June 29th to July 2nd. The organizers, Jan-Mathieu Carbon and Riet van Bremen, would like to thank the Classics Faculty for making available their premises and equipment, and for assistance of every kind, including financial. We are grateful to our other sponsors, the British Academy, and the Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies, both of which gave generous financial help. The Department of History of University College London gave financial assistance towards the publication of the conference volume.
2We should like to thank the following friends and colleagues for helping to make the conference a success: Charles Crowther, for technical assistance; John Ma, Robert Parker, Richard Ashton and Charles Crowther for chairing sessions; Annelies Cazemier for help of various kinds; David Blackman for organizing, at short notice, a presentation by Yossef Rapoport of the Khalil Centre of the Oxford Oriental Institute of the newly discovered Fatimid book of curiosities and its map of the coast of Karia.
3In preparing the book of the conference, Riet van Bremen would like to thank Olivier Henry for producing the excellent maps (including that projected on the screen during the conference), Federico Santangelo for expert advice, and David Morgan for reading the final manuscript with an acute eye for inconsistencies and for making many improvements. Nathalie Tran coped admirably with the job of producing a multi-lingual volume. The patience and cooperation of the authors has made the job of editing their papers a much lighter one than it might have been.
4Oxford, July 2010
University College London
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