Dialogue Analysis with Graph Databases: Characterising Domain Items Usage for Movie Recommendations
p. 114-120
Nowadays, the use of graph databases combined with textual corpora analysis seems to play a pivotal role in supporting dialogue systems design and implementation. However, dialogues are rarely put in an explicit relationship with the graph structures representing the knowledge domain. In this work, we show how native graph databases provide a framework for a deeper understanding about the use of domain items during dialogue. We describe a multiple-source data collection procedure and we describe how linguistic concepts related to common ground can be found in graph structures. We also describe different patterns that can be detected in the obtained graph structures and discuss their implications in the design of dialogue systems for the movie recommendation task.
The authors would like to thank Sabrina Mennella for her support in correcting and analysing the Inspired dataset. Maria Di Maro’s work is supported by the Italian PON I&C 2014-2020 within the BRILLO project, no. F/190066/01-02/X44.
Texte intégral
1. Introduction1
1Graph-based data have become popular as support tools for a number of Natural Language Processing tasks, from Word Sense Disambiguation using node embeddings (Yao et al. 2017), to Knowledge Base Collection (Yu et al. 2020) and Fraud Detection (Srivastava and Singh 2018; Stray 2019). Most recent approaches involving the use of graph databases converge towards numerical representations of the included items for use by machine learning algorithms (Chanpuriya et al. 2020; L. Yang et al. 2020). Knowledge structures using Labelled Property Graphs, however, are typically designed to be more interpretable by human researchers, who can also setup informative queries to extract latent knowledge from a number of cross-referenced resources. This suggests that the same resources supporting dialogue systems can be queried by human experts to extract deeper understanding about the use of domain items, supporting explainability. This implies that it is necessary to explicitly cross-reference dialogue corpora with domain knowledge, while the two are typically considered separately.
2In this paper, we describe a multiple-source data collection procedure to cross-reference an annotated English dialogue corpus covering the movie recommendation task, the Internet Movie Database and Wikidata. We present the relationship common ground concepts (see Section 3) have with graph structures and we present a set of examples concerning dialogue analysis performed in the graph. The main research questions are:
Q1: How to represent dialogues and domain knowledge in a single graph structure?
Q2: Is it possible to formalise common ground concepts guiding dialogue analysis in the resulting graph?
Q3: Is it possible to use the resulting graph to extract interpretable patterns to guide dialogue systems design?
3The paper is organised as follows: in Section 2 we describe the considered resources and how they were cross-referenced in a graph database. In Section 3, we provide a deeper discussion about Common Ground representations and their relationship with graph databases. Section 4 shows how dialogue history, connected with domain knowledge, can be queried to extract knowledge characterising the use of domain items in the considered (sub-)dialogues. This is of interest for the open challenge concerning the study of Argumentation-Based Dialogue which, as opposed to Argumentation-Based Inference, is an area that is still lacking a theoretical framework of reference (Prakken 2018).
2. Materials and Methods
4To demonstrate how a single, graph-based, resource can be built to support corpus-based linguistic analyses, we present, first of all, the assembling procedure of a graph database in the movie recommendation domain. Specifically, we present how freely available information about the movies domain were imported and integrated with data coming from a corpus of chat-based interactions between human subjects.
2.1 The Inspired Corpus
5For the purpose of this study, the Inspired corpus is considered (Hayati et al. 2020). It is a recommendation dialogue dataset of two-paired crowd-workers who chat in a natural setting in English. In each conversation, different roles have been assigned to each participant: one acts as the recommender, while the other acts as the movie seeker. The aim of the recommenders is to recommend a movie to the seekers following their preferences, thus achieving the conversational goal successfully. Sociable recommendation strategies are annotated by two experts with a linguistic background, based on past social science studies. The annotation schema is composed by a set of persuasive strategies that has been divided in two categories: preference elicitation strategies and sociable strategies. The whole dataset consists of 1,001 dialogues, with a total of 35,811 utterances, where each recommender’s utterance is manually annotated with the corresponding sociable strategies. Domain items like movies, people, genres and plots are tagged in the transcriptions. The dataset presents a average of turns per dialogue equal to 10.73 since recommenders are asked to continue the chat for a minimum of 10 turns.
2.2 Cross-Domain Graph Design
6In this work, we adopt Neo4J (Webber 2012): an open source graph database manager that has been developed over the last 16 years and applied to a high number of tasks related to data representation (Dietze et al. 2016), exploration (Drakopoulos et al. 2015) and visualisation (Jiménez, Diez, and Ordieres-Mere 2016). Neo4j is characterised by high scalability and ease of use. It is a native graph database using data structures that, differently from other graph based approaches, like the ones based on RDF, are designed for performance speed and optimised for graph traversal operations. In general terms, approaches based on RDF are designed for compatibility and general purpose knowledge representation while graph databases are more application oriented. Neo4j has been used in (Sansonetti et al. 2019) as part of a social recommender system based on friends networks extracted from Facebook and on cultural heritage data coming from DBPedia and Europeana. Automatically collecting and organising large amounts of data is relatively easy, nowadays, given the availability of Linked Open Data (LOD). Graph databases, moreover, provide the necessary flexibility to cross-reference different resources, enabling dialogue analysis in relationship with domain knowledge representation. The knowledge base for the movies domain is built by collecting data from different sources and organising it so that cross-referencing is possible. The first step consists in importing the data provided by the Internet Movie Database (IMDB), which is the most structured data source available for the specific domain. The main node labels imported after this step are MOVIE and PERSON. Moreover, for the MOVIE nodes, genres are also represented as labels (e.g. WESTERN, THRILLER, etc…). MOVIE and PERSON nodes are linked by WORKED_IN, WROTE and DIRECTED relationships, mainly. IMDB does not report information about awards won by people and movies. This however, is an important information to consider when ranking potential recommendations. Such information is found in Wikidata, which also contains the IMDB ids for both movies and persons (P345). Connecting Wikidata to IMDB is straightforward, given the already existing alignment. The award_received (P166) relationship in Wikidata connects movies and awards while also providing optional qualifiers to further detail the relationship. The qualifier we consider for award_received is winner, connecting the relationship to one or multiple people. Awards are represented by AWARD nodes and each specific award is represented by a node labelled as AWARDINSTANCE. This way, each AWARDINSTANCE can be connected to multiple winners, to the movie it was awarded for and to the AWARD node it represents.The second part of the procedure covers the import of dialogue data from the Inspired corpus. Since Inspired is a dialogue corpus constituted by a sequence of turns between two subjects acting either as an information seeker or as a domain expert recommender, the most natural way to represent dialogue history in a graph form is by a nodes chain. Therefore, each turn is represented by an UTTERANCE node also having a RECOMMENDER/SEEKER label representing who stated the sentence. Since there are no returning users in Inspired, there is no need to model them as separate nodes. UTTERANCE nodes expressing specific intents, were marked with labels corresponding to the Inspired sociable strategies. UTTERANCE nodes were linked using FOLLOWED_BY relationships to keep track of the turns sequences. Connecting Inspired to the data collected from the web is performed using text matches between sub-strings marked as named entities in the original dataset (e.g. movies, people, etc…) and the name fields collected from IMDB and Wikidata. At this time, potential ambiguities are introduced in the graph due to homonyms: these are later solved during graph analysis, as discussed in Section 4. The final structure of the graph is shown in Figure 1. We are not able to share the database, as we cannot redistribute IMDB data. However, the code to generate it, once the data is obtained from the official source, is freely available2. The final graph contains approximately 17 million nodes and 75 million relationships.
3. Common Ground and Dialogues
7Conversing is a joint activity, for which goals and roles of the interlocutors must be identified in order to reach the conversational targets (Macagno and Bigi 2017). For this purpose, mutual understanding is so fundamental that messages need to be encoded upon a common ground, defined as the “[…] presumed background information shared by participants in a conversation” (Stalnaker 2002, 1). Common ground, as (Clark 2015) acknowledged, can be of four main types: personal, local, communal and specialised. In this work, we focus on personal and communal common ground. Personal Common Ground (PCG) is established collecting information over time through communicative exchanges with an interlocutor and it can be considered as a record of shared experiences with that person. This specific set of information can also be considered, as in this work, as part of what builds the Personal Experience (PE) of an interlocutor, useful in the future steps of the interaction or for future interactions. Communal Common Ground (CCG) refers to the amount of information shared with people belonging to the same community, such as general knowledge, knowledge about social background, education, religion, nationality, and language(s).
8In this work, we present how different sets of shared knowledge can be represented in the form of graphs to be analysed in depth. While the proposal draws significant inspiration from older systems based on inference engines, the aim is to re-interpret the approach using modern technologies that naturally blend with machine learning. Graph-based representations have gained popularity, in recent years, due to their flexibility and expressiveness. In (K. Yang et al. 2020), knowledge graphs were used for intent identification in multi-turn dialogues. (Lei et al. 2020) proposes a graph based framework to detect user preferences in multi-turn dialogues. This approach covers Knowledge Graph navigation but it does not represent dialogues in the graph. Differently, (Wang et al. 2021) proposes the use of graph structures both to represent interactions and learn intents automatically. User-item interactions were part of the graph but they were treated as isolated items. We include sequence dynamics as the recorded order from Inspired is explicitly represented.
9Graph structures obviously open new perspectives in automatic dialogue management and it is, therefore, important to investigate how linguistic concepts can be used to describe with deeper details the recurring structures forming between dialogues (PE) and domain knowledge (CCG). While the CCG contains entities and relationships between entities that belong to the common knowledge of a particular domain (i.e., in the movie domain: ‘directors direct movies’, ‘George Lucas directed Star Wars’, etc.), the PCG is built considering the CCG to select specific entities during the interaction as being related to one another according to particular relationships. The PCG records the interaction flow with a specific user to also extract possible personalised strategies for future interactions with the same user (i.e., ‘The user X is looking for Sci-fi movies; the user X decides to watch The Matrix’). This sub-graph has a temporary status as, at the end of the interaction, it is incorporated in the PE, which contains information about entities and their relationships extracted from various interactions (i.e., ‘Users who usually look for Sci-fi movies also choose to watch The Matrix’). The PE sub-graph, therefore, is complementary to the information contained in the CCG (i.e., the fact that The Matrix is a Sci-fi movie) for other interactions or different interaction phases, such as the persuasion dialogue phase, used to “resolve a conflict of opinion between real agents, who can ask for and provide substantive reasons for their claims” (Prakken 2018). In the graph structure, we now identify the different types of CG as sub-graph structures, supporting a linguistically oriented view of the obtained resource based on mathematical notations. First of all, we identify the CCG in the set of data that are obtained by importing commonly available resources so that
10 (1)
where is the set of nodes imported from LOD and are the reported relationships among these nodes. PE refers to recorded interactions between RECOMMENDERs and SEEKERs, so
where Vd is the set of nodes representing utterances from the Inspired corpus and Ed is the set of chain relationships recording the dialogue evolution. PE contains information that is not accessible by other interlocutors, as it concerns the owning speaker, who can disclose parts of it and provide unverifiable information that other involved actors should trust. The PCG is a subset of the PE involving the dialogue chain representing the ongoing interaction so that . Named entities in the PE graph are linked to items in the CCG by a Φ function representing the result of the grounding process. The domain of the Φ function consists of utterances containing named entities, while its range consists of CCG items. Links defined by Φ generate a reference graph R defined as
where and where and . The reference graph is represented in Neo4j using REFERS_TO relationships between UTTERANCE nodes and nodes representing named items, like MOVIEs and PERSONs.
4. Patterns in Common Ground
11Using graphs to analyse PE and CCG together allows to extract interpretable knowledge to obtain deeper understanding of dialogue phenomena and support an better informed design of dialogue systems with respect to solutions relying on machine learning only. The examples we provide concern items characterisation in relationship with dialogue strategies. Since the presented graph structure captures dialogue dynamics in the form of FOLLOWED_BY relationship chains, we use it to analyse dialogue dynamics and to characterise items selected for the employed strategies w.r.t. previous exchanges. This can put in relationship the PE and the CCG explicitly in the form of ring-like patterns crossing both the PE and the CCG. Formally, let’s consider a path where , , , and . The pattern can be used both for disambiguation purposes and to extract the context that led interlocutors to discuss a certain item. In the case shown in Figure 2, first the MOVIE Knives Out was named and, after a few turns, a person named Chris Evans. There are 103 people, in the database, named Chris Evans but only one of them can be directly related to the previous subject, Knives Out, removing the ambiguity. The pattern involving the naming of a MOVIE followed by a PERSON can be further studied considering the annotated sociable strategies for the RECOMMENDER.
12Let’s consider the case of ring-like patterns involving a PERSON who can be related to a previously named MOVIE by a WORKED_IN relationship. In the database, there are 122 patterns matching these constraints. In this case, MOVIEs involved in this pattern are used to support mainly sociable strategies such as experience inquiry but also encouragement to watch the previously proposed movie. PERSON items, instead, seem to support mostly credibility, used by the RECOMMENDER to show expertise and trustworthiness in providing information. The opposite pattern, where PERSONs are named before the MOVIE they WORKED_IN, is less frequent, with 66 occurrences, but presents more variability in the involved strategies. PERSONs support, in this case, credibility, experience inquiry and personal opinion strategies mostly, while MOVIEs support personal opinion and encouragement strategies. Figure 3 shows a summary of the observed distributions over the considered patterns. We interpreted these data as an indication of the transition between two different recommendation dialogue phases. In particular, PERSON items are mainly used, by RECOMMENDERs, to persuade the SEEKER by showing competence about MOVIEs mentioned during the Exploration phase. Here, strategies like experience inquiry are more frequent given that information about SEEKERs’ tastes and experiences need to be collected (Gao et al. 2021). An interesting observation arises from the analysis of the inverse pattern as it seems to present a continuity with the previous one. Also here PERSON items are mainly used to support credibility, introducing the Exploitation phase, whose aim is to take advantage of the collected information to recommend a potentially valuable item. Indeed, the following MOVIE items involved in the pattern seem to occur in strategies typical of this phase such as personal opinion or encouragement, mainly used by the RECOMMENDERs to persuade the SEEKER to watch a proposed MOVIE. The pattern that seems to emerge suggests that, during the Exploration Phase, RECOMMENDERs build a model of the SEEKER by collecting previously watched MOVIEs and talking about potentially interesting ones. They show competence about MOVIEs by referencing PERSONs involved in them. The dialogue then blends into the Exploitation phase, where persuasion strategies are adopted.
13To further detail the choice of actors involved in dialogues, we consider the relationship actors have with movie genres. Dialogue analysis alone cannot go beyond frequency observations for specific tokens: the cross-referenced database allows to relate named items to the categories items of interest fall into. Specifically, for each PERSON who WORKED_IN a MOVIE, we consider the skewness of the corresponding GENRE distribution. Highly skewed distributions are obtained for PERSONs specialised in a specific GENRE while low skewed distributions are obtained for more versatile PERSONs. Interestingly, people with mid-skewed distributions are used more often both w.r.t. specialised PERSONs and w.r.t versatile ones (Figure 4). This suggests that people who work in hybrid genres (e.g. DRAMA/COMEDY) are more informative items to discuss. One possible explanation would be that these items provide indications about genre nuances or sub-genres.
5. Discussion and Conclusions
14Graph databases have a great potential as linguistic tools for dialogue analysis, modelling interaction dynamics and domain knowledge in the same resource. While this representation provides a powerful support to dialogue systems through machine learning, it can be integrated by more informed design based on a qualitative analysis of the same graph structures. We presented a data collection procedure for a large graph database representing dialogue dynamics explicitly linked to domain knowledge. In the representation of such data, different kinds of Common Ground were identified as sub-graphs. We then, used it to investigate the choice of domain items supporting sociable conversational strategies. Concerning the research questions we were interested in investigating, the data collection procedure presented in Section 2.2 presents how a graph database can organise and connect, at the same time, both dialogue history and domain knowledge, providing an example answering Q1 for the specific case of the movies recommendation dialogues. This is, then, generalised in Section 3 by identifying linguistic concepts related to common ground that are described in terms of sub-graphs, independently of the specific domain. Recurring patterns involving both dialogue and common ground structures can, then, be identified using graph traversal queries. Specifically, we have characterised the different use of MOVIE and PERSON nodes depending on the order of appearance in a pattern where the referring nodes are linked by the relationship WORKED_IN, in the CCG. By analysing the sociable strategies involved in the patterns in which the specific domain items may occur, we described how the different use of the same node categories in opposite patterns (i.e., MOVIE followed by PERSON; PERSON followed by MOVIE) can be typical of a specific recommendation dialogue phase. The obtained data describe a way of managing Exploration and Exploitation phases informing the design of conversational recommender systems. We have also shown that, in selecting which PERSON items to use when adopting sociable strategies, RECOMMENDERs seem to prefer PERSONs with mid-skewed distributions over movie genres, suggesting that opinions about these PERSONs may give insight about sub-genres. Future work will consist of empowering the analyses by relating more complex numerical item representations, like node embeddings, to dialogue dynamics.
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1 Copyright 2021 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
URBAN/ECO Research Center - University of Naples “Federico II" – martina.dibratto@unina.it
URBAN/ECO Research Center - University of Naples “Federico II" – maria.dimaro2@unina.it
URBAN/ECO Research Center - University of Naples “Federico II" – antonio.origlia@unina.it
URBAN/ECO Research Center - University of Naples “Federico II" – cutugno@unina.it
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