Proceedings of the Second Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CLiC-it 2015
3-4 December 2015, Trento
Collana dell'Associazione Italiana di Linguistica ComputazionaleÉditeur : Accademia University Press
Lieu d’édition : Torino
Publication sur OpenEdition Books : 11 novembre 2016
Collection : Collana dell'Associazione Italiana di Linguistica Computazionale
Année d’édition : 2015
Nombre de pages : 288
CLiC-it 2015 is held in Trento on December 3-4 2015, hosted and locally organized by Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), one the most important Italian research centers for what concerns CL. The organization of the conference is the result of a fruitful conjoint effort of different research groups (Università di Torino, Università di Roma Tor Vergata and FBK) showing the nationwide spreading of CL in Italy. As in the first edition, the main aim of the event is at establishing a reference forum on CL, covering all the aspects needed to describe the multi-faceted and cross-disciplinary reality of the involved research topics and of the Italian community working in this area. Indeed the spirit of CLiC-it is inclusive, in order to build a scenario as much as possible comprehensive of the complexity of language phenomena and approaches to address them, bringing together researchers and scholars with different competences and skills and working on different aspects according to different perspectives.
The large number of researchers that have decided to present their work at CLiC-it and the number of directions here investigated are proof of the maturity of our community and a promising indication of its vitality. We received a total of 64 paper submissions, out of which 52 have been accepted to appear in the Conference Proceedings, which are available online and on the OpenEdition platform. Overall, we collected 129 authors from 15 countries.
Cristina Bosco, Sara Tonelli et Fabio Massimo Zanzotto
EditorialeGiuseppe Attardi, Vittoria Cozza et Daniele Sartiano
Detecting the scope of negations in clinical notesGiuseppe Attardi, Laura Gorrieri, Alessio Miaschi et al.
Deep Learning for Social Sensing from TweetsGiuseppe Attardi, Simone Saletti et Maria Simi
Evolution of Italian Treebank and Dependency Parsing towards Universal DependenciesA. Barbagli, P. Lucisano, F. Dell’Orletta et al.
CItA: un Corpus di Produzioni Scritte di Apprendenti l’Italiano L1. Annotato con ErroriPierpaolo Basile, Annalina Caputo et Giovanni Semeraro
Entity Linking for Italian TweetsPierpaolo Basile, Valerio Basile, Malvina Nissim et al.
Deep Tweets: from Entity Linking to Sentiment AnalysisYuri Bizzoni, Riccardo Del Gratta, Federico Boschetti et al.
Enhancing the Accuracy of Ancient Greek WordNet by Multilingual. Distributional SemanticsDaniele Bonadiman, Aliaksei Severyn et Alessandro Moschitti
Deep Neural Networks for Named Entity Recognition in ItalianFrancis Bond et Giulia Bonansinga
Exploring Cross-Lingual Sense Mapping in a Multilingual Parallel CorpusDominique Brunato et Felice Dell’Orletta
ISACCO: a corpus for investigating spoken and written language evelopment in Italian school–age childrenElena Cabrio et Serena Villata
Inconsistencies Detection in Bipolar Entailment GraphsGiuseppe Castellucci, Danilo Croce et Roberto Basili
A Graph-based Model of Contextual Information in Sentiment Analysis over TwitterFlavio Massimiliano Cecchini et Elisabetta Fersini
Word Sense Discrimination: A gangplank algorithmFabio Celli et Luca Polonio
Facebook and the Real World: Correlations between Online and Offline ConversationsFrancesca Chiusaroli
La scrittura in emoji tra dizionario e traduzioneGiovanni Colavizza et Frédéric Kaplan
On Mining Citations to Primary and Secondary Sources in HistoriographyRiccardo Del Gratta, Francesca Frontini, Monica Monachini et al.
Visualising Italian Language Resources: a SnapshotMarilena Di Bari, Serge Sharoff et Martin Thomas
A manually-annotated Italian corpus for fine-grained sentiment analysisLuigi Di Caro, Guido Boella, Alice Ruggeri et al.
From a Lexical to a Semantic Distributional HypothesisPaolo Dragone et Pierre Lison
An Active Learning Approach to the Classification of Non-Sentential UtterancesFabrizio Esposito, Pierpaolo Basile, Francesco Cutugno et al.
The CompWHoB Corpus: Computational Construction, Annotation and Linguistic Analysis of the White House Press Briefings CorpusFathi Fawi et Rodolfo Delmonte
Italian-Arabic domain terminology extraction from parallel corporaMichele Filannino et Marilena Di Bari
Gold standard vs. silver standard: the case of dependency parsing for ItalianFederico Giusfredi
Phrase Structure and Ancient Anatolian languages Methodology and challenges for a Luwian syntactic annotationLorenzo Gregori, Andrea Amelio Ravelli et Alessandro Panunzi
Linking dei contenuti multimediali tra ontologie multilingui: i verbi di azione tra IMAGACT e BabelNetRaffaele Guarasci et Alessandro Maisto
New wine in old wineskins: a morphology-based approach to translate medical terminologyGiorgio Guzzetta et Federico Nanni
Computing, memory and writing: some reflections on an early experiment in digital literary studiesTobias Horsmann et Torsten Zesch
Effectiveness of Domain Adaptation Approaches for Social Media PoS TaggingMirko Lai, Daniela Virone, Cristina Bosco et al.
Building a Corpus on a Debate on Political Reform in TwitterVerena Lyding, Michel Généreux, Katalin Szabò et al.
The OPATCH corpus platform – facing heterogeneous groups of texts and usersAlessandro Mazzei
Generare messaggi persuasivi per una dieta salutareAnne-Lyse Minard, Manuela Speranza, Rachele Sprugnoli et al.
FacTA: Evaluation of Event Factuality and Temporal AnchoringJohanna Monti, Federico Sangati et Mihael Arcan
TED-MWE: a bilingual parallel corpus with MWE annotationTowards a methodology for annotating MWEs in parallel multilingual corpora
Giovanni Moretti, Rachele Sprugnoli et Sara Tonelli
Digging in the Dirt: Extracting Keyphrases from Texts with KDMalvina Nissim, Sara Castagnoli, Francesca Masini et al.
Automatic extraction of Word Combinations from corpora: evaluating methods and benchmarksNahli Ouafae et Simone Marchi
Improved Written Arabic Word Parsing through Orthographic, Syntactic and Semantic constraintsLucia C. Passaro, Laura Pollacci et Alessandro Lenci
ItEM: A Vector Space Model to Bootstrap an Italian Emotive LexiconMarco Passarotti, Berta González Saavedra et Christophe Onambélé Manga
Somewhere between Valency Frames and Synsets. Comparing Latin Vallex and Latin WordNetMaria Laura Pierucci
Le scritture brevi dello storytelling: analisi di case studies di successoStefan Richter, Andrea Cimino, Felice Dell’Orletta et al.
Tracking the Evolution of Written Language Competence: an NLP–based ApproachIrene Russo et Irene De Felice
Learning Grasping Possibilities for Artifacts: Dimensions, Weights and Distributional SemanticsManuela Sanguinetti
Experimenting the use of catenae in Phrase-Based SMTManuela Speranza et Anne-Lyse Minard
Cross-language projection of multilayer semantic annotation in the NewsReader Wikinews Italian Corpus (WItaC)Rachele Sprugnoli, Felice Dell’Orletta, Tommaso Caselli et al.
Parsing Events: a New Perspective on Old ChallengesSabrina Stehwien et Sebastian Padó
Generalization in Native Language Identification: Learners versus ScientistsEvgeny A. Stepanov et Giuseppe Riccardi
Sentiment Polarity Classification with Low-level Discourse-based FeaturesMarco Stranisci, Cristina Bosco, Viviana Patti et al.
Analyzing and annotating for sentiment analysis the socio-political debate on #labuonascuolaHamed Zamani, José G. C. de Souza, Matteo Negri et al.
Reference-free and Confidence-independent Binary Quality Estimation for Automatic Speech RecognitionLe texte seul est utilisable sous licence Creative Commons - Attribution - Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale - Pas de Modification 4.0 International - CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. Les autres éléments (illustrations, fichiers annexes importés) sont « Tous droits réservés », sauf mention contraire.