A Markovian Kernel-based Approach for itaLIan Speech acT labEliNg
p. 176-181
This paper describes the UNITOR system that participated to the itaLIan Speech acT labEliNg task within the context of EvalIta 2018. A Structured Kernel-based Support Vector Machine has been here applied to make the classification of the dialogue turns sensitive to the syntactic and semantic information of each utterance, without relying on any task-specific manual feature engineering. Moreover, a specific Markovian formulation of the SVM is adopted, so that the labeling of each utterance depends on speech acts assigned to the previous turns. The UNITOR system ranked first in the competition, suggesting that the combination of the adopted structured kernel and the Markovian modeling is beneficial.
Questo lavoro descrive il sistema UNITOR che ha partecipato all’itaLIan Speech acT labEliNg task organizzato nell’ambito di EvalIta 2018. Il sistema è basato su una Structured Kernel-based Support Vector Machine (SVM) che rende la classificazione dei turni di dialogo dipendente dalle informazioni sintattiche e semantiche della frase, evitando la progettazione di alcuna feature specifica per il task. Una specifica formulazione Markoviana dell’algoritmo di apprendimento SVM permette inoltre di etichettare ciascun turno in funzione delle classificazioni dei turni precedenti. Il sistema UNITOR si é classificato al primo posto nella competizione, e questo conferma come la combinazione della funzione kernel e del modello Markoviano adottati sia molto utile allo sviluppo di sistemi di dialoghi robusti.
Texte intégral
1 Introduction
1A dialogue agent is designed to interact and communicate with other agents, in a coherent manner, not just through one-shot messages, but according to sequences of meaningful and related messages on an underlying topic or in support to an overall goal (Traum, 1999). These communications are seen not just as transmitting information but as actions that change the state of the world, e.g., the mental states of the agents involved in the conversation, as well as the state, or context, of the dialogue. In other words, speech act theory allows to design an agent in order to place its communication within the same general framework as the agent’s actions. In such a context, the robust recognition of the speech acts characterizing an interaction is crucial for the design and deployment of artificial dialogue agents.
2This specific task has been considered in the first itaLIan Speech acT labEliNg task at EvalIta (iLISTEN, (Novielli and Basile, 2018)): given a dialogue between an agent and a user, the task consists in automatically annotating the user’s dialogue turns with speech act labels, i.e. with the communicative intention of the speaker, such as statement, request for information or agreement. Table 1 reports the full set of speech act labels considered in the challenge, with definition and examples.
3In this paper, the UNITOR system participating in the iLISTEN task within the EvalIta 2018 evaluation campaign is described. The system realize the classification task through a Structured Kernel-based Support Vector Machine (Vapnik, 1998) classifier. A structured kernel, namely a Smoothed Partial Tree Kernel (SPTK, (Croce et al., 2011)) is applied in order to make the classification of each utterance dependent from the syntactic and semantic information of each individual utterance.
4Since turns are not observed in isolation, but immersed in a dialogue, we adopted a Markovian formulation of SVM, namely SVMhmm (Altun et al., 2003) so that the classification of the ith utterance also depends from the dialogue act assigned at the i – 1th utterance.
Table 1: Full set of speech act labels considered at iLISTEN
Speech Act | Description | Example |
OPENING | Dialogue opening or self-introduction | Ciao, io sono Antonella |
CLOSING | Dialogue closing, e.g. farewell, wishes, intention to close the conversation | Va bene, ci vediamo prossimamente |
INFO-REQUEST | Utterances that are pragmatically, semantically, and syntactically questions | E cosa mi dici delle vitamine? |
SOLICIT-REQ-CLARIF | Request for clarification (please explain) or solicitation of system reaction | Mmm, si ma in che senso? |
STATEMENT | Descriptive, narrative, personal statements | Devo controllare maggiormente il mio peso. |
GENERIC-ANSWER | Generic answer | Si, No, Non so |
AGREE | Expression of agreement, e.g. acceptance of a proposal, plan or opinion | Si, so che importante. |
REJECT | Expression of disagreement, e.g. rejection of a proposal, plan, or opinion | Ho sentito tesi contrastanti al proposito. |
KIND-ATT-SMALLTALK | Expression of kind attitude through politeness, e.g. thanking, apologizing or smalltalk | Grazie,Sei per caso offesa per qualcosa che ho detto? |
5The UNITOR system ranked first in the competition, suggesting that the combination of the adopted structured kernel and the Markovian learning algorithm is beneficial.
6In the rest of the paper, Section 2 describes the adopted machine learning method and the underlying semantic kernel functions. In Section 3, the performance measures of the system are reported while Section 4 derives the conclusions.
2 A Markovian Kernel-based Approach
7The UNITOR system implements a Markovian formulation of the Support Vector Machine (SVM) learning algorithm. The SVM adopts a structured kernel function in order to estimate the syntactic and semantic similarity between utterances in a dialogue, without the need of any task-specific manual feature engineering (only the dependency parse of each sentence is required). In the rest of this section, first the learning algorithm is presented, then the adopted kernel method is discussed.
2.1 A Markovian Support Vector Machine
8The aim of a Markovian formulation of SVM is to make the classification of a input example (belonging to a sequence of examples) dependent on the label assigned to the previous elements in a history of length m, i.e., xi-m,…, xi-1.
9In our classification task, a dialogue is a sequence of utterances x = (x1,…, x2) each of them representing an example xi, i.e., the specific i-th utterance. Given the corresponding sequence of expected labels y = (y1,… y2), a sequence of m step-specific labels (from a dictionary of d different dialogue acts) can be retrieved, in the form yi-m,…, yi-1.
10In order to make the classification of xi dependent also from the previous decisions, we augment the feature vector of xi introducing a projection function that associates to each example a md−dimensional feature vector where each dimension set to 1 corresponds to the presence of one of the d possible labels observed in a history of length m, i.e. m steps before the target element xi.
11In order to apply a SVM, a projection function Φm(•) can be defined to consider both the observations xi and the transitions by concatenating the two representations as follows:
12with . Notice that the symbol || here denotes the vector concatenation, so that ψm(xi) does not interfere with the original feature space, where xi lies.
13Kernel-based methods can be applied in order to model meaningful representation spaces, encoding both the feature representing individual examples together with the information about the transitions. According to kernel-based learning (Shawe-Taylor and Cristianini, 2004), we can define a kernel function Km(xi, zj) between a generic item of a sequence xi and another generic item zj from the same or a different sequence, parametric in the history length m: it surrogates the product between Φm(•) such that:
14In other words, we define a kernel that is the linear combination of two further kernels: Kobs operating over the individual examples xi and a Ktr operating over the feature vectors encoding the involved transitions. It is worth noticing that Kobs does not depend on the position nor the context of individual examples in line with Markov assumption characterizing a large class of these generative models, e.g. HMM. For simplicity, we define Ktr as a linear kernel between input instances, i.e. a dot-product in the space generated by ψm(•):
15At training time, we use the kernel-based SVM in a One-Vs-All schema over the feature space derived by Km(•,•). The learning process provides a family of classification functions, which associate each xi to a distribution of scores with respect to the different d labels, depending on the context size m. At classification time, all possible sequences should be considered in order to determine the best labeling ŷ, where m is the size of the history used to enrich xi, that is:
16In order to reduce the computational cost, a Viterbi-like decoding algorithm is adopted1. The next section defines the kernel function Kobs applied to specific utterances.
2.2 Structured Kernel Methods for Speech Act Labeling
17Several NLP tasks require the explorations of complex semantic and syntactic phenomena. For instance, in Paraphrase Detection, verifying whether two sentences are valid paraphrases involves the analysis of some rewriting rules in which the syntax plays a fundamental role. In Question Answering, the syntactic information is crucial, as largely demonstrated in (Croce et al., 2011).
18A natural approach to exploit such linguistic information consists in applying kernel methods (Robert Müller et al., 2001; Shawe-Taylor and Cristianini, 2004) on structured representations of data objects, e.g., documents. A sentence s can be represented as a parse tree2 that expresses the grammatical relations implied by s. Tree kernels (TKs) (Collins and Duffy, 2001) can be employed to directly operate on such parse trees, evaluating the tree fragments shared by the input trees. This operation corresponds to a dot product in the implicit feature space of all possible tree fragments.
19Whenever the dot product is available in the implicit feature space, kernel-based learning algorithms, such as SVMs, can operate in order to automatically generate robust prediction models. TKs thus allow to estimate the similarity among texts, directly from sentence syntactic structures, that can be represented by parse trees. The underlying idea is that the similarity between two trees T1 and T2 can be derived from the number of shared tree fragments. Let the set be the space of all the possible substructures and Χi(n2) be an indicator function that is equal to 1 if the target ti is rooted at the node n2 and 0 otherwise. A tree-kernel function over T1 and T2 is defined as follows: where NT1 and NT2 are the sets of nodes of T1 and T2 respectively, and which computes the number of common fragments between trees rooted at nodes n1 and n2. The feature space generated by the structural kernels obviously depends on the input structures. Notice that different tree representations embody different linguistic theories and may produce more or less effective syntactic/semantic feature spaces for a given task.
20Dependency grammars produce a significantly different representation which is exemplified in Figure 1. Since tree kernels are not tailored to model the labeled edges that are typical of dependency graphs, these latter are rewritten into explicit hierarchical representations. Different rewriting strategies are possible, as discussed in (Croce et al., 2011): a representation that is shown to be effective in several tasks is the Grammatical Relation Centered Tree (GRCT) illustrated in Figure 2: the PoS-Tags are children of grammatical function nodes and direct ancestors of their associated lexical items.
21Different tree kernels can be defined according to the types of tree fragments considered in the evaluation of the matching structures. In the Subtree Kernel (Vishwanathan and Smola, 2002), valid fragments are only the grammatically well formed and complete subtrees: every node in a subtree corresponds to a context free rule whose left hand side is the node label and the right hand side is completely described by the node descendants. Subset trees are exploited by the Subset Tree Kernel (Collins and Duffy, 2001), which is usually referred to as Syntactic Tree Kernel (STK); they are more general structures since their leaves can be non-terminal symbols. The subset trees satisfy the constraint that grammatical rules cannot be broken and every tree exhaustively represents a CFG rule. Partial Tree Kernel (PTK) (Moschitti, 2006) relaxes this constraint considering partial trees, i.e., fragments generated by the application of partial production rules (e.g. sequences of non terminal with gaps). The strict constraint imposed by the STK may be problematic especially when the training dataset is small and only few syntactic tree configurations can be observed. The Partial Tree Kernel (PTK) overcomes this limitation, and usually leads to higher accuracy, as shown in (Moschitti, 2006).
22Capitalizing lexical information in Convolution Kernels. The tree kernels introduced above perform a hard match between nodes when comparing two substructures. In NLP tasks, when nodes are words, this strict requirement reflects in a too strict lexical constraint, that poorly reflects semantic phenomena, such as the synonymy of different words or the polysemy of a lexical entry. To overcome this limitation, we adopt Distributional models of Lexical Semantics (Sahlgren, 2006; Mikolov et al., 2013) to generalize the meaning of individual words by replacing them with geometrical representations (also called Word Embeddings) that are automatically derived from the analysis of large-scale corpora. These representations are based on the idea that words occurring in the same contexts tend to have similar meaning: the adopted distributional models generate vectors that are similar when the associated words exhibit a similar usage in large-scale document collections. Under this perspective, the distance between vectors reflects semantic relations between the represented words, such as paradigmatic relations, e.g., quasi-synonymy. These word spaces allow to define meaningful soft matching between lexical nodes, in terms of the distance between their representative vectors. As a result, it is possible to obtain more informative kernel functions which are able to capture syntactic and semantic phenomena through grammatical and lexical constraints.
23The Smoothed Partial Tree Kernel (SPTK) described in (Croce et al., 2011) exploits this idea extending the PTK formulation with a similarity function σ between nodes:
24In the SPTK formulation, the similarity function σ(n1, n2), between two nodes n1 and n2 can be defined as follows:
if n1 and n2 are both lexical nodes, then . It is the cosine similarity between the word vectors and associated with the labels of n1 and n2, respectively. τ is called terminal factor and weighs the contribution of the lexical similarity to the overall kernel computation.
else if n1 and n2 are nodes sharing the same label, then σ(n1, n2) = 1.
else σ(n1, n2) = 0.
25In the challenge we adopt the SPTK in order to implement the Kobs function used in the Markovian SVM. This kernel in fact has been showed very robust in the classification of (possibly short) sentences, such as in Question Classification (Croce et al., 2011) or Semantic Role Labeling (Croce et al., 2011; Croce et al., 2012).
Table 2: Statistics about the iLISTEN dataset
Dataset | #dialogues | #user | #system | #total |
turns | turns | turns | ||
train | 40 | 1,097 | 1,119 | 2,216 |
test | 20 | 479 | 492 | 971 |
complete | 60 | 1,576 | 1,611 | 3,187 |
3 Experimental Results
26In iLISTEN, the reference dataset includes the transcriptions of 60 dialogues amounting to about 22,000 words. The detailed statistics regarding dialogues and turns in the train and test dataset are reported in Table 2.
Table 3: Results of the UNITOR system
Micro | Macro | |||||
Run | P | R | F1 | P | R | F1 |
UNITOR | .733 | .733 | .733 | .681 | .628 | .653 |
System2 | .685 | .685 | .685 | .608 | .584 | .596 |
Baseline | .340 | .340 | .340 | .037 | .111 | .056 |
27In the proposed classification workflow each utterance from the training/test material is processed through the SpaCy3 dependency parser whose outputs are automatically converted into GRCT structures4 discussed in Section 2. These structures are used within the Markovian SVM implemented in KeLP5 (Filice et al., 2015; Filice et al., 2018).
28The learning algorithm is based on a SPTK combined with a One-Vs-All multi-classification schema adopted to assign individual utterances to the targeted classes. All the parameters of the specific kernel (i.e. the contribution of the lexical nodes in the overall computation) and of the SVM algorithm have been tuned via 10-cross fold validation over the training set. In the Markovian SVM, a history of m=1 previous steps allowed to achieve the best results during the parameterization step. Given the limited size of the dataset, higher values of m led to sparse representation of the transitions ψm that are not helpful. As a multi-classification task, results are reported in terms of precision (P), recall (R) and F1-score with respect to the gold standard, as reported in Table 3. These are averaged across each utterance (micro-statistics) and per class (macro-statistics).
29Among the two submitted systems, UNITOR (reported on top of the table) achieved best results, both considering micro and macro statistics, where a F1 of 0.733 and 0.653 are achieved, respectively. These results are higher with respect to the other participant (namely System2) and far higher than the baseline (that confirms the difficulty of the task).
30Given the unbalanced number of examples for each class, UNITOR achieves higher results w.r.t. the micro statistics, while lower results are achieved w.r.t. classes with a reduced number of examples. The confusion matrix reported in Table 4 shows that some recurrent misclassifications (e.g. the STATEMENT class with respect to the REJECT class) need to be carefully addressed. Clearly this is a very challenging task, also for the annotators, where the differences between the speech act is not strictly defined: as for example, given the stimulus of the system “Bisognerebbe mangiare solo se si ha fame, ed aspettare che la digestione sia completata prima di assumere altri cibi6“ the answer “a volte il lavoro non mi permette di mangiare con ritmi regolari!7“ should be labeled as REJECT while the system provides STATEMENT. Overall this results is straightforward, also considering that the system did not required any task specific feature modeling, but the adopted structured kernel based method allows capitalizing the syntactic and semantic information useful for the task. The only requirement of the system is the availability of a dependency parser.
Table 4: Confusion Matrix of the UNITOR system w.r.t. gold standard. In column the number of classes from the gold standard, while rows report the system decisions. In bold correct classifications
STATEMENT | 153 | 6 | 3 | 24 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 2 | 13 |
KIND-ATT. | 4 | 17 | 0 | 5 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 3 | 2 |
GEN.-ANSW. | 1 | 0 | 48 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 6 | 0 |
REJECT | 0 | 3 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
CLOSING | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 7 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
SOL.-CLAR. | 0 | 6 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 8 | 0 | 1 | 2 |
OPENING | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 11 | 0 | 0 |
AGREE | 0 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 11 | 1 |
INFO-REQ. | 4 | 9 | 0 | 4 | 1 | 9 | 0 | 0 | 93 |
4 Conclusions
31In this paper the description of the UNITOR system participating to the iLISTEN task at EvalIta 2018 has been provided. The system ranked first in all the evaluations. Thus, the proposed classification strategy shows the beneficial impact of the combination of a structured kernel-based method with a Markovian classifier, capitalizing the contribution of the dialogue modeling in deciding the speech act of individual sentences. One important finding of this evaluation is that a quite robust speech classifier can be obtained with almost no requirement in term of task-specific feature and system engineering: results are appealing mostly considering the reduced size of the dataset. Further work is needed to improve the overall F1 scores, possibly extending the adopted kernel function by addressing other dimensions of the linguistic information or also making the kernel more sensitive to task-specific knowledge. Also the combination of the adopted strategy with recurrent neural approaches is an interesting research direction.
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Notes de bas de page
1 When applying f(xi ; m) the classification scores are normalized through a softmax function and probability scores are derived.
2 Parse trees can be extracted using automatic parsers. In our experiments, we used SpaCy https://spacy.io/.
3 It is freely available for several languages (including Italian) at https://spacy.io/
4 Utterances may include more than one sentence and potentially generate different trees. These cases are handled as follows: all trees after the first one are linked through the creation of an artificial link between their roots and the root of the tree generated by the first sentence.
5 http://www.kelp-ml.org/?page_id=215
6 Translated in English: “You should only eat if you are hungry, and wait until digestion is complete before eating again.”
7 Translated in English: “sometimes work doesn’t allow me to eat at a regular pace!”
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EVALITA Evaluation of NLP and Speech Tools for Italian
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